Esempio n. 1
        private void DefaultConfigItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // load default config

            MsgLabel.Normal("Default config loaded!");
Esempio n. 2
        private void HelpItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // notify the user that we're attempting to open the help file
            MsgLabel.Normal("Opening help.txt...");

            // create or open help.txt and overwrite its contents
            File.WriteAllText(Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "help.txt"),
                              "QUICK HELP:\n" +
                              "Q: How do I add items to MultiPaste?\n" +
                              "A: Copy like you normally would (e.g. Ctrl + C).  MultiPaste also supports drag-and-drop on most items!\n\n" +
                              "Q: How do I exit the program?\n" +
                              "A: Click on File->Exit, or right click MultiPaste from the system tray and click Exit.\n\n" +
                              "Q: How do I minimize MultiPaste to the taskbar?\n" +
                              "A: Press the Esc key or the minimize button at the top right.\n\n" +
                              "Q: How do I minimize to the system tray so that it doesn't show up in the taskbar?\n" +
                              "A: Click on the X button, or press Alt + F4.\n\n" +
                              "Q: Is there a global hotkey I can use to show/hide MultiPaste?\n" +
                              "A: Yes there is!  Ctrl + Alt + V is registered as a global show/hide hotkey for MultiPaste.\n\n" +
                              "Q: How do I paste the thing that I copied?\n" +
                              "A: Double-click the item to copy it to the Windows clipboard.  You can also press the Enter key.\n\n" +
                              "Q: How do I delete one of the things that I've copied?\n" +
                              "A: Click on the Remove button.  You can also press the Delete key.\n\n" +
                              "Q: What if I want to clear all the items that I've copied without individually deleting all of them?\n" +
                              "A: Click on File->Clear All Copied Items.  You can also press Ctrl + K.\n\n" +
                              "Q: How do I relocate a copied item to a different index?\n" +
                              "A: When the item is selected, hold the Shift key while pressing the up or down arrow key.\n\n" +
                              "Q: Is there a way to quickly relocate an item to the top/bottom?\n" +
                              "A: Yes there is!  Hold the Ctrl key along with the above relocating instructions.");

            // open the file
            Process.Start(Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "help.txt"));

            // notify the user of the successful operation for 3 seconds
            MsgLabel.Normal("help.txt is open!");
Esempio n. 3
        public static void Remove(int index)
            // return if index is invalid
            if (index < 0)

            // remove the item at the index
            string        key           = (string)MainWindow.ListBox.Items[index];
            ClipboardItem clipboardItem = LocalClipboard.Dict[key];

            LocalClipboard.Remove(clipboardItem.KeyText, clipboardItem);

            // if there was an item located after the removed item, select that item
            if (LocalClipboard.MainWindow.ListBox.Items.Count > index)
                LocalClipboard.MainWindow.ListBox.SelectedIndex = index;
            // else select the item located before the removed item
                LocalClipboard.MainWindow.ListBox.SelectedIndex = index - 1;

            // notify the user of the successful operation for 3 seconds
            MsgLabel.Normal("Item removed!");
Esempio n. 4
        //public static void Rename(string okey, string nkey)
        //    int i = MainWindow.ListBox.Items.IndexOf(okey);
        //    var val = Dict[okey];

        //    switch (val.Type)
        //    {
        //        case ClipboardItem.TypeEnum.Text:

        //            break;
        //        case ClipboardItem.TypeEnum.FileDropList:
        //            break;
        //        case ClipboardItem.TypeEnum.Image:
        //            break;
        //        case ClipboardItem.TypeEnum.Audio:
        //            break;
        //        case ClipboardItem.TypeEnum.Custom:
        //            break;
        //    }

        //    Remove(okey, val);
        //    Insert(nkey, val, i);

        /// <summary>
        /// This method clears the structures, files, and folders involved in
        /// the local clipboard.
        /// Note that the backup file is preserved in case the clear operation
        /// was accidental.
        /// </summary>
        public static void Clear()
            // first, write the current clipboard contents to the backup file

