Esempio n. 1
 public void ResetGame() // reset chess game
     History             = new History();
     currentState        = gameState.Normal;
     turn                = true;
     selectedpiece       = null;
     alreadySelected     = false;
     PossiblePieceToTake = new List <PictureBox>();
     PvE          = false;
     PvP          = false;
     AIColor      = false;
     AIComplexity = 2;
     board        = new PictureBox[8][];
     for (int i = 0; i < board.Length; i++)
         board[i] = new PictureBox[8];
     board[0][0] = br1; board[0][1] = bkn1; board[0][2] = bb1; board[0][3] = bq; board[0][4] = bk; board[0][5] = bb2; board[0][6] = bkn2; board[0][7] = br2;
     board[1][0] = bp1; board[1][1] = bp2; board[1][2] = bp3; board[1][3] = bp4; board[1][4] = bp5; board[1][5] = bp6; board[1][6] = bp7; board[1][7] = bp8;
     board[7][0] = wr1; board[7][1] = wkn1; board[7][2] = wb1; board[7][3] = wq; board[7][4] = wk; board[7][5] = wb2; board[7][6] = wkn2; board[7][7] = wr2;
     board[6][0] = wp1; board[6][1] = wp2; board[6][2] = wp3; board[6][3] = wp4; board[6][4] = wp5; board[6][5] = wp6; board[6][6] = wp7; board[6][7] = wp8;
     for (int y = 0; y < board.Length; y++)
         if ((y >= 0 && y <= 1) || y >= 6)
             for (int x = 0; x < board.Length; x++)
                 board[y][x].Visible = true;
                 PieceDetails.movePiece(y, x, board[y][x]);
Esempio n. 2
        private bool IsValidMove(pieceName sourcePieceType, int destinationY, int destinationX) // determine if the piece is able to move to its target square
            int sourceY = PieceDetails.FindCoordinate(selectedpiece.Location.Y);
            int sourceX = PieceDetails.FindCoordinate(selectedpiece.Location.X);

            switch (sourcePieceType)
            case pieceName.Pawn:
                Pawn pawn = new Pawn(board, sourceY, sourceX, destinationY, destinationX, History, turn);

            case pieceName.Rook:
                Rook rook = new Rook(board, sourceY, sourceX, destinationY, destinationX, History, turn);

            case pieceName.Knight:
                Knight knight = new Knight(board, sourceY, sourceX, destinationY, destinationX, History, turn);

            case pieceName.Bishop:
                Bishop bishop = new Bishop(board, sourceY, sourceX, destinationY, destinationX, History, turn);

            case pieceName.Queen:
                Queen queen = new Queen(board, sourceY, sourceX, destinationY, destinationX, History, turn);

