Esempio n. 1
        public static BoidObject[] GetNeighbours(BoidObject Boid) // get array of neighbouring boids within vision distance
            int viewLeft  = Boid.IntPosX - (VisionDistance / 2);
            int viewRight = Boid.IntPosX + (VisionDistance / 2);
            int viewUp    = Boid.IntPosY + (VisionDistance / 2);
            int viewDown  = Boid.IntPosY - (VisionDistance / 2);

            BoidObject[] Neighbours = new BoidObject[] {};

            int neighbourCount = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < BoidArray.Length; i++)
                if (viewLeft <BoidArray[i].IntPosX& viewRight> BoidArray[i].IntPosX)
                    if (viewDown <BoidArray[i].IntPosY& viewUp> BoidArray[i].IntPosY)
                        Array.Resize(ref Neighbours, Neighbours.Length + 1);
                        Neighbours[neighbourCount] = BoidArray[i];
                        neighbourCount             = neighbourCount + 1;
Esempio n. 2
        public static float GetDistance(BoidObject Boid1, BoidObject Boid2)
            double DiffX = Boid1.PosX - Boid2.PosX;
            double DiffY = Boid1.PosY - Boid2.PosY;

            float PosDiff = (float)Math.Sqrt(DiffX * DiffX + DiffY * DiffY);

Esempio n. 3
        public static void GenerateBoids(int x, int y)
            BoidObject Boid = new BoidObject();

            Array.Resize(ref BoidArray, BoidArray.Length + 1);

            Boid.PosX = x;
            Boid.PosY = y;

            BoidArray[BoidArray.Length - 1] = Boid;
Esempio n. 4
        // public static ParallelOptions LimitCores = new ParallelOptions();

        public static void Reset(int StartX, int StartY)
            int BoidCount = 0; // initial number of boids

            BoidArray = new BoidObject[BoidCount];

            for (int i = 0; i < BoidCount; i++)
                BoidObject Boid = new BoidObject();

                Boid.PosX = StartX;
                Boid.PosY = StartY;

                BoidArray[i] = Boid;
Esempio n. 5
        public static double[] CohesionCalc(BoidObject Boid, BoidObject[] Neighbours) // Aim to center of surrounding boids
            double SumOfPosX = 0;
            double SumOfPosY = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < Neighbours.Length; i++)
                SumOfPosX = SumOfPosX + Neighbours[i].PosX;
                SumOfPosY = SumOfPosY + Neighbours[i].PosY;

            double AveragePosX = SumOfPosX / Neighbours.Length;
            double AveragePosY = SumOfPosY / Neighbours.Length;

            double[] PosDiff = new double[2];

            PosDiff[0] = (AveragePosX - Boid.PosX) * CohesionWeight;
            PosDiff[1] = (AveragePosY - Boid.PosY) * CohesionWeight;

Esempio n. 6
        public static double[] AlignmentCalc(BoidObject Boid, BoidObject[] Neighbours) // Aim to match the velocity of surrounding boids
            double SumOfVelX = 0;
            double SumOfVelY = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < Neighbours.Length; i++)
                SumOfVelX = SumOfVelX + Neighbours[i].VelX;
                SumOfVelY = SumOfVelY + Neighbours[i].VelY;

            double AvgVelX = SumOfVelX / Neighbours.Length;
            double AvgVelY = SumOfVelY / Neighbours.Length;

            double[] VelocityDiff = new double[2];

            VelocityDiff[0] = (AvgVelX - Boid.VelX) * AlignmentWeight;
            VelocityDiff[1] = (AvgVelY - Boid.VelY) * AlignmentWeight;

Esempio n. 7
        public static double[] SeparateCalc(BoidObject Boid, BoidObject[] Neighbours) // find vector in opposite direction of neighbouring boids
            double SumCloseX = 0;
            double SumCloseY = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < Neighbours.Length; i++)
                float PosDiff = GetDistance(Boid, Neighbours[i]);

                if (PosDiff < 10)
                    SumCloseX = SumCloseX + (Boid.PosX - Neighbours[i].PosX);
                    SumCloseY = SumCloseY + (Boid.PosY - Neighbours[i].PosY);

            double[] Separate = new double[2];

            Separate[0] = SumCloseX * SeparateWeight;
            Separate[1] = SumCloseY * SeparateWeight;
