public override AmbientColor GetBackgroundMarkerColor (ColorScheme style)
			return (ReferenceUsageType & ReferenceUsageType.Write) != 0 ||
				(ReferenceUsageType & ReferenceUsageType.Declariton) != 0?
				style.ChangingUsagesRectangle :
		public SignatureMarkupCreator (DocumentContext ctx, int offset)
			this.offset = offset;
			this.colorStyle = SyntaxModeService.GetColorStyle (Ide.IdeApp.Preferences.ColorScheme);
			if (!this.colorStyle.FitsIdeSkin (Ide.IdeApp.Preferences.UserInterfaceSkin))
				this.colorStyle = SyntaxModeService.GetDefaultColorStyle (Ide.IdeApp.Preferences.UserInterfaceSkin);
			this.ctx = ctx;
			if (ctx != null) {
				this.options = ctx.GetOptionSet ();
			} else {
				this.options = MonoDevelop.Ide.TypeSystem.TypeSystemService.Workspace.Options;
		public SignatureMarkupCreator (DocumentContext ctx, int offset)
			this.offset = offset;
			this.colorStyle = SyntaxModeService.GetColorStyle (MonoDevelop.Ide.IdeApp.Preferences.ColorScheme);
			this.ctx = ctx;
			if (ctx != null) {
				if (ctx.ParsedDocument == null || ctx.AnalysisDocument == null) {
					LoggingService.LogError ("Signature markup creator created with invalid context." + Environment.NewLine + Environment.StackTrace);
				this.options = ctx.GetOptionSet ();
			} else {
				this.options = MonoDevelop.Ide.TypeSystem.TypeSystemService.Workspace.Options;
		public SignatureMarkupCreator (DocumentContext ctx, int offset)
			this.offset = offset;
			try {
				this.colorStyle = SyntaxModeService.GetColorStyle (Ide.IdeApp.Preferences.ColorScheme);
				if (!this.colorStyle.FitsIdeTheme (Ide.IdeApp.Preferences.UserInterfaceTheme))
					this.colorStyle = SyntaxModeService.GetDefaultColorStyle (Ide.IdeApp.Preferences.UserInterfaceTheme);
			} catch (Exception e) {
				LoggingService.LogError ("Error while getting the color style : " + Ide.IdeApp.Preferences.ColorScheme + " in ide theme : " + Ide.IdeApp.Preferences.UserInterfaceTheme, e);
				this.colorStyle = SyntaxModeService.DefaultColorStyle;
			this.ctx = ctx;
			if (ctx != null) {
				this.options = ctx.GetOptionSet ();
			} else {
				this.options = MonoDevelop.Ide.TypeSystem.TypeSystemService.Workspace.Options;
Esempio n. 5
		internal static ColorScheme Import (string fileName, Stream stream)
			var result = new ColorScheme ();
			result.Name = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension (fileName);
			result.Description = "Imported color scheme";
			result.Originator = "Imported from " + fileName;

			var colors = new Dictionary<string, VSSettingColor> ();
			using (var reader = XmlReader.Create (stream)) {
				while (reader.Read ()) {
					if (reader.LocalName == "Item") {
						var color = VSSettingColor.Create (reader);
						if (colors.ContainsKey (color.Name)) {
							Console.WriteLine ("Warning: {0} is defined twice in vssettings.", color.Name);
						colors[color.Name] = color;

			HashSet<string> importedAmbientColors = new HashSet<string> ();
			// convert ambient colors
			foreach (var ambient in ambientColors.Values) {
				if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (ambient.Attribute.VSSetting)) {
					var import = AmbientColor.Import (colors, ambient.Attribute.VSSetting);
					if (import != null) {
						importedAmbientColors.Add (import.Name);
						ambient.Info.SetValue (result, import, null);

