Esempio n. 1
		public GenerateNamespaceImport GetResult (ProjectDom dom, ICompilationUnit unit, IType type, TextEditorData data)
			GenerateNamespaceImport result;
			if (cache.TryGetValue (type.Namespace, out result))
				return result;
			result = new GenerateNamespaceImport ();
			cache[type.Namespace] = result;
			result.InsertNamespace  = false;
			DomLocation location = new DomLocation (data.Caret.Line, data.Caret.Column);
			foreach (IUsing u in unit.Usings.Where (u => u.ValidRegion.Contains (location))) {
				if (u.Namespaces.Any (ns => type.Namespace == ns)) {
					result.GenerateUsing = false;
					return result;
			result.GenerateUsing = true;
			string name = type.DecoratedFullName.Substring (type.Namespace.Length + 1);
			foreach (IUsing u in unit.Usings.Where (u => u.ValidRegion.Contains (location))) {
				foreach (string ns in u.Namespaces) {
					if (dom.SearchType (unit, unit.GetTypeAt (location), unit.GetMemberAt (location), ns + "." + name) != null) {
						result.GenerateUsing = false;
						result.InsertNamespace = true;
						return result;
			return result;
		public static void Format (TextEditorData data, ProjectDom dom, DomLocation location, bool correctBlankLines)
			PolicyContainer policyParent = dom != null && dom.Project != null? dom.Project.Policies
				: PolicyService.DefaultPolicies;
			var mimeTypeChain = DesktopService.GetMimeTypeInheritanceChain (CSharpFormatter.MimeType);
			Format (policyParent, mimeTypeChain, data, dom, location, correctBlankLines);
		public static void Format (MonoDevelop.Ide.Gui.Document data, ProjectDom dom, DomLocation location, bool correctBlankLines, bool runAferCR = false)
			PolicyContainer policyParent = dom != null && dom.Project != null ? dom.Project.Policies
 : PolicyService.DefaultPolicies;
			var mimeTypeChain = DesktopService.GetMimeTypeInheritanceChain (CSharpFormatter.MimeType);
			Format (policyParent, mimeTypeChain, data, dom, location, correctBlankLines, runAferCR);
		public RefactorerContext (ProjectDom ctx, ITextFileProvider files, IType cls)
			this.files = files;
			this.ctx = ctx;
			if (cls != null)
				typeResolver = GetTypeNameResolver (cls);
		public override ParsedDocument Parse (ProjectDom dom, string fileName, string fileContent)
			XmlParsedDocument doc = new XmlParsedDocument (fileName);
			doc.Flags |= ParsedDocumentFlags.NonSerializable;
			TextReader tr = new StringReader (fileContent);
			try {
				Parser xmlParser = new Parser (new XmlFreeState (), true);
				xmlParser.Parse (tr);
				doc.XDocument = xmlParser.Nodes.GetRoot ();
				doc.Add (xmlParser.Errors);
				if (doc.XDocument != null && doc.XDocument.RootElement != null) {
					if (!doc.XDocument.RootElement.IsEnded)
						doc.XDocument.RootElement.End (xmlParser.Location);
			catch (Exception ex) {
				MonoDevelop.Core.LoggingService.LogError ("Unhandled error parsing xml document", ex);
			finally {
				if (tr != null)
					tr.Dispose ();
			return doc;
		public override IEnumerable<MemberReference> FindReferences (ProjectDom dom, FilePath fileName, IEnumerable<INode> searchedMembers)
			var editor = TextFileProvider.Instance.GetTextEditorData (fileName);
			AspNetAppProject project = dom.Project as AspNetAppProject;
			if (project == null)
				yield break;
			var unit = AspNetParserService.GetCompileUnit (project, fileName, true);
			if (unit == null)
				yield break;
			var refman = new DocumentReferenceManager (project);
			var parsedAspDocument = (AspNetParsedDocument)new AspNetParser ().Parse (dom, fileName, editor.Text);
			refman.Doc = parsedAspDocument;
			var usings = refman.GetUsings ();
			var documentInfo = new DocumentInfo (dom, unit, usings, refman.GetDoms ());
			var builder = new AspLanguageBuilder ();
			var buildDocument = new Mono.TextEditor.Document ();
			var offsetInfos = new List<LocalDocumentInfo.OffsetInfo> ();
			buildDocument.Text = builder.BuildDocumentString (documentInfo, editor, offsetInfos, true);
			var parsedDocument = AspLanguageBuilder.Parse (dom, fileName, buildDocument.Text);
			foreach (var member in searchedMembers) {
				foreach (var reference in SearchMember (member, dom, fileName, editor, buildDocument, offsetInfos, parsedDocument)) {
					yield return reference;
		public InstantiatedParameterType (ProjectDom dom, ITypeParameterMember typeParameterMember, ITypeParameter tp)
			IType outerType = typeParameterMember as IType ?? typeParameterMember.DeclaringType;
			typeparam = tp;
			compilationUnit = outerType.CompilationUnit;
			ClassType = ClassType.Class;
			Modifiers = Modifiers.Public;
			Name = tp.Name;
			Namespace = outerType.DecoratedFullName;
			Location = outerType.Location;
			DeclaringType = outerType;
			if (tp.Constraints.Count > 0)
				ClassType = ClassType.Interface;
			foreach (IReturnType rt in tp.Constraints) {
				if (FindCyclicReference (new HashSet<ITypeParameter> () { tp }, outerType, ((DomReturnType)rt).DecoratedFullName))
				IType bt = dom.SearchType (typeParameterMember, rt);
				IReturnType resolvedType = rt;
				if (bt != null) {
					resolvedType = new DomReturnType (bt);
					if (bt.ClassType == ClassType.Interface || BaseType != null) {
						AddInterfaceImplementation (resolvedType);
					} else {
						ClassType = bt.ClassType;
						BaseType = resolvedType;
				} else {
					AddInterfaceImplementation (resolvedType);
			if (BaseType == null)
				BaseType = DomReturnType.Object;
		public override IEnumerable<MemberReference> FindReferences (ProjectDom dom, FilePath fileName, IEnumerable<INode> searchedMembers)
			HashSet<int > positions = new HashSet<int> ();
			var editor = TextFileProvider.Instance.GetTextEditorData (fileName);
			FindMemberAstVisitor visitor = new FindMemberAstVisitor (editor.Document);
			visitor.IncludeXmlDocumentation = IncludeDocumentation;
			visitor.Init (searchedMembers);
			if (!visitor.FileContainsMemberName ()) {
				yield break;
			var doc = ProjectDomService.ParseFile (dom, fileName, () => editor.Text);
			if (doc == null || doc.CompilationUnit == null)
				yield break;
			var resolver = new NRefactoryResolver (dom, doc.CompilationUnit, ICSharpCode.NRefactory.SupportedLanguage.CSharp, editor, fileName);

