public void EmitAssign (EmitContext ec, Expression source, bool leave_copy, bool isCompound)
			throw new NotImplementedException ();
		public override void EmitStatement (EmitContext ec)
			EmitCall (ec, binder_expr, arguments, true);
		// Emits a list of resolved Arguments
		public void Emit (EmitContext ec)
			Emit (ec, false, false);
		/// <summary>
		///   C# allows this kind of scenarios:
		///   interface I { void M (); }
		///   class X { public void M (); }
		///   class Y : X, I { }
		///   For that case, we create an explicit implementation function
		///   I.M in Y.
		/// </summary>
		void DefineProxy (TypeSpec iface, MethodSpec base_method, MethodSpec iface_method)
			// TODO: Handle nested iface names
			string proxy_name;
			var ns = iface.MemberDefinition.Namespace;
			if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (ns))
				proxy_name = iface.MemberDefinition.Name + "." + iface_method.Name;
				proxy_name = ns + "." + iface.MemberDefinition.Name + "." + iface_method.Name;

			var param = iface_method.Parameters;

			MethodBuilder proxy = container.TypeBuilder.DefineMethod (
				MethodAttributes.Private |
				MethodAttributes.HideBySig |
				MethodAttributes.NewSlot |
				MethodAttributes.CheckAccessOnOverride |
				MethodAttributes.Virtual | MethodAttributes.Final,
				CallingConventions.Standard | CallingConventions.HasThis,
				base_method.ReturnType.GetMetaInfo (), param.GetMetaInfo ());

			if (iface_method.IsGeneric) {
				var gnames = iface_method.GenericDefinition.TypeParameters.Select (l => l.Name).ToArray ();
				proxy.DefineGenericParameters (gnames);

			for (int i = 0; i < param.Count; i++) {
				string name = param.FixedParameters [i].Name;
				ParameterAttributes attr = ParametersCompiled.GetParameterAttribute (param.FixedParameters [i].ModFlags);
				proxy.DefineParameter (i + 1, attr, name);

			int top = param.Count;
			var ec = new EmitContext (new ProxyMethodContext (container), proxy.GetILGenerator (), null, null);
			ec.EmitThis ();
			// TODO: GetAllParametersArguments
			for (int i = 0; i < top; i++)
				ec.EmitArgumentLoad (i);

			ec.Emit (OpCodes.Call, base_method);
			ec.Emit (OpCodes.Ret);

			container.TypeBuilder.DefineMethodOverride (proxy, (MethodInfo) iface_method.GetMetaInfo ());
		public void EmitAssign (EmitContext ec)
			ec.EmitArgumentStore (idx);
		public void EmitToVariable (EmitContext ec)
			var type = Expr.Type;
			if (IsByRef) {
				var ml = (IMemoryLocation) Expr;
				ml.AddressOf (ec, AddressOp.LoadStore);
				type = ReferenceContainer.MakeType (ec.Module, type);
			} else {
				Expr.Emit (ec);

			variable = new LocalTemporary (type);
			variable.Store (ec);

			Expr = variable;
Esempio n. 7
        public void EmitPrologue(EmitContext ec)
            awaiter = ((AsyncTaskStorey)machine_initializer.Storey).AddAwaiter(expr.Type, loc);

            var fe_awaiter = new FieldExpr(awaiter, loc);

            fe_awaiter.InstanceExpression = new CompilerGeneratedThis(ec.CurrentType, loc);

            // awaiter = expr.GetAwaiter ();
            using (ec.With(BuilderContext.Options.OmitDebugInfo, true)) {
                fe_awaiter.EmitAssign(ec, expr, false, false);

            Label skip_continuation = ec.DefineLabel();

            Expression completed_expr;

            if (IsDynamic)
                var rc = new ResolveContext(ec.MemberContext);