                King king = new King(board, sourceY, sourceX, destinationY, destinationX, History, turn);
Esempio n. 3
 public override bool Move(PictureBox[][] board)                 // move pawn
     if ((turn && diffY == -1) || (!turn && diffY == 1))         // pawn can only move forward and not backwards
         if (destination != null && (diffX == 1 || diffX == -1)) // if moving diagonally pawn must not land on an empty square
             if (GameState(board))                               // determine if piece can be moved without their king being checked
                 destination.Visible = false;
                 return(PieceDetails.movePiece(destinationY, destinationX, source));
         else if (destination == null && sourceX == destinationX) // if moving forward but only one square forward
             if (GameState(board))                                // determine if piece can be moved without their king being checked
                 return(PieceDetails.movePiece(destinationY, destinationX, source));
     else if (destination == null && sourceX == destinationX && ((turn && diffY == -2 && board[sourceY - 1][sourceX] == null && sourceY == 6) || (!turn && diffY == 2 && board[sourceY + 1][sourceX] == null && sourceY == 1)))
         // moving pawn forward two blocks must land on an empty square and must not be moved before
         if (GameState(board)) // determine if piece can be moved without their king being checked
             return(PieceDetails.movePiece(destinationY, destinationX, source));
Esempio n. 4
 private bool QueenCheck(PictureBox[][] board, int y, int x, int targetY, int targetX)
     bool[] pieceDirection = new bool[8]; // this array represents north, east, south, west, northeast, southeast, southwest, northwest and will reduce the processing time
     for (int i = 1; i < 8; i++)
         // queen cannot move anymore as it is either out of bound or there is another piece blocking it from its target
         if (PieceDetails.checkedAllDirections(pieceDirection))
         for (int j = 0; j < PieceDetails.QueenDirection.Length; j++)
             if (pieceDirection[j])
             int Y = y + i * PieceDetails.QueenDirection[j][0];
             int X = x + i * PieceDetails.QueenDirection[j][1];
             if (Y == targetY && X == targetX)
             else if (Y < 0 || Y > 7 || X < 0 || X > 7 || board[Y][X] != null) // queen cannot move anymore in this direction as it is either out of bound or there is another piece blocking it from its target
                 pieceDirection[j] = true;
Esempio n. 5
        private void TestStaleMate() // Move white queen to E3 to perform stalemate (Used for testing purposes)
            PvP         = true;
            br1.Visible = false; bkn1.Visible = false; bb1.Visible = false; bq.Visible = false; bk.Visible = false; bb2.Visible = false; bkn2.Visible = false; br2.Visible = false;
            bp1.Visible = false; bp2.Visible = false; bp3.Visible = false; bp4.Visible = false; bp5.Visible = false; bp6.Visible = false; bp7.Visible = false; bp8.Visible = false;
            wr1.Visible = false; wkn1.Visible = false; wb1.Visible = false; wq.Visible = false; wk.Visible = false; wb2.Visible = false; wkn2.Visible = false; wr2.Visible = false;
            wp1.Visible = false; wp2.Visible = false; wp3.Visible = false; wp4.Visible = false; wp5.Visible = false; wp6.Visible = false; wp7.Visible = false; wp8.Visible = false;

