/** Returns if this monster can cast given spell or not */ public bool CanCast(MDRSpell spell) { if (!CanCast(spell.SpellClass)) { return(false); } return((spell.CombatSpell) && (AppearsOnLevel >= spell.SpellLevel)); }
/** * Returns if this actor can cast given spell */ virtual public bool CanCast(MDRSpell spell) { return(SpellPower(spell) > 0); }
/** * Returns the actor highest spell level for a given spell, or 0 if they are unable to cast it. * This differs from passing a spell class in that a lv100 paladin would get a lv50 spell level for a basic heal, but not for * a higher level heal that paladins can not cast. */ virtual public int SpellPower(MDRSpell spell) { return(0); }
public int SpellPower(MDRSpell spell) { return(AppearsOnLevel); }
/** * Returns if the current memebership in this guild allows the casting of given spell or not */ public bool CanCastSpell(MDRSpell spell) { return(SpellLevel(spell.SpellClass) >= spell.SpellLevel); }
public SpellResult(MDRActor caster, MDRActor target, MDRSpell spell) { Caster = caster; Target = target; Spell = spell; }