			visitor.ParseFile (resolver);
			visitor.RunVisitor (resolver);
			foreach (var reference in visitor.FoundReferences) {
				if (positions.Contains (reference.Position))
				positions.Add (reference.Position);
				yield return reference;
			visitor.ClearParsers ();
		public override ParsedDocument Parse (ProjectDom dom, string fileName, string fileContent)
			XmlParsedDocument doc = new XmlParsedDocument (fileName);
			doc.Flags = ParsedDocumentFlags.NonSerializable;
			TextReader tr = new StringReader (fileContent);
			try {
				Parser xmlParser = new Parser (
					new XmlFreeState (new HtmlTagState (true), new HtmlClosingTagState (true)),
				xmlParser.Parse (tr);
				doc.XDocument = xmlParser.Nodes.GetRoot ();
				doc.Add (xmlParser.Errors);
				if (doc.XDocument != null)
					doc.Add (Validate (doc.XDocument));
			catch (Exception ex) {
				MonoDevelop.Core.LoggingService.LogError ("Unhandled error parsing HTML document", ex);
			finally {
				if (tr != null)
					tr.Dispose ();
			return doc;
Esempio n. 10
		public static IMember GetCompatibleMemberInClass (ProjectDom ctx, IType cls, CodeTypeMember member)
			//check for identical property names
			foreach (IProperty prop in cls.Properties) {
				if (string.Compare (prop.Name, member.Name, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0) {
					EnsureClassExists (ctx, prop.ReturnType.FullName, GetValidRegion (prop));
					CodeMemberProperty memProp = member as CodeMemberProperty;
					if (memProp == null || !IsTypeCompatible (ctx, prop.ReturnType.FullName, memProp.Type.BaseType))
						throw new MemberExistsException (cls.FullName, MemberType.Property, member, GetValidRegion (prop), cls.CompilationUnit.FileName);
					return prop;
			//check for identical method names
			foreach (IMethod meth in cls.Methods) {
				if (string.Compare (meth.Name, member.Name, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0) {
					EnsureClassExists (ctx, meth.ReturnType.FullName, GetValidRegion (meth));
					CodeMemberMethod memMeth = member as CodeMemberMethod;
					if (memMeth == null || !IsTypeCompatible (ctx, meth.ReturnType.FullName, memMeth.ReturnType.BaseType))
						throw new MemberExistsException (cls.FullName, MemberType.Method, member, GetValidRegion (meth), cls.CompilationUnit.FileName);
					return meth;
			//check for identical event names
			foreach (IEvent ev in cls.Events) {
				if (string.Compare (ev.Name, member.Name, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0) {
					EnsureClassExists (ctx, ev.ReturnType.FullName, GetValidRegion (ev));
					CodeMemberEvent memEv = member as CodeMemberEvent;
					if (memEv == null || !IsTypeCompatible (ctx, ev.ReturnType.FullName, memEv.Type.BaseType))
						throw new MemberExistsException (cls.FullName, MemberType.Event, member, GetValidRegion (ev), cls.CompilationUnit.FileName);
					return ev;
			//check for identical field names
			foreach (IField field in cls.Fields) {
				if (string.Compare (field.Name, member.Name, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0) {
					EnsureClassExists (ctx, field.ReturnType.FullName, GetValidRegion (field));
					CodeMemberField memField = member as CodeMemberField;
					if (memField == null || !IsTypeCompatible (ctx, field.ReturnType.FullName, memField.Type.BaseType))
						throw new MemberExistsException (cls.FullName, MemberType.Field, member, GetValidRegion (field), cls.CompilationUnit.FileName);
					return field;
			//walk down into base classes, if any
			foreach (IReturnType baseType in cls.BaseTypes) {
				IType c = ctx.GetType (baseType);
				if (c == null)
					throw new TypeNotFoundException (baseType.FullName, cls.BodyRegion, cls.CompilationUnit.FileName);
				IMember mem = GetCompatibleMemberInClass (ctx, c, member);
				if (mem != null)
					return mem;
			//return null if no match
			return null;
Esempio n. 11
		public override IEnumerable<MemberReference> FindReferences (ProjectDom dom, FilePath fileName, IEnumerable<INode> searchedMembers)
			foreach (var member in searchedMembers) {
				foreach (var reference in FindReferences (dom, fileName, member)) {
					yield return reference;
		public static ParsedDocument Parse (ProjectDom dom, string fileName, string text)
			var result = new MonoDevelop.CSharp.Parser.McsParser ().Parse (null, fileName, text);
			foreach (DomType type in result.CompilationUnit.Types) {
				type.SourceProjectDom = dom;
			return result;
		public override IResolver CreateResolver (ProjectDom dom, object editor, string fileName)
			MonoDevelop.Ide.Gui.Document doc = (MonoDevelop.Ide.Gui.Document)editor;
			if (doc.Editor == null)
				return null;
			return new NRefactoryResolver (dom, doc.CompilationUnit, ICSharpCode.OldNRefactory.SupportedLanguage.CSharp, doc.Editor, fileName);
		public string OutputNode (ProjectDom dom, INode node, string indent)
			CSharpOutputVisitor outputVisitor = new CSharpOutputVisitor ();
			CSharpFormatter.SetFormatOptions (outputVisitor, dom != null && dom.Project != null ? dom.Project.Policies : null);
			int col = CSharpFormatter.GetColumn (indent, 0, 4);
			outputVisitor.OutputFormatter.IndentationLevel = System.Math.Max (0, col / 4);
			node.AcceptVisitor (outputVisitor, null);
			return outputVisitor.Text;
Esempio n. 15
		IType GetFullClass (out ProjectDom ctx)
			if (project == null || className == null) {
				ctx = null;
				return null;