            board = new PictureBox[8][];
            for (int i = 0; i < board.Length; i++)
                board[i] = new PictureBox[8];
            board[0][2] = wq; board[0][5] = bb1; board[0][6] = bkn1; board[0][7] = br1; board[1][4] = bp1; board[1][6] = bp2; board[1][7] = bq; board[2][5] = bp3;
            board[2][6] = bk; board[2][7] = br2; board[3][7] = bp4; board[7][0] = wk; board[6][0] = wp1; board[6][1] = wp2; board[7][2] = wr1; board[4][7] = wp3;
            for (int y = 0; y < board.Length; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < board[y].Length; x++)
                    if (board[y][x] != null)
                        board[y][x].Visible = true;
                        PieceDetails.movePiece(y, x, board[y][x]);
Esempio n. 6
 private void BishopCheck(PictureBox[][] board, int y, int x, Dictionary <int, HashSet <int> > targets) // bishop check king
     bool[] pieceDirection = new bool[4];                                                               // this array represents northeast, southeast, southwest, northwest and will reduce the processing time
     for (int i = 1; i < 8; i++)
         // bishop cannot move anymore as it is either out of bound or there is another piece blocking it from its target
         if (PieceDetails.checkedAllDirections(pieceDirection))
         for (int j = 0; j < PieceDetails.BishopDirection.Length; j++)
             if (pieceDirection[j])
             int Y = y + i * PieceDetails.BishopDirection[j][0];
             int X = x + i * PieceDetails.BishopDirection[j][1];
             if (targets.ContainsKey(Y) && targets[Y].Contains(X))
                 RemoveTarget(Y, X, targets);
             if (Y < 0 || Y > 7 || X < 0 || X > 7 || board[Y][X] != null) // bishop cannot move anymore in this direction as it is either out of bound or there is another piece blocking it from its target
                 pieceDirection[j] = true;
Esempio n. 7
 private bool QueenBlock(PictureBox[][] board, int y, int x, Dictionary <int, HashSet <int> > targets)
     bool[] pieceDirection = new bool[8]; // this array represents north, east, south, west, northeast, southeast, southwest, northwest and will reduce the processing time
     for (int i = 1; i <= 7; i++)
         // queen cannot move anymore as it is either out of bound or there is another piece blocking it from its target
         if (PieceDetails.checkedAllDirections(pieceDirection))
         for (int j = 0; j < PieceDetails.QueenDirection.Length; j++)
             if (pieceDirection[j])
             int Y = y + i * PieceDetails.QueenDirection[j][0];
             int X = x + i * PieceDetails.QueenDirection[j][1];
             if (targets.ContainsKey(Y) && targets[Y].Contains(X)) // determine if queen can block the piece checking the king
             else if (Y < 0 || Y > 7 || X < 0 || X > 7 || board[Y][X] != null) // queen cannot move anymore in this direction as it is either out of bound or there is another piece blocking it from its target
                 pieceDirection[j] = true;
Esempio n. 8
 public bool PawnMove(PictureBox[][] board, int y, int x, bool turn, int targetY, int targetX) // pawn move
     if (turn)
         // if white pawn can move one square forward (does not need to check if it can two squares forward as we just need to find if it can move without being checked)
         if (y - 1 >= 0)
             if (board[y - 1][x] == null)                                                         // white pawn move forward one square and must be null
                 if (IsMovable.IsAbleToMovePiece(board, y, x, y - 1, x, !turn, targetY, targetX)) // determine if white pawn can move without being checked
             if (x - 1 >= 0 && board[y - 1][x - 1] != null && !PieceDetails.IsPieceBlackorWhite(board[y - 1][x - 1].Name)) // white pawn eat another piece at north-west
                 if (IsMovable.IsAbleToMovePiece(board, y, x, y - 1, x - 1, !turn, targetY, targetX))
             if (x + 1 < 8 && board[y - 1][x + 1] != null && !PieceDetails.IsPieceBlackorWhite(board[y - 1][x + 1].Name)) // white pawn eat another piece at north-east
                 if (IsMovable.IsAbleToMovePiece(board, y, x, y - 1, x + 1, !turn, targetY, targetX))
     else if (!turn)
         // if black pawn can move one square forward (does not need to check if it can two squares forward as we just need to find if it can move without being checked)
         if (y + 1 < 8)
             if (board[y + 1][x] == null)                                                         // black pawn move forward one square and must be null
                 if (IsMovable.IsAbleToMovePiece(board, y, x, y + 1, x, !turn, targetY, targetX)) // determine if white pawn can move without being checked
             else if (x - 1 >= 0 && board[y + 1][x - 1] != null && PieceDetails.IsPieceBlackorWhite(board[y + 1][x - 1].Name)) // black pawn eat another piece at south-west
                 if (IsMovable.IsAbleToMovePiece(board, y, x, y + 1, x - 1, !turn, targetY, targetX))
             else if (x + 1 < 8 && board[y + 1][x + 1] != null && PieceDetails.IsPieceBlackorWhite(board[y + 1][x + 1].Name)) // black pawn eat another piece at south-west
                 if (IsMovable.IsAbleToMovePiece(board, y, x, y + 1, x + 1, !turn, targetY, targetX))
Esempio n. 9
        private bool MovePiece(PictureBox destination) // moving a piece to eat another piece
            pieceName sourcePieceType = turn ? PieceDetails.selectedWhitePiece(selectedpiece.Name) : PieceDetails.selectedBlackPiece(selectedpiece.Name);
            int       destinationY    = PieceDetails.FindCoordinate(destination.Location.Y);
            int       destinationX    = PieceDetails.FindCoordinate(destination.Location.X);

            return(IsValidMove(sourcePieceType, destinationY, destinationX));
Esempio n. 10
 // determine if move been made by the AI is illegal or not
 private bool IsValidMove(PictureBox[][] board, bool turn)
     if (movesCount == 0)
         Check check     = new Check();
         int[] kingCoord = PieceDetails.FindKing(board, turn);
         if (check.IsChecked(board, kingCoord[0], kingCoord[1], !turn)) // determine if this is an illegal move by check
Esempio n. 11
 private void redo()
     History      = History.Next;
     currentState = History.State;
     turn         = !History.Turn;
     board[History.DestinationY][History.DestinationX] = History.Source;
     PieceDetails.movePiece(History.DestinationY, History.DestinationX, History.Source);
     board[History.SourceY][History.SourceX] = null;
     if (History.Destination != null)
         History.Destination.Visible = false;
Esempio n. 12
        override public bool Move(PictureBox[][] board) // move king - can only move one block in each direction
            double diffYX = diffX != 0 ? ((double)diffY / (double)diffX) : 0;

