Esempio n. 1
        internal static void SetSqlParameters(this DbContext context, DbCommand command)
            foreach (DbParameter param in command.Parameters)
                //  Item1 = Filter Name
                //  Item2 = Parameter/Column Name
                var filterNameAndParam = DynamicFilterDefinition.GetFilterAndParamFromDBParameter(param.ParameterName);
                if (filterNameAndParam == null)
                    continue;       //  Not dynamic filter param
                object value = context.GetFilterParameterValue(filterNameAndParam.Item1, filterNameAndParam.Item2);

                //  If not found, set to DBNull.  It should already be set to that, but it's not in Postgre and we get
                //  errors if we don't do that now.
                if (value == null)
                    param.Value = DBNull.Value;
                    //  Check to see if it's a collection.  If so, this is an "In" parameter
                    var valueType = value.GetType();
                    if (valueType.IsGenericType && typeof(IEnumerable).IsAssignableFrom(valueType))
                        //  Generic collection.  The EF query created for this collection was an '=' condition.
                        //  We need to convert this into an 'in' clause so that we can dynamically set the
                        //  values in the collection.
                        SetParameterList(value as IEnumerable, param, command, IsOracle(context));
                        context.Database.Log(string.Format("Manually replaced single parameter value with list, new SQL=\r\n{0}", command.CommandText));
                        param.Value = value;