Esempio n. 1
        public void AppendNetwork(PermutationNetwork pn, int[] wires)
            // append the provided network to this one. join wires[i] to i
            Debug.Assert(wires.Length == pn.WireCount);
            List <GateConnection> joins = new List <GateConnection>();

            for (int i = 0; i < wires.Length; i++)
                int wire = wires[i];
                if (LastGateForWire[wire] != null && pn.FirstGateForWire[i] != null)
                    joins.Add(new GateConnection(LastGateForWire[wire], pn.FirstGateForWire[i]));

                if (pn.LastGateForWire[i] != null)
                    LastGateForWire[wire] = pn.LastGateForWire[i];

                if (FirstGateForWire[wire] == null)
                    FirstGateForWire[wire] = pn.FirstGateForWire[i];


            Circuit.JoinWith(pn.Circuit, joins);
Esempio n. 2
        private PermutationNetwork CreateBorderSorter(int borderBitLength, int intraBlockSortQuality)
            PermutationNetwork pn = new PermutationNetwork(1 << (borderBitLength + 1));

            int borderSize = 1 << borderBitLength;
            int listCount  = (1 << (intraBlockSortQuality + 1));
            int listSize   = borderSize / listCount;

            pn.AppendGate(PermutationGateFactory.CreateUnshuffleGate(borderSize, listCount), 0);
            pn.AppendGate(PermutationGateFactory.CreateUnshuffleGate(borderSize, listCount), borderSize);

            // merge the corresponding lists
            for (int i = 0; i < listCount; i++)
                int[] wires = new int[listSize * 2];
                for (int j = 0; i < listSize; i++)
                    wires[j]            = i * listSize + j;
                    wires[j + listSize] = wires[j] + borderSize;

                pn.AppendNetwork(SortingNetworkFactory.CreateBitonicMerge(listSize * 2, false), wires);

            // shuffle the lists back into the blocks
            pn.AppendGate(PermutationGateFactory.CreateShuffleGate(borderSize, listCount), 0);
            pn.AppendGate(PermutationGateFactory.CreateShuffleGate(borderSize, listCount), borderSize);

Esempio n. 3
        // Lemma 4.1
        private PermutationNetwork CreateBlockCorrectionNetwork(int blockBitLength, int unsortedness)
            PermutationNetwork pn = new PermutationNetwork(1 << blockBitLength);

            SortedSet <int> ySet = new SortedSet <int>(CalculationCache.generateY(blockBitLength));

            Debug.Assert(ySet.Count <= 1 << unsortedness);
            // augment Y with arbitrary elements
            int ySize     = 1 << (unsortedness + 1);
            int blockSize = 1 << blockBitLength;

            Random rand = new Random(0);

            while (ySet.Count < ySize)

            // here our implementation differs from the paper.  The paper first to extract Y then order the X by the permutation pi.
            // Instead, we will order all of the inputs by the permutation pi, then map Y using the permutation pi and move X to the top of the block
            // and Y to the bottom so that we can unshuffle X and add Y.

            int[] pi = CalculationCache.generatePi(blockBitLength);

            pn.AppendGate(new PermutationGate(pi), 0);

            int[] mappedY = new int[ySize];
            int   i       = 0;

            foreach (var yElem in ySet)
                mappedY[i++] = pi[yElem];

            pn.AppendGate(PermutationGateFactory.CreateSplitGate(blockSize, mappedY, false), 0);

            // we now want to unshuffle X into 2^(l+1) groups and add one element of Y to each group

            pn.AppendGate(PermutationGateFactory.CreateUnshuffleGate(blockSize - ySize, ySize), 0);

            pn.AppendGate(PermutationGateFactory.CreateMultiGroupInserterGate(blockSize, (blockSize / ySize) - 1, ySize), 0);

            var treeInsertion = SortingNetworkFactory.CreateBinaryTreeInsertion(blockSize / ySize);

            // use binary tree insertion to insert the elemnt we just added to each group
            for (int j = 0; j < ySize; j++)
                pn.AppendNetwork(treeInsertion.Clone() as PermutationNetwork, j * blockSize / ySize);

            // now shuffle all of the lists back together
            pn.AppendGate(PermutationGateFactory.CreateShuffleGate(blockSize, ySize), 0);

Esempio n. 4
        // Lemma 4.2
        private PermutationNetwork CreateTournament(int sortInaccuracy)
            PermutationNetwork pn = new PermutationNetwork(1 << K);

            int blockSize = 1 << sortInaccuracy;