                Arguments dargs = new Arguments(1);
                dargs.Add(new Argument(fe_awaiter));
                completed_expr = new DynamicMemberBinder("IsCompleted", dargs, loc).Resolve(rc);

                dargs = new Arguments(1);
                dargs.Add(new Argument(completed_expr));
                completed_expr = new DynamicConversion(ec.Module.Compiler.BuiltinTypes.Bool, 0, dargs, loc).Resolve(rc);
                var pe = PropertyExpr.CreatePredefined(awaiter_definition.IsCompleted, loc);
                pe.InstanceExpression = fe_awaiter;
                completed_expr        = pe;

            completed_expr.EmitBranchable(ec, skip_continuation, true);


            // The stack has to be empty before calling await continuation. We handle this
            // by lifting values which would be left on stack into class fields. The process
            // is quite complicated and quite hard to test because any expression can possibly
            // leave a value on the stack.
            // Following assert fails when some of expression called before is missing EmitToField
            // or parent expression fails to find await in children expressions

            var storey = (AsyncTaskStorey)machine_initializer.Storey;

            if (IsDynamic)
                storey.EmitAwaitOnCompletedDynamic(ec, fe_awaiter);
                storey.EmitAwaitOnCompleted(ec, fe_awaiter);

            // Return ok
            machine_initializer.EmitLeave(ec, unwind_protect);

		public void Emit (EmitContext ec, bool leave_copy)
			throw new NotImplementedException ();
Esempio n. 9
 public override Expression EmitToField(EmitContext ec)
Esempio n. 10
 protected override void DoEmit(EmitContext ec)
Esempio n. 11
 public override void EmitStatement(EmitContext ec)
Esempio n. 12
 public void EmitAssign(EmitContext ec, FieldExpr field)
Esempio n. 13
 public override Expression EmitToField(EmitContext ec)
Esempio n. 14
		public override void Emit (EmitContext ec)
			var rc = new ResolveContext (ec.MemberContext);
			var expr = new Conditional (new BooleanExpression (condition), invoke, assign, loc).Resolve (rc);
			expr.Emit (ec);
Esempio n. 15
 public override void Emit(EmitContext ec)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
Esempio n. 16
		public override void EmitStatement (EmitContext ec)
			flags |= CSharpBinderFlags.ResultDiscarded;
			base.EmitStatement (ec);
Esempio n. 17
        protected override void EmitMoveNextEpilogue(EmitContext ec)
            var storey = (AsyncTaskStorey)Storey;

Esempio n. 18
		public void AddressOf (EmitContext ec, AddressOp mode)
			throw new NotImplementedException ();
Esempio n. 19
        public void EmitInitializer(EmitContext ec)
            // Some predefined types are missing
            if (builder == null)

            var instance      = (TemporaryVariableReference)Instance;
            var builder_field = builder.Spec;

            if (MemberName.Arity > 0)
                builder_field = MemberCache.GetMember(instance.Type, builder_field);

            // Inflated factory method when task is of generic type
            if (builder_factory.DeclaringType.IsGeneric)
                var task_return_type = return_type.TypeArguments;
                var bt = builder_factory.DeclaringType.MakeGenericType(Module, task_return_type);
                builder_factory = MemberCache.GetMember(bt, builder_factory);
                builder_start   = MemberCache.GetMember(bt, builder_start);

            // stateMachine.$builder = AsyncTaskMethodBuilder<{task-type}>.Create();
            instance.AddressOf(ec, AddressOp.Store);
            ec.Emit(OpCodes.Call, builder_factory);
            ec.Emit(OpCodes.Stfld, builder_field);

            // stateMachine.$builder.Start<{storey-type}>(ref stateMachine);
            instance.AddressOf(ec, AddressOp.Store);
            ec.Emit(OpCodes.Ldflda, builder_field);
            if (Task != null)
            instance.AddressOf(ec, AddressOp.Store);
            ec.Emit(OpCodes.Call, builder_start.MakeGenericMethod(Module, instance.Type));

