public ModCity(string name, Texture2D texture, Texture2D highlightTexture, Texture2D clickedTexture, Vector2 gridposition,Vector2 gridOffset,float size, IsoGrid grid, Tuple<float, float, float> politicalStanding, List<Ship> shipList, List<Material> materialList, List<Tuple<Building, int>> buildingList, GraphicsDevice graphicsDevice,Random random, bool playerCity = false) { this.lowTex = texture; this.highTex = highlightTexture; this.clickTex = clickedTexture; this.gridposition = gridposition; this.rect = new Rectangle(0, 0, lowTex.Width, lowTex.Height); this.position = grid.gridCoords(gridposition) - new Vector2(0, lowTex.Height); = name; this.player = playerCity; this.politics = politicalStanding; this.ships = shipList; this.materials = materialList; this.buildingTypes = buildingList; this.tex = lowTex; this.isogrid = new CityIsoGrid(graphicsDevice, Math.PI / 6.0, 8, size ,position + gridOffset); // fill grid with buildings in random positions List<Vector2> positions = new List<Vector2>{}; // list of possible positions... for (int i=0;i<isogrid.size;i++) { for (int j=0;j<isogrid.size;j++) { if (isogrid.usage[i,j] == 0) { positions.Add(new Vector2(i,j)); } } } List<Vector2> rpositions = new List<Vector2>{}; // randomised list of possible positions... foreach (Vector2 p in positions) { int i = random.Next(rpositions.Count); rpositions.Insert(i,p); } foreach (Tuple<Building, int> buildingType in buildingList) // fit them all in somewhere... { for (int n = 0; n < buildingType.Item2; n++) // for the number in the city... { Vector2 pos = Vector2.Zero; for (int j = 0; j < rpositions.Count; j++) // find a suitable position... { pos = rpositions[j]; bool fit = true; for (int l = 0; l < buildingType.Item1.footprint.X; l ++) { for (int k = 0; k < buildingType.Item1.footprint.Y; k++) { if ((int)pos.X + l >= isogrid.usage.GetLength(0) | (int)pos.Y + k >= isogrid.usage.GetLength(1)) { fit = false; } else if (isogrid.usage[(int)pos.X + l, (int)pos.Y + k] == 1) { fit = false; } } } if (fit == true) { break; } } int type = random.Next(1, buildingType.Item1.variations); buildings.Add(new Tuple<Building, int, Vector2>(buildingType.Item1, type, pos)); for (int x = (int)pos.X; x < buildingType.Item1.footprint.X + (int)pos.X; x++) { for (int y = (int)pos.Y; y < buildingType.Item1.footprint.Y + (int)pos.Y; y++) { isogrid.usage[x, y] = 1; rpositions.Remove(pos + new Vector2(x, y)); } } } } }
public void Draw(SpriteBatch sbatch, Vector2 gridposition, int variation, CityIsoGrid grid) { position = grid.gridEdgeCoords(gridposition) - new Vector2(0, tex.Height) + offset; rect.X = rect.Width * (variation - 1); sbatch.Draw(tex, position, rect, Color.White, 0.0f, Vector2.Zero, 1.0f, SpriteEffects.None, 0.4f + gridposition.Y * 0.001f - gridposition.X * 0.0001f); }