Esempio n. 1
	public static bool IsLoggedIn (WebServiceResponse response)
		if (response == null)
			return false;

		return !string.IsNullOrEmpty (response.UserName);
Esempio n. 2
	public static bool IsInRole (WebServiceResponse response, string role)
		if (response.UserRoles == null)
			return false;

		return Array.IndexOf (response.UserRoles, role) >= 0;
Esempio n. 3
	public static bool IsInRole (WebServiceResponse response, string role)
		bool result;

		if (response == null) {
			log.Debug ("IsInRole: no response");
			return false;

		if (response.UserRoles == null) {
			log.Debug ("IsInRole: no userroles");
			return false;
		result = Array.IndexOf (response.UserRoles, role) >= 0;

		log.DebugFormat ("IsInRole ({0}) => {1} (roles: {2})", role, result, string.Join (";", response.UserRoles));

		return result;
Esempio n. 4
	public static bool IsInRole (WebServiceResponse response, string role)
		bool result;

		if (response == null) {
			MonkeyWrench.Logger.Log (2, "IsInRole: no response");
			return false;

		if (response.UserRoles == null) {
			MonkeyWrench.Logger.Log (2, "IsInRole: no userroles");
			return false;
		result = Array.IndexOf (response.UserRoles, role) >= 0;

		MonkeyWrench.Logger.Log (2, "IsInRole ({0}) => {1} (roles: {2})", role, result, string.Join (";", response.UserRoles));

		return result;
Esempio n. 5
		/// <summary>
		/// Authenticates the request with the provided user/pass.
		/// If no user/pass is provided, the method returns a response
		/// with no roles.
		/// If a wrong user/pass is provided, the method throws an exception.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="db"></param>
		/// <param name="login"></param>
		/// <param name="response"></param>
		public static void Authenticate (HttpContext Context, DB db, WebServiceLogin login, WebServiceResponse response, bool @readonly)
			Authenticate (Context.Request.UserHostAddress, db, login, response, @readonly);
		internal void Authenticate (DB db, WebServiceLogin login, WebServiceResponse response, bool @readonly)
			Authentication.Authenticate (Context, db, login, response, @readonly);
		public WebServiceResponse MarkAsDontBuild (WebServiceLogin login, int lane_id)
			WebServiceResponse response = new WebServiceResponse ();

			using (DB db = new DB ()) {
				VerifyUserInRole (db, login, Roles.Administrator);
				using (IDbCommand cmd = db.CreateCommand ()) {
					cmd.CommandText = "UPDATE RevisionWork SET state = 11 WHERE state = 0 AND lane_id = @lane_id;";
					DB.CreateParameter (cmd, "lane_id", lane_id);
					cmd.ExecuteNonQuery ();

			return response;
		public WebServiceResponse AddRelease (WebServiceLogin login, DBRelease release)
			WebServiceResponse response = new WebServiceResponse ();

			using (DB db = new DB ()) {
				VerifyUserInRole (db, login, Roles.BuildBot);
				release.Save (db);

			return response;
		public WebServiceResponse EditNotification (WebServiceLogin login, DBNotification notification)
			WebServiceResponse response = new WebServiceResponse ();

			using (DB db = new DB ()) {
				VerifyUserInRole (db, login, Roles.Administrator);
				notification.Save (db);
				Notifications.Restart ();

			return response;
Esempio n. 10
		public WebServiceResponse EditIdentity (WebServiceLogin login, DBIrcIdentity irc_identity, DBEmailIdentity email_identity)
			WebServiceResponse response = new WebServiceResponse ();

			using (DB db = new DB ()) {
				VerifyUserInRole (db, login, Roles.Administrator);

				if (irc_identity != null) {
					irc_identity.Save (db);
				if (email_identity != null) {
					email_identity.Save (db);

			return response;
Esempio n. 11
		public WebServiceResponse DeleteAllWorkForHost (WebServiceLogin login, int host_id)
			WebServiceResponse response = new WebServiceResponse ();

			try {
				using (DB db = new DB ()) {
					VerifyUserInRole (db, login, Roles.Administrator);
					using (IDbCommand cmd = db.CreateCommand ()) {
						cmd.CommandText = @"
DELETE FROM Work WHERE revisionwork_id IN (SELECT id FROM RevisionWork WHERE host_id = @host_id);
UPDATE RevisionWork SET state = 10, workhost_id = DEFAULT, completed = DEFAULT WHERE host_id = @host_id;
						DB.CreateParameter (cmd, "host_id", host_id);
						cmd.ExecuteNonQuery ();
			} catch (Exception ex) {
				response.Exception = new WebServiceException (ex);

