/// <summary> /// Queries Graph containing Facebook context items for Facebook Post info /// and calls MyLoDB method to add to DB /// </summary> private void AddFacebookPosts() { string sparqlQ = "PREFIX mylo: <http://mylo.com/schema/> " + "PREFIX rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#> " + "PREFIX rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#> " + "SELECT DISTINCT ?activity ?time ?placename ?sourceId ?lat ?long ?state ?street ?city ?zip ?country " + "WHERE {" + " ?activity rdf:type mylo:Activity ." + " ?activity rdf:type mylo:FacebookPost ." + " ?activity mylo:HasLocation ?loc ." + " ?activity mylo:HasSourceId ?sourceId ." + " ?loc mylo:HasLocationName ?placename ." + " ?loc mylo:HasGpsLatitude ?lat ." + " ?loc mylo:HasGpsLongitude ?long ." + " ?activity mylo:HasTimePeriod ?period ." + " ?period rdf:type mylo:Instant ." + " ?period mylo:HasTimeValue ?time ." + " OPTIONAL { ?loc mylo:HasAddress ?adr }" + " OPTIONAL { ?adr mylo:HasState ?state }" + " OPTIONAL { ?adr mylo:HasCity ?city }" + " OPTIONAL { ?adr mylo:HasZip ?zip }" + " OPTIONAL { ?adr mylo:HasCountry ?country }" + " OPTIONAL { ?adr mylo:HasStreet ?street }" + "}"; try { SparqlQueryParser sparqlparser = new SparqlQueryParser(); SparqlQuery query = sparqlparser.ParseFromString(sparqlQ); Object results = _store.ExecuteQuery(query); if (results is SparqlResultSet) { Dictionary<string, INode> vals = new Dictionary<string, INode>(); SparqlResultSet rset = (SparqlResultSet)results; foreach (SparqlResult r in rset) { foreach (string var in rset.Variables) { if (r.HasValue(var)) { vals[var] = r[var]; } else { vals[var] = null; } } try { Activity act = new Activity(); Address loc = new Address(); TimePeriod startDate = new TimePeriod(); TimePeriod endDate = new TimePeriod(); if (vals["sourceId"] != null) { act.SourceId = vals["sourceId"].ToString(); } if (vals["time"] != null) { string[] parts = vals["time"].ToString().Split('^'); startDate.AltKey = Convert.ToDateTime(parts[0]); endDate.AltKey = DateTime.MinValue; act.StartDate = startDate.AltKey; startDate.Hour = (short)startDate.AltKey.Hour; startDate.Year = (short)startDate.AltKey.Year; startDate.Month = (short)startDate.AltKey.Month; startDate.Day = startDate.AltKey.DayOfWeek.ToString(); startDate.DayNumber = (short)startDate.AltKey.Day; } if (vals["placename"] != null) { act.ActivityName = vals["placename"].ToString(); } if (vals["lat"] != null) { string[] parts = vals["lat"].ToString().Split('^'); act.Latitude = Convert.ToDouble(parts[0]); } if (vals["long"] != null) { string[] parts = vals["long"].ToString().Split('^'); act.Longitude = Convert.ToDouble(parts[0]); } Address locGps = new Address(); ; if (vals["lat"] != null && vals["long"] != null) { locGps = ReverseLookupGPScoordinates(act.Latitude, act.Longitude); } if (vals["street"] != null) { loc.Street = vals["street"].ToString(); } else { if (locGps.Street != null || locGps.Street != " ") { loc.Street = locGps.Street; } } if (vals["city"] != null) { loc.City = vals["city"].ToString(); } else { if (locGps.City != null || locGps.City != " ") { loc.City = locGps.City; } } if (vals["state"] != null) { loc.State = vals["state"].ToString(); } else { if (locGps.State != null || locGps.State != " ") { loc.State = locGps.State; } } if (vals["zip"] != null) { loc.Zip = vals["zip"].ToString(); } else { if (locGps.Zip != null || locGps.Zip != " ") { loc.Zip = locGps.Zip; } } if (vals["country"] != null) { loc.Country = vals["country"].ToString(); } else { if (locGps.Country != null || locGps.Country != " ") { loc.Country = locGps.Country; } } //if (vals["lat"] != null && vals["long"] != null) //{ // loc = ReverseLookupGPScoordinates(act.Latitude, act.Longitude); //} //else //{ // if (vals["street"] != null) // { // loc.Street = vals["street"].ToString(); // } // if (vals["city"] != null) // { // loc.City = vals["city"].ToString(); // } // if (vals["state"] != null) // { // loc.State = vals["state"].ToString(); // } // if (vals["zip"] != null) // { // loc.Zip = vals["zip"].ToString(); // } // if (vals["country"] != null) // { // loc.Country = vals["country"].ToString(); // } //} act.Source = "Facebook"; act.ActivityKind = "FacebookPost"; long result = _myloStore.AddActivity(_userId, act, startDate, endDate, loc); } catch (MyLoDataStoreException dsEx) { throw new MyLoException("DataStore Error: Inner exception: " + dsEx); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new MyLoException("Add Activity Error: Inner exception: " + ex); } } } } catch (RdfException rdfEx) { throw new MyLoException("Save Context Error: Inner exception: " + rdfEx); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new MyLoException("Save Context Error: Inner exception: " + ex); } }
private Address ReverseLookupGPScoordinates(double latitude, double longitude) { string city = String.Empty, street = String.Empty, zip = String.Empty, country = String.Empty, state = String.Empty; Address loc = new Address(); gpsLookup.LatLongToAddressLookup(latitude, longitude, out street, out city, out state, out zip, out country); loc.Street = street; loc.City = city; loc.State = state; loc.Zip = zip; loc.Country = country; return loc; }
//private long AddGeneratedActivity(EventCluster ec, int eventCount, DataTable photos) private long AddGeneratedActivity(EventCluster ec, int eventCount, string genedName) { Activity act = new Activity(); //DataRow p1 = photos.Rows[ec.ecIndex1]; //string[] parts1 = p1["dateTaken"].ToString().Split('^'); //DataRow p2 = photos.Rows[ec.ecIndex2]; //string[] parts2 = p2["dateTaken"].ToString().Split('^'); act.ActivityKind = "Generated"; //act.EndDate = (DateTime)p2["dateTaken"]; act.EndDate = ec.endTime; act.Source = "LinearClusterIndexer"; act.SourceId = genedName + eventCount.ToString(); act.ActivityName = genedName + eventCount.ToString(); act.Latitude = 0; act.Longitude = 0; TimePeriod tpStart = new TimePeriod(); tpStart.Year = (short)act.StartDate.Year; tpStart.Month = (short)act.StartDate.Month; tpStart.Hour = (short)act.StartDate.Hour; tpStart.Day = act.StartDate.DayOfWeek.ToString(); tpStart.DayNumber = (short)act.StartDate.Day; //tpStart.AltKey = Convert.ToDateTime(parts1[0]); tpStart.AltKey = ec.startTime; act.StartDate = tpStart.AltKey; TimePeriod tpEnd = new TimePeriod(); tpEnd.Year = (short)act.EndDate.Year; tpEnd.Month = (short)act.EndDate.Month; tpEnd.Hour = (short)act.EndDate.Hour; tpEnd.Day = act.EndDate.DayOfWeek.ToString(); tpEnd.DayNumber = (short)act.EndDate.Day; //tpEnd.AltKey = Convert.ToDateTime(parts1[0]); tpEnd.AltKey = ec.endTime; //act.StartDate = tpEnd.AltKey; Address loc = new Address(); //return _store.AddActivity(_userId, act, tpStart, tpEnd, loc); return _store.AddActivity(_userId, act, tpStart, tpEnd, loc); }
/// <summary> /// Adds Activity to MyLo datastore using PostgreSQL function 'addActivity' /// </summary> /// <param name="userId">A validated MyLo account Id</param> /// <param name="act">An Activity instance</param> /// <param name="startDate">A TimePeriod instance representing the start of the Activity</param> /// <param name="endDate">A TimePeriod instance representing the end of the Activity</param> /// <param name="loc">A Location instance represents where the Activity takes place</param> public long AddActivity(long userId, Activity act, TimePeriod startDate, TimePeriod