/// <summary>
        /// Initialize the DatasetEx by loading the training and testing data sources into memory.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ds">Specifies the dataset to load.</param>
        /// <param name="rgAbort">Specifies a set of wait handles used to cancel the load.</param>
        /// <param name="nPadW">Optionally, specifies a pad to apply to the width of each item (default = 0).</param>
        /// <param name="nPadH">Optionally, specifies a pad to apply to the height of each item (default = 0).</param>
        /// <param name="log">Optionally, specifies an external Log to output status (default = null).</param>
        /// <param name="loadMethod">Optionally, specifies the load method to use (default = LOAD_ALL).</param>
        /// <param name="nImageDbLoadLimit">Optionally, specifies the load limit (default = 0).</param>
        /// <param name="bSkipMeanCheck">Optionally, specifies to skip the mean check (default = false).</param>
        /// <returns>Upon loading the dataset <i>true</i> is returned, otherwise on failure or abort <i>false</i> is returned.</returns>
        public bool Initialize(DatasetDescriptor ds, WaitHandle[] rgAbort, int nPadW = 0, int nPadH = 0, Log log = null, IMAGEDB_LOAD_METHOD loadMethod = IMAGEDB_LOAD_METHOD.LOAD_ALL, int nImageDbLoadLimit = 0, bool bSkipMeanCheck = false)
            lock (m_syncObj)
                if (loadMethod != IMAGEDB_LOAD_METHOD.LOAD_ALL && nImageDbLoadLimit > 0)
                    throw new Exception("Currently the load-limit only works with the LOAD_ALLL image loading method.");

                SimpleDatum imgMean = null;

                if (ds != null)
                    m_ds = ds;

                if (m_ds.TrainingSource.ImageWidth == -1 || m_ds.TrainingSource.ImageHeight == -1)
                    log.WriteLine("WARNING: Cannot create a mean image for data sources that contain variable sized images.  The mean check will be skipped.");
                    bSkipMeanCheck = true;

                m_TrainingImages = loadImageset("Training", m_ds.TrainingSource, rgAbort, ref imgMean, out m_nLastTrainingImageIdx, nPadW, nPadH, log, loadMethod, nImageDbLoadLimit, m_nLastTrainingImageIdx, (ds == null) ? true : false, bSkipMeanCheck);
                if (m_nLastTrainingImageIdx >= m_ds.TrainingSource.ImageCount)
                    m_nLastTrainingImageIdx = 0;

                if (EventWaitHandle.WaitAny(rgAbort, 0) != EventWaitHandle.WaitTimeout)

                m_TestingImages = loadImageset("Testing", m_ds.TestingSource, rgAbort, ref imgMean, out m_nLastTestingImageIdx, nPadW, nPadH, log, loadMethod, nImageDbLoadLimit, m_nLastTestingImageIdx, (ds == null) ? true : false, bSkipMeanCheck);
                if (m_nLastTestingImageIdx >= m_ds.TestingSource.ImageCount)
                    m_nLastTestingImageIdx = 0;

                if (EventWaitHandle.WaitAny(rgAbort, 0) != EventWaitHandle.WaitTimeout)

Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Initialize the DatasetEx by loading the training and testing data sources into memory.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ds">Specifies the dataset to load.</param>
        /// <param name="rgAbort">Specifies a set of wait handles used to cancel the load.</param>
        /// <param name="nPadW">Optionally, specifies a pad to apply to the width of each item (default = 0).</param>
        /// <param name="nPadH">Optionally, specifies a pad to apply to the height of each item (default = 0).</param>
        /// <param name="log">Optionally, specifies an external Log to output status (default = null).</param>
        /// <param name="loadMethod">Optionally, specifies the load method to use (default = LOAD_ALL).</param>
        /// <param name="nImageDbLoadLimit">Optionally, specifies the load limit (default = 0).</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool Initialize(DatasetDescriptor ds, WaitHandle[] rgAbort, int nPadW = 0, int nPadH = 0, Log log = null, IMAGEDB_LOAD_METHOD loadMethod = IMAGEDB_LOAD_METHOD.LOAD_ALL, int nImageDbLoadLimit = 0)
            lock (m_syncObj)
                if (loadMethod != IMAGEDB_LOAD_METHOD.LOAD_ALL && nImageDbLoadLimit > 0)
                    throw new Exception("Currently the load-limit only works with the LOAD_ALLL image loading method.");