            // for the permutation rho
            PermutationGate permuteGate = new PermutationGate(GenerateArbitraryPermutation(blockSize));

            pn.AppendGate(permuteGate.Copy() as Gate, 0);
            pn.AppendNetwork(SortingNetworkFactory.CreateButterflyTournament(blockSize), 0);
Esempio n. 5
        public void AppendNetwork(PermutationNetwork pn, int startWire)
            Debug.Assert(startWire + pn.WireCount <= WireCount);

            // wasteful but good enough for now
            int[] mapping = new int[pn.WireCount];

            for (int i = 0; i < pn.WireCount; i++)
                mapping[i] = startWire + i;

            AppendNetwork(pn, mapping);
Esempio n. 6
        public static PermutationNetwork CreateButterflyTournamentRound(int wireCount)

            PermutationNetwork pn = new PermutationNetwork(wireCount);

            // we want to join every wire to its corresponding wire on the other half using a compare and swap gate
            for (int i = 0; i < wireCount / 2; i++)
                pn.AppendGate(new ComputationGate(ComputationGateType.COMPARE_AND_SWAP), new int[] { i, i + wireCount / 2 });

Esempio n. 7
        public static PermutationNetwork CreateBitonicSort(int wireCount, bool invertOrder)

            PermutationNetwork pn = new PermutationNetwork(wireCount);

            if (wireCount >= 4)
                pn.AppendNetwork(CreateBitonicSort(wireCount / 2, false), 0);
                pn.AppendNetwork(CreateBitonicSort(wireCount / 2, true), wireCount / 2);

            pn.AppendNetwork(CreateBitonicMerge(wireCount, invertOrder), 0);

Esempio n. 8
        public static PermutationNetwork CreateBitonicSort(int wireCount, bool invertOrder)

            PermutationNetwork pn = new PermutationNetwork(wireCount);

            if (wireCount >= 4)
                pn.AppendNetwork(CreateBitonicSort(wireCount / 2, false), 0);
                pn.AppendNetwork(CreateBitonicSort(wireCount / 2, true), wireCount / 2);

            pn.AppendNetwork(CreateBitonicMerge(wireCount, invertOrder), 0);

            return pn;
Esempio n. 9
        public static PermutationNetwork CreateBitonicSplit(int wireCount, bool invertOrder)

            PermutationNetwork pn = new PermutationNetwork(wireCount);

            for (int i = 0; i < wireCount / 2; i++)
                pn.AppendGate(new ComputationGate(ComputationGateType.COMPARE_AND_SWAP), new int[] { i, i + wireCount / 2 });
                if (invertOrder)
                    pn.AppendGate(PermutationGateFactory.CreateSwapGate(), new int[] { i, i + wireCount / 2 });

Esempio n. 10
        // Lemma 4.4
        private PermutationNetwork CreateBlockNeighborSorter(int blockBitLength, int borderBitLength, int intraBlockSortQuality)
            PermutationNetwork pn = new PermutationNetwork(1 << K);

            int blockSize  = 1 << blockBitLength;
            int blockCount = 1 << (K - blockBitLength);
            int borderSize = 1 << borderBitLength;

            PermutationNetwork borderSorter = CreateBorderSorter(borderBitLength, intraBlockSortQuality);

            for (int i = 0; i < blockCount - 1; i++)
                pn.AppendNetwork(borderSorter.Clone() as PermutationNetwork, i * blockSize + (blockSize - borderSize));

Esempio n. 11
        // Lemma 4.3
        private PermutationNetwork CreateFinalSorter(int blockBitLength)
            PermutationNetwork pn = new PermutationNetwork(1 << K);

            int blockSize  = 1 << blockBitLength;
            int blockCount = 1 << (K - blockBitLength);

            // sort each block, alternate orders for bitonic merge coming up
            var bitonicSort = SortingNetworkFactory.CreateBitonicSort(blockSize, false);

            for (int i = 0; i < blockCount; i++)
                pn.AppendNetwork(bitonicSort, i * blockSize);
                if (i % 2 == 1)
                    pn.AppendGate(PermutationGateFactory.CreateInvertGate(blockSize), i * blockSize);

            PermutationNetwork twoBlockMerge = SortingNetworkFactory.CreateBitonicMerge(blockSize * 2, false);