            // Emits return stateMachine.$builder.Task;
            if (Task != null)
                var task_get = Task.Get;

                if (MemberName.Arity > 0)
                    task_get = MemberCache.GetMember(builder_field.MemberType, task_get);

                var pe_task = new PropertyExpr(Task, Location)
                    InstanceExpression = EmptyExpression.Null,                          // Comes from the dup above
                    Getter             = task_get

Esempio n. 20
 void IExpressionCleanup.EmitCleanup(EmitContext ec)
     EmitAssign(ec, new NullConstant(type, loc), false, false);
Esempio n. 21
		protected override void DoEmit (EmitContext ec)
Esempio n. 22
			public override Arguments Emit (EmitContext ec, bool dup_args, bool prepareAwait)
				foreach (var a in ordered) {
					if (prepareAwait)
						a.EmitToField (ec, false);
						a.EmitToVariable (ec);

				return base.Emit (ec, dup_args, prepareAwait);
Esempio n. 23
		public override void Emit (EmitContext ec)
Esempio n. 24
		// if `dup_args' is true or any of arguments contains await.
		// A copy of all arguments will be returned to the caller
		public virtual Arguments Emit (EmitContext ec, bool dup_args, bool prepareAwait)
			List<Argument> dups;

			if ((dup_args && Count != 0) || prepareAwait)
				dups = new List<Argument> (Count);
				dups = null;

			LocalTemporary lt;
			foreach (Argument a in args) {
				if (prepareAwait) {
					dups.Add (a.EmitToField (ec, true));
				a.Emit (ec);

				if (!dup_args) {

				if (a.Expr.IsSideEffectFree) {
					// No need to create a temporary variable for side effect free expressions. I assume
					// all side-effect free expressions are cheap, this has to be tweaked when we become
					// more aggressive on detection
					dups.Add (a);
				} else {
					ec.Emit (OpCodes.Dup);

					// TODO: Release local temporary on next Emit
					// Need to add a flag to argument to indicate this
					lt = new LocalTemporary (a.Type);
					lt.Store (ec);

					dups.Add (new Argument (lt, a.ArgType));

			if (dups != null)
				return new Arguments (dups);

			return null;
Esempio n. 25
//		public override void EmitJs (JsEmitContext jec)
//		{
//		}

		protected override void DoEmit (EmitContext ec)
			throw new NotSupportedException ();
Esempio n. 26
		public override void Emit (EmitContext ec)
			throw new NotImplementedException ();
Esempio n. 27
		protected override void DoEmit (EmitContext ec)
			if (!expr.IsSideEffectFree) {
				expr.EmitSideEffect (ec);
Esempio n. 28
		public override void Emit (EmitContext ec)
			EmitCall (ec, binder_expr, arguments,  false);
Esempio n. 29
		public override void EmitStatement (EmitContext ec)
			throw new System.NotImplementedException ();
Esempio n. 30
		protected void EmitCall (EmitContext ec, Expression binder, Arguments arguments, bool isStatement)
			// This method generates all internal infrastructure for a dynamic call. The
			// reason why it's quite complicated is the mixture of dynamic and anonymous
			// methods. Dynamic itself requires a temporary class (ContainerX) and anonymous
			// methods can generate temporary storey as well (AnonStorey). Handling MVAR
			// type parameters rewrite is non-trivial in such case as there are various
			// combinations possible therefore the mutator is not straightforward. Secondly
			// we need to keep both MVAR(possibly VAR for anon storey) and type VAR to emit
			// correct Site field type and its access from EmitContext.

			int dyn_args_count = arguments == null ? 0 : arguments.Count;
			int default_args = isStatement ? 1 : 2;
			var module = ec.Module;

			bool has_ref_out_argument = false;
			var targs = new TypeExpression[dyn_args_count + default_args];
			targs[0] = new TypeExpression (module.PredefinedTypes.CallSite.TypeSpec, loc);

