public void UpdateAINChannel(string thisNIName, double readValue) { try { // using RAW/native Int32 is more performance efficient, but maybe device dependent ? ChannelModel match = new ChannelModel(); match = NI_ProgramConfigInstance.NiAllAnalogIn.First(item => item.NIName == thisNIName); // TODO add MovingAverage match.Value = readValue; LogFiles.AddLogEntry(97, String.Format("Update AIN Channel: {0}, Value: {1}", match.NIName, match.Value)); return; } catch { LogFiles.AddLogEntry(14, String.Format("Update AIN Channel Error: No Match found for {0}", thisNIName)); return; } }
public double UpdateAOUTChannel(string thisNIName) { // using RAW/native Int32 is more performance efficient, but maybe device dependent ? try { ChannelModel match = new ChannelModel(); match = NI_ProgramConfigInstance.NiAllAnalogOut.First(item => item.NIName == thisNIName); match.ErrorCode = 0; match.ErrorText = "Success"; LogFiles.AddLogEntry(97, String.Format("Update AOUT Channel: {0}, Value: {1}", match.NIName, match.Value)); return(match.Value); } catch { LogFiles.AddLogEntry(14, String.Format("Update AOUT Channel Error: No Match found for {0}", thisNIName)); return(0); } }
public void RebuildTasks() { // // // #region "DIGITAL OUT TASKS" NationalInstruments.DAQmx.Task[] digitalWriteTask = new NationalInstruments.DAQmx.Task[NiDigitalOutPorts.Count()]; digitalWriter = new DigitalSingleChannelWriter[NiDigitalOutPorts.Count()]; for (Int32 i = 0; i < NiDigitalOutPorts.Count(); i++) { digitalWriteTask[i] = new NationalInstruments.DAQmx.Task(); digitalWriteTask[i].DOChannels.CreateChannel(NiDigitalOutPorts[i], "portx", ChannelLineGrouping.OneChannelForAllLines); digitalWriter[i] = new DigitalSingleChannelWriter(digitalWriteTask[i].Stream); digitalWriteTask[i].Control(TaskAction.Verify); //digitalWriteTask[i].Control(TaskAction.Reserve); // TODO //digitalWriteTask[i].Control(TaskAction.Commit); //digitalWriteTask[i].Control(TaskAction.Start); } #endregion #region "DIGITAL IN TASKS" NationalInstruments.DAQmx.Task[] digitalReadTask = new NationalInstruments.DAQmx.Task[NiDigitalInPorts.Count()]; digitalReader = new DigitalSingleChannelReader[NiDigitalInPorts.Count()]; for (Int32 i = 0; i < NiDigitalInPorts.Count(); i++) { digitalReadTask[i] = new NationalInstruments.DAQmx.Task(); digitalReadTask[i].DIChannels.CreateChannel(NiDigitalInPorts[i], "portx", ChannelLineGrouping.OneChannelForAllLines); digitalReader[i] = new DigitalSingleChannelReader(digitalReadTask[i].Stream); digitalReadTask[i].Control(TaskAction.Verify); //digitalReadTask[i].Control(TaskAction.Reserve); //digitalReadTask[i].Control(TaskAction.Commit); //digitalReadTask[i].Control(TaskAction.Start); } #endregion #region "ANALOG OUT TASKS" NationalInstruments.DAQmx.Task[] analogOutTask = new NationalInstruments.DAQmx.Task[NiAllAnalogOut.Count()]; analogWriter = new AnalogSingleChannelWriter[NiAllAnalogOut.Count()]; Int32 analogOutCounter = 0; foreach (ChannelModel channel in NiAllAnalogOut) //for (Int32 analogCounter = 0; analogCounter < NI_ProgramConfigInstance.NiAllAnalogOut.Count(); analogCounter++) { try { analogOutTask[analogOutCounter] = new NationalInstruments.DAQmx.Task(); AOChannel myAOChannel; myAOChannel = analogOutTask[analogOutCounter].AOChannels.CreateVoltageChannel(channel.NIName, "", Convert.ToDouble(channel.Min), Convert.ToDouble(channel.Max), AOVoltageUnits.Volts); analogWriter[analogOutCounter] = new AnalogSingleChannelWriter(analogOutTask[analogOutCounter].Stream); analogOutTask[analogOutCounter].Control(TaskAction.Verify); //analogOutTask[analogOutCounter].Control(TaskAction.Reserve); //analogOutTask[analogOutCounter].Control(TaskAction.Commit); //analogOutTask[analogOutCounter].Control(TaskAction.Start); } catch (Exception ex) { LogFiles.AddLogEntry(12, String.Format("Analog Out Build Task Error, Message: {1} {0}", ex.Message, ex.Source)); //channel.Value //channel.ErrorCode = substring status code ex.Message; channel.ErrorText = ex.Message; } analogOutCounter++; } #endregion #region "ANALOG IN TASKS" NationalInstruments.DAQmx.Task[] analogInTask = new NationalInstruments.DAQmx.Task[NiAllAnalogIn.Count()]; analogReader = new AnalogSingleChannelReader[NiAllAnalogIn.Count()]; Int32 analogInCounter = 0; foreach (ChannelModel channel in NiAllAnalogIn) { try { analogInTask[analogInCounter] = new NationalInstruments.DAQmx.Task(); AIChannel myAIChannel; if ("RSE" == channel.InMode) { myAIChannel = analogInTask[analogInCounter].AIChannels.CreateVoltageChannel(channel.NIName, "", AITerminalConfiguration.Rse, Convert.ToDouble(channel.Min), Convert.ToDouble(channel.Max), AIVoltageUnits.Volts); } else if ("NRSE" == channel.InMode) { myAIChannel = analogInTask[analogInCounter].AIChannels.CreateVoltageChannel(channel.NIName, "", AITerminalConfiguration.Nrse, Convert.ToDouble(channel.Min), Convert.ToDouble(channel.Max), AIVoltageUnits.Volts); } else if ("Diff" == channel.InMode) { myAIChannel = analogInTask[analogInCounter].AIChannels.CreateVoltageChannel(channel.NIName, "", AITerminalConfiguration.Differential, Convert.ToDouble(channel.Min), Convert.ToDouble(channel.Max), AIVoltageUnits.Volts); } else if ("PDiff" == channel.InMode) { myAIChannel = analogInTask[analogInCounter].AIChannels.CreateVoltageChannel(channel.NIName, "", AITerminalConfiguration.Pseudodifferential, Convert.ToDouble(channel.Min), Convert.ToDouble(channel.Max), AIVoltageUnits.Volts); } else { // channel.InMode error myAIChannel = analogInTask[analogInCounter].AIChannels.CreateVoltageChannel(channel.NIName, "", AITerminalConfiguration.Rse, Convert.ToDouble(channel.Min), Convert.ToDouble(channel.Max), AIVoltageUnits.Volts); } analogInTask[analogInCounter].Control(TaskAction.Verify); analogReader[analogInCounter] = new AnalogSingleChannelReader(analogInTask[analogInCounter].Stream); //try { analogInTask[analogInCounter].Control(TaskAction.Reserve); } // TODO: check status //catch { } //try { analogInTask[analogInCounter].Control(TaskAction.Commit); } //catch { } //try { analogInTask[analogInCounter].Control(TaskAction.Start); } // By explicitly starting the task, these operations are performed once, not each time the read or write operation is performed. //catch { } } catch (Exception ex) { LogFiles.AddLogEntry(12, String.Format("Analog In Build Task Error, Message: {1} {0}", ex.Message, ex.Source)); //channel.Value //channel.ErrorCode = substring status code ex.Message; channel.ErrorText = ex.Message; } analogInCounter++; } #endregion }
public void RebuildChannelSets() { LogFiles.AddLogEntry(12, String.Format("Port Collection Changed:")); System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch stopWatch = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch(); TimeSpan ts = stopWatch.Elapsed; TimeSpan ts1; NiAllAnalogIn.Clear(); NiAllAnalogOut.Clear(); NiDigitalInPorts.Clear(); NiDigitalOutPorts.Clear(); NiAnalogInDevices.Clear(); NiAnalogOutDevices.Clear(); CalculatedValueToWrite.Clear(); stopWatch.Start(); string[] deviceList = DaqSystem.Local.Devices; stopWatch.Stop(); ts1 = stopWatch.Elapsed; Console.WriteLine("c**t " + deviceList.LongLength + " " + deviceList.Length); foreach (string currentDevice in deviceList) { stopWatch.Start(); string[] rowList = { String.Format("Device