Esempio n. 1
        static public SimulatedVessel New(Vessel v, ReentrySimulation.SimCurves simCurves, double startTime, int limitChutesStage)
            SimulatedVessel vessel = new SimulatedVessel();

            vessel.Set(v, simCurves, startTime, limitChutesStage);
Esempio n. 2
        private void Set(Part p, ReentrySimulation.SimCurves _simCurves)
            totalMass             = p.mass + p.GetResourceMass() + p.GetPhysicslessChildMass();
            shieldedFromAirstream = p.ShieldedFromAirstream;

            noDrag             = p.rb == null && !PhysicsGlobals.ApplyDragToNonPhysicsParts;
            hasLiftModule      = p.hasLiftModule;
            bodyLiftMultiplier = p.bodyLiftMultiplier * PhysicsGlobals.BodyLiftMultiplier;

            simCurves = _simCurves;

            // TODO : choose either method :
            // - use the part cube but have the risk that the part change the cubes values (stagging, ...) while we do the sim
            // - use a copy of the cubes but use more mem
            cubes = p.DragCubes;
            //cubes = new DragCubeList();
            //CopyDragCubesList(p.DragCubes, cubes);

            // Rotation to convert the vessel space vesselVelocity to the part space vesselVelocity
            vesselToPart = Quaternion.LookRotation(p.vessel.GetTransform().InverseTransformDirection(p.transform.forward), p.vessel.GetTransform().InverseTransformDirection(p.transform.up)).Inverse();

            //DragCubeMultiplier = PhysicsGlobals.DragCubeMultiplier;
            //DragMultiplier = PhysicsGlobals.DragMultiplier;

            if (p.dragModel != Part.DragModel.CUBE)
                MechJebCore.print( + " " + p.dragModel);

            //oPart = p;
Esempio n. 3
        protected void Init(Part p, ReentrySimulation.SimCurves _simCurves)
            Rigidbody rigidbody = p.rb;

            totalMass             = rigidbody == null ? 0 : rigidbody.mass; // TODO : check if we need to use this or the one without the childMass
            shieldedFromAirstream = p.ShieldedFromAirstream;

            noDrag             = rigidbody == null && !PhysicsGlobals.ApplyDragToNonPhysicsParts;
            hasLiftModule      = p.hasLiftModule;
            bodyLiftMultiplier = p.bodyLiftMultiplier * PhysicsGlobals.BodyLiftMultiplier;

            simCurves = _simCurves;

            //cubes = new DragCubeList();
            CopyDragCubesList(p.DragCubes, cubes);

            // Rotation to convert the vessel space vesselVelocity to the part space vesselVelocity
            // QuaternionD.LookRotation is not working...
            partToVessel = Quaternion.LookRotation(p.vessel.GetTransform().InverseTransformDirection(p.transform.forward), p.vessel.GetTransform().InverseTransformDirection(p.transform.up));
            vesselToPart = Quaternion.Inverse(partToVessel);

            //DragCubeMultiplier = PhysicsGlobals.DragCubeMultiplier;
            //DragMultiplier = PhysicsGlobals.DragMultiplier;

            //if (p.dragModel != Part.DragModel.CUBE)
            //    MechJebCore.print( + " " + p.dragModel);

            //oPart = p;
Esempio n. 4
        static public SimulatedVessel New(Vessel v, ReentrySimulation.SimCurves simCurves)
            SimulatedVessel vessel = new SimulatedVessel();

            vessel.Set(v, simCurves);
Esempio n. 5
        protected virtual void Set(Part p, ReentrySimulation.SimCurves _simCurves)
            Rigidbody rigidbody = p.rb;

            totalMass = rigidbody == null ? 0 : rigidbody.mass; // TODO : check if we need to use this or the one without the childMass
            shieldedFromAirstream = p.ShieldedFromAirstream;

            noDrag = rigidbody == null && !PhysicsGlobals.ApplyDragToNonPhysicsParts;
            hasLiftModule = p.hasLiftModule;
            bodyLiftMultiplier = p.bodyLiftMultiplier * PhysicsGlobals.BodyLiftMultiplier;

            simCurves = _simCurves;

            cubes = new DragCubeList();
            CopyDragCubesList(p.DragCubes, cubes);

            // Rotation to convert the vessel space vesselVelocity to the part space vesselVelocity
            vesselToPart = Quaternion.LookRotation(p.vessel.GetTransform().InverseTransformDirection(p.transform.forward), p.vessel.GetTransform().InverseTransformDirection(p.transform.up)).Inverse();

