Inheritance: Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.WindowPane
Esempio n. 1
 internal SqlEditor(ServiceProvider sp, SqlEditorPane pane )
   : this()
   Pane = pane;
   serviceProvider = sp;
   codeEditor.Init(sp, this);
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="SqlEditor"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sp">The sp.</param>
        /// <param name="pane">The pane.</param>
        internal SqlEditor(ServiceProvider sp, SqlEditorPane pane)
            : this()
            Pane            = pane;
            ServiceProvider = sp;
            CodeEditor.Init(sp, this);
            if (Package == null)

            SetConnection(Package.SelectedMySqlConnection, Package.SelectedMySqlConnectionName);
 int IVsEditorFactory.CreateEditorInstance(uint grfCreateDoc, string pszMkDocument, 
     string pszPhysicalView, IVsHierarchy pvHier, uint itemid, 
     IntPtr punkDocDataExisting, out IntPtr ppunkDocView, out IntPtr ppunkDocData, 
     out string pbstrEditorCaption, out Guid pguidCmdUI, out int pgrfCDW)
     pgrfCDW = 0;
     pguidCmdUI = VSConstants.GUID_TextEditorFactory;
     SqlEditorPane editor = new SqlEditorPane(serviceProvider);
     ppunkDocData = Marshal.GetIUnknownForObject(editor.Window);
     ppunkDocView = Marshal.GetIUnknownForObject(editor);
     pbstrEditorCaption = "";
     return VSConstants.S_OK;
Esempio n. 4
        int IVsEditorFactory.CreateEditorInstance(uint grfCreateDoc, string pszMkDocument,
                                                  string pszPhysicalView, IVsHierarchy pvHier, uint itemid,
                                                  IntPtr punkDocDataExisting, out IntPtr ppunkDocView, out IntPtr ppunkDocData,
                                                  out string pbstrEditorCaption, out Guid pguidCmdUI, out int pgrfCDW)
            pgrfCDW    = 0;
            pguidCmdUI = VSConstants.GUID_TextEditorFactory;
            SqlEditorPane editor = new SqlEditorPane(serviceProvider);

            ppunkDocData       = Marshal.GetIUnknownForObject(editor.Window);
            ppunkDocView       = Marshal.GetIUnknownForObject(editor);
            pbstrEditorCaption = "";
Esempio n. 5
        int IVsEditorFactory.CreateEditorInstance(uint grfCreateDoc, string pszMkDocument,
                                                  string pszPhysicalView, IVsHierarchy pvHier, uint itemid,
                                                  IntPtr punkDocDataExisting, out IntPtr ppunkDocView, out IntPtr ppunkDocData,
                                                  out string pbstrEditorCaption, out Guid pguidCmdUi, out int pgrfCdw)
            string s;

            pvHier.GetCanonicalName(itemid, out s);
            pgrfCdw          = 0;
            LastDocumentPath = pszMkDocument;
            pguidCmdUi       = VSConstants.GUID_TextEditorFactory;

            ppunkDocData = IntPtr.Zero;
            ppunkDocView = IntPtr.Zero;
            WindowPane editor;

            FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(LastDocumentPath);

            if (fileInfo.Extension.ToLower().Equals(".mysql"))
                editor = new SqlEditorPane(_serviceProvider, this);
                ScriptLanguageType scriptType = ScriptLanguageType.JavaScript;
                if (fileInfo.Extension.ToLower().Equals(".mypy"))
                    scriptType = ScriptLanguageType.Python;

                editor = new MySqlHybridScriptEditorPane(_serviceProvider, this, scriptType);
            if (editor.Window != null)
                ppunkDocData = Marshal.GetIUnknownForObject(editor.Window);
                ppunkDocView = Marshal.GetIUnknownForObject(editor);

            pbstrEditorCaption = "";