public override void Save(XmlDocument doc, XmlNode node, MpeParser parser, MpeControl reference) { base.Save(doc, node, parser, reference); MpeButton button = null; if (reference != null) { button = (MpeButton)reference; } // Size if (button == null || button.Size != Size) { parser.SetInt(doc, node, "width", Width); parser.SetInt(doc, node, "height", Height); } // hyperlink if (button == null || button.Hyperlink != Hyperlink) { parser.SetInt(doc, node, "hyperlink", Hyperlink); } // DiffuseColor if (button == null || button.DiffuseColor != DiffuseColor) { parser.SetColor(doc, node, "colordiffuse", DiffuseColor); } // TextOffsetX if (button == null || button.Padding.Left != Padding.Left) { parser.SetInt(doc, node, "textXOff", Padding.Left); } // TextOffsetY if (button == null || button.Padding.Top != Padding.Top) { parser.SetInt(doc, node, "textYOff", Padding.Top); } // TextureFocus if (button == null || button.TextureFocus == null || button.TextureFocus.Equals(TextureFocus) == false) { if (TextureFocus == null) { parser.SetValue(doc, node, "textureFocus", "-"); } else { parser.SetValue(doc, node, "textureFocus", TextureFocus.Name); } } // TextureNoFocus if (button == null || button.TextureNoFocus == null || button.TextureNoFocus.Equals(TextureNoFocus) == false) { if (TextureNoFocus == null) { parser.SetValue(doc, node, "textureNoFocus", "-"); } else { parser.SetValue(doc, node, "textureNoFocus", TextureNoFocus.Name); } } }
public override void Initialize() { try { AllowDrop = false; screen = (MpeScreen) Parser.CreateControl(MpeControlType.Screen); screen.Location = new Point(Mask.NodeSize, Mask.NodeSize); Controls.Add(screen); if (control.Type != MpeControlType.Screen) { screen.Controls.Add(control); } else { control = screen; } control.IsReference = true; control.Modified = false; MpeLog.Info("Control designer intialized [" + control.Type.DisplayName + "]"); } catch (MpeParserException mpe) { MpeLog.Debug(mpe); throw new DesignerException(mpe.Message); } catch (Exception e) { MpeLog.Debug(e); throw new DesignerException(e.Message); } }
public override void Save(XmlDocument doc, XmlNode node, MpeParser parser, MpeControl reference) { base.Save(doc, node, parser, reference); // Remove Width and Height parser.RemoveNode(node, "width"); parser.RemoveNode(node, "height"); MpeCheckBox checkbox = null; if (reference != null && reference is MpeCheckBox) { checkbox = (MpeCheckBox)reference; } // Label label.Save(doc, node, parser, checkbox != null ? checkbox.label : null); parser.SetValue(doc, node, "type", Type.ToString()); // TextureChecked if (checkbox == null || checkbox.TextureChecked == null || checkbox.TextureChecked.Equals(TextureChecked) == false ) { if (TextureChecked == null) { parser.SetValue(doc, node, "textureCheckmark", "-"); } else { parser.SetValue(doc, node, "textureCheckmark", TextureChecked.Name); } } // Texture if (checkbox == null || checkbox.Texture == null || checkbox.Texture.Equals(Texture) == false) { if (Texture == null) { parser.SetValue(doc, node, "textureCheckmarkNoFocus", "-"); } else { parser.SetValue(doc, node, "textureCheckmarkNoFocus", Texture.Name); } } // TextureSize if (checkbox == null || checkbox.TextureSize != TextureSize) { parser.SetInt(doc, node, "MarkWidth", TextureSize.Width); parser.SetInt(doc, node, "MarkHeight", TextureSize.Height); } // Shadow parser.SetValue(doc, node, "shadow", "no"); // Save Correct Type //parser.SetValue(doc, node, "type", parser.ControlTypeToXmlString(Type)); //parser.SetValue(doc, node, "type", Type.ToString()); }
public override void Destroy() { base.Destroy(); for (int i = 0; i < Controls.Count; i++) { if (Controls[i] is MpeControl) { MpeControl c = (MpeControl)Controls[i]; c.Destroy(); } } }
public override void Save(XmlDocument doc, XmlNode node, MpeParser parser, MpeControl reference) { if (doc != null && node != null) { base.Save(doc, node, parser, reference); //parser.SetValue(doc, node, "animation", Animation.ToString()); XmlElement mpenode = doc.CreateElement("mpe"); node.AppendChild(mpenode); parser.SetValue(doc, mpenode, "layout", LayoutStyle.ToString()); parser.SetValue(doc, mpenode, "spring", Spring ? "yes" : "no"); parser.SetInt(doc, mpenode, "spacing", Spacing); parser.SetPadding(doc, mpenode, "padding", Padding); if (backImage != null && backImage.Texture != null) { XmlElement image = doc.CreateElement("control"); backImage.Location = AbsoluteLocation; backImage.Save(doc, image, parser, parser.GetControl(MpeControlType.Image)); backImage.Location = Point.Empty; node.AppendChild(image); } if (reference != null) { for (int i = Controls.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (Controls[i] is MpeControl) { MpeControl control = (MpeControl)Controls[i]; try { XmlElement element = doc.CreateElement("control"); MpeControl referenceControl = parser.GetControl(control.Type); control.Save(doc, element, parser, referenceControl); node.AppendChild(element); } catch (Exception e) { MpeLog.Debug(e); MpeLog.Error(e); throw new MpeParserException(e.Message); } } } } } }
protected override sealed void OnControlRemoved(ControlEventArgs e) { if (e.Control != null && e.Control is MpeControl) { MpeControl c = (MpeControl)e.Control; c.SizeChanged -= new EventHandler(OnControlSizeChanged); if (c.Embedded) { c.Click -= new EventHandler(OnEmbeddedClick); c.MouseDown -= new MouseEventHandler(OnEmbeddedMouseDown); } //else { Prepare(); //} Modified = true; } base.OnControlRemoved(e); }
public override void Save(XmlDocument doc, XmlNode node, MpeParser parser, MpeControl reference) { base.Save(doc, node, parser, reference); MpeLabel label = null; if (reference != null && reference is MpeLabel) { label = (MpeLabel)reference; } // Fix the Left Position if (Alignment == MpeControlAlignment.Right) { parser.SetInt(doc, node, "posX", Right); } // Fix the Width and Height parser.RemoveNode(node, "width"); parser.RemoveNode(node, "height"); // Text parser.SetValue(doc, node, "label", Text); // Font if (label == null || !label.Font.Name.Equals(Font.Name)) { parser.SetValue(doc, node, "font", Font.Name); } // Alignment if (label == null || label.Alignment != Alignment) { parser.SetValue(doc, node, "align", Alignment.ToString().ToLower()); } // Color if (label == null || label.TextColor != TextColor) { parser.SetColor(doc, node, "textcolor", TextColor); } // DisabledColor if (label == null || label.DisabledColor != DisabledColor) { parser.SetColor(doc, node, "disabledcolor", DisabledColor); } }
public override void Save(XmlDocument doc, XmlNode node, MpeParser parser, MpeControl reference) { if (doc != null && node != null) { base.Save(doc, node, parser, reference); if (AutoSize) { parser.RemoveNode(node, "width"); parser.RemoveNode(node, "height"); } MpeImage image = null; if (reference != null && reference is MpeImage) { image = (MpeImage)reference; } // For the reference image, the texture should be set to the default screen background if (IsReference) { parser.SetValue(doc, node, "texture", (MpeScreen.TextureBack != null ? MpeScreen.TextureBack.Name : "-")); } else { parser.SetValue(doc, node, "texture", (Texture != null ? Texture.Name : "-")); } if (image == null || image.Centered != Centered) { parser.SetValue(doc, node, "centered", Centered ? "yes" : "no"); } if (image == null || image.Filtered != Filtered) { parser.SetValue(doc, node, "filtered", Filtered ? "yes" : "no"); } if (image == null || image.KeepAspectRatio != KeepAspectRatio) { parser.SetValue(doc, node, "keepaspectratio", KeepAspectRatio ? "yes" : "no"); } if (image == null || image.ColorKey != ColorKey) { parser.SetInt(doc, node, "colorkey", ColorKey); } } }
