Esempio n. 1
 public bool Evaluate( CustomBentoBox customBentoBox )
     double inspectionResult;
     switch (InspectionType)
         case InspectorType.DishTypeIncluded :
             return customBentoBox.CustomBentoBoxItems.Select(i => i.Dish).Count(i => i.DishTypeId == QueryPredicate) > 0;
         case InspectorType.DishTypeNotIncluded :
             return  customBentoBox.CustomBentoBoxItems.Select(i => i.Dish).Count(i => i.DishTypeId == QueryPredicate) == 0;
         case InspectorType.DishIncluded:
             return customBentoBox.CustomBentoBoxItems.Select(i => i.Dish).Count(i => i.DishId == QueryPredicate) > 0;
         case InspectorType.DishNotIncluded:
             return customBentoBox.CustomBentoBoxItems.Select(i => i.Dish).Count(i => i.DishId == QueryPredicate) == 0;
         case InspectorType.CountOfDishType:
             inspectionResult = customBentoBox.CustomBentoBoxItems.Select(i => i.Dish).Count(i => i.DishTypeId == QueryPredicate || QueryPredicate == 0);
             return false;
     switch (ComparisonLogicalOperator)
         case LogicalOperator.LessThan:
             return inspectionResult < CompareToValue;
         case LogicalOperator.LessThanOrEqualTo:
             return inspectionResult <= CompareToValue;
         case LogicalOperator.EqualTo:
             return inspectionResult == CompareToValue;
         case LogicalOperator.GreaterThan:
             return inspectionResult > CompareToValue;
         case LogicalOperator.GreaterThanOrEqualTo:
             return inspectionResult >= CompareToValue;
             return false;
Esempio n. 2
 public void ProcessRule(CustomBentoBox customBentoBox)
     Errors = new List<string>();
     ErrorOperators = new List<LogicalOperator>();
     foreach (var warningRule in WarningRepository.WarningRules[customBentoBox.BentoBox.BentoBoxType])
         if (!warningRule.Evaluate(customBentoBox))
        public ActionResult AddToCart(FormCollection values)
            int customBentoBoxId = Convert.ToInt32( values["customBentoBoxId"] );
            string encodedRecipe = values["recipe"];
            string customBentoBoxName = values["customBentoBoxName"];
            CustomBentoBox customBentoBox;
            if (customBentoBoxId == 0)
                customBentoBox = new CustomBentoBox();
                var recipe = CustomBentoBox.DecodeRecipe(encodedRecipe);
                customBentoBox.BentoBoxId = recipe.BentoBoxId;
                customBentoBox.CustomBentoBoxName = customBentoBoxName;
                customBentoBox = db.CustomBentoBoxes.Single(i => i.CustomBentoBoxId == customBentoBoxId);
                if (customBentoBox != null)
                    var recipe = CustomBentoBox.DecodeRecipe(encodedRecipe);
                    return HttpNotFound();

            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                var shoppingCart = ShoppingCartHelper.GetCart(HttpContext);
                shoppingCart.AddToCart( customBentoBox);
                return RedirectToAction("Edit", "ShoppingCart");
            return RedirectToAction("Create");
        public ActionResult AddToCurrentBox(string encodedRecipe, int dishId)
            // Retrieve the album from the database
            var addedDish = db.Dishes.Single(i => i.DishId == dishId);

            // Add it to the shopping cart
            var customBentoBox = new CustomBentoBox(encodedRecipe);
            var isAdded = customBentoBox.AddToCustomBentoBox(addedDish);

            var processor = new Processor();
            if (!processor.CanAddDish)
                // need to remove the current dish!
            if (isAdded == false)
            var mainCourses = from item in customBentoBox.CustomBentoBoxItems
                             where item.Dish.DishTypeId == (int)DishType.MainCourse
                             select new
                                 dishId = item.DishId,
                                 dishImageUrl = item.Dish.DishImageUrl,
                                 dishName = item.Dish.DishName,
                                 customBentoBoxId = customBentoBox.CustomBentoBoxId
            var sideDishes = from item in customBentoBox.CustomBentoBoxItems
                             where item.Dish.DishTypeId == (int)DishType.SideDish
                             select new
                                 dishId = item.DishId,
                                 dishImageUrl = item.Dish.DishImageUrl,
                                 dishName = item.Dish.DishName,
                                 customBentoBoxId = customBentoBox.CustomBentoBoxId
            var others = from item in customBentoBox.CustomBentoBoxItems
                             where item.Dish.DishTypeId == (int)DishType.Drink
                             select new
                                 dishId = item.DishId,
                                 dishImageUrl = item.Dish.DishImageUrl,
                                 dishName = item.Dish.DishName,
                                 customBentoBoxId = customBentoBox.CustomBentoBoxId
            var warningMsg = processor.Errors;
            encodedRecipe = customBentoBox.EncodedRecipe;
            var unitPrice = customBentoBox.BentoBox.UnitPrice +customBentoBox.CustomBentoBoxItems.Sum(i => i.Dish.DishIncrementalPrice * i.Quantity);
            return Json(new {
                encodedRecipe = encodedRecipe,
                currentItems =
                    new {
                        mainCourses =  new { dishes = mainCourses, count = customBentoBox.BentoBox.NumOfEntree } ,
                        sideDishes = new { dishes = sideDishes, count = 1 } ,
                        others = new { dishes = others, count = 1 } },
                warningMsg = warningMsg ,
                isValid = isAdded && processor.CanAddDish,
                unitPrice = unitPrice
        public ActionResult RemoveFromCurrentBox(string encodedRecipe, int dishId)
            // Retrieve the album from the database
            var removedDish = db.Dishes.Single(i => i.DishId == dishId);