endDate, Address loc) { try { NpgsqlCommand command = new NpgsqlCommand("AddActivityHierarchical", _conn); command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; // create 25 parameters for this function for (int i = 0; i < 25; i++) { command.Parameters.Add(new NpgsqlParameter()); } command.Parameters[0].DbType = DbType.Int64; command.Parameters[0].Value = userId; command.Parameters[1].DbType = DbType.String; command.Parameters[1].Value = act.ActivityKind; command.Parameters[2].DbType = DbType.String; command.Parameters[2].Value = act.Source; command.Parameters[3].DbType = DbType.String; command.Parameters[3].Value = act.SourceId; command.Parameters[4].DbType = DbType.DateTime; command.Parameters[4].Value = startDate.AltKey; command.Parameters[5].DbType = DbType.DateTime; command.Parameters[5].Value = endDate.AltKey; command.Parameters[6].DbType = DbType.Int16; command.Parameters[6].Value = startDate.Year; command.Parameters[7].DbType = DbType.Int16; command.Parameters[7].Value = startDate.Month; command.Parameters[8].DbType = DbType.String; command.Parameters[8].Value = startDate.Day; command.Parameters[9].DbType = DbType.Int16; command.Parameters[9].Value = startDate.DayNumber; command.Parameters[10].DbType = DbType.Int16; command.Parameters[10].Value = startDate.Hour; command.Parameters[11].DbType = DbType.Int16; command.Parameters[11].Value = endDate.Year; command.Parameters[12].DbType = DbType.Int16; command.Parameters[12].Value = endDate.Month; command.Parameters[13].DbType = DbType.String; command.Parameters[13].Value = endDate.Day; command.Parameters[14].DbType = DbType.Int16; command.Parameters[14].Value = endDate.DayNumber; command.Parameters[15].DbType = DbType.Int16; command.Parameters[15].Value = endDate.Hour; command.Parameters[16].DbType = DbType.String; command.Parameters[16].Value = act.ActivityName; command.Parameters[17].DbType = DbType.Double; command.Parameters[17].Value = act.Latitude; command.Parameters[18].DbType = DbType.Double; command.Parameters[18].Value = act.Longitude; command.Parameters[19].DbType = DbType.String; command.Parameters[19].Value = String.IsNullOrEmpty(loc.Street) ? null : loc.Street; command.Parameters[20].DbType = DbType.String; command.Parameters[20].Value = String.IsNullOrEmpty(loc.City) ? null : loc.City; command.Parameters[21].DbType = DbType.String; command.Parameters[21].Value = String.IsNullOrEmpty(loc.State) ? null : loc.State; command.Parameters[22].DbType = DbType.String; command.Parameters[22].Value = String.IsNullOrEmpty(loc.Zip) ? null : loc.Zip; command.Parameters[23].DbType = DbType.String; command.Parameters[23].Value = String.IsNullOrEmpty(loc.Country) ? null : loc.Country; command.Parameters[24].DbType = DbType.Int64; command.Parameters[24].Value = 0; Debug.WriteLine("AddActivity Loc is: {0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}", command.Parameters[19].Value, command.Parameters[20].Value, command.Parameters[21].Value, command.Parameters[22].Value, command.Parameters[23].Value); Debug.WriteLine("AddActivity Time is: {0}, {1}", command.Parameters[4].Value, command.Parameters[5].Value); long result = (long)command.ExecuteScalar(); return result; } catch (NpgsqlException npex) { _conn.Close(); throw new MyLoDataStoreException(npex.Message, npex); } catch (Exception ex) { _conn.Close(); throw new MyLoDataStoreException(ex.Message); } }
