Esempio n. 1
        public void savedatatobinary(int address, int length, byte[] data, string filename, bool DoTransActionEntry)
            FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(filename);

            if (m_currentFiletype == FileType.MOTRONICME7 || m_currentFiletype == FileType.MOTRONICME96)
                // little endian, reverse bytes
                data = reverseEndian(data);
            if (address > 0 && address < fi.Length)
                    byte[]       beforedata = readdatafromfile(filename, address, length, false);
                    FileStream   fsi1       = File.OpenWrite(filename);
                    BinaryWriter bw1        = new BinaryWriter(fsi1);
                    fsi1.Position = address;

                    for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)

                    if (m_ProjectTransactionLog != null && DoTransActionEntry)
                        TransactionEntry tentry = new TransactionEntry(DateTime.Now, address, length, beforedata, data, 0, 0, "");
                        SignalTransactionLogChanged(tentry.SymbolAddress, tentry.Note);
                catch (Exception E)
                    frmInfoBox info = new frmInfoBox("Failed to write to binary. Is it read-only? Details: " + E.Message);
Esempio n. 2
        private void LoadMotronic18File(string filename, out SymbolCollection symbols, out AxisCollection axis)
            // Get axis table from the binary
            // $E328
            // find sequence 00 02 05 07
            int readstate = 0;
            int lookuptablestartaddress = 0x00;
            int axisaddress = 0;
            readstate = 0;
            axis = new AxisCollection();
            m_tempaxis = new AxisCollection();
            SymbolCollection m_tempSymbols = new SymbolCollection();
            symbols = new SymbolCollection();
            byte[] _fileParameters = new byte[256];
            int _fileParameterIndex = 0;

            byte[] datacheck = FileTools.Instance.readdatafromfile(filename, 0, 16, false);
            bool _fileValid = false;
            foreach (byte b in datacheck)
                if (b != 0xFF) _fileValid = true;
            if (!_fileValid)
                frmInfoBox info = new frmInfoBox("This is not a M1.8 binary. These file types are not supported.");
            int _fuelAndIgnitionAddress = 0;
            FileStream fs = new FileStream(filename, FileMode.Open);
            fs.Position = 0x7900;
            using (BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(fs))
                for (int t = 0x7900; t < fs.Length; t++)
                    byte b = br.ReadByte();
                    //00 02 05 07

                    switch (readstate)
                        case 0:
                            // we're reading addresses now
                            if (b == 0xFF)
                                // end of table... stop reading
                                readstate = 2;
                                axisaddress = (int)b * 256;
                                readstate = 1;
                        case 1:
                            axisaddress += (int)b;
                            if (axisaddress > 0x2000)
                                AxisHelper ah = new AxisHelper();
                                ah.IsM18 = true;
                                 Console.WriteLine("Axis address: " + axisaddress.ToString("X4"));
                                if (m_tempaxis.Count == 0) _fuelAndIgnitionAddress = axisaddress;
                                ah.Addressinfile = axisaddress;
                            axisaddress = 0;
                            readstate = 0;
                        case 2:


            SetProgressPercentage("Analyzing structure", 30);
            // from here, read 3 times 0F and find the limiters from there

            //Console.WriteLine("Speed limiter: " + _fileParameters[118].ToString() + " km/h");

            // now read all axis addresses upto the end marker
            foreach (AxisHelper ah in m_tempaxis)
                // get the address information for this axus
                Console.WriteLine("Filling information for axis at address: " + ah.Addressinfile.ToString("X4"));
                if (FillAxisInformation(filename, ah))
                    if (!Helpers.Instance.AxisPresentInCollection(ah.Addressinfile, axis))
                        Console.WriteLine("Added axis: " + ah.Addressinfile.ToString("X4"));
                    Console.WriteLine("What to do with : " + ah.Addressinfile.ToString("X4"));
                    SymbolHelper sh = new SymbolHelper();
                    sh.Flash_start_address = ah.Addressinfile;

            SetProgressPercentage("Adding axis", 40);