			ctx = MonoDevelop.Projects.Dom.Parser.ProjectDomService.GetProjectDom (project);
			return ctx.GetType (className, false, false);
		public override void Initialize ()
			base.Initialize ();
			dom = Document.Dom;
			textEditorResolver = base.Document.GetContent<ITextEditorResolver> ();
			textEditorData = base.Document.Editor;
			textEditorData.Caret.PositionChanged += HandleTextEditorDataCaretPositionChanged;
			textEditorData.Document.TextReplaced += HandleTextEditorDataDocumentTextReplaced;
		public override void Initialize ()
			base.Initialize ();
			dom = Document.Dom;
			textEditorData = Document.TextEditorData;
			InitTracker ();
			IEnumerable<string> types = MonoDevelop.Ide.DesktopService.GetMimeTypeInheritanceChain (CSharpFormatter.MimeType);
			if (dom != null && dom.Project != null)
				policy = base.Document.Project.Policies.Get<CSharpFormattingPolicy> (types);
 public string OutputNode(ProjectDom dom, INode node, string indent)
     /* WNH FSharpOutputVisitor FIXME!!!!!		FSharpOutputVisitor outputVisitor = new FSharpOutputVisitor ();
     FSharpFormatter.SetFormatOptions (outputVisitor, dom.Project);
     int col = FSharpFormatter.GetColumn (indent, 0, 4);
     outputVisitor.OutputFormatter.IndentationLevel = System.Math.Max (0, col / 4);
     node.AcceptVisitor (outputVisitor, null);
     return outputVisitor.Text;
     WNH */
     return "Hello World";      // WNH RIP OUT later
Esempio n. 19
 static IEnumerable <MonoDevelop.Projects.Dom.IProperty> GetAllProperties(
     MonoDevelop.Projects.Dom.Parser.ProjectDom projectDatabase,
     MonoDevelop.Projects.Dom.IType cls)
     foreach (MonoDevelop.Projects.Dom.IType type in projectDatabase.GetInheritanceTree(cls))
         foreach (MonoDevelop.Projects.Dom.IProperty prop in type.Properties)
             yield return(prop);
Esempio n. 20
 static IEnumerable <MonoDevelop.Projects.Dom.IEvent> GetAllEvents(
     MonoDevelop.Projects.Dom.Parser.ProjectDom projectDatabase,
     MonoDevelop.Projects.Dom.IType cls)
     foreach (MonoDevelop.Projects.Dom.IType type in projectDatabase.GetInheritanceTree(cls))
         foreach (MonoDevelop.Projects.Dom.IEvent ev in type.Events)
             yield return(ev);
		public NewOverrideCompletionData (ProjectDom dom, TextEditorData editor, int declarationBegin, IType type, IMember member) : base (null)
			this.editor = editor;
			this.type   = type;
			this.member = member;
			this.declarationBegin = declarationBegin;
			this.GenerateBody = true;
			this.Icon = member.StockIcon;
			this.DisplayText = ambience.GetString (member, OutputFlags.IncludeParameters | OutputFlags.IncludeGenerics | OutputFlags.HideExtensionsParameter);
			this.CompletionText = member.Name;
Esempio n. 22
		static IEnumerable<Tuple<ProjectDom, FilePath>> GetFileNames (Solution solution, ProjectDom dom, ICompilationUnit unit, INode member, IProgressMonitor monitor)
			var scope = GetScope (member);
			int counter = 0;
			switch (scope) {
			case RefactoryScope.File:
			case RefactoryScope.DeclaringType:
				if (dom != null && unit != null)
					yield return Tuple.Create (dom, unit.FileName);
			case RefactoryScope.Project:
				if (dom == null)
					yield break;
				if (monitor != null)
					monitor.BeginTask (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Finding references in project..."), dom.Project.Files.Count);
				foreach (var file in dom.Project.Files) {
					if (monitor != null && monitor.IsCancelRequested)
						yield break;
					yield return Tuple.Create (dom, file.FilePath);
					if (monitor != null) {
						if (counter % 10 == 0)
							monitor.Step (10);
				if (monitor != null)
					monitor.EndTask ();
			case RefactoryScope.Solution:
				var allProjects = solution.GetAllProjects ();
				if (monitor != null)
					monitor.BeginTask (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Finding references in solution..."),
						allProjects.Sum (p => p.Files.Count));
				foreach (var project in allProjects) {
					if (monitor != null && monitor.IsCancelRequested)
						yield break;
					var currentDom = ProjectDomService.GetProjectDom (project);
					foreach (var file in project.Files) {
						if (monitor != null && monitor.IsCancelRequested)
							yield break;
						yield return Tuple.Create (currentDom, file.FilePath);
						if (monitor != null) {
							if (counter % 10 == 0)
								monitor.Step (10);
				if (monitor != null)
					monitor.EndTask ();
		public string OutputNode (ProjectDom dom, AstNode node, string indent)
			StringWriter w = new StringWriter();
			var policyParent = dom != null && dom.Project != null ? dom.Project.Policies : null;
			IEnumerable<string> types = DesktopService.GetMimeTypeInheritanceChain (CSharpFormatter.MimeType);
			CSharpFormattingPolicy codePolicy = policyParent != null ? policyParent.Get<CSharpFormattingPolicy> (types) : MonoDevelop.Projects.Policies.PolicyService.GetDefaultPolicy<CSharpFormattingPolicy> (types);
			var formatter = new TextWriterOutputFormatter(w);
			int col = GetColumn (indent, 0, 4);
			formatter.Indentation = System.Math.Max (0, col / 4);
			OutputVisitor visitor = new OutputVisitor (formatter, codePolicy.CreateOptions ());
			node.AcceptVisitor (visitor, null);
			return w.ToString();
        public void Deserialize(XElement xml, ProjectDom dom)
            if (xml == null) {
                throw new ArgumentNullException ("xml");