            if (diffY == 0)                    // moving east or west
                if (diffX != -1 && diffX != 1) // if king can't move east or west than the it is an invalid move
            else if (diffX == 0)               // moving north or south
                if (diffY != -1 && diffY != 1) // if king can't move north or south than the it is an invalid move
            else if (diffYX == 1)                                                 // move south-east or north-west
                if (!(diffY == 1 && diffX == 1) && !(diffY == -1 && diffX == -1)) // if king can't move south-east or north-westthan the it is an invalid move
            else if (diffYX == -1)                                                // move north-east or south-west
                if (!(diffY == -1 && diffX == 1) && !(diffY == 1 && diffX == -1)) // if king can't move north-east or south-west than the it is an invalid move

            if (GameState(board))        // determine if piece can be moved without their king being checked
                if (destination != null) // if piece is eatting another piece
                    destination.Visible = false;
                    return(PieceDetails.movePiece(destinationY, destinationX, source));
                else // if piece is moving to an empty square
                    return(PieceDetails.movePiece(destinationY, destinationX, source));
 private void PawnPossibleMoves(int Y, int X, PictureBox[][] board, List <PictureBox> PossiblePieceToTake, bool turn, ChessBoard.pieceName sourcePieceType)
     if (turn)
         if (Y - 1 >= 0)
             if (board[Y - 1][X] == null)
                 gObject.FillRectangle(brush, PieceDetails.ToCoordinate(X), PieceDetails.ToCoordinate(Y - 1), sizeOfBox, sizeOfBox);
             if (X - 1 >= 0 && board[Y - 1][X - 1] != null && !PieceDetails.IsPieceBlackorWhite(board[Y - 1][X - 1].Name))
                 PossiblePieceToTake.Add(board[Y - 1][X - 1]);
                 board[Y - 1][X - 1].BackColor = backcolor;
             if (X + 1 < 8 && board[Y - 1][X + 1] != null && !PieceDetails.IsPieceBlackorWhite(board[Y - 1][X + 1].Name))
                 PossiblePieceToTake.Add(board[Y - 1][X + 1]);
                 board[Y - 1][X + 1].BackColor = backcolor;
         if (Y == 6 && Y - 2 >= 0 && board[Y - 2][X] == null && board[Y - 1][X] == null)
             gObject.FillRectangle(brush, PieceDetails.ToCoordinate(X), PieceDetails.ToCoordinate(Y - 2), sizeOfBox, sizeOfBox);
         if (Y + 1 < 8)
             if (board[Y + 1][X] == null)
                 gObject.FillRectangle(brush, PieceDetails.ToCoordinate(X), PieceDetails.ToCoordinate(Y + 1), sizeOfBox, sizeOfBox);
             if (X - 1 >= 0 && board[Y + 1][X - 1] != null && PieceDetails.IsPieceBlackorWhite(board[Y + 1][X - 1].Name))
                 PossiblePieceToTake.Add(board[Y + 1][X - 1]);
                 board[Y + 1][X - 1].BackColor = backcolor;
             if (X + 1 < 8 && board[Y + 1][X + 1] != null && PieceDetails.IsPieceBlackorWhite(board[Y + 1][X + 1].Name))
                 PossiblePieceToTake.Add(board[Y + 1][X + 1]);
                 board[Y + 1][X + 1].BackColor = backcolor;
         if (Y == 1 && Y + 2 < 8 && board[Y + 2][X] == null && board[Y + 1][X] == null)
             gObject.FillRectangle(brush, PieceDetails.ToCoordinate(X), PieceDetails.ToCoordinate(Y + 2), sizeOfBox, sizeOfBox);
Esempio n. 14