			return response;
Esempio n. 12
		public WebServiceResponse ClearAllWorkForHost (WebServiceLogin login, int host_id)
			WebServiceResponse response = new WebServiceResponse ();

			try {
				using (DB db = new DB ()) {
					VerifyUserInRole (db, login, Roles.Administrator);
					using (IDbCommand cmd = db.CreateCommand ()) {
						cmd.CommandText = @"
UPDATE Work SET state = DEFAULT, summary = DEFAULT, starttime = DEFAULT, endtime = DEFAULT, duration = DEFAULT, logfile = DEFAULT, host_id = DEFAULT
WHERE Work.revisionwork_id IN (SELECT FROM RevisionWork WHERE RevisionWork.host_id = @host_id);

UPDATE RevisionWork SET state = DEFAULT, lock_expires = DEFAULT, completed = DEFAULT, workhost_id = DEFAULT WHERE host_id = @host_id;
						DB.CreateParameter (cmd, "host_id", host_id);
						cmd.ExecuteNonQuery ();
			} catch (Exception ex) {
				response.Exception = new WebServiceException (ex);

			return response;
Esempio n. 13
		public static void VerifyUserInRole (HttpContext Context, DB db, WebServiceLogin login, string role, bool @readonly)
			WebServiceResponse dummy = new WebServiceResponse ();
			Authenticate (Context, db, login, dummy, @readonly);

			if (!dummy.IsInRole (role)) {
				log.InfoFormat ("The user '{0}' has the roles '{1}', and requested role is: {2}", login.User, dummy.UserRoles == null ? "<null>" : string.Join (",", dummy.UserRoles), role);
				throw new UnauthorizedException ("You don't have the required permissions.");
Esempio n. 14
		/// <summary>
		/// Authenticates the request with the provided user/pass.
		/// If no user/pass is provided, the method returns a response
		/// with no roles.
		/// If a wrong user/pass is provided, the method throws an exception.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="db"></param>
		/// <param name="login"></param>
		/// <param name="response"></param>
		public static void Authenticate (HttpContext Context, DB db, WebServiceLogin login, WebServiceResponse response, bool @readonly)
			string ip = Context.Request.UserHostAddress;
			int person_id;
			DBLoginView view = null;

			Console.WriteLine ("WebService.Authenticate (Ip4: {0}, UserHostAddress: {1}, User: {2}, Cookie: {3}, Password: {4}", login == null ? null : login.Ip4, Context.Request.UserHostAddress, login == null ? null : login.User, login == null ? null : login.Cookie, login == null ? null : login.Password);

			// Check if credentials were passed in
			if (login == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty (login.User) || (string.IsNullOrEmpty (login.Password) && string.IsNullOrEmpty (login.Cookie))) {
				Console.WriteLine ("No credentials.");

			if (@readonly && string.IsNullOrEmpty (login.Password)) {
				// Console.WriteLine ("Readonly authentication needs a password.");

			if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (login.Ip4)) {
				ip = login.Ip4;
			} else {
				ip = Context.Request.UserHostAddress;

			if (@readonly) {
				DBLogin result = DBLogin_Extensions.Login (db, login.User, login.Password, ip, @readonly);
				if (result == null) {
					// Console.WriteLine ("Incorrect Login/Password for readonly login");
				person_id = result.person_id;
			} else {
				if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (login.Password)) {
					DBLogin result = DBLogin_Extensions.Login (db, login.User, login.Password, ip, @readonly);
					if (result != null)
						view = DBLoginView_Extensions.VerifyLogin (db, login.User, result.cookie, ip);
				} else {
					view = DBLoginView_Extensions.VerifyLogin (db, login.User, login.Cookie, ip);
					Console.WriteLine ("Verifying login, cookie: {0} user: {1} ip: {2}", login.Cookie, login.User, ip);

				if (view == null) {
					Console.WriteLine ("Invalid credentials.");
				person_id = view.person_id;
			Console.WriteLine ("Valid credentials");

