public void Divide() { var fileTarget = new FileTarget("targetFile") { FileName = "C:/Users/Akhilkj/Documents/CalculatorTest/Logs/unityTest.log", Layout = "${longdate}\t${logger} [${level}] ${message} ${exception}" }; //logs given to NLog logger in unity and dlls will be saced in unityTest.log file //logs given to _log is send to Papertrail //DEbug.log logs to Console and Papertrail int a = int.Parse(num1.text); int b = int.Parse(num2.text); var config = new LoggingConfiguration(); config.AddTarget(fileTarget); config.AddRule(LogLevel.Debug, LogLevel.Fatal, fileTarget, "*"); LogManager.Configuration = config; int x = obj.Div(a, b); //custom nlog made to store into file logger.Debug("Testing NLog"); //Log using nlog object of Logging Script which logs to Papertrail _log.Debug("test test" + x); //Unity log goes to unity console as well as Papertrail Debug.Log("xxxxxxxx"); }
protected void onReceived(IAsyncResult ar) { var receiveVO = (ReceiveVO)ar.AsyncState; if (isConnected) { var bytesReceived = receiveVO.socket.EndReceive(ar); if (bytesReceived == 0) { disconnectedByRemote(receiveVO.socket); } else { _log.Debug(string.Format("Received {0} bytes.", bytesReceived)); triggerOnReceive(receiveVO, bytesReceived); receive(receiveVO); } } }