            // add secondary (Y) axis stuff that may not be in the lookup table
            m_tempaxis = new AxisCollection();
            foreach (AxisHelper ah in axis)
                int newaxisstart = ah.Addressinfile + ah.Length + 2;
                Console.WriteLine("Axis: " + ah.Addressinfile.ToString("X4") + " " + ah.Length.ToString());
                if (CheckForAxisPresent(filename, newaxisstart, m_tempaxis, ah.Length))
                    Console.WriteLine("Possible Y axis at address : " + newaxisstart.ToString("X4"));
                    AxisHelper ahnew = new AxisHelper();
                    ahnew.IsM18 = true;
                    ahnew.Addressinfile = newaxisstart;
            SetProgressPercentage("Adding axis, 2nd run", 60);
            // alsnog toevoegen aan collectie
            foreach (AxisHelper ahnew in m_tempaxis)

                if (FillAxisInformation(filename, ahnew))
                    if (!Helpers.Instance.AxisPresentInCollection(ahnew.Addressinfile, axis))
                        Console.WriteLine("Add to axis (3rd): " + ahnew.Addressinfile.ToString("X4"));

            // first pointer in the stack points to fuel and ignition maps!
            if (_fuelAndIgnitionAddress > 0)

                SymbolHelper shfuel = new SymbolHelper();
                shfuel.Flash_start_address = _fuelAndIgnitionAddress;
                shfuel.Length = 256;
                shfuel.Varname = "Ignition map";
                shfuel.Cols = 16;
                shfuel.Rows = 16;
                shfuel.Category = "Ignition";

                // we need to manually add some axis to it as well.
                SymbolHelper shignition = new SymbolHelper();
                shignition.Flash_start_address = _fuelAndIgnitionAddress + 256;
                shignition.Length = 256;
                shignition.Cols = 16;
                shignition.Rows = 16;
                shignition.Varname = "VE map";
                shignition.Category = "Fuel";
                // we need to manually add some axis to it as well.

            // now determine the gaps in the axis structure

            axis.SortColumn = "Addressinfile";
            axis.SortingOrder = GenericComparer.SortOrder.Ascending;

            //<GS-01032011> to correctly determine the LAST map in the sequence with this algoritm
            // we need to insert a dummy axis at the first address AFTER the data
            // check whether the two last axis in the collection join up to form a 3D map
            // otherwise its just a 2D map
            if (axis.Count > 2)
                AxisHelper ah = new AxisHelper();
                ah.IsM18 = true;
                ah.Length = 0;
                ah.Descr = "Dummy";
                if (axis[axis.Count - 2].Addressinfile + axis[axis.Count - 2].Length + 2 == axis[axis.Count - 1].Addressinfile)
                    // 3D map
                    ah.Addressinfile = axis[axis.Count - 2].Addressinfile + 4 + axis[axis.Count - 2].Length + axis[axis.Count - 1].Length + (axis[axis.Count - 2].Length * axis[axis.Count - 1].Length);
                    // 2D map
                    ah.Addressinfile = axis[axis.Count - 1].Addressinfile + 2 + axis[axis.Count - 1].Length;
                Console.WriteLine("Added dummy axis: " + ah.Addressinfile.ToString("X4"));

            int address = 0;
            int length = 0;
            AxisHelper previousAxisHelper = new AxisHelper();
            int symbolnumber = 0;
            SetProgressPercentage("Determing maps", 80);

            m_tempSymbols.SortColumn = "Flash_start_address";
            m_tempSymbols.SortingOrder = GenericComparer.SortOrder.Ascending;
            int tempLen = 8; // assume first maplength = 8;
            int _previousAddress = 0;
            foreach (SymbolHelper shtest in m_tempSymbols)
                SymbolHelper sh = new SymbolHelper();
                sh.Varname = shtest.Flash_start_address.ToString("X4");
                if (_previousAddress != 0)
                    tempLen = sh.Flash_start_address - _previousAddress;
                    _previousAddress = sh.Flash_start_address;
                sh.Flash_start_address = shtest.Flash_start_address;
                sh.Length = tempLen;
                sh.Symbol_number = symbolnumber++;
            int _mapLengthDiff = 0;
            bool _issueMapFound = false;
            AxisHelper _lastRPMSupportPointAxis = new AxisHelper();
            foreach (AxisHelper ah in axis)
                if (address != 0)
                    // is there a gap?
                    //Console.WriteLine("Handling axis: " + ah.Addressinfile.ToString("X4"));
                    int endofpreviousaxis = address + length + 2;

                    if (endofpreviousaxis < ah.Addressinfile)
                        int gaplen = ah.Addressinfile - endofpreviousaxis;

