Esempio n. 1
		public ClockTimer () : base()
			outputString = DateTime.Now.ToString("hh:mm:ss");
			myTTimer = NSTimer.CreateRepeatingScheduledTimer (1,delegate { 
				outputString = DateTime.Now.ToString("hh:mm:ss");
Esempio n. 2
        public ClockView(IntPtr handle)
            : base(handle)
            _clock = new Clock ();

            _timer = NSTimer.CreateRepeatingScheduledTimer (1, delegate {
                SetNeedsDisplayInRect (Bounds);
		protected override void Dispose (bool disposing)
			disposed = true;
			if (beatTimer != null) {
				beatTimer.Dispose ();
				beatTimer = null;

			base.Dispose (disposing);
Esempio n. 4
 public void AddTimer(NSTimer timer, NSRunLoopMode forMode)
     AddTimer(timer, FromEnum(forMode));
Esempio n. 5
 public void AddTimer(NSTimer timer, string forMode)
     AddTimer(timer, GetRealMode(forMode));
Esempio n. 6
		public void AddTimer (NSTimer timer, NSRunLoopMode forMode)
			AddTimer (timer, FromEnum (forMode));
Esempio n. 7
		public void AddTimer (NSTimer timer, string forMode)
			AddTimer (timer, GetRealMode (forMode));
		void ScheduleBeatTimer ()
			if (disposed) {

			if (beatTimer != null) {
				beatTimer.Dispose ();

			OnHeartBeat ();
			beatTimer = NSTimer.CreateScheduledTimer (60 / (double)CurrentHeartBeat.Rate, ScheduleBeatTimer);
Esempio n. 9
		public Timer ()
			m_helper = new NSTimer();
			enabled = false;
Esempio n. 10
		public CMTimebaseError SetTimerToFireImmediately (NSTimer timer)
			if (timer == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException ("timer");

			return CMTimebaseSetTimerToFireImmediately (Handle, timer.Handle);
Esempio n. 11
		public CMTimebaseError SetTimerNextFireTime (NSTimer timer, CMTime fireTime)
			if (timer == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException ("timer");

			return CMTimebaseSetTimerNextFireTime (Handle, timer.Handle, fireTime, 0);
Esempio n. 12
		public CMTimebaseError RemoveTimer (NSTimer timer)
			if (timer == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException ("timer");

			return CMTimebaseRemoveTimer (Handle, timer.Handle);
Esempio n. 13
		public CMTimebaseError AddTimer (NSTimer timer, NSRunLoop runloop)
			if (timer == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException ("timer");
			if (runloop == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException ("runloop");

			// FIXME: Crashes inside CoreMedia
			return CMTimebaseAddTimer (Handle, timer.Handle, runloop.Handle);
Esempio n. 14
        public Server(NSObject app)
            _app = app;
            string[] args = new string[] {
            //                "-vvvvv",
            vlc = VLC.libvlc_new(args.Length, args);

            _timer = NSTimer.CreateRepeatingTimer(0.1, ev_timer);
            NSRunLoop.Current.AddTimer(_timer, NSRunLoop.NSRunLoopCommonModes);

