private Frame.Region ParseRegion(JToken token)
            var region = new Frame.Region();

            var hAlignment = token.Value <string>("hplacement");
            var vAlignment = token.Value <string>("vplacement");
            var x          = token.Value <int>("x");
            var y          = token.Value <int>("y");
            var w          = token.Value <int>("w");
            var h          = token.Value <int>("h");

            // Assign trivialities
            region.Source              = token.Value <string>("source");
            region.Id                  = token.Value <string>("id");
            region.SourceRegion.X      = x;
            region.SourceRegion.Y      = y;
            region.SourceRegion.Width  = w;
            region.SourceRegion.Height = h;

            // Process each region's placement and set up the unified coordinates
            CalculateRegionPlacement(GetHorizontalPlacementIndex(hAlignment), w, _leftBorderWidth, _rightBorderWidth,
                                     ref region.DestinationRegion.Location.X, ref region.DestinationRegion.Size.X);
            CalculateRegionPlacement(GetVerticalPlacementIndex(vAlignment), h, _topBorderWidth, _bottomBorderWidth,
                                     ref region.DestinationRegion.Location.Y, ref region.DestinationRegion.Size.Y);

        private Frame.Region[] ParseRegions(JArray jArray)
            var regions = new Frame.Region[jArray.Count];

            _leftBorderWidth   = 0;
            _rightBorderWidth  = 0;
            _topBorderWidth    = 0;
            _bottomBorderWidth = 0;

            // Detect borders
            foreach (var token in jArray)
                var hPlacement = token.Value <string>("hplacement");
                var vPlacement = token.Value <string>("vplacement");

                if (hPlacement == "left")
                    _leftBorderWidth = Math.Max(_leftBorderWidth, token.Value <int>("w"));
                    if (hPlacement == "right")
                        _rightBorderWidth = Math.Max(_rightBorderWidth, token.Value <int>("w"));

                if (vPlacement == "top")
                    _topBorderWidth = Math.Max(_topBorderWidth, token.Value <int>("h"));
                    if (vPlacement == "bottom")
                        _bottomBorderWidth = Math.Max(_bottomBorderWidth, token.Value <int>("h"));

            // Parse each region
            for (var i = 0; i < regions.Length; i++)
                regions[i] = ParseRegion(jArray[i]);
