Esempio n. 1
 //readonly SelectTunnelsThread tunnelsThread;
 public TmpServerHandler(AccessorConnection accessorConnection, TlsSettings tlsSettings /*, SelectTunnelsThread tunnelsThread*/)
     this.accessorConnection = accessorConnection;
     this.tlsSettings        = tlsSettings;
     //this.tunnelsThread = tunnelsThread;
Esempio n. 2
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Options       options       = new Options();
            List <String> nonOptionArgs = options.Parse(args);

            if (nonOptionArgs.Count != 2)
                options.ErrorAndUsage("Expected 2 non option argument but got none");

            String serverName = nonOptionArgs[0];
            String accessorConnectorString = nonOptionArgs[1];

            TlsSettings tlsSettings;

            if (!options.authenticationFile.set)
                tlsSettings = new TlsSettings(false);
                throw new NotImplementedException("Authentication file not yet implemented");

             * Run(tlsSettings, serverName, accessorConnector,
             *  options.heartbeatSeconds.ArgValue,
             *  options.reconnectWaitSeconds.ArgValue, options.receiveBufferLength.ArgValue);
             * }
             * public static void Run(TlsSettings tlsSettings, String serverName, String accessorConnectorString,
             * UInt16 heartbeatSeconds, UInt16 reconnectWaitSeconds, UInt32 receiveBufferLength)
             * {*/

            ServerInfo serverInfo = new ServerInfo(

            //SelectTunnelsThread tunnelsThread = new SelectTunnelsThread(receiveBufferLength);
            AccessorConnection accessorConnection = new AccessorConnection(accessorConnectorString);

            //TunnelControlServer tunnelServer = new TunnelControlServer(tunnelsThread, accessor);
            //NpcReflector npcReflector = new NpcReflector(
            //    new NpcExecutionObject(tunnelServer, "TunnelServer", null, null)
            //    );

            Int32 heartbeatMillis     = serverInfo.SecondsPerHeartbeat * 1000;
            Int32 reconnectWaitMillis = serverInfo.SecondsPerReconnect * 1000;

            Buf          safeBuffer   = new Buf(options.receiveBufferLength.ArgValue);
            SelectServer selectServer = new SelectServer(true, safeBuffer);

            accessorConnection.StartConnect(ref selectServer.control, safeBuffer);

             * //
             * // TmpHiddenServer Loop
             * //
             * Byte[] receiveBuffer = new Byte[receiveBufferLength];
             * Buf sendBuffer = new Buf(256, 256);
             * Int64 lastHearbeatTime = 0;
             * SingleObjectList singleAccessorSocket = new SingleObjectList();
             * while (true)
             * {
             *  //
             *  // While the accessor is not connected
             *  //
             *  while (!accessorConnection.Connected)
             *  {
             *      Console.WriteLine("{0} [{1}] Attempting reconnect...", DateTime.Now, accessorConnection.accessorHostString);
             *      if (accessorConnection.TryConnectAndInitialize(tlsSettings, sendBuffer, serverInfo))
             *      {
             *          Console.WriteLine("{0} [{1}] Connected", DateTime.Now, accessorConnection.accessorHostString);
             *          lastHearbeatTime = Stopwatch.GetTimestamp();
             *      }
             *      else
             *      {
             *          Console.WriteLine("{0} [{1}] Failed to connect, waiting {2} seconds for reconnect",
             *              DateTime.Now, accessorConnection.accessorHostString, reconnectWaitMillis / 1000);
             *          Thread.Sleep(reconnectWaitMillis);
             *      }
             *  }
             *  //
             *  // While the accessor is connected
             *  //
             *  while (accessorConnection.Connected)
             *  {
             *      //
             *      // Calculate the next heartbeat timeout
             *      //
             *      Int64 now = Stopwatch.GetTimestamp();
             *      Int32 nextHeartbeatTimeoutMillis = heartbeatMillis - StopwatchExtensions.StopwatchTicksAsInt32Milliseconds(now - lastHearbeatTime);
             *      if (nextHeartbeatTimeoutMillis <= 0)
             *      {
             *          Console.WriteLine("{0} [{1}] Sending hearbeat...", DateTime.Now, accessorConnection.accessorHostString);
             *          accessorConnection.SendHeartbeat();
             *          if (!accessorConnection.Connected) break;
             *          lastHearbeatTime = now;
             *          nextHeartbeatTimeoutMillis = heartbeatMillis;
             *      }
             *      accessorConnection.ReceiveWithTimeout(receiveBuffer, nextHeartbeatTimeoutMillis);
             *  }
             * }