Esempio n. 1
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        using (MooDB db = new MooDB())
            if (Request["id"] != null)
                CollectEntityByID(db, int.Parse(Request["id"]));

            if (testCase == null)
                PageUtil.Redirect(Resources.Moo.FoundNothing, "~/");

            if (testCase.Problem.TestCaseHidden)
                if (!Permission.Check("", false)) return;
                if (!Permission.Check("", true)) return;

            if (testCase is TranditionalTestCase)
                asTranditional = testCase as TranditionalTestCase;
            else if (testCase is SpecialJudgedTestCase)
                asSpecialJudged = testCase as SpecialJudgedTestCase;
            else if (testCase is InteractiveTestCase)
                asInteractive = testCase as InteractiveTestCase;
            else if (testCase is AnswerOnlyTestCase)
                asAnswerOnly = testCase as AnswerOnlyTestCase;
                PageUtil.Redirect("未知的测试数据类型", "~/");

Esempio n. 2
 /// <summary>
 /// 创建新的 AnswerOnlyTestCase 对象。
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="id">ID 属性的初始值。</param>
 /// <param name="testData">TestData 属性的初始值。</param>
 public static AnswerOnlyTestCase CreateAnswerOnlyTestCase(global::System.Int32 id, global::System.Byte[] testData)
     AnswerOnlyTestCase answerOnlyTestCase = new AnswerOnlyTestCase();
     answerOnlyTestCase.ID = id;
     answerOnlyTestCase.TestData = testData;
     return answerOnlyTestCase;
Esempio n. 3
        public static void AddTestData(MooDB db)
            User MrPhone = new User()
                Name = "onetwogoo",
                Password = Converter.ToSHA256Hash("123456"),
                Role = SiteRoles.ByType[RoleType.Organizer].GetDBRole(db),
                BriefDescription = "我觉得我写这么多应该够两行了",
                Description = "我是--屌丝--我骄傲,我为国家省钞票!",
                Email = "*****@*****.**",
                Score = 256,

            User ShaBi = new User()
                Name = "ShaBi",
                Password = Converter.ToSHA256Hash("ShaBi"),
                Role = SiteRoles.ByType[RoleType.Worker].GetDBRole(db),
                BriefDescription = "我觉得我写这么多应该够两行了",
                Description = "Moo*真*他妈的好!",
                Email = "*****@*****.**",
                Score = 128,

            User Baby = new User()
                Name = "Baby",
                Password = Converter.ToSHA256Hash("Baby"),
                Role = SiteRoles.ByType[RoleType.NormalUser].GetDBRole(db),
                BriefDescription = "我啥都不懂",
                Description = "真不懂",
                Email = "*****@*****.**",
                Score = 1000,

            db.Users.AddObject(new User()
                Name = "BeiJu",
                Password = Converter.ToSHA256Hash("BeiJu"),
                Role = SiteRoles.ByType[RoleType.Malefactor].GetDBRole(db),
                BriefDescription = "冤枉啊!啥都没干就被封了!",
                Description = "太他妈冤枉了!",
                Email = "",
                Score = 0,

            db.HomepageRevisions.AddObject(new HomepageRevision()
                Title = "欢迎测试",
                Content = "测试用户:\n"
                + "onetwogoo/123456 组织者\n"
                + "ShaBi/ShaBi 工作者\n"
                + "Baby/Baby 普通用户\n"
                + "BeiJu/BeiJu 作恶者",
                Reason = "测试用原因",
                CreatedBy = ShaBi

            Problem APlusB = new Problem()
                Name = "A+B问题",
                Type = "Tranditional",
                Lock = false,
                Hidden = false,
                TestCaseHidden = false,
                AllowTesting = true,
                LockPost = false,
                LockRecord = false,
                LockSolution = false,
                LockTestCase = false,
                SubmissionCount = 10,
                ScoreSum = 100,
                SubmissionUser = 1,
                MaximumScore = 30