            //DragCubeMultiplier = PhysicsGlobals.DragCubeMultiplier;
            //DragMultiplier = PhysicsGlobals.DragMultiplier;

            //if (p.dragModel != Part.DragModel.CUBE)
            //    MechJebCore.print( + " " + p.dragModel);

            //oPart = p;

Esempio n. 6
        public static SimulatedPart Borrow(Part p, ReentrySimulation.SimCurves simCurve)
            SimulatedPart part = pool.Borrow();

            part.Init(p, simCurve);
Esempio n. 7
        public static SimulatedVessel Borrow(Vessel v, ReentrySimulation.SimCurves simCurves, double startTime, int limitChutesStage)
            SimulatedVessel vessel = pool.Borrow();

            vessel.Init(v, simCurves, startTime, limitChutesStage);
Esempio n. 8
        static public SimulatedPart New(Part p, ReentrySimulation.SimCurves simCurve)
            SimulatedPart part = new SimulatedPart();

            part.Set(p, simCurve);
Esempio n. 9
        private void Set(Vessel v, ReentrySimulation.SimCurves _simCurves, double startTime, int limitChutesStage)
            totalMass = 0;

            var oParts = v.Parts;
            count = oParts.Count;

            simCurves = _simCurves;

            if (parts.Capacity < count)
                parts.Capacity = count;

            for (int i=0; i < count; i++)
                SimulatedPart simulatedPart = null;
                bool special = false;
                for (int j = 0; j < oParts[i].Modules.Count; j++)
                    if (oParts[i].Modules[j] is ModuleParachute)
                        special = true;
                        simulatedPart = SimulatedParachute.New((ModuleParachute)oParts[i].Modules[j], simCurves, startTime, limitChutesStage);
                if (!special)
                    simulatedPart = SimulatedPart.New(oParts[i], simCurves);

                totalMass += simulatedPart.totalMass;
Esempio n. 10
        private void Init(Vessel v, ReentrySimulation.SimCurves _simCurves, double startTime, int limitChutesStage)
            totalMass = 0;

            var oParts = v.Parts;
            count = oParts.Count;

            simCurves = _simCurves;

            if (parts.Capacity < count)
                parts.Capacity = count;

            for (int i=0; i < count; i++)
                SimulatedPart simulatedPart = null;
                bool special = false;
                for (int j = 0; j < oParts[i].Modules.Count; j++)
                    ModuleParachute mp = oParts[i].Modules[j] as ModuleParachute;
                    if (mp != null && v.mainBody.atmosphere)
                        special = true;
                        simulatedPart = SimulatedParachute.Borrow(mp, simCurves, startTime, limitChutesStage);
                if (!special)
                    simulatedPart = SimulatedPart.Borrow(oParts[i], simCurves);

                totalMass += simulatedPart.totalMass;
Esempio n. 11
        public static SimulatedParachute Borrow(ModuleParachute mp, ReentrySimulation.SimCurves simCurve, double startTime, int limitChutesStage)
            SimulatedParachute part = pool.Borrow();

            part.Init(mp.part, simCurve);
            part.Init(mp, startTime, limitChutesStage);
Esempio n. 12
        new static public SimulatedParachute New(ModuleParachute mp, ReentrySimulation.SimCurves simCurve, double startTime, int limitChutesStage)
            SimulatedParachute part = new SimulatedParachute();

            part.Set(mp.part, simCurve);
            part.Set(mp, startTime, limitChutesStage);
Esempio n. 13
        protected void StartSimulation(bool addParachuteError)
            double altitudeOfPreviousPrediction         = 0;
            double parachuteMultiplierForThisSimulation = this.parachuteSemiDeployMultiplier;

            if (addParachuteError)
                errorSimulationRunning = true;
                errorStopwatch.Start(); //starts a timer that times how long the simulation takes
                simulationRunning = true;
                stopwatch.Start(); //starts a timer that times how long the simulation takes
            Orbit patch = GetReenteringPatch() ?? orbit;

            // Work out what the landing altitude was of the last prediction, and use that to pass into the next simulation
            if (result != null)
                if (result.outcome == ReentrySimulation.Outcome.LANDED && result.body != null)
                    altitudeOfPreviousPrediction = result.endASL; // Note that we are caling GetResult here to force the it to calculate the endASL, if it has not already done this. It is not allowed to do this previously as we are only allowed to do it from this thread, not the reentry simulation thread.
            // Is this a simulation run with errors added? If so then add some error to the parachute multiple
            if (addParachuteError)
                parachuteMultiplierForThisSimulation *= 1d + (random.Next(1000000) - 500000d) / 10000000d;