            var textAttr = xml.Attribute ("CommentText");
            if (textAttr != null) {
                Text = textAttr.Value;

            this.DeserializePosition (xml.Element ("Position"));
		public override ParsedDocument Parse (ProjectDom dom, string fileName, string fileContent)
			using (var tr = new StringReader (fileContent)) {
				var info = new PageInfo ();
				var rootNode = new RootNode ();
				var errors = new List<Error> ();
				try {
					rootNode.Parse (fileName, tr);
				} catch (Exception ex) {
					LoggingService.LogError ("Unhandled error parsing ASP.NET document '" + (fileName ?? "") + "'", ex);
					errors.Add (new Error (ErrorType.Error, 0, 0, "Unhandled error parsing ASP.NET document: " + ex.Message));
				foreach (var pe in rootNode.ParseErrors)
					errors.Add (new Error (ErrorType.Error, pe.Location.BeginLine, pe.Location.BeginColumn, pe.Message));
				info.Populate (rootNode, errors);
				var type = AspNetAppProject.DetermineWebSubtype (fileName);
				if (type != info.Subtype) {
					if (info.Subtype == WebSubtype.None) {
						errors.Add (new Error (ErrorType.Error, 1, 1, "File directive is missing"));
					} else {
						type = info.Subtype;
						errors.Add (new Error (ErrorType.Warning, 1, 1, "File directive does not match page extension"));
				var result = new AspNetParsedDocument (fileName, type, rootNode, info);
				result.Add (errors);
				if (MonoDevelop.Core.LoggingService.IsLevelEnabled (MonoDevelop.Core.Logging.LogLevel.Debug)) {
					DebugStringVisitor dbg = new DebugStringVisitor ();
					rootNode.AcceptVisit (dbg);
					System.Text.StringBuilder sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder ();
					sb.AppendLine ("Parsed AspNet file:");
					sb.AppendLine (dbg.DebugString);
					if (errors.Count > 0) {
						sb.AppendLine ("Errors:");
						foreach (ParserException ex in errors)
							sb.AppendLine (ex.ToString ());
					MonoDevelop.Core.LoggingService.LogDebug (sb.ToString ());
				return result;
		public override void Initialize ()
			base.Initialize ();
			dom = Document.Dom;
			textEditorData = Document.Editor;
			IEnumerable<string > types = MonoDevelop.Ide.DesktopService.GetMimeTypeInheritanceChain (CSharpFormatter.MimeType);
			if (dom != null && dom.Project != null)
				policy = dom.Project.Policies.Get<CSharpFormattingPolicy> (types);
			InitTracker ();
			UpdatePath (null, null);
			textEditorData.Caret.PositionChanged += UpdatePath;
			Document.DocumentParsed += HandleDocumentDocumentParsed;
Esempio n. 27
		IEnumerable<MemberReference> FindReferences (ProjectDom dom, FilePath fileName, INode member)
			var editor = TextFileProvider.Instance.GetTextEditorData (fileName);
			var doc    = ProjectDomService.GetParsedDocument (dom, fileName);
			if (doc == null || doc.CompilationUnit == null)
				return null;
			var resolver = new NRefactoryResolver (dom, doc.CompilationUnit, ICSharpCode.NRefactory.SupportedLanguage.CSharp, editor, fileName);
			FindMemberAstVisitor visitor = new FindMemberAstVisitor (editor.Document, resolver, member);
			visitor.IncludeXmlDocumentation = IncludeDocumentation;
			visitor.RunVisitor ();
			return visitor.FoundReferences;
Esempio n. 28
 public override bool IsAccessibleFrom(MonoDevelop.Projects.Dom.Parser.ProjectDom dom, IType calledType, IMember member, bool includeProtected)
     if (calledType != null)
         foreach (IType baseType in dom.GetInheritanceTree(calledType))
             if (baseType.FullName == calledType.FullName)
     return(base.IsAccessibleFrom(dom, calledType, member, includeProtected));
Esempio n. 29
 static void RemoveParseJobs(ProjectDom dom)
     lock (parseQueueLock)
         foreach (ParsingJob pj in parseQueue)
             if (pj.Database == dom)
                 pj.ParseCallback = null;
Esempio n. 30
        // Returns the ParsedDocument object for a file. It will parse
        // the file if it has not been recently parsed
        public static ParsedDocument GetParsedDocument(ProjectDom dom, string fileName)
            if (fileName == null || fileName.Length == 0)