                        // check whether there are symbol address in between
                        bool _symbolfound = false;
                        foreach (SymbolHelper shtemp in symbols)
                            if (shtemp.Flash_start_address >= endofpreviousaxis && shtemp.Flash_start_address + shtemp.Length <= endofpreviousaxis + gaplen)
                                _symbolfound = true;
                                //Console.WriteLine("GAP OVERRULED: " + endofpreviousaxis.ToString("X4") + " - " + ah.Addressinfile.ToString("X4") + " length: " + gaplen.ToString() + " by " + shtemp.Flash_start_address.ToString("X4") + " " + shtemp.Length.ToString("X4"));
                                // add the axis as a symbol in that case
                                SymbolHelper shnew = new SymbolHelper();
                                shnew.Flash_start_address = ah.Addressinfile;
                                shnew.Length = 8;// gaplen;// ah.Length;
                                shnew.Varname = /*"NEW: "  +*/ shnew.Flash_start_address.ToString("X4");
                                if (gaplen > shnew.Length)
                                    Console.WriteLine("might be more symbols after " + shtemp.Flash_start_address.ToString("X4"));

                        //Console.WriteLine("AXIS: " + endofpreviousaxis.ToString("X4") + " - " + ah.Addressinfile.ToString("X4") + " length: " + gaplen.ToString());
                        /*if (endofpreviousaxis == 0xFCC5)
                            Console.WriteLine("PREV AXIS ADDRESS: "+ previousAxisHelper.Addressinfile.ToString("X4"));
                            Console.WriteLine("GAP: " + endofpreviousaxis.ToString("X4") + " - " + ah.Addressinfile.ToString("X4") + " length: " + gaplen.ToString());
                        Console.WriteLine("GAP: " + endofpreviousaxis.ToString("X4") + " - " + ah.Addressinfile.ToString("X4") + " length: " + gaplen.ToString());
                        SymbolHelper sh = new SymbolHelper();
                        sh.Varname = endofpreviousaxis.ToString("X4");
                        sh.Length = gaplen;
                        if (_mapLengthDiff > 0)
                            sh.Length = _mapLengthDiff;
                            _mapLengthDiff = 0;
                        sh.Symbol_number = symbolnumber++;

                        sh.Flash_start_address = endofpreviousaxis;
                        /*if (sh.Length == 256)
                            sh.Cols = 16;
                            sh.Rows = 16;
                            if (FileTools.Instance.CurrentFiletype == FileType.MOTRONIC18)
                                // there are 4 maps with this size in Motronic 4.3
                                // the one that had lots of 127 values in it is the VE map
                                // and has a correction factor of 1/127 (lambda = 1)
                                // the others are ignition maps and have a correction factor of 0.75 ??
                                if (FileTools.Instance.MapContainsMostly(filename, sh, 127, 4, 10))
                                    sh.Varname = "VE map";
                                    sh.Category = "Fuel";
                                    sh.Varname = "Ignition map";
                                    sh.Category = "Ignition";


                        else if (sh.Length == 144)
                            sh.Cols = 12;
                            sh.Rows = 12;
                            sh.Varname = "Warmup fuel correction";
                            //sh.Category = "Examining";
                            sh.Category = "Fuel";
                        else if (sh.Length == 128)
                            sh.Cols = 16;
                            sh.Rows = 8;
                            if (FileTools.Instance.CurrentFiletype == FileType.MOTRONIC18)
                                sh.Varname = "Boost map";
                                sh.Category = "Boost";