            // clear each data structure associated with the local clipboard

            // delete the CLIPBOARD file

            // recursively delete each item folder if it exists
            if (LocalClipboard.ImageFolder.Exists)
            if (LocalClipboard.AudioFolder.Exists)
            if (LocalClipboard.CustomFolder.Exists)

            MsgLabel.Normal("All items cleared!");
Esempio n. 5
        public TextItem(MainWindow mainWindow, string text) : base(mainWindow, TypeEnum.Text)
            // ensure param str is valid before continuing
            if (text == null || text.Length == 0)

            // store param str
            this.Text = text;

            // set beginning part of KeyText
            base.KeyText = "Text: ";

            // append to KeyText given Text
            if (this.Text.Length > LocalClipboard.CHAR_LIMIT - base.KeyText.Length)
                base.KeyText += Text.Substring(0, LocalClipboard.CHAR_LIMIT - base.KeyText.Length) + "...";
                base.KeyText += Text;

            // if setting KeyDiff returns false, then there is an equivalent item at index 0
            if (!base.SetKeyDiff())

            // add KeyDiff to KeyText if needed
            if (base.KeyDiff != 0)
                base.KeyText += base.KeyDiff;

            /// Char order:
            /// 1. Type
            /// 2. KeyDiff
            /// 3. Text.Length
            /// 4. Text
            string keyDiffStr = base.KeyDiff.ToString();
            string textLenStr = this.Text.Length.ToString();

            base.FileChars = (char)base.Type + keyDiffStr + Environment.NewLine +
                             textLenStr + Environment.NewLine + this.Text;

            // add to local clipboard with CLIPBOARD file
            LocalClipboard.AddWithFile(base.KeyText, this);

            // move selected index to that of this instance if box is checked
            if (base.mainWindow.MoveToCopied.Checked)
                base.mainWindow.ListBox.SelectedIndex = LocalClipboard.Keys.IndexOf(base.KeyText);

            MsgLabel.Normal("Text item added!");
Esempio n. 6
        private void ShowCustomItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

            // notify the user of the change
            if (showCustomItem.Checked)
                MsgLabel.Normal("Custom items displayed!");
                MsgLabel.Normal("Custom items hidden!");
Esempio n. 7
        private void EditTextItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // check for valid SelectedIndex val before continuing
            if (listBox.SelectedIndex < 0)
                MsgLabel.Normal("No text item is selected!");

            // check for TextItem
            var oitem = LocalClipboard.Dict[(string)listBox.SelectedItem];

            if (oitem.Type != ClipboardItem.TypeEnum.Text)
                MsgLabel.Normal("Selected item is not a text item!");

            // get new text
            string otext = ((TextItem)oitem).Text;
            string ntext = wnd.ShowDialog(otext);

            // edit item if text is valid
            if (ntext == null)
                int i = listBox.SelectedIndex;

                var nitem = new TextItem(this, ntext);
                LocalClipboard.Move(nitem.KeyText, nitem, i);

                MsgLabel.Normal("Text item edited!");
Esempio n. 8
        /// <summary>
        /// This method communicates to the user that a fatal error occurred.
        /// First, it displays msg param to the user via the msg label,
        /// followed by directing the user to err.log to view the details
        /// of the error.
        /// This method also writes to the err.log file in the program's
        /// directory, and then terminates the process after sleeping for
        /// the duration of the message being displayed to the user.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="msg">brief explanation of the fatal error</param>
        /// <param name="msgExtended">error msg explained in more detail</param>
        /// <param name="solutions">possible solution(s) that the user could implement</param>
        public static void Fatal(string msg, string msgExtended, string solutions)
            // set string that will be written to err.log
            string log = "Date: " + DateTime.Now.ToString() + Environment.NewLine +
                         "Abstract: " + msg + Environment.NewLine +
                         "Log: " + msgExtended + Environment.NewLine +
                         "Possible solution(s): " + solutions + Environment.NewLine;

            // append log string to err.log, creating the file if it doesn't exist
            using (StreamWriter sw = MsgLabel.errLogFile.AppendText())