            Problem CPlusD = new Problem()
                Name = "C+D问题",
                Type = "Tranditional",
                Lock = true,
                Hidden = false,
                TestCaseHidden = false,
                LockPost = true,
                LockTestCase = true,
                LockSolution = true,
                LockRecord = true,
                AllowTesting = true,
                SubmissionCount = 20,
                ScoreSum = 5,
                SubmissionUser = 2,
                MaximumScore = 120

            Problem EPlusF = new Problem()
                Name = "E+F问题",
                Type = "Tranditional",
                Lock = false,
                LockPost = false,
                LockRecord = false,
                LockSolution = false,
                LockTestCase = false,
                AllowTesting = true,
                Hidden = true,
                TestCaseHidden = true,
                SubmissionCount = 40,
                ScoreSum = 300,
                SubmissionUser = 4,
                MaximumScore = 110

            Problem Cat = new Problem()
                Name = "Cat",
                Type = "SpecialJudged",
                Lock = false,
                LockPost = false,
                LockRecord = false,
                LockSolution = false,
                LockTestCase = false,
                AllowTesting = true,
                Hidden = false,
                TestCaseHidden = false

            Problem EasyAPlusB = new Problem()
                Name = "Easy A+B",
                Type = "Interactive",
                Lock = false,
                LockPost = false,
                LockRecord = false,
                LockSolution = false,
                LockTestCase = false,
                AllowTesting = true,
                Hidden = false,
                TestCaseHidden = false

            Problem AnswerAPlusB = new Problem()
                Name = "Answer A+B",
                Type = "AnswerOnly",
                Lock = false,
                LockPost = false,
                LockRecord = false,
                LockSolution = false,
                LockTestCase = false,
                AllowTesting = true,
                Hidden = false,
                TestCaseHidden = false

            UploadedFile file = new UploadedFile()
                Name = "SPJ for Cat",
                Description = "给Cat的SPJ",
                Path = "D:\\Cat.exe",

            //Test Cases
            db.TestCases.AddObject(new TranditionalTestCase()
                Problem = CPlusD,
                Input = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("qwertyuioplkjhgfdsazxcvbnm"),
                Answer = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("mnbvcxzasdfghjklpoiuytrewq"),
                TimeLimit = 1000,
                MemoryLimit = 1024 * 1024 * 6,
                Score = 12,

            db.TestCases.AddObject(new TranditionalTestCase()
                Problem = APlusB,
                Input = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("1 2"),
                Answer = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("3"),
                TimeLimit = 1000,
                MemoryLimit = 60 * 1024 * 1024,
                Score = 50,
                CreatedBy = MrPhone

            db.TestCases.AddObject(new TranditionalTestCase()
                Problem = APlusB,
                Input = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("100 345"),
                Answer = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("445"),
                TimeLimit = 1000,
                MemoryLimit = 60 * 1024 * 1024,
                Score = 50,
                CreatedBy = MrPhone

            db.TestCases.AddObject(new SpecialJudgedTestCase()
                Problem = Cat,
                Input = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("1 2"),
                Answer = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("Miao~"),
                TimeLimit = 1000,
                MemoryLimit = 60 * 1024 * 1024,
                Judger = file,
                CreatedBy = MrPhone

            file = new UploadedFile()
                Name = "Invoker for EasyA+B",
                Description = "EasyA+B的调用程序",
                Path = "D:\\EasyA+B.o",
                CreatedBy = MrPhone

            db.TestCases.AddObject(new InteractiveTestCase()
                Problem = EasyAPlusB,
                TestData = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("1123 3212"),
                TimeLimit = 1000,
                MemoryLimit = 60 * 1024 * 1024,
                Invoker = file,
                CreatedBy = MrPhone

            db.TestCases.AddObject(new InteractiveTestCase()
                Problem = EasyAPlusB,
                TestData = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("1 3"),
                TimeLimit = 1000,
                MemoryLimit = 60 * 1024 * 1024,
                Invoker = file,
                CreatedBy = MrPhone

            file = new UploadedFile()
                Name = "Judger Of Answer A+B",
                Path = "D:\\AnswerA+B.exe",
                CreatedBy = MrPhone