            // merge each block with the one next to it.  alternate ordern for bitonic merge coming up

            var bitonicMerge = SortingNetworkFactory.CreateBitonicMerge(blockSize * 2, false);

            for (int i = 0; i < blockCount; i += 2)
                pn.AppendNetwork(bitonicMerge.Clone() as PermutationNetwork, i * blockSize);
                if ((i / 2) % 2 == 1)
                    pn.AppendGate(PermutationGateFactory.CreateInvertGate(2 * blockSize), i * blockSize);

            // do another round of merges, this time offset by 1
            for (int i = 1; i < blockCount; i += 2)
                pn.AppendNetwork(bitonicMerge.Clone() as PermutationNetwork, i * blockSize);

            // the last block will be inverted, so uninvert it
            pn.AppendGate(PermutationGateFactory.CreateInvertGate(blockSize), (blockCount - 1) * blockSize);

Esempio n. 12
        // the subsequent rounds
        private LPSortingNetwork(int k, int l, LPSortingCalculationCache calculationCache)
            : base(1 << k)
            Console.WriteLine(k + " " + l);
            CalculationCache = calculationCache;

            K = k;

            if (l <= (int)Math.Floor(gamma * (l + 2)) + c + 5)
                // if we would get worse by doing the procedure, then finish
                if (k <= l)
                    AppendNetwork(SortingNetworkFactory.CreateBitonicSort(1 << K, false), 0);
                    // Apply Lemma 4.3
                    AppendNetwork(CreateFinalSorter(l), 0);
                // Apply Lemma 4.2
                PermutationNetwork tournament = CreateTournament(l + 2);
                // Apply Lemma 4.1
                PermutationNetwork tournamentCorrecter = CreateBlockCorrectionNetwork(l + 2, (int)Math.Floor(gamma * (l + 2)) + c);

                for (int i = 0; i < 1 << (k - (l + 2)); i++)
                    AppendNetwork(tournament.Clone() as PermutationNetwork, i * (1 << (l + 2)));
                    AppendNetwork(tournamentCorrecter.Clone() as PermutationNetwork, i * (1 << (l + 2)));

                // Apply Lemma 4.4
                PermutationNetwork neighborCorrecter = CreateBlockNeighborSorter(l + 2, l + 1, (int)Math.Floor(gamma * (l + 2)) + c + 2);
                AppendNetwork(neighborCorrecter, 0);

                AppendNetwork(new LPSortingNetwork(k, (int)Math.Floor(gamma * (l + 2)) + c + 5, CalculationCache), 0);
Esempio n. 13
        public object Clone()
            var clone = new PermutationNetwork(WireCount);

            Dictionary <Gate, Gate> mapping;

            clone.Circuit = Circuit.Clone(out mapping) as Circuit;

            for (int i = 0; i < WireCount; i++)
                if (FirstGateForWire[i] != null)
                    clone.FirstGateForWire[i] = new InputGateAddress(mapping[FirstGateForWire[i].Gate], FirstGateForWire[i].Port);
                if (LastGateForWire[i] != null)
                    clone.LastGateForWire[i] = new OutputGateAddress(mapping[LastGateForWire[i].Gate], LastGateForWire[i].Port);

Esempio n. 14
        public static PermutationNetwork CreateButterflyTournament(int wireCount)

            PermutationNetwork pn = new PermutationNetwork(wireCount);

            if (wireCount == 1)

            pn.AppendNetwork(CreateButterflyTournamentRound(wireCount), 0);

            // recursively construct the butterfly
            if (wireCount > 2)
                pn.AppendNetwork(CreateButterflyTournament(wireCount / 2), 0);
                pn.AppendNetwork(CreateButterflyTournament(wireCount / 2), wireCount / 2);

Esempio n. 15
        public static PermutationNetwork CreateBinaryTreeInsertion(int wireCount)
            // assume that the first input wire is the location of the unsorted element


            PermutationNetwork pn = new PermutationNetwork(wireCount);

            if (wireCount == 1)

            pn.AppendGate(new ComputationGate(ComputationGateType.COMPARE_AND_SWAP), new int[] { 0, wireCount / 2 });

            if (wireCount > 2)
                pn.AppendNetwork(CreateBinaryTreeInsertion(wireCount / 2), 0);
                pn.AppendNetwork(CreateBinaryTreeInsertion(wireCount / 2), wireCount / 2);

Esempio n. 16
        public static PermutationNetwork CreateBinaryTreeInsertion(int wireCount)
            // assume that the first input wire is the location of the unsorted element


