Esempio n. 1
        //TODO: split RpcProxyRouter and RpcCallbackProxy
        public ClientRuntime(string address, ServiceEndpoint endpoint, bool callback = false, InstanceContext context = null, Guid customUuid = default(Guid), Type generatedProxyType = null)
            _endpoint      = endpoint;
            _binding       = endpoint._binding;
            _serializer    = _binding.Serializer;
            _typeOfService = endpoint._contractType;
            _context       = context;
            if (_context != null && _context._useSynchronizationContext)
                _syncContext = SynchronizationContext.Current;
            _generatedProxyType = generatedProxyType;

            _address = address;

            _operations = DispatchTableFactory.GetOperations(_typeOfService);

            _uuid = EndpointMapper.CreateUuid(_address, _typeOfService);
            if (customUuid != Guid.Empty) // callback proxy
                _uuid = customUuid;

            var serviceContract = AttributesReader.GetServiceContract(_typeOfService);

            //TODO: null check only for duplex callback, really should always be here
            if (serviceContract != null && serviceContract.SessionMode == SessionMode.Required)
                _session = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            //TODO: allow to be initialized with pregenerated proxy
            var realProxy = new RpcRealProxy(_typeOfService, this, _endpoint, _encoder);

            _remote = realProxy.GetTransparentProxy();
            _client = RpcRequestReplyChannelFactory.CreateClient(_binding, _uuid, _address);
            foreach (var behavior in _endpoint.Behaviors)
                behavior.ApplyClientBehavior(_endpoint, this);
Esempio n. 2
        public ServiceEndpoint AddServiceEndpoint(Type contractType, Binding binding, string address)
            var uri = new Uri(address, UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute);

            if (!uri.IsAbsoluteUri)
                address = _baseAddress + address;
            var  uuid = EndpointMapper.CreateUuid(address, contractType);
            bool expectDuplexInitialization = false;
            var  service = AttributesReader.GetServiceContract(contractType);

            if (service.CallbackContract != null)
                expectDuplexInitialization = true;
            RpcTrace.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Start, "Start adding service endpoint for {0} at {1}", contractType, address);
            var endpoint = base.CreateEndpoint(contractType, binding, address, uuid);

            _endpointDispatchers.Add(new RpcEndpointDispatcher(_service, endpoint, expectDuplexInitialization));