                        else if (sh.Length == 84)
                            sh.Cols = 7;
                            sh.Rows = 12;
                            if (FileTools.Instance.CurrentFiletype == FileType.MOTRONIC18)
                                sh.Varname = "Dwell angle characteristic map";
                                //sh.Category = "Examining";
                                sh.Category = "Ignition";
                        else if (sh.Length == 80)
                            sh.Cols = 5;
                            sh.Rows = 16;
                            if (FileTools.Instance.CurrentFiletype == FileType.MOTRONIC18)
                                sh.Varname = "Cylinder compensation";
                                sh.Category = "Correction";
                        else if (sh.Length == 70)
                            sh.Cols = 7;
                            sh.Rows = 10;
                            if (FileTools.Instance.CurrentFiletype == FileType.MOTRONIC18)
                                sh.Varname = "Cranking fuel enrichment";
                                sh.Category = "Cranking";
                        else if (sh.Length == 64)
                            sh.Cols = 8;
                            sh.Rows = 8;
                            // there's one map with this length that has 0x30 ID for axis and this is the MAF to Load conversion map
                            SymbolHelper shxaxis = Helpers.Instance.GetXaxisSymbol(filename, symbols, axis, sh.Varname, sh.Flash_start_address);
                            SymbolHelper shyaxis = Helpers.Instance.GetYAxisSymbol(filename, symbols, axis, sh.Varname, sh.Flash_start_address);
                            if (FileTools.Instance.readdatafromfile(filename, shxaxis.X_axis_address, 1)[0] == 0x30)
                                if (FileTools.Instance.FirstColumnForTableAveragesLessThan(filename, sh, 50, 8))
                                    sh.Varname = "MAF to Load conversion map";
                                    sh.Category = "MAF";
                            //<GS-28022011> this needs more work.. some bins don't have overboost
                            //these bins have no boost map either and have a different amount of 64 byte length maps

                            else if (FileTools.Instance.readdatafromfile(filename, shxaxis.X_axis_address, 1)[0] == 0x3B )
                                sh.Varname = "Overboost map";
                                sh.Category = "Boost";
                            else if (FileTools.Instance.readdatafromfile(filename, shxaxis.X_axis_address, 1)[0] == 0x40 && FileTools.Instance.readdatafromfile(filename, shyaxis.Y_axis_address, 1)[0] == 0x3B)
                                if (!FileTools.Instance.MapContainsMostly(filename, sh, 0, 0, 90) && FileTools.Instance.FirstColumnForTableAveragesLessThan(filename, sh, 50, 8))
                                    sh.Varname = "Acceleration correction";
                                    sh.Category = "Fuel";
                        else if (sh.Length == 50)
                            sh.Cols = 10;
                            sh.Rows = 5;

                        else if (sh.Length == 48)
                            sh.Cols = 8;
                            sh.Rows = 6;
                        else if (sh.Length == 42)
                            sh.Cols = 6;
                            sh.Rows = 7;
                        else if (sh.Length == 40)
                            sh.Cols = 8;
                            sh.Rows = 5;
                            if (FileTools.Instance.CurrentFiletype == FileType.MOTRONIC18)
                                sh.Varname = "Idle fuel map";
                                sh.Category = "Fuel";
                        else if (sh.Length == 24)
                            sh.Cols = sh.Length;
                            sh.Rows = 0;

                            //SymbolHelper tsh = GetYAxisSymbol(filename, symbols, axis, sh.Varname, sh.Flash_start_address);
                            float[] xaxis;
                            float[] yaxis;
                            string xdescr;
                            string ydescr;
                            Helpers.Instance.GetAxisValues(filename, symbols, axis, sh.Varname, sh.Flash_start_address, sh.Rows, sh.Cols, out xaxis, out yaxis, out xdescr, out ydescr);
                            //Console.WriteLine(sh.Varname + " " + xaxis.Length.ToString() + " " + yaxis.Length.ToString());
                            if (sh.Length != xaxis.Length * yaxis.Length)
                                // in that case we're at the point where maps are not longer in sync with axis
                                Console.WriteLine("Offset found for sync problem: " + sh.Flash_start_address.ToString("X6"));
                                _mapLengthDiff = sh.Length - (xaxis.Length);
                                _issueMapFound = true;
                                _symbolfound = false;
                        else if (sh.Length == 16)
                            sh.Cols = sh.Length;
                            sh.Rows = 1;

                            //SymbolHelper tsh = GetYAxisSymbol(filename, symbols, axis, sh.Varname, sh.Flash_start_address);
                            float[] xaxis;
                            float[] yaxis;
                            string xdescr;
                            string ydescr;
                            Helpers.Instance.GetAxisValues(filename, symbols, axis, sh.Varname, sh.Flash_start_address, sh.Rows, sh.Cols, out xaxis, out yaxis, out xdescr, out ydescr);
                            //Console.WriteLine(sh.Varname + " " + xaxis.Length.ToString() + " " + yaxis.Length.ToString());

