//This button click event decrements the current question number value and populates the input fields with data from the previously saved question stored in the CurrentTestQuestions List <T> of the type MultipleChoice
        private void BtPrevQuest_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            if (CurrentTestQuestions.Count < Convert.ToInt32(lbQuestionNumber.Content))
                MessageBox.Show("Please save the current question before viewing other questions", "Error");
                MultipleChoice ques = new MultipleChoice();
                ques.Question = new TextRange(rtQuestion.Document.ContentStart, rtQuestion.Document.ContentEnd).Text;

                btNextQuest.IsEnabled = true;

                lbQuestionNumber.Content = test.PreviousQuestion().ToString();
                test.QuestionNumber      = Convert.ToInt32(lbQuestionNumber.Content);

                tbA.Text = CurrentTestQuestions[test.QuestionNumber - 1].OptionA;
                tbB.Text = CurrentTestQuestions[test.QuestionNumber - 1].OptionB;
                tbC.Text = CurrentTestQuestions[test.QuestionNumber - 1].OptionC;
                tbD.Text = CurrentTestQuestions[test.QuestionNumber - 1].OptionD;
                rtQuestion.Document.Blocks.Add(new Paragraph(new Run(CurrentTestQuestions[test.QuestionNumber - 1].Question)));

                switch (CurrentTestQuestions[test.QuestionNumber - 1].CorrectAnswer)
                case "A":
                    combCorrectAns.SelectedIndex = 1;

                case "B":
                    combCorrectAns.SelectedIndex = 2;

                case "C":
                    combCorrectAns.SelectedIndex = 3;

                case "D":
                    combCorrectAns.SelectedIndex = 4;

            if (Convert.ToInt32(lbQuestionNumber.Content) != QuestionCounter)
                btNewQuestion.IsEnabled = false;

            if (lbQuestionNumber.Content.ToString().Equals("1"))
                btPrevQuest.IsEnabled = false;
                btNextQuest.IsEnabled = true;
        //This button click event adds or overwrites new question data from the current input fields using a List <T> of the type MultipleChoice
        private void BtSaveQuestion_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            MultipleChoice ques = new MultipleChoice();

            ques.Question = new TextRange(rtQuestion.Document.ContentStart, rtQuestion.Document.ContentEnd).Text;

            if (ques.Question.Equals("") || tbA.Text.Equals("") || tbB.Text.Equals("") || tbC.Text.Equals("") || tbD.Text.Equals("") || combCorrectAns.SelectedIndex == 0)
                MessageBox.Show("Please ensure all question fields are filled before saving a question");
                ques.Name    = test.Name;
                ques.OptionA = tbA.Text;
                ques.OptionB = tbB.Text;
                ques.OptionC = tbC.Text;
                ques.OptionD = tbD.Text;

                ques.CorrectAnswer = combCorrectAns.Text;

                if (CurrentTestQuestions.Count >= QuestionCounter)
                    CurrentTestQuestions.RemoveAt(Convert.ToInt32(lbQuestionNumber.Content) - 1);
                    CurrentTestQuestions.Insert(Convert.ToInt32(lbQuestionNumber.Content) - 1, ques);
                catch (Exception)

                MessageBox.Show("Question " + test.QuestionNumber + " Saved Successfully!\nClick [Add New Question] to add another question, or [Submit Test] if you are finished", "Success!");

                if (Convert.ToInt32(lbQuestionNumber.Content) == QuestionCounter)
                    btNewQuestion.IsEnabled = true;