Esempio n. 1
        void surfaceControl_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
            if (initialized)
                if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Left)
                    if (mapViewport.Width + 1 < surface.Width || mapViewport.Height + 1 < surface.Height)
                        if (onViewChanged != null)
                            // Copy the data so we can check the bounds
                            Point pos = e.Location;
                            // Check bounds
                            if (pos.X < 0) { pos.X = 0; }
                            if (pos.Y < 0) { pos.Y = 0; }
                            if (pos.X + mapViewport.Width > panel.Width) { pos.X = panel.Width - mapViewport.Width - 1; }
                            if (pos.Y + mapViewport.Height > panel.Height) { pos.Y = panel.Height - mapViewport.Height - 1; }

                            // Set the location of the red box
                            mapViewport.Location = pos;

                            // Draw the box
                            surface = mapSurface.CreateScaledSurface(scaleFactor, true);
                            surface.Draw(mapViewport, Color.Red);

                            if (onViewChanged != null)
                                // Invoke the event
                                ViewportEventArgs ea = new ViewportEventArgs(new Rectangle(Convert.ToInt32(e.X / scaleFactor), Convert.ToInt32(e.Y / scaleFactor), Convert.ToInt32(mapViewport.Width / scaleFactor), Convert.ToInt32(mapViewport.Height / scaleFactor)));
                                onViewChanged.Invoke(this, ea);
Esempio n. 2
 public void MapViewportChange(object sender, ViewportEventArgs e)
     ViewportChanged(e.Rectangle, e.Surface);
Esempio n. 3
 public void MapOpen(object sender, ViewportEventArgs e)
     Initialize(e.Surface.Rectangle, e.Rectangle, e.Surface);
Esempio n. 4
 private void infoForm_onViewChanged(object sender, ViewportEventArgs e)
     ActiveMdiChild.AutoScrollPosition = e.Rectangle.Location;
Esempio n. 5
 private void MapForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (onOpen != null)
         ViewportEventArgs ea = new ViewportEventArgs(this.mapSurface.Rectangle, this.mapSurface);
         onOpen.Invoke(this, ea);
Esempio n. 6
 public void InvokeViewChange()
     if (mapViewportChange != null)
         ViewportEventArgs ea = new ViewportEventArgs(new Rectangle(-this.DisplayRectangle.X, -this.DisplayRectangle.Y, this.Width, this.Height), this.mapSurface);
         mapViewportChange.Invoke(this, ea);