                            if (FileTools.Instance.MapContainsMostly(filename, sh, 127, 20, 50) && xaxis.Length == 16)
                                sh.Varname = "WOT enrichment";
                                sh.Category = "Fuel";
                            else if (xaxis.Length == 16 && FileTools.Instance.MapContainsMostly(filename, sh, 55, 4, 30))
                                sh.Varname = "WOT ignition";
                                sh.Category = "Examining";
                        else if (sh.Length == 8)
                            if (_issueMapFound)
                                sh.Cols = sh.Length;
                                sh.Rows = 1;
                                // one of these maps should be the MAF limit map... which one though
                            SymbolHelper shxaxis = Helpers.Instance.GetXaxisSymbol(filename, symbols, axis, sh.Varname, sh.Flash_start_address);
                            if (FileTools.Instance.readdatafromfile(filename, shxaxis.X_axis_address, 1)[0] == 0x38 && shxaxis.X_axis_length == sh.Length)
                                sh.Category = "Temperature compensation";
                                //Console.WriteLine(sh.Varname + " len: " + sh.Length.ToString("X2") + " axis len: " + shxaxis.X_axis_length.ToString("X2"));
                            sh.Cols = sh.Length;
                            sh.Rows = 1;
                        if (!_symbolfound)

                length = ah.Length;
                address = ah.Addressinfile;
                previousAxisHelper = ah;
            // try to determine ignition maps probablility
               /* SymbolCollection ignition_maps = new SymbolCollection();
            foreach (SymbolHelper sh in symbols)
                if (sh.Varname == "Ignition map")
                    sh.Average_value = DetermineAverageMapValue(filename, sh);
            //ignition_maps.SortColumn = "Average_value";
            ignition_maps.SortColumn = "Flash_start_address";
            //ignition_maps.SortingOrder = GenericComparer.SortOrder.Descending;
            ignition_maps.SortingOrder = GenericComparer.SortOrder.Ascending;
            if (ignition_maps.Count == 3)
                ignition_maps[0].Varname = "Ignition map: wide open throttle";
                ignition_maps[1].Varname = "Ignition map: part throttle";
                ignition_maps[2].Varname = "Ignition map: knock/limp home";

            foreach (SymbolHelper sh in ignition_maps)
                foreach (SymbolHelper shorg in symbols)
                    if (sh.Flash_start_address == shorg.Flash_start_address)
                        shorg.Varname = sh.Varname;

            SymbolCollection cylinderCompensationMaps = new SymbolCollection();
            foreach (SymbolHelper sh in symbols)
                if (sh.Varname == "Cylinder compensation")
            cylinderCompensationMaps.SortColumn = "Flash_start_address";
            cylinderCompensationMaps.SortingOrder = GenericComparer.SortOrder.Ascending;

            if (cylinderCompensationMaps.Count == 5)
                cylinderCompensationMaps[0].Varname = "Cylinder compensation #1";
                cylinderCompensationMaps[1].Varname = "Cylinder compensation #2";
                cylinderCompensationMaps[2].Varname = "Cylinder compensation #3";
                cylinderCompensationMaps[3].Varname = "Cylinder compensation #4";
                cylinderCompensationMaps[4].Varname = "Cylinder compensation #5";
            foreach (SymbolHelper sh in cylinderCompensationMaps)
                foreach (SymbolHelper shorg in symbols)
                    if (sh.Flash_start_address == shorg.Flash_start_address)
                        shorg.Varname = sh.Varname;

            int _8lengthmapcount = 0;
            foreach (SymbolHelper sh in symbols)
                if (sh.Length == 8) _8lengthmapcount++;
            int idx = 7;
            if (_8lengthmapcount < 25) idx = 5;
            //else idx = 7;
            if (_8lengthmapcount > 10)
                symbols.SortColumn = "Flash_start_address";
                symbols.SortingOrder = GenericComparer.SortOrder.Descending;
                int tidx = 0;
                foreach (SymbolHelper sh in symbols)
                    if (sh.Length == 8) tidx++;
                    if (tidx == idx)
                        sh.Varname = "MAF limit";
                        sh.Category = "MAF";
                    if (tidx == idx + 3)
                        sh.Varname = "Internal load limiter";
                        sh.Category = "Examining";

            //TestSymbolListIntegrety(symbols, axis);