            PermutationNetwork pn = new PermutationNetwork(wireCount);

            if (wireCount == 1)
                return pn;

            pn.AppendGate(new ComputationGate(ComputationGateType.COMPARE_AND_SWAP), new int[] { 0, wireCount / 2 });

            if (wireCount > 2)
                pn.AppendNetwork(CreateBinaryTreeInsertion(wireCount / 2), 0);
                pn.AppendNetwork(CreateBinaryTreeInsertion(wireCount / 2), wireCount / 2);

            return pn;
Esempio n. 17
        public static PermutationNetwork CreateButterflyTournament(int wireCount)

            PermutationNetwork pn = new PermutationNetwork(wireCount);

            if (wireCount == 1)
                return pn;

            pn.AppendNetwork(CreateButterflyTournamentRound(wireCount), 0);

            // recursively construct the butterfly
            if (wireCount > 2)
                pn.AppendNetwork(CreateButterflyTournament(wireCount / 2), 0);
                pn.AppendNetwork(CreateButterflyTournament(wireCount / 2), wireCount / 2);

            return pn;
Esempio n. 18
        public static PermutationNetwork CreateBitonicSplit(int wireCount, bool invertOrder)

            PermutationNetwork pn = new PermutationNetwork(wireCount);

            for (int i = 0; i < wireCount / 2; i++)
                pn.AppendGate(new ComputationGate(ComputationGateType.COMPARE_AND_SWAP), new int[] { i, i + wireCount / 2 });
                if (invertOrder)
                    pn.AppendGate(PermutationGateFactory.CreateSwapGate(), new int[] { i, i + wireCount / 2 });

            return pn;
Esempio n. 19
        // Lemma 4.1
        private PermutationNetwork CreateBlockCorrectionNetwork(int blockBitLength, int unsortedness)
            PermutationNetwork pn = new PermutationNetwork(1 << blockBitLength);

            SortedSet<int> ySet = new SortedSet<int>(CalculationCache.generateY(blockBitLength));
            Debug.Assert(ySet.Count <= 1 << unsortedness);
            // augment Y with arbitrary elements
            int ySize = 1 << (unsortedness + 1);
            int blockSize = 1 << blockBitLength;

            Random rand = new Random(0);
            while (ySet.Count < ySize)

            // here our implementation differs from the paper.  The paper first to extract Y then order the X by the permutation pi.
            // Instead, we will order all of the inputs by the permutation pi, then map Y using the permutation pi and move X to the top of the block
            // and Y to the bottom so that we can unshuffle X and add Y.

            int[] pi = CalculationCache.generatePi(blockBitLength);

            pn.AppendGate(new PermutationGate(pi), 0);

            int[] mappedY = new int[ySize];
            int i = 0;
            foreach (var yElem in ySet)
                mappedY[i++] = pi[yElem];

            pn.AppendGate(PermutationGateFactory.CreateSplitGate(blockSize, mappedY, false), 0);

            // we now want to unshuffle X into 2^(l+1) groups and add one element of Y to each group

            pn.AppendGate(PermutationGateFactory.CreateUnshuffleGate(blockSize - ySize, ySize), 0);

            pn.AppendGate(PermutationGateFactory.CreateMultiGroupInserterGate(blockSize, (blockSize / ySize) - 1, ySize), 0);

            var treeInsertion = SortingNetworkFactory.CreateBinaryTreeInsertion(blockSize / ySize);

            // use binary tree insertion to insert the elemnt we just added to each group
            for (int j = 0; j < ySize; j++)
                pn.AppendNetwork(treeInsertion.Clone() as PermutationNetwork, j * blockSize / ySize);

            // now shuffle all of the lists back together
            pn.AppendGate(PermutationGateFactory.CreateShuffleGate(blockSize, ySize), 0);

            return pn;
Esempio n. 20
        public object Clone()
            var clone = new PermutationNetwork(WireCount);

            Dictionary<Gate, Gate> mapping;

            clone.Circuit = Circuit.Clone(out mapping) as Circuit;

            for (int i = 0; i < WireCount; i++)
                if (FirstGateForWire[i] != null)
                    clone.FirstGateForWire[i] = new InputGateAddress(mapping[FirstGateForWire[i].Gate], FirstGateForWire[i].Port);
                if (LastGateForWire[i] != null)
                    clone.LastGateForWire[i] = new OutputGateAddress(mapping[LastGateForWire[i].Gate], LastGateForWire[i].Port);

            return clone;
Esempio n. 21
        public static PermutationNetwork CreateButterflyTournamentRound(int wireCount)

            PermutationNetwork pn = new PermutationNetwork(wireCount);