            // send fatal error message to user
            MsgLabel.SendMsg("***FATAL*** " + msg + "; see err.log for details.");

            // sleep for the duration of msg being displayed

            // terminate the process
Esempio n. 9
 public static void Warn(string msg)
     // send warning message to user
     MsgLabel.SendMsg("***WARNING*** " + msg);
Esempio n. 10
 public static void Normal(string msg)
     // send normal message to user
Esempio n. 11
        public static void Copy()
            // check for valid SelectedIndex val before continuing
            if (LocalClipboard.MainWindow.ListBox.SelectedIndex < 0)

            // Windows clipboard will be changed in this method; we don't want it to be handled
            LocalClipboard.HandleClipboard = false;

            // store the selected item
            string        key           = (string)MainWindow.ListBox.SelectedItem;
            ClipboardItem clipboardItem = LocalClipboard.Dict[key];

            // store an error msg string that will notify the user if an error occurred
            string errMsg = null;

            // what's copied to the clipboard depends on the item's type
            switch (clipboardItem.Type)
            case ClipboardItem.TypeEnum.Text:
                // copy the item's text to the Windows clipboard
                Clipboard.SetText((clipboardItem as TextItem).Text);


            case ClipboardItem.TypeEnum.FileDropList:
                // copy the item's files to the Windows clipboard
                Clipboard.SetFileDropList((clipboardItem as FileItem).FileDropList);


            case ClipboardItem.TypeEnum.Image:
                // make sure the image file exists
                FileInfo imageFile = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(LocalClipboard.ImageFolder.FullName, clipboardItem.KeyText));
                if (imageFile.Exists)
                    // get image from the file
                    using (Image image = Image.FromFile(imageFile.FullName))
                        // set image to the Windows clipboard
                // else set errMsg to be reported
                    errMsg = "Image file is missing!";


            case ClipboardItem.TypeEnum.Audio:
                // make sure the audio file exists
                FileInfo audioFile = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(LocalClipboard.AudioFolder.FullName, clipboardItem.KeyText));
                if (audioFile.Exists)
                    // get audio stream from the file
                    Stream audioStream = new MemoryStream();
                    using (FileStream fs = audioFile.OpenRead())

                    using (audioStream)
                        // set audio to the Windows clipboard
                // else set errMsg to be reported
                    errMsg = "Audio file is missing!";


            case ClipboardItem.TypeEnum.Custom:
                // make sure the custom file exists
                FileInfo customFile = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(LocalClipboard.CustomFolder.FullName, clipboardItem.KeyText));
                if (customFile.Exists)
                    // store custom data from the serializable file
                    object data;
                    using (FileStream customStream = customFile.Open(FileMode.Open))
                        BinaryFormatter formatter = new BinaryFormatter();
                        data = formatter.Deserialize(customStream);

                    // set custom data to the Windows clipboard
                    Clipboard.SetData((clipboardItem as CustomItem).WritableFormat, data);
                // else set errMsg to be reported
                    errMsg = "Custom file is missing!";


            // flip to true after algorithm is finished
            LocalClipboard.HandleClipboard = true;

            // notify to the user the results of the operation attempt
            if (errMsg == null)
                MsgLabel.Normal("Copied to clipboard!");
Esempio n. 12
        public CustomItem(MainWindow mainWindow, IDataObject dataObject) : base(mainWindow, TypeEnum.Custom)
            // ensure dataObject is valid before continuing
            if (dataObject == null)

            // set to null before doing checks
            this.WritableFormat = null;

            // store supported formats of dataObject
            string[] formats = dataObject.GetFormats();

            // ensure formats is a valid array before continuing
            if (formats == null || formats.Length == 0)

            // check for a format with writable data and return true if there is one
            foreach (string format in formats)
                // store the first format whose data is serializable, then break
                if (dataObject.GetData(format).GetType().IsSerializable)
                    this.WritableFormat = format;

            // if no formats are writable, then we can't add this item
            if (this.WritableFormat == null)