public MpeControl(MpeControl control) : this() { MpeLog.Debug("MpeControl(control)"); preparing = true; Size = control.Size; Location = control.Location; alignment = control.alignment; autoSize = control.autoSize; borderPen = control.borderPen; controlLock = new MpeControlLock(control.controlLock); controlLock.LockChanged += new MpeControlLock.LockChangedHandler(OnLockChanged); description = control.description; diffuseColor = control.diffuseColor; dimColor = control.dimColor; animation = control.animation; embedded = control.embedded; enabled = control.enabled; focused = control.focused; id =; masked = control.masked; modified = control.modified; onLeft = control.onLeft; onRight = control.onRight; onUp = control.onUp; onDown = control.onDown; padding = new MpeControlPadding(control.padding); padding.PaddingChanged += new MpeControlPadding.PaddingChangedHandler(OnPaddingChanged); parser = control.parser; textBrush = (SolidBrush)control.textBrush.Clone(); type = control.type; visible = control.visible; screen = control.screen; tags = new MpeTagCollection(control.tags); tags.TagAdded += new MpeTagCollection.TagAddedHandler(OnTagCollectionChanged); tags.TagChanged += new MpeTagCollection.TagChangedHandler(OnTagCollectionChanged); tags.TagRemoved += new MpeTagCollection.TagRemovedHandler(OnTagCollectionChanged); preparing = false; }
public MpeContainer(MpeContainer container) : base(container) { MpeLog.Debug("MpeContainer(container)"); backImage = new MpeImage(container.backImage); layoutStyle = container.layoutStyle; gridSize = container.gridSize; showGrid = container.showGrid; showBorder = container.showBorder; snapToGrid = container.snapToGrid; spring = container.spring; spacing = container.spacing; for (int i = 0; i < container.Controls.Count; i++) { if (container.Controls[i] is MpeControl) { MpeControl c = (MpeControl)container.Controls[i]; if (c.Embedded == false) { Controls.Add(c.Copy()); } } } }
public override void Save(XmlDocument doc, XmlNode node, MpeParser parser, MpeControl reference) { base.Save(doc, node, parser, reference); MpeToggleButton toggle = null; if (reference != null && reference is MpeToggleButton) { toggle = (MpeToggleButton)reference; } // TextureFocus if (toggle == null || toggle.AlternateTextureFocus == null || toggle.AlternateTextureFocus.Equals(AlternateTextureFocus) == false) { if (AlternateTextureFocus == null) { parser.SetValue(doc, node, "AltTextureFocus", "-"); } else { parser.SetValue(doc, node, "AltTextureFocus", AlternateTextureFocus.Name); } } // AlternateTextureNoFocus if (toggle == null || toggle.AlternateTextureNoFocus == null || toggle.AlternateTextureNoFocus.Equals(AlternateTextureNoFocus) == false) { if (AlternateTextureNoFocus == null) { parser.SetValue(doc, node, "AltTextureNoFocus", "-"); } else { parser.SetValue(doc, node, "AltTextureNoFocus", AlternateTextureNoFocus.Name); } } }
public override void Save(XmlDocument doc, XmlNode node, MpeParser parser, MpeControl reference) { base.Save(doc, node, parser, reference); MpeSpinButton spin = null; if (reference != null && reference is MpeSpinButton) { spin = (MpeSpinButton)reference; } // Fix the Width and Height to be the texture size parser.SetInt(doc, node, "width", TextureSize.Width); parser.SetInt(doc, node, "height", TextureSize.Height); // Font if (spin == null || !spin.Font.Name.Equals(Font.Name)) { parser.SetValue(doc, node, "font", Font.Name); } // Alignment if (spin == null || spin.Alignment != Alignment) { parser.SetValue(doc, node, "align", Alignment.ToString().ToLower()); } // Color if (spin == null || spin.Color != Color) { parser.SetColor(doc, node, "textcolor", Color); } // DisabledColor if (spin == null || spin.DisabledColor != DisabledColor) { parser.SetColor(doc, node, "disabledcolor", DisabledColor); } // Orientation if (spin == null || spin.Orientation != Orientation) { parser.SetValue(doc, node, "orientation", Orientation.ToString().ToLower()); } // Reverse if (spin == null || spin.Reverse != Reverse) { parser.SetValue(doc, node, "reverse", Reverse ? "yes" : "no"); } // ShowRange if (spin == null || spin.ShowRange != ShowRange) { parser.SetValue(doc, node, "showrange", ShowRange ? "yes" : "no"); } // Textures if (spin == null || spin.TextureUp == null || spin.TextureUp.Equals(TextureUp) == false) { if (TextureUp == null) { parser.SetValue(doc, node, "textureUp", "-"); } else { parser.SetValue(doc, node, "textureUp", TextureUp.Name); } } if (spin == null || spin.TextureUpFocus == null || spin.TextureUpFocus.Equals(TextureUpFocus) == false) { if (TextureUpFocus == null) { parser.SetValue(doc, node, "textureUpFocus", "-"); } else { parser.SetValue(doc, node, "textureUpFocus", TextureUpFocus.Name); } } if (spin == null || spin.TextureDown == null || spin.TextureDown.Equals(TextureDown) == false) { if (TextureDown == null) { parser.SetValue(doc, node, "textureDown", "-"); } else { parser.SetValue(doc, node, "textureDown", TextureDown.Name); } } if (spin == null || spin.TextureDownFocus == null || spin.TextureDownFocus.Equals(TextureDownFocus) == false) { if (TextureDownFocus == null) { parser.SetValue(doc, node, "textureDownFocus", "-"); } else { parser.SetValue(doc, node, "textureDownFocus", TextureDownFocus.Name); } } // Items parser.SetValue(doc, node, "subtype", items.Type.ToString().ToLower()); XmlElement subitems = doc.CreateElement("subitems"); parser.SetValue(doc, subitems, "type", items.Type.ToString().ToLower()); parser.SetValue(doc, subitems, "first", items.First); parser.SetValue(doc, subitems, "last", items.Last); parser.SetValue(doc, subitems, "interval", items.Interval); parser.SetValue(doc, subitems, "digits", items.Digits); node.AppendChild(subitems); }
public override void Save(XmlDocument doc, XmlNode node, MpeParser parser, MpeControl reference) { base.Save(doc, node, parser, reference); // Remove Width and Height parser.RemoveNode(node, "width"); parser.RemoveNode(node, "height"); MpeCheckBox checkbox = null; if (reference != null && reference is MpeCheckBox) { checkbox = (MpeCheckBox) reference; } // Label label.Save(doc, node, parser, checkbox != null ? checkbox.label : null); parser.SetValue(doc, node, "type", Type.ToString()); // TextureChecked if (checkbox == null || checkbox.TextureChecked == null || checkbox.TextureChecked.Equals(TextureChecked) == false ) { if (TextureChecked == null) { parser.SetValue(doc, node, "textureCheckmark", "-"); } else { parser.SetValue(doc, node, "textureCheckmark", TextureChecked.Name); } } // Texture if (checkbox == null || checkbox.Texture == null || checkbox.Texture.Equals(Texture) == false) { if (Texture == null) { parser.SetValue(doc, node, "textureCheckmarkNoFocus", "-"); } else { parser.SetValue(doc, node, "textureCheckmarkNoFocus", Texture.Name); } } // TextureSize if (checkbox == null || checkbox.TextureSize != TextureSize) { parser.SetInt(doc, node, "MarkWidth", TextureSize.Width); parser.SetInt(doc, node, "MarkHeight", TextureSize.Height); } // Shadow parser.SetValue(doc, node, "shadow", "no"); // Save Correct Type //parser.SetValue(doc, node, "type", parser.ControlTypeToXmlString(Type)); //parser.SetValue(doc, node, "type", Type.ToString()); }
protected void AddControl(MpeControl c) { Controls.Add(c); }
public override void Save(XmlDocument doc, XmlNode node, MpeParser parser, MpeControl reference) { base.Save(doc, node, parser, reference); MpeButton button = null; if (reference != null) { button = (MpeButton) reference; } // Size if (button == null || button.Size != Size) { parser.SetInt(doc, node, "width", Width); parser.SetInt(doc, node, "height", Height); } // hyperlink if (button == null || button.Hyperlink != Hyperlink) { parser.SetInt(doc, node, "hyperlink", Hyperlink); } // DiffuseColor if (button == null || button.DiffuseColor != DiffuseColor) { parser.SetColor(doc, node, "colordiffuse", DiffuseColor); } // TextOffsetX if (button == null || button.Padding.Left != Padding.Left) { parser.SetInt(doc, node, "textXOff", Padding.Left); } // TextOffsetY if (button == null || button.Padding.Top != Padding.Top) { parser.SetInt(doc, node, "textYOff", Padding.Top); } // TextureFocus if (button == null || button.TextureFocus == null || button.TextureFocus.Equals(TextureFocus) == false) { if (TextureFocus == null) { parser.SetValue(doc, node, "textureFocus", "-"); } else { parser.SetValue(doc, node, "textureFocus", TextureFocus.Name); } } // TextureNoFocus if (button == null || button.TextureNoFocus == null || button.TextureNoFocus.Equals(TextureNoFocus) == false) { if (TextureNoFocus == null) { parser.SetValue(doc, node, "textureNoFocus", "-"); } else { parser.SetValue(doc, node, "textureNoFocus", TextureNoFocus.Name); } } }