Name:{0}", currentDevice), String.Format(" Device Type:{0}", DaqSystem.Local.LoadDevice(currentDevice).ProductType), String.Format(DaqSystem.Local.LoadDevice(currentDevice).IsSimulated ? " Simulated Device":" Physical Device"), String.Format(" Serialnr.:{0}", DaqSystem.Local.LoadDevice(currentDevice).SerialNumber.ToString("X")), String.Format(" Device ID:{0}", Convert.ToString(DaqSystem.Local.LoadDevice(currentDevice).DeviceID)) // maybe more }; LogFiles.AddLogEntry(12, String.Format("{0},{1},{2},{3},{4}", rowList[0], rowList[1], rowList[2], rowList[3], rowList[4])); for (Int32 i = 0; i < DaqSystem.Local.LoadDevice(currentDevice).AIPhysicalChannels.Count(); i++) { ChannelModel entry = new ChannelModel(); entry.Device = " "; entry.Name = " "; entry.Port = "ai"; entry.Line = 0; entry.DeviceType = " "; entry.InOut = "In"; entry.Min = 0; entry.Max = 5; entry.InMode = " "; entry.Value = 0; entry.Calibration = "-"; //entry.CalibrationTable[20][1] = 0; entry.NIName = String.Format(Convert.ToString(DaqSystem.Local.LoadDevice(currentDevice).AIPhysicalChannels[i])); entry.ErrorCode = 1; entry.ErrorText = "Channel Not In Use."; try { ChannelModel match = new ChannelModel(); match = NIChannels.FirstOrDefault(item => item.NIName == Convert.ToString(DaqSystem.Local.LoadDevice(currentDevice).AIPhysicalChannels[i])); if (null != match) { if (match.Min < match.Max) // TODO: check min & max in 0.2 1 5 10 ? TODO: for MFC check if calibration range and config range match { NiAllAnalogIn.Add(entry); // For analog, only add if used/matched NiAllAnalogIn.Last().Name = match.Name; NiAllAnalogIn.Last().Min = match.Min; NiAllAnalogIn.Last().Max = match.Max; NiAllAnalogIn.Last().InMode = match.InMode; NiAllAnalogIn.Last().Calibration = match.Calibration; // TODO: redundant line?? if (match.Calibration != "-") { try { string[] lines = File.ReadAllLines("LookupTables/" + match.Calibration); Int32 linecounter = 0; foreach (string line in lines) { line.Trim(); if (line == "" || line.StartsWith("#")) { continue; } string[] words = line.Split('='); NiAllAnalogIn.Last().CalibrationTable[linecounter][0] = double.Parse(words[0], ci); NiAllAnalogIn.Last().CalibrationTable[linecounter][1] = double.Parse(words[1], ci); linecounter++; } } catch { if (File.Exists("LookupTables/" + match.Calibration)) { LogFiles.AddLogEntry(12, String.Format("RebuildChannelSets, Bad LookupTable for {0}", entry.NIName)); } else { LogFiles.AddLogEntry(12, String.Format("RebuildChannelSets, LookupTable for {0} Not Found", entry.NIName)); } } } } else { LogFiles.AddLogEntry(12, String.Format("RebuildChannelSets, channel {0} Min/Max Issue", entry.NIName)); } } else { LogFiles.AddLogEntry(99, String.Format("RebuildChannelSets, No Match, channel {0} not added to AIN Channel Set", entry.NIName)); } } catch { LogFiles.AddLogEntry(12, String.Format("RebuildChannelSets, AIN Channel Error")); } } for (Int32 i = 0; i < DaqSystem.Local.LoadDevice(currentDevice).AOPhysicalChannels.Count(); i++) { ChannelModel entry = new ChannelModel(); entry.Device = " "; entry.Name = " "; entry.Port = "ao"; entry.Line = 0; entry.DeviceType = " "; entry.InOut = "Out"; entry.Min = 0; entry.Max = 5; entry.InMode = " "; entry.Value = 0; entry.Calibration = "-"; entry.NIName = String.Format(Convert.ToString(DaqSystem.Local.LoadDevice(currentDevice).AOPhysicalChannels[i])); entry.ErrorCode = 1; entry.ErrorText = "Channel Not In Use."; try { ChannelModel match = new ChannelModel(); match = NIChannels.FirstOrDefault(item => item.NIName == Convert.ToString(DaqSystem.Local.LoadDevice(currentDevice).AOPhysicalChannels[i])); if (null != match) { if (match.Min < match.Max) // TODO: check min & max in 0.2 1 5 10 ? { NiAllAnalogOut.Add(entry); // For analog, only add if used/matched NiAllAnalogOut.Last().Name = match.Name; NiAllAnalogOut.Last().Min = match.Min; NiAllAnalogOut.Last().Max = match.Max; NiAllAnalogOut.Last().Calibration = match.Calibration; // TODO: redundant line?? if (match.Calibration != "-") { try { string[] lines = File.ReadAllLines("LookupTables/" + match.Calibration); Int32 linecounter = 0; foreach (string line in lines) { line.Trim(); if (line == "" || line.StartsWith("#")) { continue; } string[] words = line.Split('='); // x and y swapped for AOUT NiAllAnalogOut.Last().CalibrationTable[linecounter][1] = double.Parse(words[0], ci); NiAllAnalogOut.Last().CalibrationTable[linecounter][0] = double.Parse(words[1], ci); linecounter++; } } catch { if (File.Exists("LookupTables/" + match.Calibration)) { LogFiles.AddLogEntry(12, String.Format("RebuildChannelSets, Bad LookupTable for {0}", entry.NIName)); } else { LogFiles.AddLogEntry(12, String.Format("RebuildChannelSets, LookupTable for {0} Not Found", entry.NIName)); } } } } else { LogFiles.AddLogEntry(12, String.Format("RebuildChannelSets, channel {0} Min/Max Issue", entry.NIName)); } } else { LogFiles.AddLogEntry(99, String.Format("RebuildChannelSets, No Match, channel {0} not added to AOUT Channel Set", entry.NIName)); } } catch { LogFiles.AddLogEntry(12, String.Format("RebuildChannelSets, AOUT Channel Error")); } } if (0 < DaqSystem.Local.LoadDevice(currentDevice).AIPhysicalChannels.Count()) { NiAnalogInDevices.Add(DaqSystem.Local.LoadDevice(currentDevice).DeviceID); } if (0 < DaqSystem.Local.LoadDevice(currentDevice).AOPhysicalChannels.Count()) { NiAnalogOutDevices.Add(DaqSystem.Local.LoadDevice(currentDevice).DeviceID); } for (Int32 i = 0; i < DaqSystem.Local.LoadDevice(currentDevice).DIPorts.Count(); i++) { NiDigitalInPorts.Add(DaqSystem.Local.LoadDevice(currentDevice).DIPorts[i]); } for (Int32 i = 0; i < DaqSystem.Local.LoadDevice(currentDevice).DOPorts.Count(); i++) { NiDigitalOutPorts.Add(DaqSystem.Local.LoadDevice(currentDevice).DOPorts[i]); CalculatedValueToWrite.Add(-1); } } #region "print new digital port lists" LogFiles.AddLogEntry(94, String.Format("New Digital Port Lists")); for (Int32 i = 0; i < NiDigitalInPorts.Count(); i++) { LogFiles.AddLogEntry(94, String.Format("Digital In Port NiDigitalInPorts[{1}]: {0}", NiDigitalInPorts[i], i)); } for (Int32 i = 0; i < NiDigitalOutPorts.Count(); i++) { LogFiles.AddLogEntry(94, String.Format("Digital Out Port NiDigitalOutPorts[{1}]: {0}", NiDigitalOutPorts[i], i)); } #endregion #region "print new analog devices lists" LogFiles.AddLogEntry(94, String.Format("New Analog Devices Lists")); for (Int32 i = 0; i < NiAnalogInDevices.Count(); i++) { LogFiles.AddLogEntry(94, String.Format("Analog In Device NiAnalogInDevices[{1}]: {0}", NiAnalogInDevices[i], i)); } for (Int32 i = 0; i < NiAnalogOutDevices.Count(); i++) { LogFiles.AddLogEntry(94, String.Format("Analog Out Device NiAnalogOutDevices[{1}]: {0}", NiAnalogOutDevices[i], i)); } #endregion #region "print new channels list" LogFiles.AddLogEntry(94, String.Format("New Channels List")); for (Int32 i = 0; i < NiAllAnalogIn.Count(); i++) { LogFiles.AddLogEntry(94, String.Format("{0}, {1}", NiAllAnalogIn[i].NIName, NiAllAnalogIn[i].Name)); } for (Int32 i = 0; i < NiAllAnalogOut.Count(); i++) { LogFiles.AddLogEntry(94, String.Format("{0}, {1}", NiAllAnalogOut[i].NIName, NiAllAnalogOut[i].Name)); } #endregion stopWatch.Stop(); ts1 = stopWatch.Elapsed; Console.WriteLine("ыtring[] " + ts1); }