			LoginResponse login_response = response as LoginResponse;
			if (login_response != null) {
				login_response.Cookie = view != null ? view.cookie : null;
				login_response.FullName = view != null ? view.fullname : null;
				login_response.ID = person_id;

			DBPerson person = DBPerson_Extensions.Create (db, person_id);

			Console.WriteLine ("Roles for '{0}': {1}", login.User, person.roles);

			if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (person.roles))
				response.UserRoles = person.roles.Split (new char [] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
Esempio n. 15
	private void SetResponse (WebServiceResponse response)
		this.response = response;
		LoadView ();
Esempio n. 16
		public WebServiceResponse RemoveUserEmail (WebServiceLogin login, int? id, string username, string email)
			WebServiceResponse response = new WebServiceResponse ();
			DBPerson user;

			using (DB db = new DB ()) {
				Authenticate (db, login, response, true);

				user = FindUser (db, id, username);

				if (user == null) {
					/* user doesn't exist */
					response.Exception = new WebServiceException (new HttpException (403, "You're not allowed to edit this user"));
				} else if (Utilities.IsInRole (response, Roles.Administrator)) {
					/* admin editing (or adming editing self) */
					user.RemoveEmail (db, email);
				} else if (response.UserName == user.login) {
					/* editing self */
					user.RemoveEmail (db, email);
				} else {
					/* somebody else editing some other person */
					response.Exception = new WebServiceException (new HttpException (403, "You're not allowed to edit this user"));

			return response;
Esempio n. 17
		public WebServiceResponse EditUser (WebServiceLogin login, DBPerson user)
			WebServiceResponse response = new WebServiceResponse ();

			using (DB db = new DB ()) {
				Authenticate (db, login, response, true);
				if ( == 0) {
					/* new user, anybody can create new users */
					/* create a new person object, and only copy over the fields self is allowed to edit */

					if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (user.password) || user.password.Length < 8) {
						response.Exception = new WebServiceException ("Password must be at least 8 characters long");
						return response;

					DBPerson person = new DBPerson ();
					person.fullname = user.fullname;
					person.login = user.login;
					person.password = user.password;
					person.irc_nicknames = user.irc_nicknames;
					person.Save (db);
				} else {
					if (Utilities.IsInRole (response, Roles.Administrator)) {
						/* admin editing (or adming editing self) */
						user.Save (db); // no restrictions
					} else if (response.UserName == user.login) {
						/* editing self */
						/* create another person object, and only copy over the fields self is allowed to edit */
						DBPerson person = DBPerson_Extensions.Create (db,;
						person.fullname = user.fullname;
						person.password = user.password;
						person.irc_nicknames = user.irc_nicknames;
						person.Save (db);
					} else {
						/* somebody else editing some other person */
						response.Exception = new WebServiceException (new HttpException (403, "You're not allowed to edit this user"));

			return response;
Esempio n. 18
		public WebServiceResponse DeleteAllRevisionsForLane (WebServiceLogin login, int lane_id)
			WebServiceResponse response = new WebServiceResponse ();

			try {
				using (DB db = new DB ()) {
					VerifyUserInRole (db, login, Roles.Administrator);
					using (IDbCommand cmd = db.CreateCommand ()) {
						cmd.CommandText = @"DELETE FROM Revision WHERE lane_id = @lane_id;";
						DB.CreateParameter (cmd, "lane_id", lane_id);
						cmd.ExecuteNonQuery ();
			} catch (Exception ex) {
				response.Exception = new WebServiceException (ex);

			return response;
Esempio n. 19
		public WebServiceResponse RemoveIdentity (WebServiceLogin login, int? irc_identity, int? email_identity)
			WebServiceResponse response = new WebServiceResponse ();

			using (DB db = new DB ()) {
				VerifyUserInRole (db, login, Roles.Administrator);

				using (IDbCommand cmd = db.CreateCommand ()) {
					cmd.CommandText = string.Empty;

					if (irc_identity.HasValue) {
						cmd.CommandText += "DELETE FROM IrcIdentity WHERE id = @irc_id;";
						DB.CreateParameter (cmd, "irc_id", irc_identity.Value);
					if (email_identity.HasValue) {
						cmd.CommandText += "DELETE FROM EmailIdentity WHERE id = @email_id;";
						DB.CreateParameter (cmd, "email_id", email_identity.Value);