public virtual void OnControlPropertyValueChanged(MpeControl sender, string property) { switch (property) { case "Id": UpdatePropertyManager(); break; } }
protected void RemoveControl(MpeControl c) { Controls.Remove(c); }
public void Save(XmlDocument doc, XmlNode node, MpeParser parser, MpeControl reference) { MpeLog.Debug("MpeFont.Save()"); textureWorkDir = parser.FontDir.FullName; parser.SetValue(doc, node, "name", Name); parser.SetValue(doc, node, "filename", Family); parser.SetInt(doc, node, "height", Size); parser.SetValue(doc, node, "style", Style); parser.SetInt(doc, node, "start", StartCharacter); parser.SetInt(doc, node, "end", EndCharacter - 1); // Setup Texture Files if (textureWorkDir != null) { int size = Size; string sTexture = textureWorkDir + "\\" + name + "_" + size + ".png"; string sData = sTexture + ".xml"; if (textureFile != null && textureFile.Exists && textureFile.FullName.Equals(sTexture) == false) { MpeLog.Info("Moving texture file..."); textureFile.MoveTo(sTexture); textureFile.Refresh(); } else { textureFile = new FileInfo(sTexture); } if (textureDataFile != null && textureDataFile.Exists && textureDataFile.FullName.Equals(sData) == false) { MpeLog.Info("Moving texture data file..."); textureDataFile.MoveTo(sData); textureDataFile.Refresh(); } else { textureDataFile = new FileInfo(sData); } } // Save Texture try { textureFile.Delete(); texture.Save(textureFile.FullName); textureFile.Refresh(); } catch (Exception e) { MpeLog.Error(e); throw new MpeParserException("Error saving font. Could not write to texture file."); } // Save Texture Data Stream s = null; try { textureDataFile.Delete(); s = File.Open(textureDataFile.FullName, FileMode.CreateNew, FileAccess.ReadWrite); SoapFormatter b = new SoapFormatter(); b.Serialize(s, (object)textureCoordinates); textureDataFile.Refresh(); } catch (Exception e) { MpeLog.Debug(e); throw new MpeParserException("Error saving font. Could not write to texture data file."); } finally { if (s != null) { s.Close(); } } }
public MpeControlDesigner(MediaPortalEditor mpe, MpeControl control) : base(mpe) { this.control = control; }
public MpeControl CreateControl(MpeControlType type) { MpeControl c = GetControl(type); if (c != null) { return c.Copy(); } if (type.IsKnown) { string filter = "Mpe" + type.DisplayName; Type t = typeof(MpeControl); if (t != null) { Module mod = t.Module; Type[] types = mod.FindTypes(Module.FilterTypeName, filter); if (types.Length == 1) { object o = types[0].InvokeMember(null, BindingFlags.CreateInstance, null, null, null); c = (MpeControl) o; } } if (c == null) { MpeLog.Warn("Could not find implementation of type = [" + type.DisplayName + "]"); c = new MpeControl(); } } else { c = new MpeControl(); } c.Type = type; c.Parser = this; return c; }
private MpeControl CreateControl(MpeControlType type, XPathNodeIterator iterator) { try { MpeControl c = null; if (type.IsKnown) { string filter = "Mpe" + type.DisplayName; Type t = typeof(MpeControl); if (t != null) { Module mod = t.Module; Type[] types = mod.FindTypes(Module.FilterTypeName, filter); if (types.Length == 1) { object o = types[0].InvokeMember(null, BindingFlags.CreateInstance, null, null, null); c = (MpeControl) o; } } if (c == null) { MpeLog.Warn("Could not find implementation of type = [" + type.DisplayName + "]"); c = new MpeControl(); } } else { c = new MpeControl(); } c.Type = type; c.Parser = this; c.Load(iterator, this); return c; } catch (Exception ee) { MpeLog.Debug(ee); throw new MpeParserException(ee.Message); } }
public virtual void Save(XmlDocument doc, XmlNode node, MpeParser parser, MpeControl reference) { if (doc != null && node != null) { // Type parser.SetValue(doc, node, "type", type.ToString()); // Description string s1 = Description != null ? Description : Type.ToString(); string s2 = (reference != null && reference.Description != null) ? reference.Description : Type.ToString(); if (reference == null || (!s1.Equals(s2))) { parser.SetValue(doc, node, "description", s1); } // Id parser.SetInt(doc, node, "id", Id); // Location - Absolute Positioning Point p = AbsoluteLocation; parser.SetInt(doc, node, "posX", p.X); parser.SetInt(doc, node, "posY", p.Y); // Size if (reference == null || reference.Width != Width) { parser.SetInt(doc, node, "width", Width); } // Height if (reference == null || reference.Height != Height) { parser.SetInt(doc, node, "height", Height); } // DiffuseColor if (reference == null || reference.DiffuseColor != DiffuseColor) { parser.SetColor(doc, node, "colordiffuse", DiffuseColor); } // DimColor if (reference == null || reference.DimColor != DimColor) { parser.SetColor(doc, node, "dimColor", DimColor); } // Animation Animation.Save(doc, node, parser); // Visible //if (Visible == false) //{ parser.SetValue(doc, node, "visible", Visible); //} // Actions if (OnLeft > 0) { parser.SetInt(doc, node, "onleft", OnLeft); } if (OnRight > 0) { parser.SetInt(doc, node, "onright", OnRight); } if (OnUp > 0) { parser.SetInt(doc, node, "onup", OnUp); } if (OnDown > 0) { parser.SetInt(doc, node, "ondown", OnDown); } string[] keys = tags.Keys; for (int i = 0; i < keys.Length; i++) { parser.SetValue(doc, node, keys[i], tags[keys[i]].Value); } } }
public MpeControl(MpeControl control) : this() { MpeLog.Debug("MpeControl(control)"); preparing = true; Size = control.Size; Location = control.Location; alignment = control.alignment; autoSize = control.autoSize; borderPen = control.borderPen; controlLock = new MpeControlLock(control.controlLock); controlLock.LockChanged += new MpeControlLock.LockChangedHandler(OnLockChanged); description = control.description; diffuseColor = control.diffuseColor; dimColor = control.dimColor; animation = control.animation; embedded = control.embedded; enabled = control.enabled; focused = control.focused; id =; masked = control.masked; modified = control.modified; onLeft = control.onLeft; onRight = control.onRight; onUp = control.onUp; onDown = control.onDown; padding = new MpeControlPadding(control.padding); padding.PaddingChanged += new MpeControlPadding.PaddingChangedHandler(OnPaddingChanged); parser = control.parser; textBrush = (SolidBrush) control.textBrush.Clone(); type = control.type; visible = control.visible; screen = control.screen; tags = new MpeTagCollection(control.tags); tags.TagAdded += new MpeTagCollection.TagAddedHandler(OnTagCollectionChanged); tags.TagChanged += new MpeTagCollection.TagChangedHandler(OnTagCollectionChanged); tags.TagRemoved += new MpeTagCollection.TagRemovedHandler(OnTagCollectionChanged); preparing = false; }
public virtual void OnControlIdentityChanged(MpeControl sender, IdentityEventArgs e) { if (ResourceList != null && ResourceList.IsUniqueId(e.New) == false) { e.Cancel = true; e.Message = "The new Id is not unique and will therefore be reset."; } else { e.Cancel = false; MpeLog.Info("Control Id set to " + e.New); } }
private void ReleaseControl(MpeControl c) { MpeLog.Debug("Removing " + c.ToString()); if (c is MpeContainer) { for (int i = 0; i < c.Controls.Count; i++) { if (c.Controls[i] is MpeControl) { ReleaseControl((MpeControl) c.Controls[i]); } } c.ControlAdded -= new ControlEventHandler(OnControlAdded); c.ControlRemoved -= new ControlEventHandler(OnControlRemoved); if (AllowAdditions) { c.DragDrop -= new DragEventHandler(OnDragDrop); c.DragEnter -= new DragEventHandler(OnDragEnter); } } c.Click -= new EventHandler(OnControlClick); c.MouseDown -= new MouseEventHandler(OnControlMouseDown); c.StatusChanged -= new MpeControl.StatusChangedHandler(OnControlStatusChanged); c.KeyUp -= new KeyEventHandler(OnKeyUp); c.PropertyValueChanged -= new MpeControl.PropertyValueChangedHandler(OnControlPropertyValueChanged); c.IdentityChanged -= new MpeControl.IdentityChangedHandler(OnControlIdentityChanged); ResourceList.Remove(c); MpeLog.Debug("Removed " + c.ToString()); }
