Esempio n. 1
        public static void SeedCustomers()
            // Read the contents of the file
            string s = File.ReadAllText("..\\..\\..\\MovieRentals\\App_Data\\customers.json");

            // Parse the contents using JSON.NET
            JArray data = (JArray)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(s);

            CustomerRepository repository = new CustomerRepository();

            // Process the data
            foreach (JToken token in data)
                Customer c = new Customer();
                c.Id = token["id"].Value<int>();
                c.Name = token["name"].Value<string>();
                c.RegisteredAt = token["registered_at"].Value<string>();
                c.Address = token["address"].Value<string>();
                c.City = token["city"].Value<string>();
                c.State = token["state"].Value<string>();
                c.PostalCode = token["postal_code"].Value<string>();
                c.Phone = token["phone"].Value<string>();
                c.AccountCredit = token["account_credit"].Value<decimal>();