 private void PawnSquaresTaken(int Y, int X, PictureBox[][] board, bool turn)
     if (turn)
         if (Y - 1 >= 0)
             if (board[Y - 1][X] == null)
             if (X - 1 >= 0 && board[Y - 1][X - 1] != null && !PieceDetails.IsPieceBlackorWhite(board[Y - 1][X - 1].Name))
             if (X + 1 < 8 && board[Y - 1][X + 1] != null && !PieceDetails.IsPieceBlackorWhite(board[Y - 1][X + 1].Name))
         if (Y == 6 && Y - 2 >= 0 && board[Y - 2][X] == null && board[Y - 1][X] == null)
         if (Y + 1 < 8)
             if (board[Y + 1][X] == null)
             if (X - 1 >= 0 && board[Y + 1][X - 1] != null && PieceDetails.IsPieceBlackorWhite(board[Y + 1][X - 1].Name))
             if (X + 1 < 8 && board[Y + 1][X + 1] != null && PieceDetails.IsPieceBlackorWhite(board[Y + 1][X + 1].Name))
         if (Y == 1 && Y + 2 < 8 && board[Y + 2][X] == null && board[Y + 1][X] == null)
Esempio n. 15
 private void KnightSquaresTaken(int Y, int X, PictureBox[][] board, bool turn)
     foreach (int[] dir in PieceDetails.KnightDirection)
         if ((dir[0] < 0 ? Y + dir[0] >= 0 : Y + dir[0] < 8) && (dir[1] < 0 ? X + dir[1] >= 0 : X + dir[1] < 8))
             if (board[Y + dir[0]][X + dir[1]] == null)
             else if ((turn && !PieceDetails.IsPieceBlackorWhite(board[Y + dir[0]][X + dir[1]].Name)) || (!turn && PieceDetails.IsPieceBlackorWhite(board[Y + dir[0]][X + dir[1]].Name)))
 private void KnightPossibleMoves(int Y, int X, PictureBox[][] board, List <PictureBox> PossiblePieceToTake, bool turn, ChessBoard.pieceName sourcePieceType)
     foreach (int[] dir in PieceDetails.KnightDirection)
         if ((dir[0] < 0 ? Y + dir[0] >= 0 : Y + dir[0] < 8) && (dir[1] < 0 ? X + dir[1] >= 0 : X + dir[1] < 8))
             if (board[Y + dir[0]][X + dir[1]] == null)
                 gObject.FillRectangle(brush, PieceDetails.ToCoordinate(X + dir[1]), PieceDetails.ToCoordinate(Y + dir[0]), sizeOfBox, sizeOfBox);
             else if ((turn && !PieceDetails.IsPieceBlackorWhite(board[Y + dir[0]][X + dir[1]].Name)) || (!turn && PieceDetails.IsPieceBlackorWhite(board[Y + dir[0]][X + dir[1]].Name)))
                 gObject.FillRectangle(brush, PieceDetails.ToCoordinate(X + dir[1]), PieceDetails.ToCoordinate(Y + dir[0]), sizeOfBox, sizeOfBox);
                 PossiblePieceToTake.Add(board[Y + dir[0]][X + dir[1]]);
                 board[Y + dir[0]][X + dir[1]].BackColor = backcolor;
Esempio n. 17
        public int CaptureCount(PictureBox[][] board)
            for (int i = 0; i < board.Length; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < board[i].Length; j++)
                    if (board[i][j] == null)
                    bool turn = PieceDetails.IsPieceBlackorWhite(board[i][j].Name);
                    ChessBoard.pieceName selected = PieceDetails.selectedPiece(board[i][j].Name);
                    switch (selected)
                    case ChessBoard.pieceName.Pawn:
                        PawnSquaresTaken(i, j, board, turn);

                    case ChessBoard.pieceName.Rook:
                        RookSquaresTaken(i, j, board, turn);

                    case ChessBoard.pieceName.Knight:
                        KnightSquaresTaken(i, j, board, turn);

                    case ChessBoard.pieceName.Bishop:
                        BishopSquaresTaken(i, j, board, turn);

                    case ChessBoard.pieceName.Queen:
                        QueenSquaresTaken(i, j, board, turn);

