Esempio n. 1
		[CanBeNull] private string Sentence([NotNull] ElizaContext ctx)
            //Split sentence into words
		    var words = ctx.Input.Split(' ', StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

		    //Check if there are any exit words, if so immediately terminate
		    if (words.Any(_script.Quit.Contains))
		        Finished = true;
		        return _script.Final.Random(_random);

		    //Get key for each word in the sentence, ordered by rank
		    var keys = from word in words
                       from key in _script.GetKeys(word)
		               where key != null
		               orderby key.Rank descending
		               select key;

		    //Get a reply for each key
		    var replies = from key in keys
		                  let reply = TryKey(key, new ElizaContext(ctx, ctx.Input.PadLeft(1).PadRight(1)))
		                  where reply != null
		                  select reply;

		    //take the first non-null reply
		    return replies.FirstOrDefault();
Esempio n. 2
	    [CanBeNull] private string ProcessSentences([NotNull] ElizaContext ctx)
	        return (from sentence in ctx.Input.Split('.', StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
                    let transformed = new ElizaContext(ctx.Base, Transform(_script.Pre, sentence).Trim())
	                let r = Sentence(transformed)
	                where r != null
	                select r).FirstOrDefault();
Esempio n. 3
	    [NotNull] public string ProcessInput([NotNull] ICommandContext input)
	        var ctx = new ElizaContext(input, CleanInput(input.Message.Content));

            return ProcessSentences(ctx)                    //Try to create a reply to one of the sentences of the input
                ?? _mem.PopOrDefault()                      //Fall back to a reply we saved earlier
                ?? TryKey(_xnone.Random(_random), ctx)      //Default reply
                ?? "I am at a loss for words";              //Return default default
Esempio n. 4
		/// <summary>Decompose a string according to the given key.</summary>
		/// <remarks>
		/// Decompose a string according to the given key. Try each decomposition
		/// rule in order. If it matches, assemble a reply and return it. If assembly
		/// fails, try another decomposition rule. If assembly is a goto rule, return
		/// null and give the key. If assembly succeeds, return the reply;
		/// </remarks>
		[CanBeNull] private string TryKey([CanBeNull] Key key, ElizaContext ctx)
		    if (key == null)
		        return null;

            //Select reassembly rules which match the input
		    var decompositions = from decomp in key.Decompositions
		                         let decomposed = Patterns.Match(ctx.Input, decomp.Pattern, _script.Syns)
		                         where decomposed != null
                                 let rule = Task.Run(async () => await ChooseReassembly(decomp).Rule(ctx, decomposed)).Result
                                 where !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(rule)
		                         select (decomp, rule, decomposed);

            foreach (var (decomposition, rule, decomposed) in decompositions)
                //If it's a goto rule follow it
                if (rule.StartsWith("goto "))
                    var gotos = _script.GetKeys(rule.Substring(5));
                    return (from g in gotos
                            orderby g.Rank descending
                            let r = TryKey(g, ctx)
                            where r != null
                            select r).FirstOrDefault();

                //Try to assemble a reply using this reassembly rule
                var rep = Assemble(rule, decomposed);
                if (rep != null)
                    if (decomposition.Memorise)
                        return rep;

			return null;