public override void Save(XmlDocument doc, XmlNode node, MpeParser parser, MpeControl reference) { base.Save(doc, node, parser, reference); MpeToggleButton toggle = null; if (reference != null && reference is MpeToggleButton) { toggle = (MpeToggleButton) reference; } // TextureFocus if (toggle == null || toggle.AlternateTextureFocus == null || toggle.AlternateTextureFocus.Equals(AlternateTextureFocus) == false) { if (AlternateTextureFocus == null) { parser.SetValue(doc, node, "AltTextureFocus", "-"); } else { parser.SetValue(doc, node, "AltTextureFocus", AlternateTextureFocus.Name); } } // AlternateTextureNoFocus if (toggle == null || toggle.AlternateTextureNoFocus == null || toggle.AlternateTextureNoFocus.Equals(AlternateTextureNoFocus) == false) { if (AlternateTextureNoFocus == null) { parser.SetValue(doc, node, "AltTextureNoFocus", "-"); } else { parser.SetValue(doc, node, "AltTextureNoFocus", AlternateTextureNoFocus.Name); } } }
public override void OnControlStatusChanged(MpeControl sender, bool modified) { if (sender == control) { base.OnControlStatusChanged(sender, modified); } }
public override void Save(XmlDocument doc, XmlNode node, MpeParser parser, MpeControl reference) { base.Save(doc, node, parser, reference); MpeLabel label = null; if (reference != null && reference is MpeLabel) { label = (MpeLabel) reference; } // Fix the Left Position if (Alignment == MpeControlAlignment.Right) { parser.SetInt(doc, node, "posX", Right); } // Fix the Width and Height parser.RemoveNode(node, "width"); parser.RemoveNode(node, "height"); // Text parser.SetValue(doc, node, "label", Text); // Font if (label == null || !label.Font.Name.Equals(Font.Name)) { parser.SetValue(doc, node, "font", Font.Name); } // Alignment if (label == null || label.Alignment != Alignment) { parser.SetValue(doc, node, "align", Alignment.ToString().ToLower()); } // Color if (label == null || label.TextColor != TextColor) { parser.SetColor(doc, node, "textcolor", TextColor); } // DisabledColor if (label == null || label.DisabledColor != DisabledColor) { parser.SetColor(doc, node, "disabledcolor", DisabledColor); } }
public void SaveControl(MpeControl control) { MpeLog.Debug("MpeParser.SaveControl(" + control.Type.ToString() + ")"); XmlTextWriter writer = null; try { XmlDocument d = new XmlDocument(); d.Load(controlFile.FullName); XmlNode node = null; if (control.Type != MpeControlType.Screen) { node = d.SelectSingleNode("/controls/control[type='" + control.Type.ToString() + "']", null); if (node == null) { XmlNode n = d.SelectSingleNode("/controls"); if (n == null) { throw new MpeParserException("Invalid reference.xml file. Incorrect root node."); } node = d.CreateElement("control"); n.AppendChild(node); } else { node.RemoveAll(); } } else { node = d.SelectSingleNode("/controls"); } control.Save(d, node, this, null); controls.Remove(control.Type); controls.Add(control.Type, control); writer = new XmlTextWriter(controlFile.FullName, Encoding.UTF8); writer.Formatting = Formatting.Indented; writer.Indentation = 3; d.WriteTo(writer); writer.Close(); } catch (Exception e) { MpeLog.Debug(e); throw new MpeParserException("Error saving control: " + e.Message, e); } finally { if (writer != null) { writer.Close(); } } }
public virtual void OnControlStatusChanged(MpeControl sender, bool modified) { mpe.ToggleDesignerStatus(ResourceName, modified); }
public override void Save(XmlDocument doc, XmlNode node, MpeParser parser, MpeControl reference) { if (reference == null) { // Update reference.xml file if (node.Name != "controls") { throw new MpeParserException("Invalid root node <" + node.Name + "> provided."); } // Update the skin node XmlNode skin = node.SelectSingleNode("skin"); if (skin == null) { throw new MpeParserException( "Invalid reference.xml file. The <skin> element must be the first child in the document."); } skin.RemoveAll(); parser.SetValue(doc, skin, "width", Width.ToString()); parser.SetValue(doc, skin, "height", Height.ToString()); // Update the image control node that defines the window background XmlNode image = skin.NextSibling; if (image == null || image.Name.Equals("control") == false) { throw new MpeParserException( "Invalid reference.xml file. A <control> element of type image must follow the <skin> element."); } XmlNode test = image.SelectSingleNode("type"); if (test == null || test.InnerXml.Equals("image") == false) { throw new MpeParserException( "Invalid reference.xml file. A <control> element of type image must follow the <skin> element."); } image.RemoveAll(); backImage.Save(doc, image, parser, null); } else { // Update screen.xml file if (node == null || node.Name.Equals("window") == false) { throw new MpeParserException("Invalid root node <" + node.Name + "> provided. Looking for a <window> element."); } node.RemoveAll(); if (screenType != MpeScreenType.Window) { parser.SetValue(doc, node, "type", screenType.ToString().ToLower()); } parser.SetValue(doc, node, "id", Id.ToString()); parser.SetValue(doc, node, "defaultcontrol", DefaultControl.ToString()); parser.SetValue(doc, node, "allowoverlay", AllowOverlay ? "yes" : "no"); parser.SetValue(doc, node, "autohidetopbar", AutohideTopbar ? "yes" : "no"); XmlElement controls = doc.CreateElement("controls"); node.AppendChild(controls); if (ScreenType == MpeScreenType.Dialog) { MpeGroup dg = DialogGroup; //if (dg.TextureBack != null) { XmlElement image = doc.CreateElement("control"); dg.TextureBackImage.Save(doc, image, parser, parser.GetControl(MpeControlType.Image)); controls.AppendChild(image); //} for (int i = dg.Controls.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (dg.Controls[i] is MpeControl) { MpeControl control = (MpeControl) dg.Controls[i]; try { XmlElement element = doc.CreateElement("control"); MpeControl referenceControl = parser.GetControl(control.Type); control.Save(doc, element, parser, referenceControl); controls.AppendChild(element); } catch (Exception e) { MpeLog.Debug(e); MpeLog.Error(e); throw new MpeParserException(e.Message); } } } } else { if (TextureBack != null) { XmlElement image = doc.CreateElement("control"); backImage.Save(doc, image, parser, parser.GetControl(MpeControlType.Image)); controls.AppendChild(image); } for (int i = Controls.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (Controls[i] is MpeControl) { MpeControl control = (MpeControl) Controls[i]; try { XmlElement element = doc.CreateElement("control"); MpeControl referenceControl = parser.GetControl(control.Type); control.Save(doc, element, parser, referenceControl); controls.AppendChild(element); } catch (Exception e) { MpeLog.Debug(e); MpeLog.Error(e); throw new MpeParserException(e.Message); } } } } } }
public override void Load(XPathNodeIterator iterator, MpeParser parser) { MpeLog.Debug("MpeScreen.Load()"); this.parser = parser; XPathNodeIterator i = null; if (iterator == null) { throw new MpeParserException("The given iterator is invalid."); } if (iterator.Current.Name == "controls") { Width = parser.GetInt(iterator, "skin/width", Width); Height = parser.GetInt(iterator, "skin/height", Height); ScreenSize = MpeScreenSize.FromResolution(Width, Height); i = iterator.Current.Select("control[type='image']"); if (i.MoveNext()) { backImage.Load(i, parser); } Id = 0; } else if (iterator.Current.Name == "window") { string stype = parser.GetString(iterator, "type", ""); if (stype == MpeScreenType.Dialog.ToString().ToLower()) { screenType = MpeScreenType.Dialog; } else if (stype == MpeScreenType.OnScreenDisplay.ToString().ToLower()) { screenType = MpeScreenType.OnScreenDisplay; } else { screenType = MpeScreenType.Window; } Id = parser.GetInt(iterator, "id", Id); AllowOverlay = parser.GetBoolean(iterator, "allowoverlay", AllowOverlay); AutohideTopbar = parser.GetBoolean(iterator, "autohidetopbar", AutohideTopbar); DefaultControl = parser.GetInt(iterator, "defaultcontrol", DefaultControl); if (screenType == MpeScreenType.Dialog) { // Initialize the default screen MpeScreen defaultScreen = (MpeScreen)parser.GetControl(MpeControlType.Screen); if (defaultScreen == null) { throw new MpeParserException("Reference