                        KingSquaresTaken(i, j, board, turn);
Esempio n. 18
 public bool KnightMove(PictureBox[][] board, int y, int x, bool turn, int targetY, int targetX) // knight move
     foreach (int[] dir in PieceDetails.KnightDirection)
         int Y = y + dir[0];
         int X = x + dir[1];
         if (Y < 0 || X < 0 || Y > 7 || X > 7)
             continue;                                   // knight cannot move out of bounds
         if (board[Y][X] == null || (turn && !PieceDetails.IsPieceBlackorWhite(board[Y][X].Name)) || (!turn && PieceDetails.IsPieceBlackorWhite(board[Y][X].Name)))
             if (IsMovable.IsAbleToMovePiece(board, y, x, Y, X, !turn, targetY, targetX)) // determine if knight can move without being checked
Esempio n. 19
 private void KingSquaresTaken(int Y, int X, PictureBox[][] board, bool turn)
     for (int i = -1; i <= 1; i++)
         for (int j = -1; j <= 1; j++)
             if ((i == 0 && j == 0) || Y + i >= 8 || Y + i < 0 || X + j >= 8 || X + j < 0)
             if (board[Y + i][X + j] == null)
             else if ((turn && !PieceDetails.IsPieceBlackorWhite(board[Y + i][X + j].Name)) || (!turn && PieceDetails.IsPieceBlackorWhite(board[Y + i][X + j].Name)))
Esempio n. 20
 private void undo()
     if (History.Prev != null) // the current game state should be represented two turns before
         currentState = History.Prev.State;
         currentState = gameState.Normal;
     turn = History.Turn;
     board[History.SourceY][History.SourceX] = History.Source;
     PieceDetails.movePiece(History.SourceY, History.SourceX, History.Source);
     board[History.DestinationY][History.DestinationX] = History.Destination;
     if (History.Destination != null) // if destination was null than the picturebox object does not need to be modified
         PieceDetails.movePiece(History.DestinationY, History.DestinationX, History.Destination);
         History.Destination.Visible = true;
     History = History.Prev; // go to previous History object
Esempio n. 21
 public bool RookMove(PictureBox[][] board, int y, int x, bool turn, int targetY, int targetX) // rook move
     for (int i = 0; i < PieceDetails.RookDirection.Length; i++)                               // looks at each directions rook can travel: north, east, south, west
         // only one square for each direction needs to be checked as it only needs to determine rook can be moved
         int Y = y + 1 * PieceDetails.RookDirection[i][0];
         int X = x + 1 * PieceDetails.RookDirection[i][1];
         if (Y < 0 || Y > 7 || X < 0 || X > 7)
         if (board[Y][X] == null || (turn && !PieceDetails.IsPieceBlackorWhite(board[Y][X].Name)) || (!turn && PieceDetails.IsPieceBlackorWhite(board[Y][X].Name)))
             if (IsMovable.IsAbleToMovePiece(board, y, x, Y, X, !turn, targetY, targetX)) // determine if rook can move without being checked
 private void BishopPossibleMoves(int y, int x, PictureBox[][] board, List <PictureBox> PossiblePieceToTake, bool turn, ChessBoard.pieceName sourcePieceType)
     bool[] pieceDirection = new bool[4]; // this array represents northeast, southeast, southwest, northwest and will reduce the processing time
     for (int i = 1; i < 8; i++)
         // bishop cannot move anymore as it is either out of bound or there is another piece blocking it from its target
         if (PieceDetails.checkedAllDirections(pieceDirection))
         for (int j = 0; j < PieceDetails.BishopDirection.Length; j++)
             if (pieceDirection[j])
             int Y = y + i * PieceDetails.BishopDirection[j][0];
             int X = x + i * PieceDetails.BishopDirection[j][1];
             if (Y < 0 || Y > 7 || X < 0 || X > 7)
                 pieceDirection[j] = true;
             else if (board[Y][X] == null)
                 gObject.FillRectangle(brush, PieceDetails.ToCoordinate(X), PieceDetails.ToCoordinate(Y), sizeOfBox, sizeOfBox);
             else if ((turn && !PieceDetails.IsPieceBlackorWhite(board[Y][X].Name)) || (!turn && PieceDetails.IsPieceBlackorWhite(board[Y][X].Name)))
                 board[Y][X].BackColor = backcolor;
                 pieceDirection[j]     = true;
                 pieceDirection[j] = true;
 private void KingPossibleMoves(int Y, int X, PictureBox[][] board, List <PictureBox> PossiblePieceToTake, bool turn, ChessBoard.pieceName sourcePieceType)
     for (int i = -1; i <= 1; i++)
         for (int j = -1; j <= 1; j++)
             if ((i == 0 && j == 0) || Y + i >= 8 || Y + i < 0 || X + j >= 8 || X + j < 0)
             if (board[Y + i][X + j] == null)
                 gObject.FillRectangle(brush, PieceDetails.ToCoordinate(X + j), PieceDetails.ToCoordinate(Y + i), sizeOfBox, sizeOfBox);
             else if ((turn && !PieceDetails.IsPieceBlackorWhite(board[Y + i][X + j].Name)) || (!turn && PieceDetails.IsPieceBlackorWhite(board[Y + i][X + j].Name)))
                 PossiblePieceToTake.Add(board[Y + i][X + j]);
                 board[Y + i][X + j].BackColor = backcolor;
Esempio n. 24
 private void RookSquaresTaken(int y, int x, PictureBox[][] board, bool turn)
     bool[] pieceDirection = new bool[4]; // this array represents north, east, south, west and will reduce the processing time
     for (int i = 1; i < 8; i++)
         // rook cannot move anymore as it is either out of bound or there is another piece blocking it from its target
         if (PieceDetails.checkedAllDirections(pieceDirection))
         for (int j = 0; j < PieceDetails.RookDirection.Length; j++)
             if (pieceDirection[j])
             int Y = y + i * PieceDetails.RookDirection[j][0];
             int X = x + i * PieceDetails.RookDirection[j][1];
             if (Y < 0 || Y > 7 || X < 0 || X > 7)
                 pieceDirection[j] = true;
             else if (board[Y][X] == null)
             else if ((turn && !PieceDetails.IsPieceBlackorWhite(board[Y][X].Name)) || (!turn && PieceDetails.IsPieceBlackorWhite(board[Y][X].Name)))
                 pieceDirection[j] = true;
                 pieceDirection[j] = true;
Esempio n. 25
        protected bool GameState(PictureBox[][] board) // determine the game state whether its check, checkmate, stalemate or normal
            Check check = new Check();