            // we want to join every wire to its corresponding wire on the other half using a compare and swap gate
            for (int i = 0; i < wireCount / 2; i++)
                pn.AppendGate(new ComputationGate(ComputationGateType.COMPARE_AND_SWAP), new int[] { i, i + wireCount / 2 });

            return pn;
Esempio n. 22
        public void AppendNetwork(PermutationNetwork pn, int[] wires)
            // append the provided network to this one. join wires[i] to i
            Debug.Assert(wires.Length == pn.WireCount);
            List<GateConnection> joins = new List<GateConnection>();

            for (int i = 0; i < wires.Length; i++)
                int wire = wires[i];
                if (LastGateForWire[wire] != null && pn.FirstGateForWire[i] != null)
                    joins.Add(new GateConnection(LastGateForWire[wire], pn.FirstGateForWire[i]));

                if (pn.LastGateForWire[i] != null)
                    LastGateForWire[wire] = pn.LastGateForWire[i];

                if (FirstGateForWire[wire] == null)
                    FirstGateForWire[wire] = pn.FirstGateForWire[i];


            Circuit.JoinWith(pn.Circuit, joins);
Esempio n. 23
        public void AppendNetwork(PermutationNetwork pn, int startWire)
            Debug.Assert(startWire + pn.WireCount <= WireCount);

            // wasteful but good enough for now
            int[] mapping = new int[pn.WireCount];

            for (int i = 0; i < pn.WireCount; i++)
                mapping[i] = startWire + i;

            AppendNetwork(pn, mapping);
Esempio n. 24
        public static void SetupSimpleCircuitEvaluation(Quorum quorum)
            int n = quorum.Size;
            var polyDeg = (int)Math.Ceiling(n / 3.0) - 1;

            Debug.Assert((n & (n - 1)) == 0); // is power of 2

            network = new LPSortingNetwork(n);

            IList<BigZp>[] shares = new IList<BigZp>[n];

            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                shares[i] = BigShamirSharing.Share(new BigZp(prime, 500 - 2*i), n, polyDeg);

            foreach (var id in quorum.Members)
                Dictionary<InputGateAddress, Share<BigZp>> inShares = new Dictionary<InputGateAddress, Share<BigZp>>();

                int i = 0;
                foreach (var inAddr in network.Circuit.InputAddrs)
                    inShares[inAddr] = new Share<BigZp>(shares[i][id]);

                TestParty<IDictionary<OutputGateAddress, Share<BigZp>>> party = new TestParty<IDictionary<OutputGateAddress, Share<BigZp>>>();
                party.UnderTest = new SecureGroupCircuitEvaluation(party, quorum.Clone() as Quorum, network.Circuit, inShares);
        public static void SetupMultiQuorumCircuitEvaluation(Quorum bigQuorum)
            int n = bigQuorum.Size;

            int qSize = n / 2;

            var polyDeg = (int)Math.Ceiling(qSize / 3.0) - 1;

            var quorums = new List<Quorum>();
            quorums.Add(new Quorum(0, 0, qSize));
            quorums.Add(new Quorum(1, qSize, 2*qSize));

            Debug.Assert((n & (n - 1)) == 0); // is power of 2

            network = new LPSortingNetwork(n);
            //network = SortingNetworkFactory.CreateButterflyTournamentRound(n);


            IList<BigZp>[] shares = new IList<BigZp>[n];

            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                shares[i] = BigShamirSharing.Share(new BigZp(prime, 500 - 2 * i), qSize, polyDeg);

            Dictionary<Gate, Quorum> gqmapping = new Dictionary<Gate, Quorum>();
            for (int i = 0; i < network.Circuit.TopologicalOrder.Count; i++)
                gqmapping[network.Circuit.TopologicalOrder[i]] = quorums[i];

            foreach (var id in bigQuorum.Members)
                Dictionary<InputGateAddress, Share<BigZp>> inShares = new Dictionary<InputGateAddress, Share<BigZp>>();

                int i = 0;
                foreach (var inAddr in network.Circuit.InputAddrs)
                    inShares[inAddr] = new Share<BigZp>(shares[i][id % 4]);

                TestParty<IDictionary<OutputGateAddress, Share<BigZp>>> party = new TestParty<IDictionary<OutputGateAddress, Share<BigZp>>>();
                Quorum[] quorumsClone = quorums.Select(a => a.Clone() as Quorum).ToArray();

                party.UnderTest =
                    new SecureMultiQuorumCircuitEvaluation<Share<BigZp>>(party, quorumsClone[id / qSize], quorumsClone,
                    ProtocolIdGenerator.GenericIdentifier(0), network.Circuit, inShares, new BigZpShareGateEvaluationFactory(prime), gqmapping, prime);