            ParsedDocument info = GetCachedParseInformation(fileName);

            if (info != null)
            return(ParseFile(dom, fileName));
Esempio n. 31
        public static ProjectDom GetFileDom(FilePath file)
            if (file.IsNull)
                file = Path.GetTempFileName();

            file = file.CanonicalPath;

            lock (singleDatabases)
                SingleFileCacheEntry entry;
                if (singleDatabases.TryGetValue(file, out entry))
                    entry.AccessTime = DateTime.Now;
                    if (singleDatabases.Count >= MAX_SINGLEDB_CACHE_SIZE)
                        DateTime tim      = DateTime.MaxValue;
                        string   toDelete = null;
                        foreach (KeyValuePair <FilePath, SingleFileCacheEntry> pce in singleDatabases)
                            DateTime ptim = pce.Value.AccessTime;
                            if (ptim < tim)
                                tim      = ptim;
                                toDelete = pce.Key;

                    ProjectDom db = ParserDatabase.LoadSingleFileDom(file);
                    db.Uri = "File:" + file;
                    entry                  = new SingleFileCacheEntry();
                    entry.Database         = db;
                    entry.AccessTime       = DateTime.Now;
                    singleDatabases [file] = entry;
                    db.ReferenceCount      = 1;
		public RefactoringPreviewDialog (ProjectDom ctx, List<Change> changes)
			this.Build ();
			this.changes = changes;
			treeviewPreview.Model = store;

			TreeViewColumn column = new TreeViewColumn ();

			// pixbuf column
			var pixbufCellRenderer = new CellRendererPixbuf ();
			column.PackStart (pixbufCellRenderer, false);
			column.SetAttributes (pixbufCellRenderer, "pixbuf", pixbufColumn);
			column.AddAttribute (pixbufCellRenderer, "visible", statusVisibleColumn);
			// text column
			CellRendererText cellRendererText = new CellRendererText ();
			column.PackStart (cellRendererText, false);
			column.SetAttributes (cellRendererText, "text", textColumn);
			column.AddAttribute (cellRendererText, "visible", statusVisibleColumn);
			// location column
			CellRendererText cellRendererText2 = new CellRendererText ();
			column.PackStart (cellRendererText2, false);
			column.SetCellDataFunc (cellRendererText2, new TreeCellDataFunc (SetLocationTextData));
			CellRendererDiff cellRendererDiff = new CellRendererDiff ();
			column.PackStart (cellRendererDiff, true);
			column.SetCellDataFunc (cellRendererDiff, new TreeCellDataFunc (SetDiffCellData));