            board[sourceY][sourceX]           = null;
            board[destinationY][destinationX] = source;
            int[] kingCoord = PieceDetails.FindKing(board, turn);

            if (check.IsChecked(board, kingCoord[0], kingCoord[1], !turn)) // determine if this is an illegal move by check
                board[sourceY][sourceX]           = source;
                board[destinationY][destinationX] = destination;
                CurrentStatus        status = new CurrentStatus();
                ChessBoard.gameState state  = status.TurnResult(board, turn);

                if (state == ChessBoard.gameState.Check)
                else if (state == ChessBoard.gameState.Checkmate)
                else if (state == ChessBoard.gameState.Stalemate)
Esempio n. 26
 public override bool Move(PictureBox[][] board)         // move knight
     foreach (int[] dir in PieceDetails.KnightDirection) // loop through all directions knight can make
         if (diffY == dir[0] && diffX == dir[1])
             if (GameState(board))        // determine if piece can be moved without their king being checked
                 if (destination != null) // if piece is eatting another piece
                     destination.Visible = false;
                     return(PieceDetails.movePiece(destinationY, destinationX, source));
                 else // if piece is moving to an empty square
                     return(PieceDetails.movePiece(destinationY, destinationX, source));
Esempio n. 27
 private void board_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) // when selected piece move to empty square
     if (currentState != gameState.Checkmate && currentState != gameState.Stalemate && (PvP || PvE))
         if (alreadySelected)
             Point position = Cursor.Position;
             position = panel.PointToClient(position);
             int destinationY = PieceDetails.FindCoordinate(position.Y);
             int destinationX = PieceDetails.FindCoordinate(position.X);
             if (MovePiece(destinationY, destinationX))
                 MessageBox.Show("Invalid Move, please try again.");
Esempio n. 28
        private void TestAICheckmate() // Move white queen to E3 to perform stalemate (Used for testing purposes)
            PvE = true;
            for (int i = 0; i < board.Length; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < board[i].Length; j++)
                    if (board[i][j] == null)
                    board[i][j].Visible = false;