            // Add it to the shopping cart
            var customBentoBox = new CustomBentoBox(encodedRecipe);
            var processor = new Processor();
            var mainCourses = from item in customBentoBox.CustomBentoBoxItems
                              where item.Dish.DishTypeId == (int)DishType.MainCourse
                              select new
                                  dishId = item.DishId,
                                  dishImageUrl = item.Dish.DishImageUrl,
                                  dishName = item.Dish.DishName,
                                  customBentoBoxId = customBentoBox.CustomBentoBoxId
            var sideDishes = from item in customBentoBox.CustomBentoBoxItems
                             where item.Dish.DishTypeId == (int)DishType.SideDish
                             select new
                                 dishId = item.DishId,
                                 dishImageUrl = item.Dish.DishImageUrl,
                                 dishName = item.Dish.DishName,
                                 customBentoBoxId = customBentoBox.CustomBentoBoxId
            var others = from item in customBentoBox.CustomBentoBoxItems
                         where item.Dish.DishTypeId == (int)DishType.Drink
                         select new
                             dishId = item.DishId,
                             dishImageUrl = item.Dish.DishImageUrl,
                             dishName = item.Dish.DishName,
                             customBentoBoxId = customBentoBox.CustomBentoBoxId

            var unitPrice = customBentoBox.BentoBox.UnitPrice + customBentoBox.CustomBentoBoxItems.Sum(i => i.Dish.DishIncrementalPrice * i.Quantity);
            var warningMsg = processor.Errors;
            encodedRecipe = customBentoBox.EncodedRecipe;
            return Json(new { encodedRecipe = encodedRecipe, currentItems = new { mainCourses = mainCourses, sideDishes = sideDishes, others = others }, warningMsg = warningMsg, unitPrice = unitPrice });
        public ActionResult IsBentoBoxErrorFree(string encodedRecipe)
            CustomBentoBox customBentoBox = new CustomBentoBox(encodedRecipe);
            // check if error free
            var processor = new Processor();

            var mainCourses = from item in customBentoBox.CustomBentoBoxItems
                              where item.Dish.DishTypeId == (int)DishType.MainCourse
                              select new
                                  dishId = item.DishId,
                                  dishImageUrl = item.Dish.DishImageUrl,
                                  dishName = item.Dish.DishName,
                                  customBentoBoxId = customBentoBox.CustomBentoBoxId
            var sideDishes = from item in customBentoBox.CustomBentoBoxItems
                             where item.Dish.DishTypeId == (int)DishType.SideDish
                             select new
                                 dishId = item.DishId,
                                 dishImageUrl = item.Dish.DishImageUrl,
                                 dishName = item.Dish.DishName,
                                 customBentoBoxId = customBentoBox.CustomBentoBoxId
            var others = from item in customBentoBox.CustomBentoBoxItems
                         where item.Dish.DishTypeId == (int)DishType.Drink
                         select new
                             dishId = item.DishId,
                             dishImageUrl = item.Dish.DishImageUrl,
                             dishName = item.Dish.DishName,
                             customBentoBoxId = customBentoBox.CustomBentoBoxId

            var warningMsg = processor.Errors;
            encodedRecipe = customBentoBox.EncodedRecipe;
            var unitPrice = customBentoBox.BentoBox.UnitPrice + customBentoBox.CustomBentoBoxItems.Sum(i => i.Dish.DishIncrementalPrice * i.Quantity);

            return Json(new
                encodedRecipe = encodedRecipe,
                currentItems =
                        mainCourses = new { dishes = mainCourses, count = customBentoBox.BentoBox.NumOfEntree },
                        sideDishes = new { dishes = sideDishes, count = 1 },
                        others = new { dishes = others, count = 1 }
                warningMsg = warningMsg,
                isValid = processor.Errors.Count == 0,
                unitPrice = unitPrice
        public ActionResult Create(CustomBentoBox custombentobox)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                var shoppingCart = ShoppingCartHelper.GetCart(this);
                return RedirectToAction("Edit", "ShoppingCart");