screen was never initialized and loaded"); } TextureBack = defaultScreen.TextureBack; Size = defaultScreen.Size; AllowDrop = false; // First create the dialog group MpeGroup dialog = (MpeGroup)parser.CreateControl(MpeControlType.Group); dialog.Id = DialogGroupId; dialog.LayoutStyle = MpeLayoutStyle.Grid; dialog.Parser = Parser; Controls.Add(dialog); // Add all the controls i = iterator.Current.Select("controls/control"); bool first = true; while (i.MoveNext()) { string s = parser.GetString(i, "type", ""); if (first && s == MpeControlType.Image.ToString()) { first = false; dialog.TextureBackImage.Load(i, parser); dialog.Size = dialog.TextureBackImage.Size; dialog.Location = dialog.TextureBackImage.Location; } else { XPathNodeIterator typeIterator = i.Current.SelectChildren("type", ""); if (typeIterator.MoveNext()) { MpeControlType type = MpeControlType.Create(typeIterator.Current.Value); MpeControl c = parser.CreateControl(type); dialog.Controls.Add(c); c.Load(i, parser); c.BringToFront(); } } } } else { AllowDrop = true; i = iterator.Current.Select("controls/control"); bool first = true; while (i.MoveNext()) { string s = parser.GetString(i, "type", ""); if (first && s == MpeControlType.Image.ToString()) { backImage.Load(i, parser); } else { XPathNodeIterator typeIterator = i.Current.SelectChildren("type", ""); if (typeIterator.MoveNext()) { MpeControlType type = MpeControlType.Create(typeIterator.Current.Value); MpeControl c = parser.CreateControl(type); Controls.Add(c); c.Load(i, parser); c.BringToFront(); } } first = false; } } } Modified = false; }
public override void Save(XmlDocument doc, XmlNode node, MpeParser parser, MpeControl reference) { // }
public override void Save(XmlDocument doc, XmlNode node, MpeParser parser, MpeControl reference) { if (reference == null) { // Update reference.xml file if (node.Name != "controls") { throw new MpeParserException("Invalid root node <" + node.Name + "> provided."); } // Update the skin node XmlNode skin = node.SelectSingleNode("skin"); if (skin == null) { throw new MpeParserException( "Invalid reference.xml file. The <skin> element must be the first child in the document."); } skin.RemoveAll(); parser.SetValue(doc, skin, "width", Width.ToString()); parser.SetValue(doc, skin, "height", Height.ToString()); // Update the image control node that defines the window background XmlNode image = skin.NextSibling; if (image == null || image.Name.Equals("control") == false) { throw new MpeParserException( "Invalid reference.xml file. A <control> element of type image must follow the <skin> element."); } XmlNode test = image.SelectSingleNode("type"); if (test == null || test.InnerXml.Equals("image") == false) { throw new MpeParserException( "Invalid reference.xml file. A <control> element of type image must follow the <skin> element."); } image.RemoveAll(); backImage.Save(doc, image, parser, null); } else { // Update screen.xml file if (node == null || node.Name.Equals("window") == false) { throw new MpeParserException("Invalid root node <" + node.Name + "> provided. Looking for a <window> element."); } node.RemoveAll(); if (screenType != MpeScreenType.Window) { parser.SetValue(doc, node, "type", screenType.ToString().ToLower()); } parser.SetValue(doc, node, "id", Id.ToString()); parser.SetValue(doc, node, "defaultcontrol", DefaultControl.ToString()); parser.SetValue(doc, node, "allowoverlay", AllowOverlay ? "yes" : "no"); parser.SetValue(doc, node, "autohidetopbar", AutohideTopbar ? "yes" : "no"); XmlElement controls = doc.CreateElement("controls"); node.AppendChild(controls); if (ScreenType == MpeScreenType.Dialog) { MpeGroup dg = DialogGroup; //if (dg.TextureBack != null) { XmlElement image = doc.CreateElement("control"); dg.TextureBackImage.Save(doc, image, parser, parser.GetControl(MpeControlType.Image)); controls.AppendChild(image); //} for (int i = dg.Controls.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (dg.Controls[i] is MpeControl) { MpeControl control = (MpeControl)dg.Controls[i]; try { XmlElement element = doc.CreateElement("control"); MpeControl referenceControl = parser.GetControl(control.Type); control.Save(doc, element, parser, referenceControl); controls.AppendChild(element); } catch (Exception e) { MpeLog.Debug(e); MpeLog.Error(e); throw new MpeParserException(e.Message); } } } } else { if (TextureBack != null) { XmlElement image = doc.CreateElement("control"); backImage.Save(doc, image, parser, parser.GetControl(MpeControlType.Image)); controls.AppendChild(image); } for (int i = Controls.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (Controls[i] is MpeControl) { MpeControl control = (MpeControl)Controls[i]; try { XmlElement element = doc.CreateElement("control"); MpeControl referenceControl = parser.GetControl(control.Type); control.Save(doc, element, parser, referenceControl); controls.AppendChild(element); } catch (Exception e) { MpeLog.Debug(e); MpeLog.Error(e); throw new MpeParserException(e.Message); } } } } } }
public override void Save(XmlDocument doc, XmlNode node, MpeParser parser, MpeControl reference) { base.Save(doc, node, parser, reference); MpeSpinButton spin = null; if (reference != null && reference is MpeSpinButton) { spin = (MpeSpinButton) reference; } // Fix the Width and Height to be the texture size parser.SetInt(doc, node, "width", TextureSize.Width); parser.SetInt(doc, node, "height", TextureSize.Height); // Font if (spin == null || !spin.Font.Name.Equals(Font.Name)) { parser.SetValue(doc, node, "font", Font.Name); } // Alignment if (spin == null || spin.Alignment != Alignment) { parser.SetValue(doc, node, "align", Alignment.ToString().ToLower()); } // Color if (spin == null || spin.Color != Color) { parser.SetColor(doc, node, "textcolor", Color); } // DisabledColor if (spin == null || spin.DisabledColor != DisabledColor) { parser.SetColor(doc, node, "disabledcolor", DisabledColor); } // Orientation if (spin == null || spin.Orientation != Orientation) { parser.SetValue(doc, node, "orientation", Orientation.ToString().ToLower()); } // Reverse if (spin == null || spin.Reverse != Reverse) { parser.SetValue(doc, node, "reverse", Reverse ? "yes" : "no"); } // ShowRange if (spin == null || spin.ShowRange != ShowRange) { parser.SetValue(doc, node, "showrange", ShowRange ? "yes" : "no"); } // Textures if (spin == null || spin.TextureUp == null || spin.TextureUp.Equals(TextureUp) == false) { if (TextureUp == null) { parser.SetValue(doc, node, "textureUp", "-"); } else { parser.SetValue(doc, node, "textureUp", TextureUp.Name); } } if (spin == null || spin.TextureUpFocus == null || spin.TextureUpFocus.Equals(TextureUpFocus) == false) { if (TextureUpFocus == null) { parser.SetValue(doc, node, "textureUpFocus", "-"); } else { parser.SetValue(doc, node, "textureUpFocus", TextureUpFocus.Name); } } if (spin == null || spin.TextureDown == null || spin.TextureDown.Equals(TextureDown) == false) { if (TextureDown == null) { parser.SetValue(doc, node, "textureDown", "-"); } else { parser.SetValue(doc, node, "textureDown", TextureDown.Name); } } if (spin == null || spin.TextureDownFocus == null || spin.TextureDownFocus.Equals(TextureDownFocus) == false) { if (TextureDownFocus == null) { parser.SetValue(doc, node, "textureDownFocus", "-"); } else { parser.SetValue(doc, node, "textureDownFocus", TextureDownFocus.Name); } } // Items parser.SetValue(doc, node, "subtype", items.Type.ToString().ToLower()); XmlElement subitems = doc.CreateElement("subitems"); parser.SetValue(doc, subitems, "type", items.Type.ToString().ToLower()); parser.SetValue(doc, subitems, "first", items.First); parser.SetValue(doc, subitems, "last", items.Last); parser.SetValue(doc, subitems, "interval", items.Interval); parser.SetValue(doc, subitems, "digits", items.Digits); node.AppendChild(subitems); }