			// convert text colors
			foreach (var vsc in colors.Values) {
				bool found = false;
				foreach (var color in textColors) {
					if (color.Value.Attribute.VSSetting == null)
					var split = color.Value.Attribute.VSSetting.Split ('?');
					foreach (var s in split) {
						if (s == vsc.Name) {
							/*	if (vsc.Foreground == "0x02000000" && vsc.Background == "0x02000000") {
								color.Value.Info.SetValue (result, result.PlainText, null);
								found = true;
							var textColor = ChunkStyle.Import (color.Value.Attribute.Name, vsc);
							if (textColor != null) {
								color.Value.Info.SetValue (result, textColor, null);
								found = true;
				if (!found && !importedAmbientColors.Contains (vsc.Name))
					Console.WriteLine (vsc.Name + " not imported!");

			result.IndentationGuide = new AmbientColor ();
			result.IndentationGuide.Colors.Add (Tuple.Create ("color", AlphaBlend (result.PlainText.Foreground, result.PlainText.Background, 0.3)));

			result.TooltipText = result.PlainText.Clone ();
			var h = (HslColor)result.TooltipText.Background;
			h.L += 0.01;
			result.TooltipText.Background = h;

			result.TooltipPager = new AmbientColor ();
			result.TooltipPager.Colors.Add (Tuple.Create ("color", result.TooltipText.Background));

			result.TooltipPagerTriangle = new AmbientColor ();
			result.TooltipPagerTriangle.Colors.Add (Tuple.Create ("color", AlphaBlend (result.PlainText.Foreground, result.PlainText.Background, 0.8)));

			var defaultStyle = SyntaxModeService.GetColorStyle (HslColor.Brightness (result.PlainText.Background) < 0.5 ? "Monokai" : "Default");

			foreach (var color in textColors.Values) {
				if (color.Info.GetValue (result, null) == null)
					color.Info.SetValue (result, color.Info.GetValue (defaultStyle, null), null);
			foreach (var color in ambientColors.Values) {
				if (color.Info.GetValue (result, null) == null) 
					color.Info.SetValue (result, color.Info.GetValue (defaultStyle, null), null);
			if (result.PlainText.TransparentForeground)
				result.PlainText.Foreground = new HslColor (0, 0, 0);
			return result;
Esempio n. 6
		internal static ColorScheme LoadFrom (Stream stream)
			var result = new ColorScheme ();
			byte [] bytes;
			using (var sr = Core.Text.TextFileUtility.OpenStream (stream)) {
				bytes = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes (sr.ReadToEnd ());

			var reader = System.Runtime.Serialization.Json.JsonReaderWriterFactory.CreateJsonReader (bytes, new System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas ());

			var root = XElement.Load(reader);

			// The fields we'd like to extract
			result.Name = root.XPathSelectElement("name").Value;

			if (result.Name != "Default")
				result.CopyValues (SyntaxModeService.DefaultColorStyle);

			var version = Version.Parse (root.XPathSelectElement("version").Value);
			if (version.Major != 1)
				return null;
			var el = root.XPathSelectElement ("description");
			if (el != null)
				result.Description = el.Value;
			el = root.XPathSelectElement ("originator");
			if (el != null)
				result.Originator = el.Value;
			el = root.XPathSelectElement ("baseScheme");
			if (el != null)
				result.BaseScheme = el.Value;

			if (result.BaseScheme != null) {
				var baseScheme = SyntaxModeService.GetColorStyle (result.BaseScheme);
				if (baseScheme != null)
					result.CopyValues (baseScheme);

			var palette = new Dictionary<string, HslColor> ();
			foreach (var color in root.XPathSelectElements("palette/*")) {
				var name = color.XPathSelectElement ("name").Value;
				if (palette.ContainsKey (name))
					throw new InvalidDataException ("Duplicate palette color definition for: " + name);
				palette.Add (
					ParseColor (color.XPathSelectElement ("value").Value)

			foreach (var colorElement in root.XPathSelectElements("//colors/*")) {
				var color = AmbientColor.Create (colorElement, palette);
				PropertyDecsription info;
				if (!ambientColors.TryGetValue (color.Name, out info)) {
					Console.WriteLine ("Ambient color:" + color.Name + " not found.");
				info.Info.SetValue (result, color, null);

			foreach (var textColorElement in root.XPathSelectElements("//text/*")) {
				var color = ChunkStyle.Create (textColorElement, palette);
				PropertyDecsription info;
				if (!textColors.TryGetValue (color.Name, out info)) {
					Console.WriteLine ("Text color:" + color.Name + " not found.");
				info.Info.SetValue (result, color, null);