            SetProgressPercentage("Sorting data", 90);
            // sort the symbol on length, biggest on top
            symbols.SortColumn = "Length";
            symbols.SortingOrder = GenericComparer.SortOrder.Descending;
Esempio n. 3
        private void ConvertPartNumber()
            PartNumberConverter pnc = new PartNumberConverter();
            ECUInformation ecuinfo = pnc.GetECUInfo(buttonEdit1.Text, "");
            lblCarModel.Text = "---";
            lblEngineType.Text = "---";
            lblPower.Text = "---";
            lblTorque.Text = "---";
            lblDescription.Text = "---";
            checkEdit1.Checked = false;
            checkEdit2.Checked = false;
            checkEdit4.Checked = false;

            if (ecuinfo.Valid)
                lblCarModel.Text = ecuinfo.Carmodel.ToString();
                lblEngineType.Text = ecuinfo.Enginetype.ToString();
                lblDescription.Text = ecuinfo.SoftwareID;
                lblPower.Text = ecuinfo.Bhp.ToString() + " bhp";
                if (ecuinfo.Is2point3liter)
                    checkEdit1.Checked = false;
                    checkEdit2.Checked = true;
                    checkEdit1.Checked = true;
                    checkEdit2.Checked = false;
                if (ecuinfo.Isturbo) checkEdit4.Checked = true;
                if (ecuinfo.Isfpt)
                    checkEdit4.Checked = true;
                lblTorque.Text = ecuinfo.Torque.ToString() + " Nm";

                if (comboBoxEdit1.EditValue == null) comboBoxEdit1.EditValue = "";

                    if (System.IO.File.Exists(Path.Combine(Application.StartupPath, "Binaries\\" + buttonEdit1.Text + ".BIN")))
                        simpleButton2.Enabled = true;
                        simpleButton3.Enabled = true;
                        simpleButton4.Enabled = true;
                    else if (System.IO.File.Exists(Path.Combine(Application.StartupPath, "Binaries\\" + buttonEdit1.Text + "_" + comboBoxEdit1.EditValue.ToString() + ".BIN")))
                        simpleButton2.Enabled = true;
                        simpleButton3.Enabled = true;
                        simpleButton4.Enabled = true;
                    else if (System.IO.File.Exists(Path.Combine(Application.StartupPath, "Binaries\\" + buttonEdit1.Text + "_" + comboBoxEdit1.EditValue.ToString() + "_1.BIN")))
                        simpleButton2.Enabled = true;
                        simpleButton3.Enabled = true;
                        simpleButton4.Enabled = true;
                    else if (System.IO.File.Exists(Path.Combine(Application.StartupPath, "Binaries\\" + buttonEdit1.Text + "_" + comboBoxEdit1.EditValue.ToString() + "_0.BIN")))
                        simpleButton2.Enabled = true;
                        simpleButton3.Enabled = true;
                        simpleButton4.Enabled = true;
                        simpleButton2.Enabled = false;
                        simpleButton3.Enabled = false;
                        simpleButton4.Enabled = false;
                catch (Exception E)
                    Console.WriteLine("Failed to check for library availability: " + E.Message);
                frmInfoBox info = new frmInfoBox("The entered partnumber was not recognized by MotronicSuite");
Esempio n. 4
 private void simpleButton2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     // show the details for this transaction (including data, meaning 2 mapviewers showing the details)
     frmInfoBox info = new frmInfoBox("Still needs to be implemented");
Esempio n. 5
        private void smoothSelectionToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (m_viewtype == ViewType.Hexadecimal)
                frmInfoBox info = new frmInfoBox("Smoothing cannot be done in Hex view!");
            DevExpress.XtraGrid.Views.Base.GridCell[] cellcollection = gridView1.GetSelectedCells();
            if (cellcollection.Length > 2)
                // get boundaries for this selection
                // we need 4 corners 
                int max_column = 0;
                int min_column = 0xFFFF;
                int max_row = 0;
                int min_row = 0xFFFF;
                foreach (DevExpress.XtraGrid.Views.Base.GridCell cell in cellcollection)
                    if (cell.Column.AbsoluteIndex > max_column) max_column = cell.Column.AbsoluteIndex;
                    if (cell.Column.AbsoluteIndex < min_column) min_column = cell.Column.AbsoluteIndex;
                    if (cell.RowHandle > max_row) max_row = cell.RowHandle;
                    if (cell.RowHandle < min_row) min_row = cell.RowHandle;
                if (max_column == min_column)
                    // one column selected only
                    int top_value = Convert.ToInt32(gridView1.GetRowCellValue(max_row, gridView1.Columns[max_column]));
                    int bottom_value = Convert.ToInt32(gridView1.GetRowCellValue(min_row, gridView1.Columns[max_column]));
                    double diffvalue = (top_value - bottom_value) / (cellcollection.Length - 1);
                    for (int t = 1; t < cellcollection.Length - 1; t++)
                        double newvalue = bottom_value + (t * diffvalue);
                        gridView1.SetRowCellValue(min_row + t, gridView1.Columns[max_column], newvalue);