			treeviewPreview.AppendColumn (column);
			treeviewPreview.HeadersVisible = false;
			buttonCancel.Clicked += delegate {
				Destroy ();
			buttonOk.Clicked += delegate {
				IProgressMonitor monitor = IdeApp.Workbench.ProgressMonitors.GetBackgroundProgressMonitor (this.Title, null);
				RefactoringService.AcceptChanges (monitor, ctx, changes);
				Destroy ();
			FillChanges ();
			Resize (IdeApp.Workbench.ActiveDocument.ActiveView.Control.Allocation.Width,
		IEnumerable<MemberReference> SearchMember (INode member, ProjectDom dom, FilePath fileName, Mono.TextEditor.TextEditorData editor, Mono.TextEditor.Document buildDocument, List<LocalDocumentInfo.OffsetInfo> offsetInfos, ParsedDocument parsedDocument)
			var resolver = new NRefactoryResolver (dom, parsedDocument.CompilationUnit, ICSharpCode.NRefactory.SupportedLanguage.CSharp, editor, fileName);
			FindMemberAstVisitor visitor = new FindMemberAstVisitor (buildDocument, member);
			visitor.IncludeXmlDocumentation = IncludeDocumentation;
			visitor.RunVisitor (resolver);
			foreach (var result in visitor.FoundReferences) {
				var offsetInfo = offsetInfos.FirstOrDefault (info => info.ToOffset <= result.Position && result.Position < info.ToOffset + info.Length);
				if (offsetInfo == null)
				var offset = offsetInfo.FromOffset + result.Position - offsetInfo.ToOffset;
				var loc = editor.OffsetToLocation (offset);
				yield return new MemberReference (null, fileName, offset, loc.Line, loc.Column, result.Name, null);
Esempio n. 34
		public override ParsedDocument Parse (ProjectDom dom, string fileName, string content)
			ParsedTemplate template = new ParsedTemplate (fileName);
			try {
				Tokeniser tk = new Tokeniser (fileName, content);
				template.ParseWithoutIncludes (tk);
			} catch (ParserException ex) {
				template.LogError (ex.Message, ex.Location);
			T4ParsedDocument doc = new T4ParsedDocument (fileName, template.RawSegments);
			doc.Flags |= ParsedDocumentFlags.NonSerializable;
			foreach (System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerError err in template.Errors)
				doc.Errors.Add (new Error (err.IsWarning? ErrorType.Warning : ErrorType.Error,
				                           err.Line, err.Column, err.ErrorText)); 
			return doc;
		public override void Setup ()
			base.Setup ();
			string solFile = Util.GetSampleProject ("completion-db-test", "CompletionDbTest.sln");
			solution = (Solution) Services.ProjectService.ReadWorkspaceItem (Util.GetMonitor (), solFile);
			ProjectDomService.Load (solution);

			Project prj;
			prj = solution.FindProjectByName ("Library2");
			lib2 = ProjectDomService.GetProjectDom (prj);
			lib2.ForceUpdate (true);
			prj = solution.FindProjectByName ("Library1");
			lib1 = ProjectDomService.GetProjectDom (prj);
			lib1.ForceUpdate (true);
			prj = solution.FindProjectByName ("CompletionDbTest");
			mainProject = ProjectDomService.GetProjectDom (prj);
			mainProject.ForceUpdate (true);
Esempio n. 36
		public static void Format (TextEditorData data, ProjectDom dom)
			CSharp.Dom.CompilationUnit compilationUnit = new MonoDevelop.CSharp.Parser.CSharpParser ().Parse (data);
			IEnumerable<string> types = DesktopService.GetMimeTypeInheritanceChain (CSharpFormatter.MimeType);
			CSharpFormattingPolicy policy = dom.Project.Policies != null ? dom.Project.Policies.Get<CSharpFormattingPolicy> (types) : MonoDevelop.Projects.Policies.PolicyService.GetDefaultPolicy<CSharpFormattingPolicy> (types);
			DomSpacingVisitor domSpacingVisitor = new DomSpacingVisitor (policy, data);
			domSpacingVisitor.AutoAcceptChanges = false;
			compilationUnit.AcceptVisitor (domSpacingVisitor, null);
			DomIndentationVisitor domIndentationVisitor = new DomIndentationVisitor (policy, data);
			domIndentationVisitor.AutoAcceptChanges = false;
			compilationUnit.AcceptVisitor (domIndentationVisitor, null);
			List<Change> changes = new List<Change> ();
			changes.AddRange (domSpacingVisitor.Changes);
			changes.AddRange (domIndentationVisitor.Changes);
			RefactoringService.AcceptChanges (null, null, changes);
Esempio n. 37
        public static void Load(WorkspaceItem item)
            if (IncLoadCount(item) != 1)