            AnswerOnlyTestCase answerOnlyTestCase1 = new AnswerOnlyTestCase()
                Problem = AnswerAPlusB,
                TestData = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("23 345"),
                Judger = file,
                CreatedBy = MrPhone

            AnswerOnlyTestCase answerOnlyTestCase2 = new AnswerOnlyTestCase()
                Problem = AnswerAPlusB,
                TestData = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("453 123"),
                Judger = file,
                CreatedBy = MrPhone

            //Problem Revision
            db.ProblemRevisions.AddObject(new ProblemRevision()
                 Problem = APlusB,
                 Content = "输入A,B。输出A+B。啊!输错了!",
                 Reason = "蛋疼",
                 CreatedBy = ShaBi

            db.ProblemRevisions.AddObject(new ProblemRevision()
                Problem = APlusB,
                Content = "输入A,B。输出它们的和。",
                Reason = "蛋疼",
                CreatedBy = MrPhone

            db.ProblemRevisions.AddObject(new ProblemRevision()
                Problem = APlusB,
                Content = "输入俩蛋,输出它们的和。",
                Reason = "蛋疼",
                CreatedBy = ShaBi

            APlusB.LatestRevision = new ProblemRevision()
                Problem = APlusB,
                Content = "输入两个Int32,输出它们的和。",
                Reason = "蛋疼",
                CreatedBy = MrPhone

            CPlusD.LatestRevision = new ProblemRevision()
                Problem = CPlusD,
                Content = "输入C,D。*注意是Int64*输出它们的和。",
                Reason = "蛋疼",
                CreatedBy = ShaBi

            EPlusF.LatestRevision = new ProblemRevision()
                Problem = EPlusF,
                Content = "输入E,F。输出它们的和。",
                Reason = "蛋疼",
                CreatedBy = ShaBi

            Cat.LatestRevision = new ProblemRevision()
                Problem = Cat,
                Content = "模拟Cat",
                Reason = "擦!",
                CreatedBy = MrPhone

            EasyAPlusB.LatestRevision = new ProblemRevision()
                Problem = EasyAPlusB,
                Content = "仅需编写一个int APlusB(int,int);即可。",
                Reason = "This is Interactive",
                CreatedBy = ShaBi

            AnswerAPlusB.LatestRevision = new ProblemRevision()
                Problem = AnswerAPlusB,
                Content = "提交答案吧!",
                Reason = "None",
                CreatedBy = MrPhone

            db.SolutionRevisions.AddObject(new SolutionRevision()
                Problem = APlusB,
                Content = "很简单。水题不解释。",
                Reason = "太水了",
                CreatedBy = ShaBi

            APlusB.LatestSolution = new SolutionRevision()
                Problem = APlusB,
                Content = "var a,b:*int64*; begin read(a,b); write(a+b); end.",
                Reason = "上代码",
                CreatedBy = MrPhone

            CPlusD.LatestSolution = new SolutionRevision()
                Problem = CPlusD,
                Content = "这个好像跟A+B一样吧",
                Reason = "神犇题解",
                CreatedBy = ShaBi

            EPlusF.LatestSolution = new SolutionRevision()
                Problem = EPlusF,
                Content = "太难了,不会啊",
                Reason = "垃圾题解",
                CreatedBy = ShaBi

            Cat.LatestSolution = new SolutionRevision()
                Problem = Cat,
                Content = "抄!",
                Reason = "",
                CreatedBy = ShaBi

            EasyAPlusB.LatestSolution = new SolutionRevision()
                Problem = EasyAPlusB,
                Content = "就……就A了。",
                Reason = "",
                CreatedBy = MrPhone

            AnswerAPlusB.LatestSolution = new SolutionRevision()
                Problem = AnswerAPlusB,
                Content = "弱爆了",
                Reason = "xxx",
                CreatedBy = ShaBi