            // The curves used for the sim are not thread safe so we need a copy used only by the thread
            ReentrySimulation.SimCurves simCurves = ReentrySimulation.SimCurves.Borrow(patch.referenceBody);

            //if (descentSpeedPolicy != null)
            //    print(vesselState.limitedMaxThrustAccel.ToString("F2") + " " + descentSpeedPolicy.MaxAllowedSpeed(vesselState.CoM - mainBody.position, vesselState.surfaceVelocity).ToString("F2"));

            SimulatedVessel   simVessel = SimulatedVessel.Borrow(vessel, simCurves, patch.StartUT, core.landing.enabled && deployChutes ? limitChutesStage : -1);
            ReentrySimulation sim       = ReentrySimulation.Borrow(patch, patch.StartUT, simVessel, simCurves, descentSpeedPolicy, decelEndAltitudeASL, vesselState.limitedMaxThrustAccel, parachuteMultiplierForThisSimulation, altitudeOfPreviousPrediction, addParachuteError, dt, Time.fixedDeltaTime, maxOrbits, noSkipToFreefall);

            //MechJebCore.print("Sim ran with dt=" + dt.ToString("F3"));

            //Run the simulation in a separate thread
            ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(RunSimulation, sim);
Esempio n. 14
        private void Set(Vessel v, ReentrySimulation.SimCurves _simCurves)
            totalMass = 0;

            var oParts = v.Parts;

            count = oParts.Count;

            simCurves = _simCurves;

            if (parts.Capacity < count)
                parts.Capacity = count;

            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                SimulatedPart simulatedPart = SimulatedPart.New(oParts[i], simCurves);
                totalMass += simulatedPart.totalMass;
Esempio n. 15
        private void Init(Vessel v, ReentrySimulation.SimCurves _simCurves, double startTime, int limitChutesStage)
            totalMass = 0;

            var oParts = v.Parts;

            count = oParts.Count;

            simCurves = _simCurves;

            if (parts.Capacity < count)
                parts.Capacity = count;

            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                SimulatedPart simulatedPart = null;
                bool          special       = false;
                for (int j = 0; j < oParts[i].Modules.Count; j++)
                    ModuleParachute mp = oParts[i].Modules[j] as ModuleParachute;
                    if (mp != null && v.mainBody.atmosphere)
                        special       = true;
                        simulatedPart = SimulatedParachute.Borrow(mp, simCurves, startTime, limitChutesStage);
                if (!special)
                    simulatedPart = SimulatedPart.Borrow(oParts[i], simCurves);

                totalMass += simulatedPart.totalMass;
Esempio n. 16
        private void Set(Vessel v, ReentrySimulation.SimCurves _simCurves, double startTime, int limitChutesStage)
            totalMass = 0;

            var oParts = v.Parts;

            count = oParts.Count;

            simCurves = _simCurves;

            if (parts.Capacity < count)
                parts.Capacity = count;

            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                SimulatedPart simulatedPart = null;
                bool          special       = false;
                for (int j = 0; j < oParts[i].Modules.Count; j++)
                    if (oParts[i].Modules[j] is ModuleParachute)
                        special       = true;
                        simulatedPart = SimulatedParachute.New((ModuleParachute)oParts[i].Modules[j], simCurves, startTime, limitChutesStage);
                if (!special)
                    simulatedPart = SimulatedPart.New(oParts[i], simCurves);

                totalMass += simulatedPart.totalMass;
        protected void StartSimulation(bool addParachuteError)
            double altitudeOfPreviousPrediction = 0;
            double parachuteMultiplierForThisSimulation = this.parachuteSemiDeployMultiplier;

            if (addParachuteError)
                errorSimulationRunning = true;
                errorStopwatch.Start(); //starts a timer that times how long the simulation takes
                simulationRunning = true;
                stopwatch.Start(); //starts a timer that times how long the simulation takes

            Orbit patch = GetReenteringPatch() ?? orbit;

            // Work out what the landing altitude was of the last prediction, and use that to pass into the next simulation
            if(null !=this.result)
                if(result.outcome == ReentrySimulation.Outcome.LANDED &&  null != result.body)
                    altitudeOfPreviousPrediction = this.GetResult().endASL; // Note that we are caling GetResult here to force the it to calculate the endASL, if it has not already done this. It is not allowed to do this previously as we are only allowed to do it from this thread, not the reentry simulation thread.