private void LoadBinFile(string path) { try { XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.Load(path); XmlNodeList list = doc.DocumentElement.GetElementsByTagName("device"); foreach (XmlNode deviceNode in list) { string deviceName = ""; Int32 index = 1; foreach (XmlNode node in deviceNode.ChildNodes) { if (node.Name == "name") { deviceName = node.InnerText; } else if (deviceName != "" && node.Name == "channels") { foreach (XmlNode channelNode in node.ChildNodes) { ChannelModel channel = new ChannelModel(); foreach (XmlNode property in channelNode.ChildNodes) { channel.Device = deviceName; if ("name" == property.Name) { channel.Name = property.InnerText; } else if ("port" == property.Name) { channel.Port = property.InnerText; } else if ("line" == property.Name) { channel.Line = Convert.ToInt32(property.InnerText); } else if ("devicetype" == property.Name) { channel.DeviceType = property.InnerText; } else if ("in" == property.Name) { channel.InOut = property.InnerText; } else if ("min" == property.Name) { channel.Min = Convert.ToDouble(property.InnerText); } else if ("max" == property.Name) { channel.Max = Convert.ToDouble(property.InnerText); } else if ("inmode" == property.Name) { channel.InMode = property.InnerText; } else if ("value" == property.Name) { channel.Value = Convert.ToDouble(property.InnerText); } else if ("calibration" == property.Name) { channel.Calibration = property.InnerText; } channel.BoolValue = 1 == channel.Value ? true : false; channel.ErrorCode = 1; channel.ErrorText = "No NI Communication"; channel.LastUpdate = DateTime.Now; channel.Type = CreateType(channel.DeviceType, channel.InOut, channel.Line); channel.NIName = CreateNIName(channel.Device, channel.Port, channel.Line); channel.NIPort = CreateNIPort(channel.Device, channel.Port); channel.NIIndex = index; } if (("ai" == channel.Port) || ("ao" == channel.Port) || ("port0" == channel.Port) || ("port1" == channel.Port)) { NIChannels.Add(channel); index++; } } } } } list = doc.DocumentElement.GetElementsByTagName("generics"); foreach (XmlNode genericsNode in list) { foreach (XmlNode genNode in genericsNode.ChildNodes) { string genericName = ""; string genericValue = ""; foreach (XmlNode node in genNode.ChildNodes) { if ("genericName" == node.Name) { genericName = node.InnerText; } else if ("" != genericName && "genericValue" == node.Name) { genericValue = node.InnerText; } } if ("Logging Level" == genericName) { DebugLevel = Convert.ToInt32(genericValue); } else if ("Averaging Window Width" == genericName) { AverageWindowWidth = Convert.ToInt32(genericValue); } else if ("Moving Average" == genericName) { MovingAverage = Convert.ToInt32(genericValue); } else if ("Serial Devices Timeout" == genericName) { NI_TaskTimeout = Convert.ToInt32(genericValue); } if (NI_TaskTimeout <= 9) { NI_TaskTimeout = 10; } } } } catch (Exception ex) { LogFiles.AddLogEntry(12, String.Format("LoadBinFile Config File Issue: " + "Exception: " + ex.Message)); return; } return; }
public void UpdateDINChannels(string port, UInt32 readValue) { LogFiles.AddLogEntry(97, String.Format("Update DIN Channel: {0}", readValue)); return; }