					cmd.ExecuteNonQuery ();

			return response;
Esempio n. 20
		public WebServiceResponse RemoveLaneNotification (WebServiceLogin login, int id)
			WebServiceResponse response = new WebServiceResponse ();

			try {
				using (DB db = new DB ()) {
					VerifyUserInRole (db, login, Roles.Administrator);

					using (IDbCommand cmd = db.CreateCommand ()) {
						cmd.CommandText = "DELETE FROM LaneNotification WHERE id = @id;";
						DB.CreateParameter (cmd, "id", id);
						cmd.ExecuteNonQuery ();
						Notifications.Restart ();
			} catch (Exception ex) {
				response.Exception = new WebServiceException (ex);

			return response;
Esempio n. 21
		public WebServiceResponse AddLaneNotification (WebServiceLogin login, int lane_id, int notification_id)
			WebServiceResponse response = new WebServiceResponse ();

			using (DB db = new DB ()) {
				VerifyUserInRole (db, login, Roles.Administrator);

				using (IDbCommand cmd = db.CreateCommand ()) {
					cmd.CommandText = "INSERT INTO LaneNotification (lane_id, notification_id) VALUES (@lane_id, @notification_id);";
					DB.CreateParameter (cmd, "lane_id", lane_id);
					DB.CreateParameter (cmd, "notification_id", notification_id);
					cmd.ExecuteNonQuery ();
					Notifications.Restart ();

			return response;
Esempio n. 22
		public WebServiceResponse AddRelease (WebServiceLogin login, DBRelease release)
			WebServiceResponse response = new WebServiceResponse ();

			try {
				using (DB db = new DB ()) {
					VerifyUserInRole (db, login, Roles.BuildBot);
					release.Save (db);
			} catch (Exception ex) {
				response.Exception = new WebServiceException (ex);

			return response;
Esempio n. 23
		public WebServiceResponse DeleteRelease (WebServiceLogin login, int id)
			WebServiceResponse response = new WebServiceResponse ();

			using (DB db = new DB ()) {
				VerifyUserInRole (db, login, Roles.Administrator);
				using (IDbCommand cmd = db.CreateCommand ()) {
					cmd.CommandText = "DELETE FROM Release WHERE id = @id;";
					DB.CreateParameter (cmd, "id", id);
					cmd.ExecuteNonQuery ();

			return response;
Esempio n. 24
		public WebServiceResponse ClearAllWorkForLane (WebServiceLogin login, int lane_id)
			WebServiceResponse response = new WebServiceResponse ();

			using (DB db = new DB ()) {
				VerifyUserInRole (db, login, Roles.Administrator);
				using (IDbCommand cmd = db.CreateCommand ()) {
					cmd.CommandText = @"
UPDATE Work SET state = DEFAULT, summary = DEFAULT, starttime = DEFAULT, endtime = DEFAULT, duration = DEFAULT, logfile = DEFAULT, host_id = DEFAULT
WHERE Work.revisionwork_id IN (SELECT FROM RevisionWork WHERE RevisionWork.lane_id = @lane_id);

UPDATE RevisionWork SET state = DEFAULT, lock_expires = DEFAULT, completed = DEFAULT, workhost_id = DEFAULT WHERE lane_id = @lane_id;
					DB.CreateParameter (cmd, "lane_id", lane_id);
					cmd.ExecuteNonQuery ();

					Audit (login, "cleared all work for lane {0}", lane_id);

			return response;
Esempio n. 25
		internal void Authenticate (DB db, WebServiceLogin login, WebServiceResponse response)
			Authenticate (db, login, response, false);
Esempio n. 26
		public WebServiceResponse DeleteAllWorkForLane (WebServiceLogin login, int lane_id)
			WebServiceResponse response = new WebServiceResponse ();

			using (DB db = new DB ()) {
				VerifyUserInRole (db, login, Roles.Administrator);
				using (IDbCommand cmd = db.CreateCommand ()) {
					cmd.CommandText = @"
						DELETE FROM Work WHERE revisionwork_id IN (SELECT id FROM RevisionWork WHERE lane_id = @lane_id);
						UPDATE RevisionWork SET state = 10, workhost_id = DEFAULT, completed = DEFAULT WHERE lane_id = @lane_id;
					DB.CreateParameter (cmd, "lane_id", lane_id);
					cmd.ExecuteNonQuery ();