            Post post = new Post()
                Name = "讨论一下出题人心理",
                Problem = APlusB,
                Lock = false,
                OnTop = true,

            db.PostItems.AddObject(new PostItem()
                Post = post,
                Content = "出--这么水--的题,找死啊",
                CreatedBy = ShaBi,

            db.PostItems.AddObject(new PostItem()
                Post = post,
                Content = "靠!作为出题人我压力很大啊!",
                CreatedBy = MrPhone

            post = new Post()
                Name = "认真研究一下此题变形",
                Problem = APlusB,
                Lock = false,
                OnTop = false

            db.PostItems.AddObject(new PostItem()
                Post = post,
                Content = "A+B能有什么变形呢?",
                CreatedBy = MrPhone

            db.PostItems.AddObject(new PostItem()
                Post = post,
                Content = "靠!没人回答,我寂寞了~",
                CreatedBy = MrPhone

            post = new Post()
                Name = "讨论一下Moo好不好",
                Lock = true,
                OnTop = false

            db.PostItems.AddObject(new PostItem()
                Post = post,
                Content = "Moo很好啊。*注意此贴没有对应题目且被锁*",
                CreatedBy = MrPhone

            db.Mails.AddObject(new Mail()
                Title = "咱把Moo黑了如何?",
                Content = "嘿!onetwogoo!把Moo--黑--了吧!",
                IsRead = true,
                From = ShaBi,
                To = MrPhone

            db.Mails.AddObject(new Mail()
                Title = "找死啊!",
                Content = "我会去黑自己网站吗?",
                IsRead = true,
                From = MrPhone,
                To = ShaBi

            db.Mails.AddObject(new Mail()
                Title = "没准嘞!",
                Content = "敢说你没这想法",
                IsRead = true,
                From = ShaBi,
                To = MrPhone

            db.Mails.AddObject(new Mail()
                Title = "傻逼",
                Content = "不解释!",
                IsRead = false,
                From = MrPhone,
                To = ShaBi

            db.Mails.AddObject(new Mail()
                Title = "把我弄成组织者如何啊",
                Content = "???",
                IsRead = false,
                From = Baby,
                To = MrPhone

            db.Mails.AddObject(new Mail()
                Title = "美死你",
                Content = "怎么可能",
                IsRead = true,
                From = MrPhone,
                To = Baby

            Contest contest = new Contest()
                StartTime = DateTimeOffset.Now.AddMinutes(1),
                EndTime = DateTimeOffset.Now.AddMinutes(2),
                Status = "Before",
                Title = "Moo水题大赛",
                Description = "全是--水--题啊!",
                LockProblemOnStart = true,
                LockPostOnStart = true,
                LockSolutionOnStart = true,
                LockTestCaseOnStart = true,
                AllowTestingOnStart = false,
                HideTestCaseOnStart = true,
                LockRecordOnStart = false,
                HideProblemOnStart = false,
                AllowTestingOnEnd = true,
                LockPostOnEnd = false,
                LockProblemOnEnd = false,
                LockRecordOnEnd = false,
                LockSolutionOnEnd = false,
                LockTestCaseOnEnd = false,
                HideProblemOnEnd = false,
                HideTestCaseOnEnd = false,

            JudgeInfo info = new JudgeInfo()
                Info = "Test",
                Score = 10

            Record record = new Record()
                Code = "",
                Language = "cxx",
                CreateTime = DateTimeOffset.Now.AddMinutes(1.5),
                User = ShaBi,
                Problem = APlusB,
                PublicCode = true
            record.JudgeInfo = info;
            info.Record = record;

            info = new JudgeInfo()
                Info = "test",
                Score = 30

            record = new Record()
                Code = "",
                Language = "c++",
                CreateTime = DateTimeOffset.Now.AddMinutes(1.5),
                User = ShaBi,
                Problem = APlusB,
                PublicCode = true
            record.JudgeInfo = info;
            info.Record = record;

