Esempio n. 1
        protected void handlePurchaseTicket(PurchaseTicket purchaseTicket)
            //If we are having a pending purchase, refuse the request
            if (this.pendingPurchaseQuantity > 0)
                log.Info(string.Concat(Self.Path.Name, " is processing a purchase. Not available to process another purchase."));

            //If the purchase quantity < the reserved count, record the sale
            if (purchaseTicket.purchaseQuantity <= this.reservedTicketCount)
                //If we are out of reserved tickets, request some more
                if (this.reservedTicketCount == 0)
                    this.currentServer.Tell(new ReserveTicket(NUM_TICKET_RESERVED_PER_REQUEST));
                //This is going to be a lengthy process, cache the quantity and the sender
                this.pendingPurchaseQuantity = purchaseTicket.purchaseQuantity;

                //Do a inconsistent read to see whether we still have tickets for sale
                this.currentServer.Tell(new QueryTicket());
Esempio n. 2
        public void processPurchaseTicketRequest(PurchaseTicket purchaseTicket, IActorRef sender)
            //Make sure the purchase quantity does not exceed the quantity reserved for this front-end, this case should never happen

            //Add a log entry for the purchase
            this.logEntries.append(this.currentTerm, purchaseTicket.purchaseQuantity, ENTRY_COMMAND.SELL, sender.Path.ToString(), false, string.Empty);

            //Update the tentative state
            this.stateMachine.sellTicket(sender.Path.ToString(), purchaseTicket.purchaseQuantity, true);

            this.log.Info(string.Concat(Self.Path.Name, " received purchase request of ", purchaseTicket.purchaseQuantity, " tickets from ", sender.Path.Name));
 public void handlePurchaseTicket(PurchaseTicket purchaseTicket, IActorRef sender)
     this.node.notifyClientOfLeaderAddress(purchaseTicket, sender);
 public void handlePurchaseTicket(PurchaseTicket purchaseTicket, IActorRef sender)
     this.node.processPurchaseTicketRequest(purchaseTicket, sender);