            ViewBag.BentoBoxId = new SelectList(db.BentoBoxes, "BentoBoxId", "BentoBoxName", custombentobox.BentoBoxId);
            return View(custombentobox);
 // GET: /CustomBentoBox/Create
 public ActionResult Create(int customBentoBoxId = 0, int bentoBoxId = 1)
     SiteMenuHelper.Instance.CurrentSiteMenu = SiteMenu.Create;
     CustomBentoBox customBentoBox;
     if (customBentoBoxId == 0)
         customBentoBox = new CustomBentoBox()
             BentoBoxId = bentoBoxId,
             CustomBentoBoxName = "",
             BentoBox = db.BentoBoxes.Single(i=>i.BentoBoxId == bentoBoxId)
         customBentoBox = db.CustomBentoBoxes.Single(i => i.CustomBentoBoxId == customBentoBoxId);
         ViewData["recipe"] = customBentoBox.EncodedRecipe;
     var bentoBoxType = db.BentoBoxes.Single(i => i.BentoBoxId == customBentoBox.BentoBoxId);
     var bentoBoxViewModel = new CustomBentoBoxViewModel();
     bentoBoxViewModel.RestaurantName = customBentoBox.BentoBox.Restaurant.RestaurantName;
     bentoBoxViewModel.CurrentCustomBentoBox = customBentoBox;
     bentoBoxViewModel.AvailableDishes = new Dictionary<DishType, List<Dish>>();
     var availableDishTypes = CustomBentoBoxHelper.BentoBoxTypeDishTypeMappings[bentoBoxType.BentoBoxType];
     foreach (var dishType in availableDishTypes)
             db.Dishes.Where(i => i.DishTypeId == (int)dishType &&
                 i.DishStatusId == (int)DishStatusLevel.Available &&
                 i.RestaurantId == customBentoBox.BentoBox.RestaurantId).ToList());
     return View(bentoBoxViewModel);
        public ActionResult ChangeQuantity(string encodedRecipe, int dishId, int dishQuantity)
            var dish = db.Dishes.Single(i => i.DishId == dishId);
            var customBentoBox = new CustomBentoBox(encodedRecipe);
            customBentoBox.ChangeQuantity(dish, dishQuantity);
            var processor = new Processor();
            var mainCourses = from item in customBentoBox.CustomBentoBoxItems
                              where item.Dish.DishTypeId == (int)DishType.MainCourse
                              select new
                                  dishId = item.DishId,
                                  dishImageUrl = item.Dish.DishImageUrl,
                                  dishName = item.Dish.DishName,
                                  customBentoBoxId = customBentoBox.CustomBentoBoxId
            var sideDishes = from item in customBentoBox.CustomBentoBoxItems
                             where item.Dish.DishTypeId == (int)DishType.SideDish
                             select new
                                 dishId = item.DishId,
                                 dishImageUrl = item.Dish.DishImageUrl,
                                 dishName = item.Dish.DishName,
                                 customBentoBoxId = customBentoBox.CustomBentoBoxId
            var others = from item in customBentoBox.CustomBentoBoxItems
                         where item.Dish.DishTypeId == (int)DishType.Drink
                         select new
                             dishId = item.DishId,
                             dishImageUrl = item.Dish.DishImageUrl,
                             dishName = item.Dish.DishName,
                             customBentoBoxId = customBentoBox.CustomBentoBoxId

            var unitPrice = customBentoBox.BentoBox.UnitPrice + customBentoBox.CustomBentoBoxItems.Sum(i => i.Dish.DishIncrementalPrice * i.Quantity);
            var warningMsg = processor.Errors;
            encodedRecipe = customBentoBox.EncodedRecipe;
            return Json(new { encodedRecipe = encodedRecipe, currentItems = new { mainCourses = mainCourses, sideDishes = sideDishes, others = others }, warningMsg = warningMsg, unitPrice = unitPrice });
Esempio n. 10
 private string RenderCustomBentoBox(CustomBentoBox customBentoBox)
     var sb = new StringBuilder();
     var dishes = customBentoBox.CustomBentoBoxItems.Select(i=>i.Dish);
     foreach (var dish in dishes)
         sb.Append(string.Format("<li><img src='{0}'></li>", dish.DishImageUrl));
     return sb.ToString();
Esempio n. 11
 /// <summary>
 /// Create a new CustomBentoBox object.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="customBentoBoxId">Initial value of the CustomBentoBoxId property.</param>
 /// <param name="customBentoBoxName">Initial value of the CustomBentoBoxName property.</param>
 /// <param name="bentoBoxId">Initial value of the BentoBoxId property.</param>
 public static CustomBentoBox CreateCustomBentoBox(global::System.Int32 customBentoBoxId, global::System.String customBentoBoxName, global::System.Int32 bentoBoxId)
     CustomBentoBox customBentoBox = new CustomBentoBox();
     customBentoBox.CustomBentoBoxId = customBentoBoxId;
     customBentoBox.CustomBentoBoxName = customBentoBoxName;
     customBentoBox.BentoBoxId = bentoBoxId;
     return customBentoBox;
Esempio n. 12
 /// <summary>
 /// Deprecated Method for adding a new object to the CustomBentoBoxes EntitySet. Consider using the .Add method of the associated ObjectSet&lt;T&gt; property instead.
 /// </summary>
 public void AddToCustomBentoBoxes(CustomBentoBox customBentoBox)
     base.AddObject("CustomBentoBoxes", customBentoBox);