                SimpleDatum imgMean = null;

                if (ds != null)
                    m_ds = ds;

                m_TrainingImages = loadImageset("Training", m_ds.TrainingSource, rgAbort, ref imgMean, out m_nLastTrainingImageIdx, nPadW, nPadH, log, loadMethod, nImageDbLoadLimit, m_nLastTrainingImageIdx, (ds == null) ? true : false);
                if (m_nLastTrainingImageIdx >= m_ds.TrainingSource.ImageCount)
                    m_nLastTrainingImageIdx = 0;

                if (EventWaitHandle.WaitAny(rgAbort, 0) != EventWaitHandle.WaitTimeout)

                m_TestingImages = loadImageset("Testing", m_ds.TestingSource, rgAbort, ref imgMean, out m_nLastTestingImageIdx, nPadW, nPadH, log, loadMethod, nImageDbLoadLimit, m_nLastTestingImageIdx, (ds == null) ? true : false);
                if (m_nLastTestingImageIdx >= m_ds.TestingSource.ImageCount)
                    m_nLastTestingImageIdx = 0;

                if (EventWaitHandle.WaitAny(rgAbort, 0) != EventWaitHandle.WaitTimeout)

Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Releases all resources used.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bDisposing">Set to <i>true</i> when called by Dispose().</param>
        protected virtual void Dispose(bool bDisposing)
            m_ds = null;

            if (m_TestingImages != null)
                m_TestingImages = null;

            if (m_TrainingImages != null)
                m_TrainingImages = null;

            if (m_factory != null)
                m_factory = null;
Esempio n. 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Searches for the ImageSet with a given data source name.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="strSource">Specifies the name of the data source.</param>
        /// <returns>If found, the ImageSet is returned, otherwise an Exception is thrown.</returns>
        public ImageSet FindImageset(string strSource)
            lock (m_syncObj)
                if (m_lastImgSet != null && m_lastImgSet.SourceName == strSource)

                foreach (DatasetEx ds in m_rgDatasets)
                    ImageSet imgSet = ds.Find(strSource);

                    if (imgSet != null)
                        m_lastImgSet = imgSet;

                throw new Exception("Could not find source with Name = " + strSource + "!");
Esempio n. 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Searches for the ImageSet with a given data source ID.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="nSourceID">Specifies the ID of the data source.</param>
        /// <returns>If found, the ImageSet is returned, otherwise an Exception is thrown.</returns>
        public ImageSet FindImageset(int nSourceID)
            lock (m_syncObj)
                if (m_lastImgSet != null && m_lastImgSet.SourceID == nSourceID)

                foreach (DatasetEx ds in m_rgDatasets)
                    ImageSet imgSet = ds.Find(nSourceID);

                    if (imgSet != null)
                        m_lastImgSet = imgSet;

                throw new Exception("Could not find source with ID = " + nSourceID.ToString() + "!");
Esempio n. 6
        private ImageSet loadImageset(string strType, SourceDescriptor src, WaitHandle[] rgAbort, ref SimpleDatum imgMean, out int nLastImageIdx, int nPadW = 0, int nPadH = 0, Log log = null, IMAGEDB_LOAD_METHOD loadMethod = IMAGEDB_LOAD_METHOD.LOAD_ALL, int nImageDbLoadLimit = 0, int nImageDbLoadLimitStartIdx = 0, bool bLoadNext = false)
                RawImageMean imgMeanRaw = null;

                nLastImageIdx = nImageDbLoadLimitStartIdx;

                if (loadMethod != IMAGEDB_LOAD_METHOD.LOAD_ALL)
                    if (imgMean == null)
                        imgMeanRaw = m_factory.GetRawImageMean();
                        if (imgMeanRaw == null)
                            if (log != null)
                                log.WriteLine("WARNING: No image mean exists in the database, changing image database load from " + loadMethod.ToString() + " to " + IMAGEDB_LOAD_METHOD.LOAD_ALL.ToString());

