public BaseCoreSpot(BaseCore core, Vector3 pos, Vector3 dir) { taken = false; this.core = core; this.dir = dir; this.pos = pos; }
public BaseCoreSpot(BaseCore core, float rot) { taken = false; this.rot = rot; dir.X = -(float)Math.Sin(rot); dir.Z = -(float)Math.Cos(rot); this.core = core; pos = core.pos + dir * 9; swaSpot = core.pos + dir * 9; sneSpot = core.pos + dir * 9.5f; hevSpot = core.pos + dir * 12; gunSpot = core.pos + dir * 14; }
public void initializeGame(string level) { loadPercentage = 0; if (!loadedGameContent) { TextureManager.initialize(this); loadPercentage = 0.1f; ModelLibrary.initialize(this); loadPercentage = 0.2f; loadPercentage = 0.25f; loadedGameContent = true; } modelManager = new ModelManager(this); ship = new Ship(this); core = new BaseCore(this); camera = new Camera(this, new Vector3(40, 150, 10), Vector3.Zero, Vector3.Up); turretManager = new TurretManager(this); asteroidManager = new AsteroidManager(this); enemyManager = new EnemyManager(this); waveManager = new WaveManager(this); hud = new Hud(this, Content.Load<SpriteFont>(@"Hud/Venera40"), spriteBatch, GraphicsDevice); minigame = new Minigame(this); levelStats = new StatTracker(); loadPercentage = 0.65f; levelFileName = "dends"; //levelFileName = "map1-revis"; //levelFileName = "pac-man"; layout = new MapData(level); //layout = new MapData(@"Content/MapXml/Level2.xml"); //layout = new MapData(@"Content/MapXml/pac-man.xml"); //layout = new MapData(@"Content/MapXml/broktes.xml"); map = new Map(this, layout.getNodes()); bloom = new BloomComponent(this); Components.Add(ship); Components.Add(camera); Components.Add(modelManager); Components.Add(enemyManager); Components.Add(waveManager); Components.Add(core); Components.Add(turretManager); Components.Add(asteroidManager); Components.Add(minigame); //make sure the post process effects go second last, and the hud is absolute last //Components.Add(bloom); Components.Add(hud); loadPercentage = 1f; modelManager.makeStarField(); turretManager.Initialize(); //Debugging stuff for A* shortestPath = new Pathfinder(map); turretAvoid = new PathfinderTurretAvoid(map); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("A new map has been loaded, our pathfinding algorithm is now finding the shortest path from each enemy spawn to the core"); List<Vector2> spawns = map.getEnemySpawn(); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("There are " + spawns.Count() + " enemy spawn point(s) in this map"); int count = 1; foreach(Vector2 spawn in spawns) { List<Vector2> path = shortestPath.findPath(new Point((int)spawn.X, (int)spawn.Y), new Point((int)map.getCoreLocation().X, (int)map.getCoreLocation().Y)); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("The path from spawn " + count + " is as follows:"); foreach(Vector2 nodePos in path) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(nodePos); } count++; } justLoadedContent = true; }