public void Run(XElement element, MSBuildLanguageElement resolvedElement, string filename, ITextSource textDocument, MSBuildDocument document, int offset = 0, int length = 0)
            Filename  = filename;
            Document  = document;
            Extension = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(filename);

            //HACK: we should really use the ITextSource directly, but since the XML parser positions are
            //currently line/col, we need a TextDocument to convert to offsets
            TextDocument = textDocument as IReadonlyTextDocument
                           ?? TextEditorFactory.CreateNewReadonlyDocument(
                textDocument, filename, MSBuildTextEditorExtension.MSBuildMimeType

            range = new DocumentRegion(
                length > 0
                                        ? TextDocument.OffsetToLocation(length + offset)
                                        : new DocumentLocation(int.MaxValue, int.MaxValue));

            if (resolvedElement != null)
                VisitResolvedElement(element, resolvedElement);
            else if (element != null)
                ResolveAndVisit(element, null);
Esempio n. 2
 void LoadTasks(
     HashSet <string> importedFiles, MSBuildDocument previous, string filename,
     PropertyValueCollector propVals, TaskMetadataBuilder taskBuilder, MSBuildSchemaProvider schemaProvider,
     CancellationToken token)
     try {
         var import = GetCachedOrParse(importedFiles, previous, filename, null, File.GetLastWriteTimeUtc(filename), Filename, propVals, taskBuilder, schemaProvider, token);
         Imports.Add(filename, import);
     } catch (Exception ex) {
         LoggingService.LogError($"Error loading tasks file {filename}", ex);
Esempio n. 3
 Import GetCachedOrParse(
     HashSet <string> importedFiles, MSBuildDocument oldDoc, string filename, string sdk, DateTime mtimeUtc, string projectPath,
     PropertyValueCollector propVals, TaskMetadataBuilder taskBuilder, MSBuildSchemaProvider schemaProvider,
     CancellationToken token)
     if (oldDoc != null && oldDoc.Imports.TryGetValue(filename, out Import oldImport) && oldImport.TimeStampUtc == mtimeUtc)
         //TODO: check mtimes of descendent imports too
         //TODO: guard against cyclic imports
         return(ParseImport(importedFiles, new Import(filename, sdk, mtimeUtc), projectPath, propVals, taskBuilder, schemaProvider, token));
Esempio n. 4
        public void Run(XElement element, MSBuildLanguageElement resolvedElement, string filename, ITextSource textDocument, MSBuildDocument document)
            Filename = filename;
            Document = document;

            //HACK: we should really use the ITextSource directly, but since the XML parser positions are
            //currently line/col, we need a TextDocument to convert to offsets
            TextDocument = textDocument as IReadonlyTextDocument
                           ?? TextEditorFactory.CreateNewReadonlyDocument(
                textDocument, filename, MSBuildTextEditorExtension.MSBuildMimeType

            if (resolvedElement != null)
                VisitResolvedElement(element, resolvedElement);
            else if (element != null)
                ResolveAndVisit(element, null);
 public void Run(XDocument xDocument, string filename, ITextSource textDocument, MSBuildDocument doc, int offset = 0, int length = 0)
     Run(xDocument.RootElement, null, filename, textDocument, doc, offset, length);
Esempio n. 6
 public void Run(XDocument xDocument, string filename, ITextSource textDocument, MSBuildDocument doc)
     Run(xDocument.RootElement, null, filename, textDocument, doc);
        public static MSBuildResolveResult Resolve(
            XmlParser parser, IReadonlyTextDocument document, MSBuildDocument context)
            int offset = parser.Position;

            //clones and connects nodes to their parents
            parser = parser.GetTreeParser();

            var nodePath = parser.Nodes.ToList();


            //capture incomplete names, attributes and element values
            int i = offset;

            if (parser.CurrentState is XmlRootState && parser.Nodes.Peek() is XElement unclosedEl)
                while (i < document.Length && InRootOrClosingTagState() && !unclosedEl.IsClosed)
                while (i < document.Length && InNameOrAttributeState())

            //if nodes are incomplete, they won't get connected
            //HACK: the only way to reconnect them is reflection
            if (nodePath.Count > 1)
                for (int idx = 1; idx < nodePath.Count; idx++)
                    var node = nodePath [idx];
                    if (node.Parent == null)
                        var parent = nodePath [idx - 1];
                        ParentProp.SetValue(node, parent);

            //need to look up element by walking how the path, since at each level, if the parent has special children,
            //then that gives us information to identify the type of its children
            MSBuildLanguageElement   languageElement   = null;
            MSBuildLanguageAttribute languageAttribute = null;
            XElement   el  = null;
            XAttribute att = null;

            foreach (var node in nodePath)
                if (node is XAttribute xatt && xatt.Name.Prefix == null)
                    att = xatt;
                    languageAttribute = languageElement?.GetAttribute(att.Name.Name);

                //if children of parent is known to be arbitrary data, don't go into it
                if (languageElement != null && languageElement.ValueKind == MSBuildValueKind.Data)

                //code completion is forgiving, all we care about best guess resolve for deepest child
                if (node is XElement xel && xel.Name.Prefix == null)
                    el = xel;
                    languageElement = MSBuildLanguageElement.Get(el.Name.Name, languageElement);
                    if (languageElement != null)

                languageElement = null;

            if (languageElement == null)

            var rr = new MSBuildResolveResult {
                LanguageElement   = languageElement,
                LanguageAttribute = languageAttribute,
                XElement          = el,
                XAttribute        = att

            var rv = new MSBuildResolveVisitor(offset, rr);

            rv.Run(el, languageElement, document.FileName, document, context);


            bool InNameOrAttributeState() =>
            parser.CurrentState is XmlNameState ||
            parser.CurrentState is XmlAttributeState ||
            parser.CurrentState is XmlAttributeValueState;

            bool InRootOrClosingTagState() =>
            parser.CurrentState is XmlRootState ||
            parser.CurrentState is XmlNameState ||
            parser.CurrentState is XmlClosingTagState;