public void T24TaskMassImport() { var api = TestHelper.Authenticate(); var user = TestHelper.GetOrCreateUser(api); var problem = TestHelper.CreateProblemWithDemoData(api, user); var capacity = new CapacityData {Name = "Weight", Amount = 20}; var timeWindows = new List<TimeWindowData> { new TimeWindowData { Start = new DateTime(2013, 5, 14, 7, 0, 0), End = new DateTime(2013, 5, 14, 16, 0, 0) } }; var vehiclePickup = new LocationData() { Coordinate = new CoordinateData {Latitude = 62.244588, Longitude = 25.742683, System = "WGS84"} }; var vehicleDelivery = new LocationData() { Coordinate = new CoordinateData {Latitude = 62.244588, Longitude = 25.742683, System = "WGS84"} }; //##BEGIN EXAMPLE importtaskset## var importRequest = new TaskSetImportRequest { Items = new List<TaskUpdateRequest>() }; for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { var task = new TaskUpdateRequest {Name = "test name"}; task.RelocationType = "None"; task.ActivityState = "Active"; var pickup = new TaskEventUpdateRequest { Type = "Pickup", Location = new LocationData { Coordinate = new CoordinateData { Latitude = 62.244958, Longitude = 25.747143, System = "Euclidian" } }, TimeWindows = { new TimeWindowData { Start = new DateTime( 2013, 5, 14, 8, 0, 0 ), End = new DateTime( 2013, 5, 14, 12, 0, 0 ) } } }; pickup.Capacities.Add(capacity); task.TaskEvents.Add(pickup); var delivery = new TaskEventUpdateRequest { Type = "Delivery", Location = new LocationData { Coordinate = new CoordinateData { Latitude = 62.244589, Longitude = 25.74892, System = "Euclidian" } }, TimeWindows = { new TimeWindowData { Start = new DateTime( 2013, 5, 14, 8, 0, 0 ), End = new DateTime( 2013, 5, 14, 12, 0, 0 ) } } }; delivery.Capacities.Add(capacity); task.TaskEvents.Add(delivery); importRequest.Items.Add(task); } var result = api.Navigate<ResponseData>(problem.GetLink("import-tasks"), importRequest); //##END EXAMPLE## }
public void T20VehicleImportSpeedTest() { var api = TestHelper.Authenticate(); var user = TestHelper.GetOrCreateUser(api); var problem = TestHelper.CreateProblemWithDemoData(api, user); var vehicleCapacities = new List<CapacityData> {new CapacityData() {Name = "Weight", Amount = 100000}}; var vehicleTimeWindow = new List<TimeWindowData> { new TimeWindowData { Start = new DateTime(2013, 5, 14, 7, 0, 0), End = new DateTime(2013, 5, 14, 16, 0, 0) } }; var vehiclePickup = new LocationData() { Coordinate = new CoordinateData {Latitude = 62.244588, Longitude = 25.742683, System = "WGS84"} }; var vehicleDelivery = new LocationData() { Coordinate = new CoordinateData {Latitude = 62.244588, Longitude = 25.742683, System = "WGS84"} }; var importRequest = new VehicleSetImportRequest { Items = new List<VehicleUpdateRequest>() }; for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { var veh = new VehicleUpdateRequest() { Name = "Vehicle" + i + 1, Capacities = vehicleCapacities, StartLocation = vehiclePickup, EndLocation = vehicleDelivery, TimeWindows = vehicleTimeWindow, RelocationType = "None" }; importRequest.Items.Add(veh); } Stopwatch timer = new Stopwatch(); timer.Start(); var result = api.Navigate<ResponseData>(problem.GetLink("import-vehicles"), importRequest); timer.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("Time elapsed with set import: {0}", timer.Elapsed); var vehicleList = new List<VehicleUpdateRequest>(); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { var vehicleReq = new VehicleUpdateRequest() { Name = "Car" + i + 1, Capacities = vehicleCapacities, StartLocation = vehiclePickup, EndLocation = vehicleDelivery, TimeWindows = vehicleTimeWindow, RelocationType = "None" }; vehicleList.Add(vehicleReq); } timer = new Stopwatch(); timer.Start(); foreach (var request in vehicleList) { api.Navigate<ResponseData>(problem.GetLink("create-vehicle"), request); } timer.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("Time elapsed with 100 create operations: {0}", timer.Elapsed); }