                else if (max_row == min_row)
                    // one row selected only
                    int top_value = Convert.ToInt32(gridView1.GetRowCellValue(max_row, gridView1.Columns[max_column]));
                    int bottom_value = Convert.ToInt32(gridView1.GetRowCellValue(max_row, gridView1.Columns[min_column]));
                    double diffvalue = (top_value - bottom_value) / (cellcollection.Length - 1);
                    for (int t = 1; t < cellcollection.Length - 1; t++)
                        double newvalue = bottom_value + (t * diffvalue);
                        gridView1.SetRowCellValue(min_row, gridView1.Columns[min_column + t], newvalue);
                    // block selected
                    // interpolation on 4 points!!!
                    int top_leftvalue = Convert.ToInt32(gridView1.GetRowCellValue(min_row, gridView1.Columns[min_column]));
                    int top_rightvalue = Convert.ToInt32(gridView1.GetRowCellValue(min_row, gridView1.Columns[max_column]));
                    int bottom_leftvalue = Convert.ToInt32(gridView1.GetRowCellValue(max_row, gridView1.Columns[min_column]));
                    int bottom_rightvalue = Convert.ToInt32(gridView1.GetRowCellValue(max_row, gridView1.Columns[max_column]));

                    for (int tely = 1; tely < max_row - min_row; tely++)
                        for (int telx = 1; telx < max_column - min_column; telx++)
                            // get values 
                            double valx1 = 0;
                            double valx2 = 0;
                            double valy1 = 0;
                            double valy2 = 0;

                            if (telx + min_column > 0)
                                valx1 = Convert.ToDouble(gridView1.GetRowCellValue(tely + min_row, gridView1.Columns[telx + min_column - 1]));
                                valx1 = Convert.ToDouble(gridView1.GetRowCellValue(tely + min_row, gridView1.Columns[min_column]));
                            if ((telx + min_column) < gridView1.Columns.Count - 1)
                                valx2 = Convert.ToDouble(gridView1.GetRowCellValue(tely + min_row, gridView1.Columns[telx + min_column + 1]));
                                valx2 = Convert.ToDouble(gridView1.GetRowCellValue(tely + min_row, gridView1.Columns[telx + min_column]));

                            if (tely + min_row > 0)
                                valy1 = Convert.ToDouble(gridView1.GetRowCellValue(tely + min_row - 1, gridView1.Columns[telx + min_column]));
                                valy1 = Convert.ToDouble(gridView1.GetRowCellValue(min_row, gridView1.Columns[telx + min_column]));
                            if ((tely + min_row) < gridView1.RowCount - 1)
                                valy2 = Convert.ToDouble(gridView1.GetRowCellValue(tely + min_row + 1, gridView1.Columns[telx + min_column]));
                                valy2 = Convert.ToDouble(gridView1.GetRowCellValue(tely + min_row, gridView1.Columns[telx + min_column]));
                            //Console.WriteLine("valx1 = " + valx1.ToString() + " valx2 = " + valx2.ToString() + " valy1 = " + valy1.ToString() + " valy2 = " + valy2.ToString());
                            // x as 
                            double valuex = (valx2 + valx1) / 2;
                            double valuey = (valy2 + valy1) / 2;
                            float newvalue = (float)((valuex + valuey) / 2);

                            gridView1.SetRowCellValue(min_row + tely, gridView1.Columns[min_column + telx], newvalue.ToString("F0"));

                            m_map_content = GetDataFromGridView(m_isUpsideDown);

                            //double diffvaluex = (top_rightvalue - top_leftvalue) / (max_column - min_column - 1);
                            //double diffvaluey = (top_rightvalue - top_leftvalue) / (max_column - min_column - 1);