            // set KeyText using WritableFormat
            base.KeyText = "Custom (" + this.WritableFormat + ")";

            // if setting KeyDiff returns false, then there is an equivalent item at index 0
            if (!base.SetKeyDiff())

            // add KeyDiff to KeyText if needed
            if (base.KeyDiff != 0)
                base.KeyText += base.KeyDiff;

            // create Custom folder if it's missing
            if (!LocalClipboard.CustomFolder.Exists)

            // create file in Custom folder with dataObject
            FileInfo        customFile = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(LocalClipboard.CustomFolder.FullName, base.KeyText));
            object          data       = dataObject.GetData(this.WritableFormat);
            BinaryFormatter formatter  = new BinaryFormatter();

            using (FileStream fileStream = customFile.Create())
                formatter.Serialize(fileStream, data);

            /// Char order:
            /// 1. Type
            /// 2. KeyDiff
            /// 3. WritableFormat

            base.FileChars = (char)base.Type + base.KeyDiff.ToString() + Environment.NewLine +
                             this.WritableFormat + Environment.NewLine;

            // add to local clipboard with CLIPBOARD file
            LocalClipboard.AddWithFile(base.KeyText, this);

            // move selected index to that of this instance if box is checked
            if (base.mainWindow.MoveToCopied.Checked)
                base.mainWindow.ListBox.SelectedIndex = LocalClipboard.Keys.IndexOf(base.KeyText);

            MsgLabel.Normal("Custom item added!");
Esempio n. 13
        public AudioItem(MainWindow mainWindow, Stream audioStream) : base(mainWindow, TypeEnum.Audio)
            using (audioStream)
                // ensure the stream is not null before continuing
                if (audioStream == null)

                // store length in bytes of the stream
                this.ByteLength = audioStream.Length;

                // byteRate is stored at byte offset 28 of the WAVE file
                byte[] byteRateBuffer = new byte[4];
                audioStream.Read(byteRateBuffer, 28, 4);
                int byteRate = BitConverter.ToInt32(byteRateBuffer, 0);

                // subchunk2Size, i.e. byte length of the audio data, is stored at byte offset 40 (28 + 4 + 8) of the WAVE file
                byte[] subchunk2SizeBuffer = new byte[4];
                audioStream.Read(subchunk2SizeBuffer, 8, 4);
                int subchunk2Size = BitConverter.ToInt32(subchunk2SizeBuffer, 0);

                // compute the total length of the audio file in hours
                int fileLengthSeconds = subchunk2Size / byteRate;
                int fileLengthMinutes = fileLengthSeconds / 60;
                int fileLengthHours   = fileLengthMinutes / 60;

                // modify to split correct time in hours, minutes, and seconds
                fileLengthMinutes %= 60;
                fileLengthSeconds %= 60;

                // calculate KeyText given the data
                base.KeyText = "Audio (" + (fileLengthHours == 0 ? "" : fileLengthHours + "h:") + (fileLengthMinutes
                                                                                                   == 0 ? "" : fileLengthMinutes + "m:") + fileLengthSeconds + "s)";

                // if setting KeyDiff returns false, then there is an equivalent item at index 0
                if (!base.SetKeyDiff())

                // add KeyDiff to KeyText if needed
                if (base.KeyDiff != 0)
                    base.KeyText += base.KeyDiff;

                // create Audio folder if it's missing
                if (!LocalClipboard.AudioFolder.Exists)

                // create audio file in the Audio folder
                FileInfo audioFile = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(LocalClipboard.AudioFolder.FullName, base.KeyText));
                audioStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                using (FileStream fileStream = audioFile.Create())

            /// Char order:
            /// 1. Type
            /// 2. KeyDiff
            /// 3. ByteLength
            /// 4. KeyText

            base.FileChars = (char)base.Type + base.KeyDiff.ToString() + Environment.NewLine +
                             this.ByteLength.ToString() + Environment.NewLine + base.KeyText + Environment.NewLine;

