public OregenOptions () : base() { _filterOpt = new OptionSet() { { "b|Block=", "Generate blocks of type {ID} (0-255)", v => OPT_ID = Convert.ToByte(v) % 256 }, { "d|Data=", "Set the block's data value to {VAL} (0-15)", v => OPT_DATA = Convert.ToInt32(v) % 16 }, { "r|Rounds=", "Geneate {NUM} deposits per chunk", v => OPT_ROUNDS = Convert.ToInt32(v) }, { "min|MinDepth=", "Generates deposits no lower than depth {VAL} (0-127)", v => OPT_MIN = Convert.ToInt32(v) % 128 }, { "max|MaxDepth=", "Generates deposits no higher than depth {VAL} (0-127)", v => OPT_MAX = Convert.ToInt32(v) % 128 }, { "s|Size=", "Generates deposits containing roughly up to {VAL} blocks", v => OPT_SIZE = Convert.ToInt32(v) % 128 }, { "oo|OverrideOres", "Generated deposits can replace other existing ores", v => OPT_OO = true }, { "oa|OverrideAll", "Generated deposits can replace any existing block", v => OPT_OA = true }, { "oi|OverrideInclude=", "Generated deposits can replace the specified block type {ID} [repeatable]", v => OPT_OB_INCLUDE.Add(Convert.ToInt32(v) % 256) }, { "ox|OverrideExclude=", "Generated deposits can never replace the specified block type {ID} [repeatable]", v => OPT_OB_EXCLUDE.Add(Convert.ToInt32(v) % 256) }, { "nu|NativeUnpatched", "Use MC native ore generation algorithm without distribution evenness patch", v => OPT_MATHFIX = false }, }; _chunkFilter = new ChunkFilter(); }
public RelightOptions () : base() { _filterOpt = new OptionSet() { { "b|BlockLight", "Recalculate the block light values (block light sources) of selected chunks", v => BlockLight = true }, { "s|SkyLight", "Recalculate the skylight values (natural sunlight) of selected chunks", v => SkyLight = true }, { "m|HeightMap", "Recalculate the height map of selected chunks", v => HeightMap = true }, }; _chunkFilter = new ChunkFilter(); }
public DumpOptions() : base() { _filterOpt = new OptionSet() { { "out|OutFile=", "Path of file to write JSON data into", var => _outFile = var }, { "b|BlockData", "Dump block data (type, data, light arrays)", var => _dumpBlocks = true }, { "e|Entities", "Dump complete entity data", var => _dumpEntities = true }, { "t|TileEntities", "Dump complete tile entity data", var => _dumpTileEntities = true }, }; _chunkFilter = new ChunkFilter(); }
public PurgeOptions() : base() { _filterOpt = new OptionSet(); _chunkFilter = new ChunkFilter(); }
public ReplaceOptions() : base() { _filterOpt = new OptionSet() { /*{ "b|before=", "Replace instances of block type {ID} with another block type. This option is repeatable.", v => _includedBlocks.Add(Convert.ToInt32(v) % 256) },*/ { "a|after=", "Replace the selected blocks with block type {ID}", v => OPT_AFTER = Convert.ToInt32(v) }, { "d|data=", "Set the new block's data value to {VAL} (0-15)", v => OPT_DATA = Convert.ToInt32(v) }, /*{ "p|prob=", "Replace any matching block with probability {VAL} (0.0-1.0)", v => { OPT_PROB = Convert.ToDouble(v, new CultureInfo("en-US")); OPT_PROB = Math.Max((double)OPT_PROB, 0.0); OPT_PROB = Math.Min((double)OPT_PROB, 1.0); } }, { "bxr|BlockXRange=", "Update blocks with X-coord between {0:V1} and {1:V2}, inclusive. V1 or V2 may be left blank.", (v1, v2) => { try { BL_X_GE = Convert.ToInt32(v1); } catch (FormatException) { } try { BL_X_LE = Convert.ToInt32(v2); } catch (FormatException) { } } }, { "byr|BlockYRange=", "Update blocks with Y-coord between {0:V1} and {1:V2}, inclusive. V1 or V2 may be left blank", (v1, v2) => { try { BL_Y_GE = Convert.ToInt32(v1); } catch (FormatException) { } try { BL_Y_LE = Convert.ToInt32(v2); } catch (FormatException) { } } }, { "bzr|BlockZRange=", "Update blocks with Z-coord between {0:V1} and {1:V2}, inclusive. V1 or V2 may be left blank", (v1, v2) => { try { BL_Z_GE = Convert.ToInt32(v1); } catch (FormatException) { } try { BL_Z_LE = Convert.ToInt32(v2); } catch (FormatException) { } } },*/ /*{ "nb=", "Update blocks that have block type {ID} as any neighbor", v => OPT_NEIGHBOR = Convert.ToInt32(v) % 256 }, { "nbs=", "Update blocks that have block type {ID} as any x/z neighbor", v => OPT_NEIGHBOR_SIDE = Convert.ToInt32(v) % 256 }, { "nbxa=", "Update blocks that have block type {ID} as their south neighbor", v => OPT_NEIGHBOR_S = Convert.ToInt32(v) % 256 }, { "nbxb=", "Update blocks that have block type {ID} as their north neighbor", v => OPT_NEIGHBOR_N = Convert.ToInt32(v) % 256 },*/ /*{ "nbya|BlockAboveEq=", "Update blocks that have block type {ID} as their top neighbor. This option is repeatable.", v => BlocksAboveEq.Add(Convert.ToInt32(v) % 256) }, { "nbyb|BlockBelowEq=", "Update blocks that have block type {ID} as their bottom neighbor. This option is repeatable.", v => BlocksBelowEq.Add(Convert.ToInt32(v) % 256) },*/ /*{ "nbza=", "Update blocks that have block type {ID} as their west neighbor", v => OPT_NEIGHBOR_W = Convert.ToInt32(v) % 256 }, { "nbzb=", "Update blocks that have block type {ID} as their east neighbor", v => OPT_NEIGHBOR_E = Convert.ToInt32(v) % 256 },*/ }; _chunkFilter = new ChunkFilter(); _blockFilter = new BlockFilter(); }
public ReplaceOptions() : base() { _filterOpt = new OptionSet() { { "a|after=", "Replace the selected blocks with block type {ID}", v => OPT_AFTER = Convert.ToInt32(v) }, { "d|data=", "Set the new block's data value to {VAL} (0-15)", v => OPT_DATA = Convert.ToInt32(v) }, }; _chunkFilter = new ChunkFilter(); _blockFilter = new BlockFilter(); }