Esempio n. 25
        // Lemma 4.4
        private PermutationNetwork CreateBlockNeighborSorter(int blockBitLength, int borderBitLength, int intraBlockSortQuality)
            PermutationNetwork pn = new PermutationNetwork(1 << K);

            int blockSize = 1 << blockBitLength;
            int blockCount = 1 << (K - blockBitLength);
            int borderSize = 1 << borderBitLength;

            PermutationNetwork borderSorter = CreateBorderSorter(borderBitLength, intraBlockSortQuality);

            for (int i = 0; i < blockCount - 1; i++)
                pn.AppendNetwork(borderSorter.Clone() as PermutationNetwork, i * blockSize + (blockSize - borderSize));

            return pn;
Esempio n. 26
        private PermutationNetwork CreateBorderSorter(int borderBitLength, int intraBlockSortQuality)
            PermutationNetwork pn = new PermutationNetwork(1 << (borderBitLength + 1));

            int borderSize = 1 << borderBitLength;
            int listCount = (1 << (intraBlockSortQuality + 1));
            int listSize = borderSize / listCount;

            pn.AppendGate(PermutationGateFactory.CreateUnshuffleGate(borderSize, listCount), 0);
            pn.AppendGate(PermutationGateFactory.CreateUnshuffleGate(borderSize, listCount), borderSize);

            // merge the corresponding lists
            for (int i = 0; i < listCount; i++)
                int[] wires = new int[listSize * 2];
                for (int j = 0; i < listSize; i++)
                    wires[j] = i * listSize + j;
                    wires[j + listSize] = wires[j] + borderSize;

                pn.AppendNetwork(SortingNetworkFactory.CreateBitonicMerge(listSize * 2, false), wires);

            // shuffle the lists back into the blocks
            pn.AppendGate(PermutationGateFactory.CreateShuffleGate(borderSize, listCount), 0);
            pn.AppendGate(PermutationGateFactory.CreateShuffleGate(borderSize, listCount), borderSize);

            return pn;
Esempio n. 27
        // Lemma 4.3
        private PermutationNetwork CreateFinalSorter(int blockBitLength)
            PermutationNetwork pn = new PermutationNetwork(1 << K);

            int blockSize = 1 << blockBitLength;
            int blockCount = 1 << (K - blockBitLength);

            // sort each block, alternate orders for bitonic merge coming up
            var bitonicSort = SortingNetworkFactory.CreateBitonicSort(blockSize, false);

            for (int i = 0; i < blockCount; i++)
                pn.AppendNetwork(bitonicSort, i * blockSize);
                if (i % 2 == 1)
                    pn.AppendGate(PermutationGateFactory.CreateInvertGate(blockSize), i * blockSize);

            PermutationNetwork twoBlockMerge = SortingNetworkFactory.CreateBitonicMerge(blockSize * 2, false);

            // merge each block with the one next to it.  alternate ordern for bitonic merge coming up

            var bitonicMerge = SortingNetworkFactory.CreateBitonicMerge(blockSize * 2, false);
            for (int i = 0; i < blockCount; i+=2)
                pn.AppendNetwork(bitonicMerge.Clone() as PermutationNetwork, i * blockSize);
                if ((i / 2) % 2 == 1)
                    pn.AppendGate(PermutationGateFactory.CreateInvertGate(2 * blockSize), i * blockSize);

            // do another round of merges, this time offset by 1
            for (int i = 1; i < blockCount; i+=2)
                pn.AppendNetwork(bitonicMerge.Clone() as PermutationNetwork, i * blockSize);

            // the last block will be inverted, so uninvert it
            pn.AppendGate(PermutationGateFactory.CreateInvertGate(blockSize), (blockCount - 1) * blockSize);

            return pn;
Esempio n. 28
        // Lemma 4.2
        private PermutationNetwork CreateTournament(int sortInaccuracy)
            PermutationNetwork pn = new PermutationNetwork(1 << K);

            int blockSize = 1 << sortInaccuracy;

            // for the permutation rho
            PermutationGate permuteGate = new PermutationGate(GenerateArbitraryPermutation(blockSize));

            pn.AppendGate(permuteGate.Copy() as Gate, 0);
            pn.AppendNetwork(SortingNetworkFactory.CreateButterflyTournament(blockSize), 0);
            return pn;