            // add to local clipboard with CLIPBOARD file
            LocalClipboard.AddWithFile(base.KeyText, this);

            // move selected index to that of this instance if box is checked
            if (base.mainWindow.MoveToCopied.Checked)
                base.mainWindow.ListBox.SelectedIndex = LocalClipboard.Keys.IndexOf(base.KeyText);

            MsgLabel.Normal("Audio item added!");
Esempio n. 14
        public ImageItem(MainWindow mainWindow, Image image) : base(mainWindow, TypeEnum.Image)
            using (image)
                // ensure image isn't null before continuing
                if (image == null)

                // copy size struct of the image
                this.Size = image.Size;

                // set KeyText using image dimensions
                base.KeyText = "Image (" + this.Size.Width + " x " + this.Size.Height + ")";

                // if setting KeyDiff returns false, then there is an equivalent item at index 0
                if (!base.SetKeyDiff())

                // add KeyDiff to KeyText if needed
                if (base.KeyDiff != 0)
                    base.KeyText += base.KeyDiff;

                // create Images folder if it's missing
                if (!LocalClipboard.ImageFolder.Exists)

                // create image file in the Images folder
                image.Save(Path.Combine(LocalClipboard.ImageFolder.FullName, base.KeyText));

            /// Char order:
            /// 1. Type
            /// 2. KeyDiff
            /// 3. Size.Width
            /// 4. Size.Height

            base.FileChars = (char)base.Type + base.KeyDiff.ToString() + Environment.NewLine +
                             this.Size.Width.ToString() + Environment.NewLine + this.Size.Height.ToString() +

            // add to local clipboard with CLIPBOARD file
            LocalClipboard.AddWithFile(base.KeyText, this);

            // move selected index to that of this instance if box is checked
            if (base.mainWindow.MoveToCopied.Checked)
                base.mainWindow.ListBox.SelectedIndex = LocalClipboard.Keys.IndexOf(base.KeyText);

            MsgLabel.Normal("Image item added!");
Esempio n. 15
        public FileItem(MainWindow mainWindow, StringCollection fileDropList) : base(mainWindow, TypeEnum.FileDropList)
            // ensure param is valid before continuing
            if (fileDropList == null || fileDropList.Count == 0)

            // get file drop list from param
            this.FileDropList = fileDropList;

            // if 1 file was copied, KeyText will store FileDropList[0]'s filename
            if (this.FileDropList.Count == 1)
                base.KeyText = "File: " + Path.GetFileName(this.FileDropList[0]);
            // else KeyText will store FileDropList[0]'s filename + how many more files there are
                base.KeyText = "Files: " + Path.GetFileName(this.FileDropList[0]) + " + " + (this.FileDropList.Count - 1) + " more";

            // shorten KeyText to fit the character limit if needed
            if (base.KeyText.Length > LocalClipboard.CHAR_LIMIT)
                base.KeyText = base.KeyText.Substring(0, LocalClipboard.CHAR_LIMIT) + "...";

            // if setting KeyDiff returns false, then there is an equivalent item at index 0
            if (!base.SetKeyDiff())

            // add KeyDiff to KeyText if needed
            if (base.KeyDiff != 0)
                base.KeyText += base.KeyDiff;

            /// Char order:
            /// 1. Type
            /// 2. KeyDiff
            /// 3. # strings in FileDropList
            /// 4. FileDropList

            base.FileChars = (char)base.Type + base.KeyDiff.ToString() + Environment.NewLine +
                             this.FileDropList.Count.ToString() + Environment.NewLine;

            foreach (string fileDir in this.FileDropList)
                base.FileChars += fileDir + Environment.NewLine;

            // add to local clipboard with CLIPBOARD file
            LocalClipboard.AddWithFile(base.KeyText, this);

            // move selected index to that of this instance if box is checked
            if (base.mainWindow.MoveToCopied.Checked)
                base.mainWindow.ListBox.SelectedIndex = LocalClipboard.Keys.IndexOf(base.KeyText);

            MsgLabel.Normal("File item added!");