Esempio n. 1
		void GetStatusDone (IAsyncResult iar)
			try {
				status = d.EndGetStatus (iar);
				war = null;

				if (status == null)
					state = State.GetStatusError;
					state = State.Done;

			} catch (Exception e) {
				state = State.NetworkError;
				Console.WriteLine ("Error getting status: " + e);
			if (tn != null)
				tn.WakeupMain ();
Esempio n. 2
		public Status GetStatus (string login, string password)
			IDbConnection conn = GetConnection ();
			conn.Open ();
			try {
				IDbCommand cmd = conn.CreateCommand();
                                cmd.CommandText = "select * from person where name=@name and password=@pass";
                                cmd.Parameters.Add( CreateParameter("@name",login));
                                cmd.Parameters.Add( CreateParameter("@pass",password));
				IDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader ();
				int id = -1;
				if (reader.Read())
					id = (int)reader["person_id"]; 
				reader.Close ();
				if (id == -1)
					return null;

				Status s = new Status ();
				cmd.CommandText = String.Format ("select count(*) from status where person_id='{0}'", id);
				s.Contributions =  (int) cmd.ExecuteScalar ();
				cmd.CommandText = String.Format ("select count(*) from status where person_id='{0}' and status='0'", id);
				s.Pending = (int) cmd.ExecuteScalar ();
				cmd.CommandText = String.Format ("select count(*) from status where person_id='{0}' and status='1'", id);
				s.Commited = (int) cmd.ExecuteScalar ();

				return s;
			} finally {
				conn.Close ();