public override void Load(XPathNodeIterator iterator, MpeParser parser) { MpeLog.Debug("MpeGroup.Load()"); base.Load(iterator, parser); this.parser = parser; //Animation = parser.GetAnimation(iterator, "animation", Animation); //tags.Remove("animation"); // Mpe Specific Tags bool firstLoad = false; if (parser.GetString(iterator, "mpe/layout", null) == null) { MpeLog.Debug("This is a group that has never been opened with MPE!"); firstLoad = true; Left = 0; Top = 0; } LayoutStyle = parser.GetLayout(iterator, "mpe/layout", LayoutStyle); Spring = parser.GetBoolean(iterator, "mpe/spring", Spring); Spacing = parser.GetInt(iterator, "mpe/spacing", Spacing); Padding = parser.GetPadding(iterator, "mpe/padding", Padding); // Child Controls XPathNodeIterator i = iterator.Current.Select("control"); bool firstControl = true; int x = int.MaxValue; int y = int.MaxValue; int r = 0; int b = 0; while (i.MoveNext()) { XPathNodeIterator typeIterator = i.Current.SelectChildren("type", ""); if (typeIterator.MoveNext()) { MpeControlType ctype = MpeControlType.Create(typeIterator.Current.Value); if (firstControl && ctype == MpeControlType.Image) { firstControl = false; backImage.Load(i, parser); } else { MpeControl c = parser.CreateControl(ctype); Controls.Add(c); c.Load(i, parser); c.BringToFront(); if (firstLoad) { if (c.Left < x) { x = c.Left; } if (c.Top < y) { y = c.Top; } if ((c.Left + c.Width) > r) { r = c.Left + c.Width; } if ((c.Top + c.Height) > b) { b = c.Top + c.Height; } } } } } if (firstLoad) { MpeLog.Info("x=" + x + " y=" + y); Left = x - 4; Top = y - 4; for (int a = 0; a < Controls.Count; a++) { if (Controls[a] is MpeControl) { Controls[a].Left -= x - 4; Controls[a].Top -= y - 4; } } Width = r - x + 8; Height = b - y + 8; } if (Spring) { Width = parser.GetInt(iterator, "width", Width); Height = parser.GetInt(iterator, "height", Height); } Modified = false; }
public override void Save(XmlDocument doc, XmlNode node, MpeParser parser, MpeControl reference) { base.Save(doc, node, parser, reference); MpeTextArea textarea = null; if (reference != null && reference is MpeTextArea) { textarea = (MpeTextArea)reference; } // Label Properties Point p = label.AbsoluteLocation; parser.SetInt(doc, node, "posX", p.X); parser.SetInt(doc, node, "posY", p.Y); parser.SetInt(doc, node, "width", label.Width); parser.SetInt(doc, node, "height", label.Height); parser.SetValue(doc, node, "text", Text); if (textarea == null || !textarea.Font.Name.Equals(Font.Name)) { parser.SetValue(doc, node, "font", Font.Name); } if (textarea == null || textarea.Color != Color) { parser.SetColor(doc, node, "textcolor", Color); } if (textarea == null || textarea.DisabledColor != DisabledColor) { parser.SetColor(doc, node, "disabledcolor", DisabledColor); } // SpinButton Properties p = spinButton.AbsoluteLocation; parser.SetInt(doc, node, "SpinPosX", p.X); parser.SetInt(doc, node, "SpinPosY", p.Y); if (textarea == null || textarea.SpinAlign != SpinAlign) { parser.SetValue(doc, node, "SpinAlign", SpinAlign.ToString().ToLower()); } if (textarea == null || textarea.SpinSize != SpinSize) { parser.SetInt(doc, node, "SpinWidth", SpinSize.Width); parser.SetInt(doc, node, "SpinHeight", SpinSize.Height); } if (textarea == null || textarea.SpinColor != SpinColor) { parser.SetColor(doc, node, "SpinColor", SpinColor); } if (textarea == null || textarea.TextureUp == null || textarea.TextureUp.Equals(TextureUp) == false) { if (TextureUp == null) { parser.SetValue(doc, node, "textureUp", "-"); } else { parser.SetValue(doc, node, "textureUp", TextureUp.Name); } } if (textarea == null || textarea.TextureUpFocus == null || textarea.TextureUpFocus.Equals(TextureUpFocus) == false ) { if (TextureUpFocus == null) { parser.SetValue(doc, node, "textureUpFocus", "-"); } else { parser.SetValue(doc, node, "textureUpFocus", TextureUpFocus.Name); } } if (textarea == null || textarea.TextureDown == null || textarea.TextureDown.Equals(TextureDown) == false) { if (TextureDown == null) { parser.SetValue(doc, node, "textureDown", "-"); } else { parser.SetValue(doc, node, "textureDown", TextureDown.Name); } } if (textarea == null || textarea.TextureDownFocus == null || textarea.TextureDownFocus.Equals(TextureDownFocus) == false) { if (TextureDownFocus == null) { parser.SetValue(doc, node, "textureDownFocus", "-"); } else { parser.SetValue(doc, node, "textureDownFocus", TextureDownFocus.Name); } } // Mpe if (Spacing != 0 || Padding.None == false) { XmlElement mpenode = doc.CreateElement("mpe"); node.AppendChild(mpenode); if (Spacing != 0) { parser.SetInt(doc, mpenode, "spacing", Spacing); } if (Padding.None == false) { parser.SetPadding(doc, mpenode, "padding", Padding); } } }
public void OnPropertyValueChanged(MpeControl sender, string property) { if (sender != null && sender == SelectedControl) { if (property != null && (property.Equals("Location") || property.Equals("Size") || property.Equals("LocationLocked") || property.Equals("SizeLocked"))) { Update(); } } }
private void ClearControlStatus(MpeControl c) { if (c != null) { c.Modified = false; if (c is MpeContainer) { for (int i = 0; i < c.Controls.Count; i++) { if (c.Controls[i] is MpeControl) { ClearControlStatus((MpeControl) c.Controls[i]); } } } } }
public override void Save(XmlDocument doc, XmlNode node, MpeParser parser, MpeControl reference) { if (doc != null && node != null) { base.Save(doc, node, parser, reference); //parser.SetValue(doc, node, "animation", Animation.ToString()); XmlElement mpenode = doc.CreateElement("mpe"); node.AppendChild(mpenode); parser.SetValue(doc, mpenode, "layout", LayoutStyle.ToString()); parser.SetValue(doc, mpenode, "spring", Spring ? "yes" : "no"); parser.SetInt(doc, mpenode, "spacing", Spacing); parser.SetPadding(doc, mpenode, "padding", Padding); if (backImage != null && backImage.Texture != null) { XmlElement image = doc.CreateElement("control"); backImage.Location = AbsoluteLocation; backImage.Save(doc, image, parser, parser.GetControl(MpeControlType.Image)); backImage.Location = Point.Empty; node.AppendChild(image); } if (reference != null) { for (int i = Controls.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (Controls[i] is MpeControl) { MpeControl control = (MpeControl) Controls[i]; try { XmlElement element = doc.CreateElement("control"); MpeControl referenceControl = parser.GetControl(control.Type); control.Save(doc, element, parser, referenceControl); node.AppendChild(element); } catch (Exception e) { MpeLog.Debug(e); MpeLog.Error(e); throw new MpeParserException(e.Message); } } } } } }
protected override void PrepareControl() { MpeLog.Debug("MpeContainer.Prepare(" + Type.ToString() + ")"); if (LayoutStyle == MpeLayoutStyle.VerticalFlow) { if (Spring) { int w = Width - Padding.Width; int count = MpeControlCount; int h = 64; if (count != 0) { h = Height - Padding.Height - (count) * Spacing; h = h / count; } int y = Padding.Top; for (int i = 0; i < Controls.Count; i++) { if (Controls[i] is MpeControl) { MpeControl c = (MpeControl)Controls[i]; c.Left = Padding.Left; c.Top = y; c.Width = w; c.Height = h; y += h + Spacing; if (c.Locked.Location == false) { c.Locked.Location = true; } if (c.Locked.Size == false) { c.Locked.Size = true; } } } } else { int x = Padding.Left; int y = Padding.Top; int w = x; int h = y; int cc = 0; for (int i = 0; i < Controls.Count; i++) { if (Controls[i] is MpeControl) { MpeControl c = (MpeControl)Controls[i]; c.Left = x; c.Top = y; int cw = x + c.Width; if (w < cw) { w = cw; } y += c.Height + Spacing; h += c.Height + Spacing; cc++; if (c.Locked.Location == false) { c.Locked.Location = true; } if (c.Locked.Size && c.AutoSize == false) { c.Locked.Size = false; } } } if (cc > 0) { h -= Spacing; w += Padding.Right; h += Padding.Bottom; Width = w; Height = h; } else { Size = new Size(64, 64); } } } else if (LayoutStyle == MpeLayoutStyle.HorizontalFlow) { if (Spring) { int h = Height - Padding.Top - Padding.Bottom; int count = MpeControlCount; int w = 64; if (count != 0) { w = Width - Padding.Left - Padding.Right - (count) * Spacing; w = w / count; } int x = Padding.Left; for (int i = 0; i < Controls.Count; i++) { if (Controls[i] is MpeControl) { MpeControl c = (MpeControl)Controls[i]; c.Left = x; c.Top = Padding.Top; c.Width = w; c.Height = h; x += w + Spacing; if (c.Locked.Location == false) { c.Locked.Location = true; } if (c.Locked.Size == false) { c.Locked.Size = true; } } } } else { int x = Padding.Left; int y = Padding.Top; int w = x; int h = y; int cc = 0; for (int i = 0; i < Controls.Count; i++) { if (Controls[i] is MpeControl) { MpeControl c = (MpeControl)Controls[i]; c.Left = x; c.Top = y; int ch = y + c.Height; if (h < ch) { h = ch; } x += c.Width + Spacing; w += c.Width + Spacing; cc++; if (c.Locked.Location == false) { c.Locked.Location = true; } if (c.Locked.Size && c.AutoSize == false) { c.Locked.Size = false; } } } if (cc > 0) { w -= Spacing; w += Padding.Right; h += Padding.Bottom; Width = w; Height = h; } else { Size = new Size(64, 64); } } } else { for (int i = 0; i < Controls.Count; i++) { if (Controls[i] is MpeControl) { MpeControl c = (MpeControl)Controls[i]; if (c.Locked.Location) { c.Locked.Location = false; } if (c.Locked.Size && c.AutoSize == false) { c.Locked.Size = false; } } } } Invalidate(true); }