//                simpleButton3.Enabled = false;

Esempio n. 6
        private void ConvertPartNumber()
            PartNumberConverter pnc     = new PartNumberConverter();
            ECUInformation      ecuinfo = pnc.GetECUInfo(buttonEdit1.Text, "");

            lblCarModel.Text    = "---";
            lblEngineType.Text  = "---";
            lblPower.Text       = "---";
            lblTorque.Text      = "---";
            lblDescription.Text = "---";
            checkEdit1.Checked  = false;
            checkEdit2.Checked  = false;
            checkEdit4.Checked  = false;

            if (ecuinfo.Valid)
                lblCarModel.Text    = ecuinfo.Carmodel.ToString();
                lblEngineType.Text  = ecuinfo.Enginetype.ToString();
                lblDescription.Text = ecuinfo.SoftwareID;
                lblPower.Text       = ecuinfo.Bhp.ToString() + " bhp";
                if (ecuinfo.Is2point3liter)
                    checkEdit1.Checked = false;
                    checkEdit2.Checked = true;
                    checkEdit1.Checked = true;
                    checkEdit2.Checked = false;
                if (ecuinfo.Isturbo)
                    checkEdit4.Checked = true;
                if (ecuinfo.Isfpt)
                    checkEdit4.Checked = true;
                lblTorque.Text = ecuinfo.Torque.ToString() + " Nm";

                if (comboBoxEdit1.EditValue == null)
                    comboBoxEdit1.EditValue = "";
                    if (System.IO.File.Exists(Path.Combine(Application.StartupPath, "Binaries\\" + buttonEdit1.Text + ".BIN")))
                        simpleButton2.Enabled = true;
                        simpleButton3.Enabled = true;
                        simpleButton4.Enabled = true;
                    else if (System.IO.File.Exists(Path.Combine(Application.StartupPath, "Binaries\\" + buttonEdit1.Text + "_" + comboBoxEdit1.EditValue.ToString() + ".BIN")))
                        simpleButton2.Enabled = true;
                        simpleButton3.Enabled = true;
                        simpleButton4.Enabled = true;
                    else if (System.IO.File.Exists(Path.Combine(Application.StartupPath, "Binaries\\" + buttonEdit1.Text + "_" + comboBoxEdit1.EditValue.ToString() + "_1.BIN")))
                        simpleButton2.Enabled = true;
                        simpleButton3.Enabled = true;
                        simpleButton4.Enabled = true;
                    else if (System.IO.File.Exists(Path.Combine(Application.StartupPath, "Binaries\\" + buttonEdit1.Text + "_" + comboBoxEdit1.EditValue.ToString() + "_0.BIN")))
                        simpleButton2.Enabled = true;
                        simpleButton3.Enabled = true;
                        simpleButton4.Enabled = true;
                        simpleButton2.Enabled = false;
                        simpleButton3.Enabled = false;
                        simpleButton4.Enabled = false;
                catch (Exception E)
                    Console.WriteLine("Failed to check for library availability: " + E.Message);
                frmInfoBox info = new frmInfoBox("The entered partnumber was not recognized by MotronicSuite");
Esempio n. 7
        public void savedatatobinary(int address, int length, byte[] data, string filename, bool DoTransActionEntry, string note)
            FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(filename);
            if (m_currentFiletype == FileType.MOTRONICME7)
                // little endian, reverse bytes
                data = reverseEndian(data);
            if (address > 0 && address < fi.Length)
                    byte[] beforedata = readdatafromfile(filename, address, length, false);
                    FileStream fsi1 = File.OpenWrite(filename);
                    BinaryWriter bw1 = new BinaryWriter(fsi1);
                    fsi1.Position = address;

                    for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)

                    if (m_ProjectTransactionLog != null && DoTransActionEntry)
                        TransactionEntry tentry = new TransactionEntry(DateTime.Now, address, length, beforedata, data, 0, 0, note);
                        SignalTransactionLogChanged(tentry.SymbolAddress, tentry.Note);
                catch (Exception E)
                    frmInfoBox info = new frmInfoBox("Failed to write to binary. Is it read-only? Details: " + E.Message);
 private void simpleButton2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     // show the details for this transaction (including data, meaning 2 mapviewers showing the details)
     frmInfoBox info = new frmInfoBox("Still needs to be implemented");