/// <summary> /// Retrieves Selected Photos in a MyLo DataStore for current account holder /// Using Dimension Ids /// </summary> /// <param name="userId">An identifier for a MyLo Account</param> /// <param name="timePeriod">An identifier for a Time Period</param> /// <param name="person">An identifier for a Party</param> /// <param name="address">An identifier for a Location</param> public DataSet GetPhotosByDimensionFields(long userId, Address addr, TimePeriod timePeriod, Party person) { DataSet ds = new DataSet(); NpgsqlDataAdapter da = new NpgsqlDataAdapter(); NpgsqlCommand command = new NpgsqlCommand(); string withClause = "WITH parties AS ( " + "SELECT PAP.activityid FROM partyactivityparticipation AS PAP " + "JOIN person AS P ON P.partyid = PAP.partyid " + "WHERE P.name = @personname) "; string selectClause = "SELECT P.uri, P.datetaken, P.camera, P.gpslat, P.gpslong, P.thumbnail FROM photo AS P " + "LEFT JOIN Activity AS A ON P.activityId = A.activityId " + "JOIN TimePeriod AS TP ON A.starttimeperiodid = TP.timeperiodid " + "LEFT JOIN Address AS L ON A.addressid = L.addressid "; string joinWithClause = "JOIN parties AS PTY ON PTY.activityid = A.activityid "; int i = 0; if (person.Name != String.Empty) { command.Parameters.Add(new NpgsqlParameter("personname", DbType.String)); command.Parameters[i].Value = person.Name; i++; command.CommandText += withClause; command.CommandText += selectClause; command.CommandText += joinWithClause; } else { command.CommandText += selectClause; } string whereClause = " WHERE P.MyLoAccountId = @userid "; command.Parameters.Add(new NpgsqlParameter("userid", DbType.Int64)); command.Parameters[i].Value = userId; i++; if (addr.City != String.Empty) { whereClause += "AND L.city = @city "; command.Parameters.Add(new NpgsqlParameter("city", DbType.String)); command.Parameters[i].Value = addr.City; i++; } if (addr.Country != String.Empty) { whereClause += "AND L.country = @country "; command.Parameters.Add(new NpgsqlParameter("country", DbType.String)); command.Parameters[i].Value = addr.Country; i++; } if (timePeriod.Year != 0) { whereClause += "AND TP.year = @year "; command.Parameters.Add(new NpgsqlParameter("year", DbType.Int16)); command.Parameters[i].Value = timePeriod.Year; i++; } if (timePeriod.Month != 0) { whereClause += "AND TP.month = @month "; command.Parameters.Add(new NpgsqlParameter("month", DbType.Int16)); command.Parameters[i].Value = timePeriod.Month; i++; } if (timePeriod.Day != String.Empty) { whereClause += "AND TP.dayname = @day "; command.Parameters.Add(new NpgsqlParameter("day", DbType.String)); command.Parameters[i].Value = timePeriod.Day; i++; } command.CommandText += whereClause; command.Connection = _conn; da.SelectCommand = command; da.Fill(ds); _conn.Close(); if (ds != null) { return ds; } else { return null; } }
/// <summary> /// Method for returning a all Photos using slection by Dimension(Time Party, Location) in a given context /// </summary> /// <param name="country">A country name</param> /// <param name="city">A city name</param> /// <param name="year">A year</param> /// <param name="month">A month</param> /// <param name="day">A day name</param> /// <param name="name">A unique name for a person</param> public DataSet GetPhotosByDimensionFields(string country, string city, string year, string month, string day, string name) { try { DataSet ds = new DataSet(); if (country == String.Empty && city == String.Empty && year == String.Empty && month == String.Empty && day == String.Empty && name == String.Empty) { return ds; } else { Address loc = new Address(); loc.Country = country; loc.City = city; TimePeriod tp = new TimePeriod(); if (year != String.Empty) { tp.Year = Convert.ToInt16(year); } else { tp.Year = 0; } if (month != String.Empty) { tp.Month = Convert.ToInt16(month); } else { tp.Month = 0; } tp.Day = day; Party p = new Party(); p.Name = name; return ds = _myLoStore.GetPhotosByDimensionFields(_userId, loc, tp, p); } } catch (MyLoException ex) { throw new Exception(ex.Message); } }