public void T22VehicleMassImport() { var api = TestHelper.Authenticate(); var user = TestHelper.GetOrCreateUser(api); var problem = TestHelper.CreateProblemWithDemoData(api, user); //vehiclemassimport var vehicleCapacities = new List<CapacityData> {new CapacityData() {Name = "Weight", Amount = 100000}}; var vehicleTimeWindow = new List<TimeWindowData> { new TimeWindowData { Start = new DateTime(2013, 5, 14, 7, 0, 0), End = new DateTime(2013, 5, 14, 16, 0, 0) } }; var vehiclePickup = new LocationData() { Coordinate = new CoordinateData {Latitude = 62.244588, Longitude = 25.742683, System = "WGS84"} }; var vehicleDelivery = new LocationData() { Coordinate = new CoordinateData {Latitude = 62.244588, Longitude = 25.742683, System = "WGS84"} }; //##BEGIN EXAMPLE importvehicleset## var importRequest = new VehicleSetImportRequest { Items = new List<VehicleUpdateRequest>() }; for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { var veh = new VehicleUpdateRequest() { Name = "Vehicle name "+i, Capacities = vehicleCapacities, StartLocation = vehiclePickup, EndLocation = vehicleDelivery, TimeWindows = vehicleTimeWindow, RelocationType = "None" }; importRequest.Items.Add(veh); } var result = api.Navigate<ResponseData>(problem.GetLink("import-vehicles"), importRequest); var vehicles = api.Navigate<VehicleDataSet>( problem.GetLink( "list-vehicles" ) ); //##END EXAMPLE## }
private static void CreateDemoData( RoutingProblemData problem, Api api ) { // To build a test case we first need to create a vehicle. // We start by defining vehicle capacity. var vehicleCapacities = new List<CapacityData> {new CapacityData {Name = "Weight", Amount = 100000}}; // ...the time window(s) var vehicleTimeWindow = new List<TimeWindowData> { new TimeWindowData { Start = new DateTime( 2013, 5, 14, 7, 0, 0 ), End = new DateTime( 2013, 5, 14, 16, 0, 0 ) }}; // ... the locations for pickup and delivery var vehiclePickup = new LocationData {Coordinate = new CoordinateData { Latitude = 62.244588, Longitude = 25.742683, System = "WGS84" }}; var vehicleDelivery = new LocationData {Coordinate = new CoordinateData { Latitude = 62.244588, Longitude = 25.742683, System = "WGS84" }}; // And then we wrap these into a single vehicle update request. var vehicleUpdateRequest = new VehicleUpdateRequest { Name = "Vehicle1", Capacities = vehicleCapacities, StartLocation = vehiclePickup, EndLocation = vehicleDelivery, TimeWindows = vehicleTimeWindow, RelocationType = "None" }; api.Navigate<ResponseData>( problem.GetLink( "create-vehicle" ), vehicleUpdateRequest ); // This should have created a vehicle. // Next, we will create a pickup and delivery task. // The task will consist of two task events that are the pickup and delivery. // Define the capacity, location and time window for the pickup. var capacity = new CapacityData { Name = "Weight", Amount = 1 }; var task1PickupLocation = new LocationData { Coordinate = new CoordinateData { Latitude = 62.247906, Longitude = 25.867395, System = "WGS84" } }; var task1PickupTimeWindows = new List<TimeWindowData> { new TimeWindowData { Start = new DateTime(2013, 5, 14, 7, 0, 0), End = new DateTime(2013, 5, 14, 16, 0, 0) } }; //... and wrap it in a task event update request. var pickup = new TaskEventUpdateRequest { Type = "Pickup", Location = task1PickupLocation, TimeWindows = task1PickupTimeWindows, Capacities = new List<CapacityData> {capacity} }; // Then we do the same for the delivery. var task1DeliveryLocation = new LocationData { Coordinate = new CoordinateData { Latitude = 61.386909, Longitude = 24.654106, System = "WGS84" } }; var task1DeliveryTimeWindows = new List<TimeWindowData> { new TimeWindowData { Start = new DateTime(2013, 5, 14, 7, 0, 0), End = new DateTime(2013, 5, 14, 16, 0, 0) } }; var delivery = new TaskEventUpdateRequest { Type = "Delivery", Location = task1DeliveryLocation, TimeWindows = task1DeliveryTimeWindows, Capacities = new List<CapacityData> { capacity } }; // And finally we contain the pickup and delivery in a task update request and send it. var newTask = new TaskUpdateRequest {Name = "Task1", RelocationType = "None"}; newTask.TaskEvents.Add( pickup ); newTask.TaskEvents.Add( delivery ); api.Navigate<ResponseData>( problem.GetLink( "create-task" ), newTask ); // And this is how we can create optimization cases. }