            info = new JudgeInfo()
                Info = "test",
                Score = 60

            record = new Record()
                Code = "",
                Language = "c++",
                CreateTime = DateTimeOffset.Now.AddMinutes(1.5),
                User = ShaBi,
                Problem = CPlusD,
                PublicCode = true
            record.JudgeInfo = info;
            info.Record = record;

            db.Records.AddObject(new Record()
                Code = "int APlusB(int x,int y){return 4;}",
                CreateTime = DateTimeOffset.Now,
                Language = "c++",
                Problem = EasyAPlusB,
                User = MrPhone,
                PublicCode = true

            db.Records.AddObject(new Record()
                Code = "<Moo:Answer testCase='" + answerOnlyTestCase1.ID + "'>368</Moo:Answer>\n"
                + "<Moo:Answer testCase='" + answerOnlyTestCase2.ID + "'>496</Moo:Answer>",
                CreateTime = DateTimeOffset.Now,
                Language = "plaintext",
                Problem = AnswerAPlusB,
                User = MrPhone,
                PublicCode = true

Esempio n. 4
    protected void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (!Page.IsValid) return;
        int problemID = (int)ViewState["problemID"];
        int testCaseID;
        using (MooDB db = new MooDB())
            problem = (from p in db.Problems
                       where p.ID == problemID
                       select p).Single<Problem>();

            if (problem.LockTestCase)
                if (!Permission.Check("testcase.locked.create", false)) return;
                if (!Permission.Check("testcase.create", false)) return;

            User currentUser = ((SiteUser)User.Identity).GetDBUser(db);

            TestCase testCase;
            if (problem.Type == "Tranditional")
                testCase = new TranditionalTestCase()
                    Score = int.Parse(txtScore.Text),
                    TimeLimit = int.Parse(txtTimeLimit.Text),
                    MemoryLimit = int.Parse(txtMemoryLimit.Text),
                    Input = fileInput.FileBytes,
                    Answer = fileAnswer.FileBytes,
                    Problem = problem,
                    CreatedBy = currentUser
            else if (problem.Type == "SpecialJudged")
                int judgerID = int.Parse(txtJudger.Text);
                UploadedFile judger = (from f in db.UploadedFiles
                                       where f.ID == judgerID
                                       select f).Single<UploadedFile>();
                testCase = new SpecialJudgedTestCase()
                    TimeLimit = int.Parse(txtTimeLimit.Text),
                    MemoryLimit = int.Parse(txtMemoryLimit.Text),
                    Input = fileInput.FileBytes,
                    Answer = fileAnswer.FileBytes,
                    Judger = judger,
                    Problem = problem,
                    CreatedBy = currentUser
            else if (problem.Type == "Interactive")
                int invokerID = int.Parse(txtInvoker.Text);
                UploadedFile invoker = (from f in db.UploadedFiles
                                        where f.ID == invokerID
                                        select f).Single<UploadedFile>();
                testCase = new InteractiveTestCase()
                    Invoker = invoker,
                    MemoryLimit = int.Parse(txtMemoryLimit.Text),
                    TimeLimit = int.Parse(txtTimeLimit.Text),
                    Problem = problem,
                    TestData = fileTestData.FileBytes,
                    CreatedBy = currentUser
            else if (problem.Type == "AnswerOnly")
                int judgerID = int.Parse(txtJudger.Text);
                UploadedFile judger = (from f in db.UploadedFiles
                                       where f.ID == judgerID
                                       select f).Single<UploadedFile>();
                testCase = new AnswerOnlyTestCase()
                    Judger = judger,
                    Problem = problem,
                    TestData = fileTestData.FileBytes,
                    CreatedBy = currentUser
                PageUtil.Redirect("未知的题目类型", "~/");

            testCaseID = testCase.ID;
            Logger.Info(db, "创建测试数据#" + testCaseID);

        PageUtil.Redirect("创建成功", "~/TestCase/?id=" + testCaseID);