				Audit (login, "deleted all work for lane {0}", lane_id);

			return response;
Esempio n. 27
		public static void VerifyUserInRole (string remote_ip, DB db, WebServiceLogin login, string role, bool @readonly)
			WebServiceResponse dummy = new WebServiceResponse ();
			Authenticate (remote_ip, db, login, dummy, @readonly);

			if (!dummy.IsInRole (role)) {
				Logger.Log (2, "The user '{0}' has the roles '{1}', and requested role is: {2}", login.User, dummy.UserRoles == null ? "<null>" : string.Join (",", dummy.UserRoles), role);
				throw new HttpException (403, "You don't have the required permissions.");
Esempio n. 28
		public WebServiceResponse DeleteAllRevisionsForLane (WebServiceLogin login, int lane_id)
			WebServiceResponse response = new WebServiceResponse ();

			using (DB db = new DB ()) {
				VerifyUserInRole (db, login, Roles.Administrator);
				using (IDbCommand cmd = db.CreateCommand ()) {
					cmd.CommandText = @"DELETE FROM Revision WHERE lane_id = @lane_id;";
					DB.CreateParameter (cmd, "lane_id", lane_id);
					cmd.ExecuteNonQuery ();

			Audit (login, "deleted all revisions for lane {0}", lane_id);
			return response;
Esempio n. 29
		public static void Authenticate (string user_host_address, DB db, WebServiceLogin login, WebServiceResponse response, bool @readonly)
			string ip = user_host_address;
			int person_id;
			DBLoginView view = null;

			Logger.Log (2, "WebService.Authenticate (Ip4: {0}, UserHostAddress: {1}, User: {2}, Cookie: {3}, Password: {4}", login == null ? null : login.Ip4, user_host_address, login == null ? null : login.User, login == null ? null : login.Cookie, login == null ? null : login.Password);

			// Check if credentials were passed in
			if (login == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty (login.User) || (string.IsNullOrEmpty (login.Password) && string.IsNullOrEmpty (login.Cookie))) {
				Logger.Log (2, "No credentials.");
				VerifyAnonymousAllowed ();

			if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (login.Ip4)) {
				ip = login.Ip4;
			} else {
				ip = user_host_address;

			if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (login.Password)) {
				DBLogin result = DBLogin_Extensions.Login (db, login.User, login.Password, ip, @readonly);
				if (result != null) {
					if (@readonly) {
						person_id = result.person_id;
					} else {
						view = DBLoginView_Extensions.VerifyLogin (db, login.User, result.cookie, ip);
						if (view == null) {
							Logger.Log (2, "Invalid cookie");
						person_id = view.person_id;
				} else {
					Logger.Log (2, "Invalid user/password");
					VerifyAnonymousAllowed ();
			} else {
				view = DBLoginView_Extensions.VerifyLogin (db, login.User, login.Cookie, ip);
				if (view == null) {
					Logger.Log (2, "Invalid cookie");
					VerifyAnonymousAllowed ();
				person_id = view.person_id;
				Logger.Log (2, "Verifying login, cookie: {0} user: {1} ip: {2}", login.Cookie, login.User, ip);

			Logger.Log (2, "Valid credentials");

			if (response == null)

			DBPerson person = DBPerson_Extensions.Create (db, person_id);
			LoginResponse login_response = response as LoginResponse;
			if (login_response != null) {
				login_response.Cookie = view != null ? view.cookie : null;
				login_response.FullName = person.fullname;
				login_response.ID = person_id;

			response.UserName = person.login;
			response.UserRoles = person.Roles;
			Logger.Log (2, "Authenticate2 Roles are: {0}", response.UserRoles == null ? "null" : string.Join (";", response.UserRoles));
Esempio n. 30
		public WebServiceResponse DeleteUser (WebServiceLogin login, int id)
			WebServiceResponse response = new WebServiceResponse ();

			using (DB db = new DB ()) {
				VerifyUserInRole (db, login, Roles.Administrator);

				using (IDbCommand cmd = db.CreateCommand ()) {
					cmd.CommandText = "DELETE FROM Person WHERE id = @id RETURNING login;";
					DB.CreateParameter (cmd, "id", id);

					string user = (string)cmd.ExecuteScalar ();
					Audit (login, "deleted user {0} (was {1})", id, user);

			return response;