public static void Main() { stopWatch.Start(); LogFiles.AddLogEntry(1, String.Format("NI_Interface Started")); NI_Interface.GetSet UpdateNIChannels = new NI_Interface.GetSet(); NI_ProgramConfigInstance.RebuildChannelSets(); NI_ProgramConfigInstance.RebuildTasks(); stopWatch.Stop(); TimeSpan ts = stopWatch.Elapsed; TimeSpan ts1; Console.WriteLine("1 " + ts); while (true) { Thread.Sleep(100); if (true) { stopWatch.Start(); LogFiles.AddLogEntry(99, String.Format("Start digital:")); #region "Digital OUT WRITING" DigitalReaderWriterThread = Thread.CurrentThread; try { Int32 digitalCounter = 0; while (digitalCounter < NI_ProgramConfigInstance.NiDigitalOutPorts.Count()) { NI_ProgramConfigInstance.CalculatedValueToWrite[digitalCounter] = UpdateNIChannels.UpdateDOUTChannels(digitalCounter); LogFiles.AddLogEntry(99, String.Format("DOUT: CalculatedValueToWrite {0}", NI_ProgramConfigInstance.CalculatedValueToWrite[digitalCounter])); if (-1 != NI_ProgramConfigInstance.CalculatedValueToWrite[digitalCounter]) { NI_ProgramConfigInstance.digitalWriter[digitalCounter].WriteSingleSamplePort(true, (UInt32)NI_ProgramConfigInstance.CalculatedValueToWrite[digitalCounter]); } else { LogFiles.AddLogEntry(97, String.Format("DigitalWriteTask: No Update needed")); } digitalCounter++; } } catch (Exception ex) { LogFiles.AddLogEntry(12, String.Format("DigitalWriteTask Exception: {0}", ex.Message)); } #endregion #region "Digital IN READING" try { Int32 digitalCounter = 0; while (digitalCounter < NI_ProgramConfigInstance.NiDigitalInPorts.Count()) { UInt32 data = NI_ProgramConfigInstance.digitalReader[digitalCounter].ReadSingleSamplePortUInt32(); UpdateNIChannels.UpdateDINChannels(NI_ProgramConfigInstance.NiDigitalInPorts[digitalCounter], data); digitalCounter++; } } catch (Exception ex) { LogFiles.AddLogEntry(12, String.Format("DigitalReadTask Exception: {0}", ex.Message)); } #endregion LogFiles.AddLogEntry(99, String.Format("End digital:")); AnalogWriterThread = Thread.CurrentThread; #region "ANALOG OUT WRITING" //sync to latest setpoint before writing foreach (ChannelModel channel in NI_ProgramConfigInstance.NiAllAnalogOut) { UpdateNIChannels.UpdateMSIAOUTChannel(channel); } Int32 analogOutCounter = 0; foreach (ChannelModel channel in NI_ProgramConfigInstance.NiAllAnalogOut) { try { NI_ProgramConfigInstance.analogWriter[analogOutCounter].WriteSingleSample(true, UpdateNIChannels.UpdateAOUTChannel(channel.NIName)); if (61 != channel.ErrorCode && 62 != channel.ErrorCode) { channel.ErrorCode = 0; channel.ErrorText = "Success"; } } catch (Exception ex) { LogFiles.AddLogEntry(12, String.Format("Write Error Message: {1} {0}", ex.Message, ex.Source)); //channel.Value //channel.ErrorCode = substring status code ex.Message; channel.ErrorText = ex.Message; } analogOutCounter++; } #endregion LogFiles.AddLogEntry(99, String.Format("END AOUT")); #region "ANALOG IN READING working with 3seconds" AnalogReaderThread = Thread.CurrentThread; #region "ANALOG IN READING" Int32 analogInCounter = 0; LogFiles.AddLogEntry(99, String.Format("START AIN:")); foreach (ChannelModel channel in NI_ProgramConfigInstance.NiAllAnalogIn) { try { //Prepare the table for Data double sum = 0; double[] data = NI_ProgramConfigInstance.analogReader[analogInCounter].ReadMultiSample(NI_ProgramConfigInstance.AverageWindowWidth); foreach (double dat in data) { sum += dat; } double newValue = sum / NI_ProgramConfigInstance.AverageWindowWidth; UpdateNIChannels.UpdateAINChannel(channel.NIName, newValue); channel.ErrorCode = 0; channel.ErrorText = "Success"; } catch (Exception ex) { LogFiles.AddLogEntry(12, String.Format("Read Error Message: {1} {0}", ex.Message, ex.Source)); // TODO channel.ErrorCode = substring status code ex.Message; channel.ErrorText = ex.Message; } analogInCounter++; } // Sync after reading values foreach (ChannelModel channel in NI_ProgramConfigInstance.NiAllAnalogIn) { UpdateNIChannels.UpdateMSIAINChannel(channel); } #endregion LogFiles.AddLogEntry(99, String.Format("End AIN")); #endregion } stopWatch.Stop(); ts1 = stopWatch.Elapsed; Console.WriteLine("2 " + ts1); } LogFiles.AddLogEntry(1, String.Format("NI_Interface Ended")); }