            TcpListener tcpListener = new TcpListener(IPAddress.Any, 4357);
            (new Thread(delegate() {
                        while (true) {
                            try {
                                Client c = new Client(this, tcpListener.AcceptTcpClient());
                                lock (_lock) {
                                    if (mp != IntPtr.Zero) {
                                        c.Send(_playing ? "*playing" : "*paused");
                                        c.Send(_seekable ? "*seekable" : "*notseekable");
                                        c.Send("*audiotrack " + _audiotrack);
                                        c.Send("*audiotrackcount " + _audiotrackcount);
                                        c.Send("*subtitle " + _subtitle);
                                        c.Send("*subtitlecount " + _subtitlecount);
                                        c.Send("*time " + _time);
                                        c.Send("*length " + _length);
                            } catch (Exception e) {
                                Console.WriteLine("error creating client: " + e.ToString());
                        }) { IsBackground = true }).Start();
 partial void requestAction (NSButton sender)
         myTimer = NSTimer.CreateScheduledTimer (3.0, delegate {
                 if (popupRequestType.Cell.SelectedItemIndex == 0)
                         NSApp.RequestUserAttention (NSRequestUserAttentionType.InformationalRequest);
                         NSApp.RequestUserAttention (NSRequestUserAttentionType.CriticalRequest);
		private void StartAnimation (double updatesPerSecond)
			if (!animating) {
				if (displayLinkSupported) {
					if (displayLink != null && !displayLink.IsRunning)
						displayLink.Start ();
				} else {
					// Can't use TimeSpan.FromSeconds() as that only has 1ms
					// resolution, and we need better (e.g. 60fps doesn't fit nicely
					// in 1ms resolution, but does in ticks).
					var timeout = new TimeSpan ((long)(((1.0 * TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond) / updatesPerSecond) + 0.5));

					if (SwapInterval) {
						animationTimer = NSTimer.CreateRepeatingScheduledTimer (timeout, 
							delegate {
								NeedsDisplay = true;
					} else {
						animationTimer = NSTimer.CreateRepeatingScheduledTimer (timeout, 
							delegate {
								RenderScene ();
					NSRunLoop.Current.AddTimer (animationTimer, NSRunLoopMode.Default);
					NSRunLoop.Current.AddTimer (animationTimer, NSRunLoopMode.EventTracking);


			animating = true;
		public void Stop ()
			if (animating) {
				if (displayLinkSupported) {
					if (displayLink != null && displayLink.IsRunning)
						displayLink.Stop ();

				} else {
					animationTimer.Invalidate ();
					animationTimer = null;
			animating = false;
Esempio n. 18
        /// <summary>
        /// Mouse Wheel
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        protected override void OnMouseWheel(GeoMouseArgs e) //Fix this
            if (_zoomTimer != null) {
                _zoomTimer.Invalidate (); // if the timer was already started, stop it.
                _zoomTimer.Dispose ();

            if ((e.Map.IsZoomedToMaxExtent == true) && (_direction * e.Delta < 0))
                e.Map.IsZoomedToMaxExtent = false;
                Rectangle r = e.Map.MapFrame.View;

                // For multiple zoom steps before redrawing, we actually
                // want the x coordinate relative to the screen, not
                // the x coordinate relative to the previously modified view.
                if (_client == Rectangle.Empty)
                    _client = r;
                int cw = _client.Width;
                int ch = _client.Height;

                double w = r.Width;
                double h = r.Height;

                if (_direction * e.Delta > 0)

                    double inFactor = 2.0 * _sensitivity;
                    r.Inflate(Convert.ToInt32(-w / inFactor), Convert.ToInt32(-h / inFactor));
                    // try to keep the mouse cursor in the same geographic position
                    r.X += Convert.ToInt32((e.X * w / (_sensitivity * cw)) - w / inFactor);
                    r.Y += Convert.ToInt32((e.Y * h / (_sensitivity * ch)) - h / inFactor);

                    double outFactor = 0.5 * _sensitivity;
                    r.Inflate(Convert.ToInt32(w / _sensitivity), Convert.ToInt32(h / _sensitivity));
                    r.X += Convert.ToInt32(w / _sensitivity - (e.X * w / (outFactor * cw)));
                    r.Y += Convert.ToInt32(h / _sensitivity - (e.Y * h / (outFactor * ch)));

                e.Map.MapFrame.View = r;
                _zoomTimer = NSTimer.CreateScheduledTimer(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds (_timerInterval), delegate{ZoomTimerTick();});
                _mapFrame = e.Map.MapFrame;
                if (!BusySet)
                    Map.IsBusy = true;
                    BusySet = true;