private void AddEvents() { Address loc = new Address(); TimePeriod start = new TimePeriod(); TimePeriod end = new TimePeriod(); Party person = new Party(); Activity activity = new Activity(); BingMapsGPSlookup gpsl = new BingMapsGPSlookup(); // Setup the event called "Jeff and Tami's Wedding string city, street, zip, country, state; gpsl.LatLongToAddressLookup(47.7337578, -122.1469737, out street, out city, out state, out zip, out country); loc.Street = street; loc.City = city; loc.State = state; loc.Zip = zip; loc.Country = country; start.Year = 2012; start.Month = 6; start.DayNumber = 2; start.Day = "Saturday"; start.Hour = 10; start.AltKey = new DateTime(2012, 6, 2, 10, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Local); end.Year = 2012; end.Month = 6; end.DayNumber = 2; end.Day = "Saturday"; end.Hour = 16; end.AltKey = new DateTime(2012, 6, 2, 16, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Local); activity.ActivityKind = "Calendar"; activity.Source = "Outlook"; activity.SourceId = "0001"; activity.StartDate = new DateTime(2012, 6, 2, 10, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Local); activity.EndDate = new DateTime(2012, 6, 2, 16, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Local); activity.ActivityName = "Jeff and Tami's Wedding"; activity.Latitude = 47.7337578; activity.Longitude = -122.1469737; activity.ActivityId = _myloStore.AddActivity(_userId, activity, start, end,loc); person.Name = "Rebecca Short"; person.PartyId = _myloStore.AddParty(_userId, person); person.PartyKind = "Person"; long paId = _myloStore.AddPartyToActivityByIds(_userId, person, activity); // Setup the event called "Cabo San Lucas Vacation" gpsl.LatLongToAddressLookup(22.890980, -109.916676, out street, out city, out state, out zip, out country); loc.Street = street; loc.City = city; loc.State = state; loc.Zip = zip; loc.Country = country; start.Year = 2012; start.Month = 2; start.DayNumber = 20; start.Day = "Monday"; start.Hour = 10; start.AltKey = new DateTime(2012, 2, 20, 10, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Local); end.Year = 2012; end.Month = 2; end.DayNumber = 26; end.Day = "Sunday"; end.Hour = 18; end.AltKey = new DateTime(2012, 2, 26, 18, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Local); activity.ActivityKind = "Calendar"; activity.Source = "Outlook"; activity.SourceId = "0002"; activity.StartDate = new DateTime(2012, 2, 20, 10, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Local); activity.EndDate = new DateTime(2012, 2, 26, 18, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Local); activity.ActivityName = "Cabo San Lucas Vacation"; activity.Latitude = 22.890980; activity.Longitude = -109.916676; activity.ActivityId = _myloStore.AddActivity(_userId, activity, start, end, loc); person.Name = "Rebecca Short"; person.PartyKind = "Person"; person.PartyId = _myloStore.AddParty(_userId, person); long paId2 = _myloStore.AddPartyToActivityByIds(_userId, person, activity); // Setup the event called "Wine Club and Steven's 50th" gpsl.LatLongToAddressLookup(47.6885173, -122.1321265, out street, out city, out state, out zip, out country); loc.Street = street; loc.City = city; loc.State = state; loc.Zip = zip; loc.Country = country; start.Year = 2012; start.Month = 6; start.DayNumber = 8; start.Day = "Friday"; start.Hour = 19; start.AltKey = new DateTime(2012, 6, 8, 19, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Local); end.Year = 2012; end.Month = 6; end.DayNumber = 8; end.Day = "Friday"; end.Hour = 23; end.AltKey = new DateTime(2012, 