            lock (databases) {
                if (item is Workspace)
                    Workspace ws = (Workspace)item;
                    foreach (WorkspaceItem it in ws.Items)
                    ws.ItemAdded   += OnWorkspaceItemAdded;
                    ws.ItemRemoved += OnWorkspaceItemRemoved;
                else if (item is Solution)
                    Solution solution = (Solution)item;
                    foreach (Project project in solution.GetAllProjects())
                    // Refresh the references of all projects. This is necessary because
                    // some project may have been loaded before the projects their reference,
                    // in which case those references are not properly registered.
                    foreach (Project project in solution.GetAllProjects())
                        ProjectDom dom = GetProjectDom(project);
                        // referenced by main project - prevents the removal if a project is referenced one time inside the solution
                        // and the project that references it is reloaded.
                        if (dom != null)
                    solution.SolutionItemAdded   += OnSolutionItemAdded;
                    solution.SolutionItemRemoved += OnSolutionItemRemoved;
Esempio n. 38
        public static void QueueParseJob(ProjectDom db, Action <string, IProgressMonitor> callback, string file)
            ParsingJob job = new ParsingJob();

            job.ParseCallback = callback;
            job.File          = file;
            job.Database      = db;
            lock (parseQueueLock)
                parseQueueIndex [file] = job;

                if (parseQueueIndex.Count == 1)
Esempio n. 39
        internal static int ResolveTypes(ProjectDom db, ICompilationUnit unit, IEnumerable <IType> types, IEnumerable <IAttribute> attributes, out List <IType> result, out List <IAttribute> resultAtrtibutes)
            TypeResolverVisitor tr = new TypeResolverVisitor(db, unit);

            int unresolvedCount = 0;

            result = new List <IType> ();
            foreach (IType c in types)
                tr.UnresolvedCount = 0;
                DomType rc = (DomType)c.AcceptVisitor(tr, null);
                if (rc.CompilationUnit != null)
                    rc.CompilationUnit = new CompilationUnit(rc.CompilationUnit.FileName);
                rc.Resolved = true;
                // no need to set the base type here - the completion db handles that
                // (setting to system.object is wrong for enums & structs - and interfaces may never have a base)

 *                              if (tr.UnresolvedCount == 0 && c.FullName != "System.Object") {
 *                                      // If the class has no base classes, make sure it subclasses System.Object
 *                                      if (rc.BaseType == null)
 *                                              rc.BaseType = new DomReturnType ("System.Object");
 *                              }*/

                unresolvedCount += tr.UnresolvedCount;

            resultAtrtibutes = new List <IAttribute> ();
            foreach (IAttribute a in attributes)
                tr.UnresolvedCount = 0;
                DomAttribute ra = (DomAttribute)a.AcceptVisitor(tr, null);
                unresolvedCount += tr.UnresolvedCount;

Esempio n. 40
        static ParsedDocument DoParseFile(ProjectDom dom, string fileName, string fileContent)
            using (Counters.FileParse.BeginTiming()) {
                IParser parser = GetParser(fileName);
                if (parser == null)

                ParsedDocument parserOutput = null;

                if (fileContent == null)
                    try {
                        if (!File.Exists(fileName))
                        using (StreamReader sr = File.OpenText(fileName)) {
                            fileContent = sr.ReadToEnd();
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        LoggingService.LogError("Got exception while reading file", e);

                parserOutput = parser.Parse(dom, fileName, fileContent);

                if (parserOutput != null)
                    OnParsedDocumentUpdated(new ParsedDocumentEventArgs(parserOutput));

Esempio n. 41
        public static void Load(Project project)
            if (IncLoadCount(project) != 1)

            lock (databases)
                string uri = "Project:" + project.FileName;
                if (databases.ContainsKey(uri))

                try {
                    ProjectDom db = ParserDatabase.LoadProjectDom(project);
                    RegisterDom(db, uri);
                    project.Modified += HandleModified;
                } catch (Exception ex) {
                    LoggingService.LogError("Parser database for project '" + project.Name + " could not be loaded", ex);
Esempio n. 42
 public ProjectDomDecorator(ProjectDom decorated)
     this.decorated = decorated;
Esempio n. 43
        static ParsedDocument UpdateFile(Project[] projects, string fileName, Func <string> getContent)
            try {
                if (GetParser(fileName) == null)

                ParsedDocument parseInformation = null;
                string         fileContent;
                if (getContent == null)
                    if (!System.IO.File.Exists(fileName))
                        fileContent = "";
                        try {
                            fileContent = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(fileName);
                        } catch (Exception e) {
                            LoggingService.LogError("Error reading file {0} for ProjectDomService: {1}", fileName, e);
                            fileContent = "";
                    fileContent = getContent();

                // Remove any pending jobs for this file
                ProjectDom dom = projects != null && projects.Length > 0 ? GetProjectDom(projects [0]) : null;
                parseInformation = DoParseFile(dom, fileName, fileContent);
                if (parseInformation == null)
                // don't update project dom with incorrect parse informations, they may not contain all
                // information.
                if (projects != null && projects.Length > 0 && parseInformation.CompilationUnit != null)
                    SetSourceProject(parseInformation.CompilationUnit, dom);