			TypeExpression[] targs_for_instance = null;
			TypeParameterMutator mutator;

			var site_container = ec.CreateDynamicSite ();

			if (context_mvars != null) {
				TypeParameters tparam;
				TypeContainer sc = site_container;
				do {
					tparam = sc.CurrentTypeParameters;
					sc = sc.Parent;
				} while (tparam == null);

				mutator = new TypeParameterMutator (context_mvars, tparam);

				if (!ec.IsAnonymousStoreyMutateRequired) {
					targs_for_instance = new TypeExpression[targs.Length];
					targs_for_instance[0] = targs[0];
			} else {
				mutator = null;

			for (int i = 0; i < dyn_args_count; ++i) {
				Argument a = arguments[i];
				if (a.ArgType == Argument.AType.Out || a.ArgType == Argument.AType.Ref)
					has_ref_out_argument = true;

				var t = a.Type;

				// Convert any internal type like dynamic or null to object
				if (t.Kind == MemberKind.InternalCompilerType)
					t = ec.BuiltinTypes.Object;

				if (targs_for_instance != null)
					targs_for_instance[i + 1] = new TypeExpression (t, loc);

				if (mutator != null)
					t = t.Mutate (mutator);

				targs[i + 1] = new TypeExpression (t, loc);

			TypeExpr del_type = null;
			TypeExpr del_type_instance_access = null;
			if (!has_ref_out_argument) {
				string d_name = isStatement ? "Action" : "Func";

				TypeExpr te = null;
				Namespace type_ns = module.GlobalRootNamespace.GetNamespace ("System", true);
				if (type_ns != null) {
					te = type_ns.LookupType (module, d_name, dyn_args_count + default_args, LookupMode.Normal, loc);

				if (te != null) {
					if (!isStatement) {
						var t = type;
						if (t.Kind == MemberKind.InternalCompilerType)
							t = ec.BuiltinTypes.Object;

						if (targs_for_instance != null)
							targs_for_instance[targs_for_instance.Length - 1] = new TypeExpression (t, loc);

						if (mutator != null)
							t = t.Mutate (mutator);

						targs[targs.Length - 1] = new TypeExpression (t, loc);

					del_type = new GenericTypeExpr (te.Type, new TypeArguments (targs), loc);
					if (targs_for_instance != null)
						del_type_instance_access = new GenericTypeExpr (te.Type, new TypeArguments (targs_for_instance), loc);
						del_type_instance_access = del_type;

			// Create custom delegate when no appropriate predefined delegate has been found
			Delegate d;
			if (del_type == null) {
				TypeSpec rt = isStatement ? ec.BuiltinTypes.Void : type;
				Parameter[] p = new Parameter[dyn_args_count + 1];
				p[0] = new Parameter (targs[0], "p0", Parameter.Modifier.NONE, null, loc);

				var site = ec.CreateDynamicSite ();
				int index = site.Containers == null ? 0 : site.Containers.Count;

				if (mutator != null)
					rt = mutator.Mutate (rt);

				for (int i = 1; i < dyn_args_count + 1; ++i) {
					p[i] = new Parameter (targs[i], "p" + i.ToString ("X"), arguments[i - 1].Modifier, null, loc);

				d = new Delegate (site, new TypeExpression (rt, loc),
					Modifiers.INTERNAL | Modifiers.COMPILER_GENERATED,
					new MemberName ("Container" + index.ToString ("X")),
					new ParametersCompiled (p), null);

				d.CreateContainer ();
				d.DefineContainer ();
				d.Define ();

				site.AddTypeContainer (d);
				del_type = new TypeExpression (d.CurrentType, loc);
				if (targs_for_instance != null) {
					del_type_instance_access = null;
				} else {
					del_type_instance_access = del_type;
			} else {
				d = null;

			var site_type_decl = new GenericTypeExpr (module.PredefinedTypes.CallSiteGeneric.TypeSpec, new TypeArguments (del_type), loc);
			var field = site_container.CreateCallSiteField (site_type_decl, loc);
			if (field == null)