            // Is this a simulation run with errors added? If so then add some error to the parachute multiple
            if (addParachuteError)
                System.Random random = new System.Random();
                parachuteMultiplierForThisSimulation *= (1d + ((random.Next(1000000) - 500000d) /10000000d));

            // The curves used for the simes are not thread safe so we need a copy used only by the thread
            ReentrySimulation.SimCurves simCurves = new ReentrySimulation.SimCurves(patch.referenceBody);

            SimulatedVessel simVessel = SimulatedVessel.New(vessel, simCurves, patch.StartUT, deployChutes ? limitChutesStage : -1);

            ReentrySimulation sim = new ReentrySimulation(patch, patch.StartUT, simVessel, simCurves, descentSpeedPolicy, decelEndAltitudeASL, vesselState.limitedMaxThrustAccel, parachuteMultiplierForThisSimulation, altitudeOfPreviousPrediction, addParachuteError, dt, Time.fixedDeltaTime);

            //MechJebCore.print("Sim ran with dt=" + dt.ToString("F3"));

            //Run the simulation in a separate thread
            ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(RunSimulation, sim);
        protected void StartSimulation(bool addParachuteError)
            double altitudeOfPreviousPrediction         = 0;
            double parachuteMultiplierForThisSimulation = this.parachuteSemiDeployMultiplier;

            if (addParachuteError)
                errorSimulationRunning = true;
                errorStopwatch.Start(); //starts a timer that times how long the simulation takes
                simulationRunning = true;
                stopwatch.Start(); //starts a timer that times how long the simulation takes

            Orbit patch = GetReenteringPatch() ?? orbit;

            // Work out a mass for the total ship, a DragMass for everything except the parachutes that will be used (including the stowed parachutes that will not be used) and list of parchutes that will be used.
            double totalMass = 0;
            double dragMassExcludingUsedParachutes = 0;
            List <SimulatedParachute> usableChutes = new List <SimulatedParachute>();

            for (int index = 0; index <; index++)
                Part p =[index];
                if (p.IsPhysicallySignificant())
                    bool   partIsParachute = false;
                    double partDrag        = 0;
                    double partMass        = p.TotalMass();

                    totalMass += partMass;

                    // Is this part a parachute?
                    for (int i = 0; i < p.Modules.Count; i++)
                        PartModule pm = p.Modules[i];
                        if (!pm.isEnabled)

                        if (pm is ModuleParachute)
                            ModuleParachute chute = (ModuleParachute)pm;
                            // This is a parachute, but is it one that will be used in the landing / rentry simulation?
                            if (deployChutes && p.inverseStage >= limitChutesStage)
                                // This chute will be used in the simualtion. Add it to the list of useage parachutes.
                                usableChutes.Add(new SimulatedParachute(chute, patch.StartUT));
                                partIsParachute = true;

                    if (!partIsParachute)
                        // Part is not a parachute. Just use its drag value.
                        partDrag = p.maximum_drag;

                    dragMassExcludingUsedParachutes += partDrag * partMass;

            // Work out what the landing altitude was of the last prediction, and use that to pass into the next simulation
            if (null != this.result)
                if (result.outcome == ReentrySimulation.Outcome.LANDED && null != result.body)
                    altitudeOfPreviousPrediction = this.GetResult().endASL; // Note that we are caling GetResult here to force the it to calculate the endASL, if it has not already done this. It is not allowed to do this previously as we are only allowed to do it from this thread, not the reentry simulation thread.

            // Is this a simulation run with errors added? If so then add some error to the parachute multiple
            if (addParachuteError)
                System.Random random = new System.Random();
                parachuteMultiplierForThisSimulation *= (1d + ((random.Next(1000000) - 500000d) / 10000000d));

            // The curves used for the simes are not thread safe so we need a copy used only by the thread
            ReentrySimulation.SimCurves simCurves = new ReentrySimulation.SimCurves(patch.referenceBody);

            SimulatedVessel simVessel = SimulatedVessel.New(vessel, simCurves);

            ReentrySimulation sim = new ReentrySimulation(patch, patch.StartUT, usableChutes, simVessel, simCurves, descentSpeedPolicy, decelEndAltitudeASL, vesselState.limitedMaxThrustAccel, parachuteMultiplierForThisSimulation, altitudeOfPreviousPrediction, addParachuteError, dt, Time.fixedDeltaTime);

            MechJebCore.print("Sim ran with dt=" + dt.ToString("F3"));

            //Run the simulation in a separate thread
            ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(RunSimulation, sim);