public override void Save(XmlDocument doc, XmlNode node, MpeParser parser, MpeControl reference) { base.Save(doc, node, parser, reference); MpeSelectButton button = null; if (reference != null && reference is MpeSelectButton) { button = (MpeSelectButton) reference; } // Regular Button Properties parser.SetValue(doc, node, "label", label.Text); if (button == null || button.label.Font.Name.Equals(label.Font.Name) == false) { parser.SetValue(doc, node, "font", label.Font.Name); } if (button == null || button.label.Alignment != label.Alignment) { parser.SetValue(doc, node, "align", label.Alignment.ToString().ToLower()); } if (button == null || button.label.TextColor != label.TextColor) { parser.SetColor(doc, node, "textcolor", label.TextColor); } if (button == null || button.label.DisabledColor != label.DisabledColor) { parser.SetColor(doc, node, "disabledcolor", label.DisabledColor); } if (button == null || button.TextureButton == null || button.TextureButton.Equals(TextureButton) == false) { if (TextureButton == null) { parser.SetValue(doc, node, "textureNoFocus", "-"); } else { parser.SetValue(doc, node, "textureNoFocus", TextureButton.Name); } } if (button == null || button.TextureButtonFocus == null || button.TextureButtonFocus.Equals(TextureButtonFocus) == false) { if (TextureButtonFocus == null) { parser.SetValue(doc, node, "textureFocus", "-"); } else { parser.SetValue(doc, node, "textureFocus", TextureButtonFocus.Name); } } if (button == null || button.LabelPadding.Left != LabelPadding.Left) { parser.SetInt(doc, node, "textXOff2", LabelPadding.Left); } if (button == null || button.LabelPadding.Top != LabelPadding.Top) { parser.SetInt(doc, node, "textYOff2", LabelPadding.Top); } // Select Button Specific Properties if (button == null || button.TexturePadding.Width != TexturePadding.Width) { parser.SetInt(doc, node, "textXOff", TexturePadding.Width); } if (button == null || button.LabelPadding.Top != LabelPadding.Top) { parser.SetInt(doc, node, "textYOff", LabelPadding.Top); } if (button == null || button.textureSize != textureSize) { parser.SetInt(doc, node, "textureWidth", textureSize.Width); parser.SetInt(doc, node, "textureHeight", textureSize.Height); } if (button == null || button.TextureBackground == null || button.TextureBackground.Equals(TextureBackground) == false) { if (TextureBackground == null) { parser.SetValue(doc, node, "texturebg", "-"); } else { parser.SetValue(doc, node, "texturebg", TextureBackground.Name); } } if (button == null || button.TextureLeft == null || button.TextureLeft.Equals(TextureLeft) == false) { if (TextureLeft == null) { parser.SetValue(doc, node, "textureLeft", "-"); } else { parser.SetValue(doc, node, "textureLeft", TextureLeft.Name); } } if (button == null || button.TextureLeftFocus == null || button.TextureLeftFocus.Equals(TextureLeftFocus) == false ) { if (TextureLeftFocus == null) { parser.SetValue(doc, node, "textureLeftFocus", "-"); } else { parser.SetValue(doc, node, "textureLeftFocus", TextureLeftFocus.Name); } } if (button == null || button.TextureRight == null || button.TextureRight.Equals(TextureRight) == false) { if (TextureRight == null) { parser.SetValue(doc, node, "textureRight", "-"); } else { parser.SetValue(doc, node, "textureRight", TextureRight.Name); } } if (button == null || button.TextureRightFocus == null || button.TextureRightFocus.Equals(TextureRightFocus) == false) { if (TextureRightFocus == null) { parser.SetValue(doc, node, "textureRightFocus", "-"); } else { parser.SetValue(doc, node, "textureRightFocus", TextureRightFocus.Name); } } XmlElement subitems = doc.CreateElement("subitems"); for (int i = 0; items != null && items.Values != null && i < items.Values.Count; i++) { XmlElement subitem = doc.CreateElement("subitem"); subitem.AppendChild(doc.CreateTextNode(items.Values[i].Value)); subitems.AppendChild(subitem); } node.AppendChild(subitems); //parser.SetValue(doc, node, "type", parser.ControlTypeToXmlString(Type)); }
public override void Save(XmlDocument doc, XmlNode node, MpeParser parser, MpeControl reference) { base.Save(doc, node, parser, reference); MpeTextArea textarea = null; if (reference != null && reference is MpeTextArea) { textarea = (MpeTextArea) reference; } // Label Properties Point p = label.AbsoluteLocation; parser.SetInt(doc, node, "posX", p.X); parser.SetInt(doc, node, "posY", p.Y); parser.SetInt(doc, node, "width", label.Width); parser.SetInt(doc, node, "height", label.Height); parser.SetValue(doc, node, "text", Text); if (textarea == null || !textarea.Font.Name.Equals(Font.Name)) { parser.SetValue(doc, node, "font", Font.Name); } if (textarea == null || textarea.Color != Color) { parser.SetColor(doc, node, "textcolor", Color); } if (textarea == null || textarea.DisabledColor != DisabledColor) { parser.SetColor(doc, node, "disabledcolor", DisabledColor); } // SpinButton Properties p = spinButton.AbsoluteLocation; parser.SetInt(doc, node, "SpinPosX", p.X); parser.SetInt(doc, node, "SpinPosY", p.Y); if (textarea == null || textarea.SpinAlign != SpinAlign) { parser.SetValue(doc, node, "SpinAlign", SpinAlign.ToString().ToLower()); } if (textarea == null || textarea.SpinSize != SpinSize) { parser.SetInt(doc, node, "SpinWidth", SpinSize.Width); parser.SetInt(doc, node, "SpinHeight", SpinSize.Height); } if (textarea == null || textarea.SpinColor != SpinColor) { parser.SetColor(doc, node, "SpinColor", SpinColor); } if (textarea == null || textarea.TextureUp == null || textarea.TextureUp.Equals(TextureUp) == false) { if (TextureUp == null) { parser.SetValue(doc, node, "textureUp", "-"); } else { parser.SetValue(doc, node, "textureUp", TextureUp.Name); } } if (textarea == null || textarea.TextureUpFocus == null || textarea.TextureUpFocus.Equals(TextureUpFocus) == false ) { if (TextureUpFocus == null) { parser.SetValue(doc, node, "textureUpFocus", "-"); } else { parser.SetValue(doc, node, "textureUpFocus", TextureUpFocus.Name); } } if (textarea == null || textarea.TextureDown == null || textarea.TextureDown.Equals(TextureDown) == false) { if (TextureDown == null) { parser.SetValue(doc, node, "textureDown", "-"); } else { parser.SetValue(doc, node, "textureDown", TextureDown.Name); } } if (textarea == null || textarea.TextureDownFocus == null || textarea.TextureDownFocus.Equals(TextureDownFocus) == false) { if (TextureDownFocus == null) { parser.SetValue(doc, node, "textureDownFocus", "-"); } else { parser.SetValue(doc, node, "textureDownFocus", TextureDownFocus.Name); } } // Mpe if (Spacing != 0 || Padding.None == false) { XmlElement mpenode = doc.CreateElement("mpe"); node.AppendChild(mpenode); if (Spacing != 0) { parser.SetInt(doc, mpenode, "spacing", Spacing); } if (Padding.None == false) { parser.SetPadding(doc, mpenode, "padding", Padding); } } }