                            loadMethod = IMAGEDB_LOAD_METHOD.LOAD_ALL;

                int nCount = src.ImageCount;
                if (nCount == 0)
                    if (log != null)
                        log.WriteLine("WARNING: Could not find any images with " + strType + " Source = '" + src.Name + "'.  If this is a training dataset, you will need to enable the 'UseTrainingSrcForTesting' setting.");

                    if (loadMethod != IMAGEDB_LOAD_METHOD.LOAD_ON_DEMAND)
                        if (log != null)
                            log.WriteLine("Because there are no images in this set, the image loading method has been changed to LOAD_ON_DEMAND for this dataset.");

                        loadMethod = IMAGEDB_LOAD_METHOD.LOAD_ON_DEMAND;

                ImageSet imgset = new ImageSet(m_factory, src, loadMethod, nImageDbLoadLimit);

                if (log != null && nCount > 0)
                    log.WriteLine("Loading '" + src.Name + "' - " + nCount.ToString("N0") + " images.");

                if (OnCalculateImageMean != null)
                    imgset.OnCalculateImageMean += OnCalculateImageMean;

                if (loadMethod != IMAGEDB_LOAD_METHOD.LOAD_ON_DEMAND)
                    bool      bDataIsReal = src.IsRealData;
                    int       nBatchSize  = 20000;
                    Stopwatch sw          = new Stopwatch();

                    int nImageSize = src.ImageHeight * src.ImageWidth;
                    if (nImageSize > 60000)
                        nBatchSize = 5000;
                    else if (nBatchSize > 20000)
                        nBatchSize = 7500;
                    else if (nImageSize > 3000)
                        nBatchSize = 10000;

                    if (nImageDbLoadLimit <= 0)
                        nImageDbLoadLimit = nCount;

                    List <int> rgIdx = (nCount == 0) ? new List <int>() : getIndexList(nImageDbLoadLimitStartIdx, nImageDbLoadLimit);
                    int        nIdx  = 0;


                    while (nIdx < rgIdx.Count)
                        int nImageIdx   = rgIdx[nIdx];
                        int nImageCount = Math.Min(rgIdx.Count - nIdx, nBatchSize);

                        List <RawImage> rgImg = m_factory.GetRawImagesAt(nImageIdx, nImageCount);

                        for (int j = 0; j < rgImg.Count; j++)
                            SimpleDatum sd1 = m_factory.LoadDatum(rgImg[j], nPadW, nPadH);
                            imgset.Add(nIdx + j, sd1);

                            if (sw.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds > 1000)
                                if (log != null)
                                    double dfPct = (double)(nIdx + j) / (double)nCount;
                                    log.Progress = dfPct;
                                    log.WriteLine("image loading at " + dfPct.ToString("P") + "...");


                                if (EventWaitHandle.WaitAny(rgAbort, 0) != EventWaitHandle.WaitTimeout)

                        nIdx += rgImg.Count;

                        if (loadMethod == IMAGEDB_LOAD_METHOD.LOAD_ALL && rgImg.Count == 0 && nIdx < nCount)
                            log.WriteLine("WARNING: Loaded " + nIdx.ToString("N0") + " images, yet " + (nCount - nIdx).ToString("N0") + " images are unaccounted for.  You may need to reindex the dataset.");

                    if (log != null)
                        log.Progress = 0;

                    if (rgIdx.Count > 0)
                        nLastImageIdx = rgIdx[rgIdx.Count - 1] + 1;
                else if (bLoadNext)
                    nLastImageIdx += nImageDbLoadLimit;

                if (imgMean == null)
                    if (imgMeanRaw == null)
                        imgMeanRaw = m_factory.GetRawImageMean();

                    if (imgMeanRaw != null)
                        imgMean = m_factory.LoadDatum(imgMeanRaw, nPadW, nPadH);
                        if (log != null)
                            log.WriteLine("Calculating mean...");

                        imgMean = imgset.GetImageMean(log, rgAbort);
                        m_factory.PutRawImageMean(imgMean, true);

                if (imgMean != null)


Esempio n. 7
 /// <summary>
 /// Resets the last image set used to <i>null</i>, thus clearing it.
 /// </summary>
 public void Reset()
     m_lastImgSet = null;