			if (del_type_instance_access == null) {
				var dt = d.CurrentType.DeclaringType.MakeGenericType (module, context_mvars.Types);
				del_type_instance_access = new TypeExpression (MemberCache.GetMember (dt, d.CurrentType), loc);

			var instanceAccessExprType = new GenericTypeExpr (module.PredefinedTypes.CallSiteGeneric.TypeSpec,
				new TypeArguments (del_type_instance_access), loc);

			if (instanceAccessExprType.ResolveAsType (ec.MemberContext) == null)

			bool inflate_using_mvar = context_mvars != null && ec.IsAnonymousStoreyMutateRequired;

			TypeSpec gt;
			if (inflate_using_mvar || context_mvars == null) {
				gt = site_container.CurrentType;
			} else {
				gt = site_container.CurrentType.MakeGenericType (module, context_mvars.Types);

			// When site container already exists the inflated version has to be
			// updated manually to contain newly created field
			if (gt is InflatedTypeSpec && site_container.AnonymousMethodsCounter > 1) {
				var tparams = gt.MemberDefinition.TypeParametersCount > 0 ? gt.MemberDefinition.TypeParameters : TypeParameterSpec.EmptyTypes;
				var inflator = new TypeParameterInflator (module, gt, tparams, gt.TypeArguments);
				gt.MemberCache.AddMember (field.InflateMember (inflator));

			FieldExpr site_field_expr = new FieldExpr (MemberCache.GetMember (gt, field), loc);

			BlockContext bc = new BlockContext (ec.MemberContext, null, ec.BuiltinTypes.Void);

			Arguments args = new Arguments (1);
			args.Add (new Argument (binder));
			StatementExpression s = new StatementExpression (new SimpleAssign (site_field_expr, new Invocation (new MemberAccess (instanceAccessExprType, "Create"), args)));

			using (ec.With (BuilderContext.Options.OmitDebugInfo, true)) {
				if (s.Resolve (bc)) {
					Statement init = new If (new Binary (Binary.Operator.Equality, site_field_expr, new NullLiteral (loc)), s, loc);
					init.Emit (ec);

				args = new Arguments (1 + dyn_args_count);
				args.Add (new Argument (site_field_expr));
				if (arguments != null) {
					int arg_pos = 1;
					foreach (Argument a in arguments) {
						if (a is NamedArgument) {
							// Name is not valid in this context
							args.Add (new Argument (a.Expr, a.ArgType));
						} else {
							args.Add (a);

						if (inflate_using_mvar && a.Type != targs[arg_pos].Type)
							a.Expr.Type = targs[arg_pos].Type;


				Expression target = new DelegateInvocation (new MemberAccess (site_field_expr, "Target", loc).Resolve (bc), args, loc).Resolve (bc);
				if (target != null)
					target.Emit (ec);
Esempio n. 31
		public override void Emit (EmitContext ec)
			throw new NotSupportedException ();
Esempio n. 32
		public override void EmitStatement (EmitContext ec)
			var stmt = new If (condition, new StatementExpression (invoke), new StatementExpression (assign), loc);
			using (ec.With (BuilderContext.Options.OmitDebugInfo, true)) {
				stmt.Emit (ec);
Esempio n. 33
		public override void Emit (EmitContext ec)
			throw new InternalErrorException ("Missing Resolve call");
Esempio n. 34
		public override void EmitStatement (EmitContext ec)
			// It's null for ResolveLValue used without assignment
			if (binder_expr == null)
				EmitCall (ec, setter, Arguments, true);
				base.EmitStatement (ec);
Esempio n. 35
		public virtual void Emit (EmitContext ec)
			if (!IsByRef) {
				Expr.Emit (ec);

			AddressOp mode = AddressOp.Store;
			if (ArgType == AType.Ref)
				mode |= AddressOp.Load;