public override void Save(XmlDocument doc, XmlNode node, MpeParser parser, MpeControl reference) { if (doc != null && node != null) { base.Save(doc, node, parser, reference); if (AutoSize) { parser.RemoveNode(node, "width"); parser.RemoveNode(node, "height"); } MpeImage image = null; if (reference != null && reference is MpeImage) { image = (MpeImage) reference; } // For the reference image, the texture should be set to the default screen background if (IsReference) { parser.SetValue(doc, node, "texture", (MpeScreen.TextureBack != null ? MpeScreen.TextureBack.Name : "-")); } else { parser.SetValue(doc, node, "texture", (Texture != null ? Texture.Name : "-")); } if (image == null || image.Centered != Centered) { parser.SetValue(doc, node, "centered", Centered ? "yes" : "no"); } if (image == null || image.Filtered != Filtered) { parser.SetValue(doc, node, "filtered", Filtered ? "yes" : "no"); } if (image == null || image.KeepAspectRatio != KeepAspectRatio) { parser.SetValue(doc, node, "keepaspectratio", KeepAspectRatio ? "yes" : "no"); } if (image == null || image.ColorKey != ColorKey) { parser.SetInt(doc, node, "colorkey", ColorKey); } } }
private void PrepareControl(MpeControl c) { if (c != null && c.Embedded == false) { MpeLog.Debug("Preparing " + c.ToString()); ResourceList.Add(c); c.MpeScreen = screen; c.Click += new EventHandler(OnControlClick); c.MouseDown += new MouseEventHandler(OnControlMouseDown); c.StatusChanged += new MpeControl.StatusChangedHandler(OnControlStatusChanged); c.KeyUp += new KeyEventHandler(OnKeyUp); c.IdentityChanged += new MpeControl.IdentityChangedHandler(OnControlIdentityChanged); c.PropertyValueChanged += new MpeControl.PropertyValueChangedHandler(OnControlPropertyValueChanged); if (c is MpeContainer) { c.ControlAdded += new ControlEventHandler(OnControlAdded); c.ControlRemoved += new ControlEventHandler(OnControlRemoved); if (AllowAdditions) { c.DragDrop += new DragEventHandler(OnDragDrop); c.DragEnter += new DragEventHandler(OnDragEnter); MpeLog.Debug("DragDrop enabled"); } for (int i = 0; i < c.Controls.Count; i++) { if (c.Controls[i] is MpeControl) { PrepareControl((MpeControl) c.Controls[i]); } } } } else if (c != null && c.Embedded == true) { MpeLog.Debug("Preparing Embedded " + c.ToString()); c.MpeScreen = screen; } MpeLog.Debug("Prepared " + c.ToString()); }
public override void OnControlStatusChanged(MpeControl sender, bool modified) { if (sender == screen) { base.OnControlStatusChanged(sender, modified); } else { if (modified == true && screen.Modified == false) { screen.Modified = true; } else if (modified == false && screen.Modified == true) { screen.Modified = false; } } }
public override void Save(XmlDocument doc, XmlNode node, MpeParser parser, MpeControl reference) { base.Save(doc, node, parser, reference); MpeSelectButton button = null; if (reference != null && reference is MpeSelectButton) { button = (MpeSelectButton)reference; } // Regular Button Properties parser.SetValue(doc, node, "label", label.Text); if (button == null || button.label.Font.Name.Equals(label.Font.Name) == false) { parser.SetValue(doc, node, "font", label.Font.Name); } if (button == null || button.label.Alignment != label.Alignment) { parser.SetValue(doc, node, "align", label.Alignment.ToString().ToLower()); } if (button == null || button.label.TextColor != label.TextColor) { parser.SetColor(doc, node, "textcolor", label.TextColor); } if (button == null || button.label.DisabledColor != label.DisabledColor) { parser.SetColor(doc, node, "disabledcolor", label.DisabledColor); } if (button == null || button.TextureButton == null || button.TextureButton.Equals(TextureButton) == false) { if (TextureButton == null) { parser.SetValue(doc, node, "textureNoFocus", "-"); } else { parser.SetValue(doc, node, "textureNoFocus", TextureButton.Name); } } if (button == null || button.TextureButtonFocus == null || button.TextureButtonFocus.Equals(TextureButtonFocus) == false) { if (TextureButtonFocus == null) { parser.SetValue(doc, node, "textureFocus", "-"); } else { parser.SetValue(doc, node, "textureFocus", TextureButtonFocus.Name); } } if (button == null || button.LabelPadding.Left != LabelPadding.Left) { parser.SetInt(doc, node, "textXOff2", LabelPadding.Left); } if (button == null || button.LabelPadding.Top != LabelPadding.Top) { parser.SetInt(doc, node, "textYOff2", LabelPadding.Top); } // Select Button Specific Properties if (button == null || button.TexturePadding.Width != TexturePadding.Width) { parser.SetInt(doc, node, "textXOff", TexturePadding.Width); } if (button == null || button.LabelPadding.Top != LabelPadding.Top) { parser.SetInt(doc, node, "textYOff", LabelPadding.Top); } if (button == null || button.textureSize != textureSize) { parser.SetInt(doc, node, "textureWidth", textureSize.Width); parser.SetInt(doc, node, "textureHeight", textureSize.Height); } if (button == null || button.TextureBackground == null || button.TextureBackground.Equals(TextureBackground) == false) { if (TextureBackground == null) { parser.SetValue(doc, node, "texturebg", "-"); } else { parser.SetValue(doc, node, "texturebg", TextureBackground.Name); } } if (button == null || button.TextureLeft == null || button.TextureLeft.Equals(TextureLeft) == false) { if (TextureLeft == null) { parser.SetValue(doc, node, "textureLeft", "-"); } else { parser.SetValue(doc, node, "textureLeft", TextureLeft.Name); } } if (button == null || button.TextureLeftFocus == null || button.TextureLeftFocus.Equals(TextureLeftFocus) == false ) { if (TextureLeftFocus == null) { parser.SetValue(doc, node, "textureLeftFocus", "-"); } else { parser.SetValue(doc, node, "textureLeftFocus", TextureLeftFocus.Name); } } if (button == null || button.TextureRight == null || button.TextureRight.Equals(TextureRight) == false) { if (TextureRight == null) { parser.SetValue(doc, node, "textureRight", "-"); } else { parser.SetValue(doc, node, "textureRight", TextureRight.Name); } } if (button == null || button.TextureRightFocus == null || button.TextureRightFocus.Equals(TextureRightFocus) == false) { if (TextureRightFocus == null) { parser.SetValue(doc, node, "textureRightFocus", "-"); } else { parser.SetValue(doc, node, "textureRightFocus", TextureRightFocus.Name); } } XmlElement subitems = doc.CreateElement("subitems"); for (int i = 0; items != null && items.Values != null && i < items.Values.Count; i++) { XmlElement subitem = doc.CreateElement("subitem"); subitem.AppendChild(doc.CreateTextNode(items.Values[i].Value)); subitems.AppendChild(subitem); } node.AppendChild(subitems); //parser.SetValue(doc, node, "type", parser.ControlTypeToXmlString(Type)); }
public void Save(XmlDocument doc, XmlNode node, MpeParser parser, MpeControl reference) { MpeLog.Debug("MpeFont.Save()"); textureWorkDir = parser.FontDir.FullName; parser.SetValue(doc, node, "name", Name); parser.SetValue(doc, node, "filename", Family); parser.SetInt(doc, node, "height", Size); parser.SetValue(doc, node, "style", Style); parser.SetInt(doc, node, "start", StartCharacter); parser.SetInt(doc, node, "end", EndCharacter - 1); // Setup Texture Files if (textureWorkDir != null) { int size = Size; string sTexture = textureWorkDir + "\\" + name + "_" + size + ".png"; string sData = sTexture + ".xml"; if (textureFile != null && textureFile.Exists && textureFile.FullName.Equals(sTexture) == false) { MpeLog.Info("Moving texture file..."); textureFile.MoveTo(sTexture); textureFile.Refresh(); } else { textureFile = new FileInfo(sTexture); } if (textureDataFile != null && textureDataFile.Exists && textureDataFile.FullName.Equals(sData) == false) { MpeLog.Info("Moving texture data file..."); textureDataFile.MoveTo(sData); textureDataFile.Refresh(); } else { textureDataFile = new FileInfo(sData); } } // Save Texture try { textureFile.Delete(); texture.Save(textureFile.FullName); textureFile.Refresh(); } catch (Exception e) { MpeLog.Error(e); throw new MpeParserException("Error saving font. Could not write to texture file."); } // Save Texture Data Stream s = null; try { textureDataFile.Delete(); s = File.Open(textureDataFile.FullName, FileMode.CreateNew, FileAccess.ReadWrite); SoapFormatter b = new SoapFormatter(); b.Serialize(s, (object) textureCoordinates); textureDataFile.Refresh(); } catch (Exception e) { MpeLog.Debug(e); throw new MpeParserException("Error saving font. Could not write to texture data file."); } finally { if (s != null) { s.Close(); } } }