			// Check scheme
			bool valid = true;
			foreach (var color in textColors.Values) {
				if (color.Info.GetValue (result, null) == null) {
					Console.WriteLine (color.Attribute.Name + " == null");
					valid = false;
			foreach (var color in ambientColors.Values) {
				if (color.Info.GetValue (result, null) == null) {
					Console.WriteLine (color.Attribute.Name + " == null");
					valid = false;
			if (!valid)
				throw new InvalidDataException ("Scheme " + result.Name + " is not valid.");
			return result;
Esempio n. 7
		void CopyValues (ColorScheme baseScheme)
			foreach (var color in textColors.Values)
				color.Info.SetValue (this, color.Info.GetValue (baseScheme, null), null);
			foreach (var color in ambientColors.Values)
				color.Info.SetValue (this, color.Info.GetValue (baseScheme, null), null);
Esempio n. 8
		public ColorScheme Clone ()
			var result = new ColorScheme () {
				Name = this.Name,
				BaseScheme = this.BaseScheme,
				Originator = this.Originator,
				Description = this.Description
			result.CopyValues (this);
			return result;
		void UpdateStyles (object sender = null, EventArgs e = null)
			highlightStyle = SyntaxModeService.GetColorStyle (IdeApp.Preferences.ColorScheme);
			if (!highlightStyle.FitsIdeTheme (IdeApp.Preferences.UserInterfaceTheme))
				highlightStyle = SyntaxModeService.GetDefaultColorStyle (Ide.IdeApp.Preferences.UserInterfaceTheme);

			if (markupCache != null)
				markupCache = new List<Tuple<SearchResult, string>> ();
			if (IsRealized) {
				store.Foreach ((model, path, iter) => {
					model.EmitRowChanged (path, iter);
					return false;
		protected override void OnRealized ()
			base.OnRealized ();
			highlightStyle = SyntaxModeService.GetColorStyle (IdeApp.Preferences.ColorScheme);
Esempio n. 11
		internal static ChunkStyle Import (string name, ColorScheme.VSSettingColor vsc)
			var textColor = new ChunkStyle ();
			textColor.Name = name;
			if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (vsc.Foreground) && vsc.Foreground != "0x02000000") {
				textColor.Foreground = ColorScheme.ImportVsColor (vsc.Foreground);
				if (textColor.TransparentForeground && name != "Selected Text" && name != "Selected Text(Inactive)")
					textColor.Foreground = new HslColor (0, 0, 0);
			if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (vsc.Background) && vsc.Background != "0x02000000")
				textColor.Background = ColorScheme.ImportVsColor (vsc.Background);
			if (vsc.BoldFont)
				textColor.FontWeight = Xwt.Drawing.FontWeight.Bold;
			return textColor;
		internal static void AddStyle (ColorScheme style)
			styles [style.Name] = style;
		static void Remove (ColorScheme style)
			if (styleLookup.ContainsKey (style.Name))
				styleLookup.Remove (style.Name);

			foreach (var kv in styles) {
				if (kv.Value == style) {
					styles.Remove (kv.Key); 
		static IStreamProvider GetProvider (ColorScheme style)
			if (styleLookup.ContainsKey (style.Name)) 
				return styleLookup[style.Name];
			return null;
Esempio n. 15
		public virtual AmbientColor GetBackgroundMarkerColor (ColorScheme style)
			return style.SearchResult;
		void SetStyle ()
			colorStyle = SyntaxModeService.GetColorStyle (IdeApp.Preferences.ColorScheme);