//				if (parseInformation.Errors.Any ()) {
//					Console.WriteLine (fileName + "-- Errors:");
//					foreach (var e in parseInformation.Errors) {
//						Console.WriteLine (e);
//					}
//				}

                if (parseInformation.CompilationUnit != null &&
                    (parseInformation.Flags & ParsedDocumentFlags.NonSerializable) == 0)
                    if (projects != null && projects.Length > 0)
                        foreach (Project project in projects)
                            ProjectDom db = GetProjectDom(project);
                            if (db != null)
                                try {
                                    if (parseInformation.HasErrors)
                                        db.UpdateTagComments(fileName, parseInformation.TagComments);
                                        TypeUpdateInformation res = db.UpdateFromParseInfo(parseInformation.CompilationUnit, getContent == null);
                                        if (res != null)
                                            NotifyTypeUpdate(project, fileName, res);
                                        UpdatedCommentTasks(fileName, parseInformation.TagComments, project);
                                } catch (Exception e) {
                        ProjectDom db = GetFileDom(fileName);
                        db.UpdateFromParseInfo(parseInformation.CompilationUnit, getContent == null);

            } catch (Exception e) {
Esempio n. 44
        static void CheckModifiedFiles()
            // Check databases following a bottom-up strategy in the dependency
            // tree. This will help resolving parsed classes.

            Set <ProjectDom> list = new Set <ProjectDom> ();

            lock (databases) {
                // There may be several uris for the same db
                foreach (ProjectDom ob in databases.Values)

            Set <ProjectDom> done = new Set <ProjectDom> ();

            while (list.Count > 0)
                ProjectDom readydb      = null;
                ProjectDom bestdb       = null;
                int        bestRefCount = int.MaxValue;

                // Look for a db with all references resolved
                foreach (ProjectDom db in list)
                    bool allDone = true;
                    foreach (ProjectDom refdb in db.References)
                        if (!done.Contains(refdb))
                            allDone = false;

                    if (allDone)
                        readydb = db;
                    else if (db.References.Count < bestRefCount)
                        bestdb       = db;
                        bestRefCount = db.References.Count;

                // It may not find any db without resolved references if there
                // are circular dependencies. In this case, take the one with
                // less references

                if (readydb == null)
                    readydb = bestdb;

Esempio n. 45
 // Parses a file. It does not update the parser database
 public static ParsedDocument ParseFile(ProjectDom dom, string fileName)
     return(ParseFile(dom, fileName, null));
Esempio n. 46
        // Parses a file. It does not update the parser database
        public static ParsedDocument ParseFile(ProjectDom dom, string fileName, Func <string> getContent)
            string fileContent = getContent != null?getContent() : null;

            return(DoParseFile(dom, fileName, fileContent));
        static ParsedDocument UpdateFile(Project[] projects, string fileName, string mimeType, ContentDelegate getContent)
            try {
                if (GetParser(fileName, mimeType) == null)

                ParsedDocument parseInformation = null;
                string         fileContent;
                if (getContent == null)
                    StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(fileName);
                    fileContent = sr.ReadToEnd();
                    fileContent = getContent();

                // Remove any pending jobs for this file
                ProjectDom dom = projects != null && projects.Length > 0 ? GetProjectDom(projects [0]) : null;
                parseInformation = DoParseFile(dom, fileName, fileContent);
                if (parseInformation == null)
                // don't update project dom with incorrect parse informations, they may not contain all
                // information.
                if (projects != null && projects.Length > 0 && parseInformation.CompilationUnit != null)
                    SetSourceProject(parseInformation.CompilationUnit, dom);
                if (parseInformation.CompilationUnit != null &&
                    (parseInformation.Flags & ParsedDocumentFlags.NonSerializable) == 0)
                    if (projects != null && projects.Length > 0)
                        foreach (Project project in projects)
                            ProjectDom db = GetProjectDom(project);
                            if (db != null)
                                try {
                                    if (parseInformation.HasErrors)
                                        db.UpdateTagComments(fileName, parseInformation.TagComments);
                                        TypeUpdateInformation res = db.UpdateFromParseInfo(parseInformation.CompilationUnit);
                                        if (res != null)
                                            NotifyTypeUpdate(project, fileName, res);
                                        UpdatedCommentTasks(fileName, parseInformation.TagComments, project);
                                } catch (Exception e) {
                        ProjectDom db = GetFileDom(fileName);

            } catch (Exception e) {
 public ProjectDomEventArgs(ProjectDom dom)
     this.dom = dom;
 public static void RegisterDom(ProjectDom dom, string uri)
     dom.Uri         = uri;
     databases [uri] = dom;
 public TypeResolverVisitor(ProjectDom db, ICompilationUnit unit)
     this.db   = db;
     this.unit = unit;
Esempio n. 51
 public virtual ParsedDocument Parse(ProjectDom dom, string fileName, TextReader content)
     return(Parse(dom, fileName, content.ReadToEnd()));
Esempio n. 52
 public abstract ParsedDocument Parse(ProjectDom dom, string fileName, string content);
Esempio n. 53
 public virtual IResolver CreateResolver(ProjectDom dom, object editor, string fileName)
Esempio n. 54
 public virtual IExpressionFinder CreateExpressionFinder(ProjectDom dom)
Esempio n. 55
 public ParsedDocument Parse(ProjectDom dom, string fileName)
     return(Parse(dom, fileName, System.IO.File.ReadAllText(fileName)));