6, 8, 23, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Local); activity.ActivityKind = "Calendar"; activity.Source = "Outlook"; activity.SourceId = "0003"; activity.StartDate = new DateTime(2012, 6, 8, 19, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Local); activity.EndDate = new DateTime(2012, 6, 8, 23, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Local); activity.ActivityName = "Wine Club and Steven's 50th"; activity.Latitude = 47.6885173; activity.Longitude = -122.1321265; activity.ActivityId = _myloStore.AddActivity(_userId, activity, start, end, loc); person.Name = "Rebecca Short"; person.PartyKind = "Person"; person.PartyId = _myloStore.AddParty(_userId, person); long paId3 = _myloStore.AddPartyToActivityByIds(_userId, person, activity); // Setup the event called "Maui Vacation" gpsl.LatLongToAddressLookup(20.7180257, -156.4472008, out street, out city, out state, out zip, out country); loc.Street = street; loc.City = city; loc.State = state; loc.Zip = zip; loc.Country = country; start.Year = 2011; start.Month = 12; start.DayNumber = 5; start.Day = "Monday"; start.Hour = 11; start.AltKey = new DateTime(2011, 12, 5, 11, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Local); end.Year = 2011; end.Month = 12; end.DayNumber = 10; end.Day = "Saturday"; end.Hour = 22; end.AltKey = new DateTime(2011, 12, 10, 22, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Local); activity.ActivityKind = "Calendar"; activity.Source = "Outlook"; activity.SourceId = "0004"; activity.StartDate = new DateTime(2011, 12, 5, 11, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Local); activity.EndDate = new DateTime(2011, 12, 10, 22, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Local); activity.ActivityName = "Vacation in Maui"; activity.Latitude = 20.7180257; activity.Longitude = -156.4472008; activity.ActivityId = _myloStore.AddActivity(_userId, activity, start, end, loc); person.Name = "Rebecca Short"; person.PartyKind = "Person"; person.PartyId = _myloStore.AddParty(_userId, person); long paId4 = _myloStore.AddPartyToActivityByIds(_userId, person, activity); // Setup the event called "Mount Haleakela" gpsl.LatLongToAddressLookup(20.709722, -156.253333, out street, out city, out state, out zip, out country); loc.Street = street; loc.City = city; loc.State = state; loc.Zip = zip; loc.Country = country; start.Year = 2011; start.Month = 12; start.DayNumber = 7; start.Day = "Wednesday"; start.Hour = 5; start.AltKey = new DateTime(2011, 12, 7, 5, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Local); end.Year = 2011; end.Month = 12; end.DayNumber = 7; end.Day = "Wednesday"; end.Hour = 14; end.AltKey = new DateTime(2011, 12, 7, 14, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Local); activity.ActivityKind = "Calendar"; activity.Source = "Outlook"; activity.SourceId = "0005"; activity.StartDate = new DateTime(2011, 12, 7, 5, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Local); activity.EndDate = new DateTime(2011, 12, 7, 14, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Local); activity.ActivityName = "Mount Haleakala"; activity.Latitude = 20.709722; activity.Longitude = -156.253333; activity.ActivityId = _myloStore.AddActivity(_userId, activity, start, end, loc); person.Name = "Rebecca Short"; person.PartyKind = "Person"; person.PartyId = _myloStore.AddParty(_userId, person); long paId5 = _myloStore.AddPartyToActivityByIds(_userId, person, activity); // Setup the event called "Florence Vacation" gpsl.LatLongToAddressLookup(43.777417, 11.251117, out street, out city, out state, out zip, out country); loc.Street = street; loc.City = city; loc.State = state; loc.Zip = zip; loc.Country = country; start.Year = 2012; start.Month = 04; start.DayNumber = 21; start.Day = "Saturday"; start.Hour = 12; start.AltKey = new DateTime(2012, 4, 21, 12, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Local); end.Year = 2012; end.Month = 4; end.DayNumber = 25; end.Day = "Wednesday"; end.Hour = 14; end.AltKey = new DateTime(2012, 4, 25, 14, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Local); activity.ActivityKind = "Calendar"; activity.Source = "Outlook"; activity.SourceId = "0006"; activity.StartDate = new DateTime(2012, 4, 21, 12, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Local); activity.EndDate = new DateTime(2012, 4, 25, 14, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Local); activity.ActivityName = "Florence Vacation"; activity.Latitude = 43.777417; activity.Longitude = 11.251117; activity.ActivityId = _myloStore.AddActivity(_userId, activity, start, end, loc); person.Name = "Rebecca Short"; person.PartyKind = "Person"; person.PartyId = _myloStore.AddParty(_userId, person); long paId6 = _myloStore.AddPartyToActivityByIds(_userId, person, activity); // Setup the event called "Italy Vacation" //gpsl.LatLongToAddressLookup(43.777417, 11.251117, out street, out city, out state, out zip, out country); loc.Country = "Italy"; start.Year = 2012; start.Month = 04; start.DayNumber = 21; start.Day = "Saturday"; start.Hour = 12; start.AltKey = new DateTime(2012, 4, 21, 12, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Local); end.Year = 2012; end.Month = 4; end.DayNumber = 28; end.Day = "Saturday"; end.Hour = 18; end.AltKey = new DateTime(2012, 4, 28, 18, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Local); activity.ActivityKind = "Calendar"; activity.Source = "Outlook"; activity.SourceId = "0007"; activity.StartDate = new DateTime(2012, 4, 21, 12, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Local); activity.EndDate = new DateTime(2012, 4, 28, 18, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Local); activity.ActivityName = "Italy Vacation"; activity.Latitude = 0; activity.Longitude = 0; activity.ActivityId = _myloStore.AddActivity(_userId, activity, start, end, loc); person.Name = "Rebecca Short"; person.PartyKind = "Person"; person.PartyId = _myloStore.AddParty(_userId, person); long paId7 = _myloStore.AddPartyToActivityByIds(_userId, person, activity); // Setup the event called "Walla Walla Wine Tasting" //gpsl.LatLongToAddressLookup(43.777417, 11.251117, out street, out city, out state, out zip, out country); loc.Country = "United States"; start.Year = 2012; start.Month = 08; start.DayNumber = 24; start.Day = "Friday"; start.Hour = 10; start.AltKey = new DateTime(2012, 8, 24, 10, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Local); end.Year = 2012; end.Month = 8; end.DayNumber = 26; end.Day = "Sunday"; end.Hour = 18; end.AltKey = new DateTime(2012, 8, 26, 18, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Local); activity.ActivityKind = "Calendar"; activity.Source = "Outlook"; activity.SourceId = "0008"; activity.StartDate = new DateTime(2012, 8, 24, 10, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Local); activity.EndDate = new DateTime(2012, 8, 26, 18, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Local); activity.ActivityName = "Walla Wall Wine Tasting Weekend"; activity.Latitude = 0; activity.Longitude = 0; activity.ActivityId = _myloStore.AddActivity(_userId, activity, start, end, loc); person.Name = "Rebecca Short"; person.PartyKind = "Person"; person.PartyId = _myloStore.AddParty(_userId, person); long paId8 = _myloStore.AddPartyToActivityByIds(_userId, person, activity); }