			IMemoryLocation ml = (IMemoryLocation) Expr;
			ml.AddressOf (ec, mode);
Esempio n. 36
		public void EmitAssign (EmitContext ec, Expression source, bool leave_copy, bool isCompound)
			EmitCall (ec, setter, setter_args, !leave_copy);
Esempio n. 37
		public Argument EmitToField (EmitContext ec, bool cloneResult)
			var res = Expr.EmitToField (ec);
			if (cloneResult && res != Expr)
				return new Argument (res, ArgType);

			Expr = res;
			return this;
		public void Emit (EmitContext ec)
			ec.EmitArgumentLoad (idx);
Esempio n. 39
		public override void Emit (EmitContext ec)
			// TODO: Should guard against multiple emits
			base.Emit (ec);

			// Release temporary variable when used
			if (variable != null)
				variable.Release (ec);
		public void EmitAddressOf (EmitContext ec)
			if ((ModFlags & Modifier.RefOutMask) != 0) {
				ec.EmitArgumentLoad (idx);
			} else {
				ec.EmitArgumentAddress (idx);
Esempio n. 41
        public void EmitPredefined(EmitContext ec, MethodSpec method, Arguments Arguments, Location?loc = null)
            Expression instance_copy = null;

            if (!HasAwaitArguments && ec.HasSet(BuilderContext.Options.AsyncBody))
                HasAwaitArguments = Arguments != null && Arguments.ContainsEmitWithAwait();
                if (HasAwaitArguments && InstanceExpressionOnStack)
                    throw new NotSupportedException();

            OpCode         call_op;
            LocalTemporary lt = null;

            if (method.IsStatic)
                call_op = OpCodes.Call;
                if (IsVirtualCallRequired(InstanceExpression, method))
                    call_op = OpCodes.Callvirt;
                    call_op = OpCodes.Call;

                if (HasAwaitArguments)
                    instance_copy = InstanceExpression.EmitToField(ec);
                    if (Arguments == null)
                        EmitCallInstance(ec, instance_copy, method.DeclaringType, call_op);
                else if (!InstanceExpressionOnStack)
                    var instance_on_stack_type = EmitCallInstance(ec, InstanceExpression, method.DeclaringType, call_op);

                    if (DuplicateArguments)
                        if (Arguments != null && Arguments.Count != 0)
                            lt = new LocalTemporary(instance_on_stack_type);
                            instance_copy = lt;

            if (Arguments != null && !InstanceExpressionOnStack)
                EmittedArguments = Arguments.Emit(ec, DuplicateArguments, HasAwaitArguments);
                if (EmittedArguments != null)
                    if (instance_copy != null)
                        EmitCallInstance(ec, instance_copy, method.DeclaringType, call_op);

                        if (lt != null)


            if (call_op == OpCodes.Callvirt && (InstanceExpression.Type.IsGenericParameter || InstanceExpression.Type.IsStruct))
                ec.Emit(OpCodes.Constrained, InstanceExpression.Type);

            if (loc != null)
                // Emit explicit sequence point for expressions like Foo.Bar () to help debugger to
                // break at right place when LHS expression can be stepped-into
                // TODO: The list is probably not comprehensive, need to do more testing
                if (InstanceExpression is PropertyExpr || InstanceExpression is Invocation || InstanceExpression is IndexerExpr ||
                    InstanceExpression is New || InstanceExpression is DelegateInvocation)

            // Set instance expression to actual result expression. When it contains await it can be
            // picked up by caller
            InstanceExpression = instance_copy;

            if (method.Parameters.HasArglist)
                var varargs_types = GetVarargsTypes(method, Arguments);
                ec.Emit(call_op, method, varargs_types);

            // If you have:
            // this.DoFoo ();
            // and DoFoo is not virtual, you can omit the callvirt,
            // because you don't need the null checking behavior.
            ec.Emit(call_op, method);