            board = new PictureBox[8][];
            for (int i = 0; i < board.Length; i++)
                board[i] = new PictureBox[8];
            board[0][0] = br1; board[0][2] = bb1; board[0][4] = bq; board[0][6] = br2; board[1][0] = bp1; board[1][1] = bp2; board[1][2] = bp3; board[1][3] = bp4; board[1][7] = bp5;
            board[2][4] = bp6; board[2][6] = bk;
            board[7][5] = wq; board[3][4] = wp1; board[3][6] = wb1; board[5][2] = wp2; board[5][7] = wp3; board[6][0] = wp4; board[6][6] = wp5; board[7][0] = wr1; board[7][4] = wk;
            board[7][7] = wr2;
            for (int y = 0; y < board.Length; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < board[y].Length; x++)
                    if (board[y][x] != null)
                        board[y][x].Visible = true;
                        PieceDetails.movePiece(y, x, board[y][x]);
Esempio n. 29
 private void clickWhite(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (currentState != gameState.Checkmate && currentState != gameState.Stalemate && (PvP || PvE))
         if (alreadySelected && !turn) // when black piece eats white black piece
             if (MovePiece((PictureBox)sender))
                 selectedpiece.BackColor = Color.Transparent;
                 foreach (PictureBox p in PossiblePieceToTake)
                     p.BackColor = Color.Transparent;
                 PossiblePieceToTake = new List <PictureBox>();
                 MessageBox.Show("Invalid Move, please try again.");
         else if (turn && selectedpiece != (PictureBox)sender) // selecting white piece
             selectedpiece           = (PictureBox)sender;
             selectedpiece.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(220, 13, 86, 212);
             alreadySelected         = true;
             pieceName            sourcePieceType = PieceDetails.selectedWhitePiece(selectedpiece.Name);
             int                  Y   = PieceDetails.FindCoordinate(selectedpiece.Location.Y);
             int                  X   = PieceDetails.FindCoordinate(selectedpiece.Location.X);
             DisplayPossibleMoves dpm = new DisplayPossibleMoves(panel.CreateGraphics(), Color.FromArgb(125, 48, 118, 240));
             dpm.DisplayMoves(Y, X, board, PossiblePieceToTake, turn, sourcePieceType);
Esempio n. 30
 private void AIMove() // determine how the AI will move and swap back to players turn after AI makes its move
     if (PvE && (currentState == gameState.Normal || currentState == gameState.Check) && ((turn && AIColor) || (!turn && !AIColor)))
         int      currentBoardState = 0;
         AIResult aiResult          = new AIResult();
         AI       ai = new AI(0);
         for (int y = 0; y < board.Length; y++)
             for (int x = 0; x < board[y].Length; x++)
                 if (board[y][x] == null)
                 if (PieceDetails.IsPieceBlackorWhite(board[y][x].Name))
                     currentBoardState += ai.PieceValue(PieceDetails.selectedPiece(board[y][x].Name));
                     currentBoardState -= ai.PieceValue(PieceDetails.selectedPiece(board[y][x].Name));
         ai.MiniMax(board, turn, AIComplexity, currentBoardState, aiResult);
         selectedpiece = board[aiResult.SourceY][aiResult.SourceX];
         if (!IsValidMove(PieceDetails.selectedPiece(board[aiResult.SourceY][aiResult.SourceX].Name), aiResult.DestinationY, aiResult.DestinationX))
             MessageBox.Show("AI ERROR");