Inheritance: System.Web.SessionState.SessionStateStoreProviderBase
Esempio n. 1
		/// <summary>
		/// Uses reflection to determine if the MongoDB Session State Provider is holding onto a sessionId
		/// in it's memory cache object.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="mongoSessionStateProvider">The provider to use</param>
		/// <param name="sessionId">The session id to query</param>
		/// <param name="dataFromCache">The data retrieved from the cache</param>
		/// <returns>True if the session exists in the provider's cache</returns>
		private bool CheckSessionExistsInCache(MongoDBSessionStateProvider mongoSessionStateProvider, string sessionId, out ISessionStateData dataFromCache)
			var mongoSessionStateProviderBaseType = mongoSessionStateProvider.GetType().BaseType;

			bool objectExistsInCache = (bool)mongoSessionStateProviderBaseType
										.GetMethod("CacheContains", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance)
										.Invoke(mongoSessionStateProvider, new object[] { sessionId });

			dataFromCache = (DefaultSessionStateData)mongoSessionStateProviderBaseType
									.GetMethod("CacheGet", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance)
									.Invoke(mongoSessionStateProvider, new object[] { sessionId });

			return objectExistsInCache;
Esempio n. 2
		/// <summary>
		/// Creates a new instance of MongoDBSessionStateProvider
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="useDotNetMemoryCache">Determines whether to use .NET's MemoryCache or CommonCore's Cache</param>
		/// <returns>A new MongoDB Session State Provider</returns>
		private MongoDBSessionStateProvider GetMongoDBSessionStateProvider(bool useDotNetMemoryCache)
			string dotNetMemoryCacheName = null;

				var mongoWebSection = ConfigurationManager.GetSection("mongoDbWeb");
				var mongoSessionState = mongoWebSection.GetType().InvokeMember("SessionState", BindingFlags.GetProperty, null, mongoWebSection, null);
				dotNetMemoryCacheName = mongoSessionState.GetType().InvokeMember("DotNetMemoryCacheName", BindingFlags.GetProperty, null, mongoSessionState, null) as string;
			catch { }

			if (useDotNetMemoryCache)
				// Pull the name from the config, or else create one by default to ensure
				// mongoDbSessionStateProvider uses the .NET MemoryCache
				if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(dotNetMemoryCacheName))
					dotNetMemoryCacheName = "MongoDBMemoryCache";
				dotNetMemoryCacheName = string.Empty;

			var config = new System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection(_ProviderSettings.Parameters);
			config["dotNetMemoryCacheName"] = dotNetMemoryCacheName;

			var provider = new MongoDBSessionStateProvider();
			provider.Initialize(_ProviderSettings.Name, config);

			return provider;
Esempio n. 3
		/// <summary>
		/// Creates sessions concurrently and stores a random binary blob in each session.  This
		/// method then waits for all the sessions to expire and verifies that each session has in
		/// fact been removed from the provider and the provider's memory cache.  It also takes a
		/// snapshot of the memory usage pre session creation, post session creation and post
		/// session expiration.  This method will fail is any session still exists in the provider
		/// or there was excessive memory usage.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="provider">The MongoDB provider to use for the test.</param>
		/// <param name="numberOfSessions">The number of sessions to create concurrently.</param>
		/// <param name="sessionSizeInMegabytes">The number of MB of buffer to create and store in each session.</param>
		private void CreateConcurrentSessionObjects(MongoDBSessionStateProvider provider, int numberOfSessions, byte sessionSizeInMegabytes)
			var sessions = new System.Collections.Generic.SynchronizedCollection<string>();
			double initialWorkingSet, postSessionCreationWorkingSet, postSessionExpirationWorkingSet;

			var currentProcess = System.Diagnostics.Process.GetCurrentProcess();
			initialWorkingSet = (currentProcess.WorkingSet64 / 1024.0 / 1000.0);

			int sessionSize = (sessionSizeInMegabytes * 1024 * 1024);
			var result = Parallel.For(0, numberOfSessions, idx =>
				System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(50); // Give a little wiggle room

				HttpRequest request = null;
				HttpResponse response = null;
				HttpContext context = GetContext(out request, out response);

				string sessionId = _SessionIdManager.CreateSessionID(context);

				byte[] dummyData = new byte[sessionSize];
				(new Random()).NextBytes(dummyData);

				var dataStore = provider.CreateNewStoreData(context, (_TimeoutInSeconds / 60));
				dataStore.Items["Data"] = dummyData;
				provider.SetAndReleaseItemExclusive(context, sessionId, dataStore, null, true);

				TestContext.WriteLine("Created session {0} with dummy data", sessionId);

			while (!result.IsCompleted)

			postSessionCreationWorkingSet = (currentProcess.WorkingSet64 / 1024.0 / 1000.0);

			var counter = _TimeoutInSeconds + 60;

			TestContext.WriteLine("Waiting {0} seconds for session expiration...", counter);

			while (counter > 0)

			TestContext.WriteLine("Checking Sessions in store and cache...");
			var sessionIds = sessions.ToArray();
			result = Parallel.ForEach<string>(sessionIds, sessionId =>
				HttpRequest request = null;
				HttpResponse response = null;
				HttpContext context = GetContext(out request, out response);

				bool locked;
				TimeSpan lockAge;
				object lockId;
				System.Web.SessionState.SessionStateActions actions;
				var storeData = provider.GetItem(context, sessionId, out locked, out lockAge, out lockId, out actions);


				// Now check the cache!
				ISessionStateData sessionStateData;
				bool existsInCache = CheckSessionExistsInCache(provider, sessionId, out sessionStateData);
				if (existsInCache || sessionStateData != null)
					TestContext.WriteLine("Session {0} still exists in cache!", sessionId);

			while (!result.IsCompleted)

			postSessionExpirationWorkingSet = (currentProcess.WorkingSet64 / 1024.0 / 1000.0);

			TestContext.WriteLine("Memory Usage: Initial = {0}MB, PostSessionCreation = {1}MB, PostSessionExpiration = {2}MB", initialWorkingSet, postSessionCreationWorkingSet, postSessionExpirationWorkingSet);
			TestContext.WriteLine("After expiration, session count = {0}", sessions.Count);


			double memoryDifference = postSessionExpirationWorkingSet - initialWorkingSet;
			TestContext.WriteLine("Memory Difference -> {0}MB", memoryDifference);

			bool isMemoryExhausted = (memoryDifference > 20); // This should be based on the buffer size and number of sessions
			if (sessions.Count != 0)
				Assert.Fail("{0} Sessions still exist in memory.  The memory has grown from {1}MB to {2}MB", sessions.Count, initialWorkingSet, postSessionExpirationWorkingSet);
			if (isMemoryExhausted)
				Assert.Fail("Excessive Memory Consumption.  Memory has grown by {0}MB", memoryDifference);
Esempio n. 4
		/// <summary>
		/// Method that creates a new session, waits for it to automatically expire and then
		/// verifies that the session has been removed from the provider as well as the provider's
		/// memory cache.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="mongoSessionStateProvider">The MongoDB provider to use for the test.</param>
		private void VerifySessionExpiration(MongoDBSessionStateProvider mongoSessionStateProvider)
			var mongoSessionStateProviderBaseType = mongoSessionStateProvider.GetType().BaseType;

			HttpRequest httpRequest = null;
			HttpResponse httpResponse = null;
			HttpContext httpContext = GetContext(out httpRequest, out httpResponse);

			var timeoutInMinutes = (_TimeoutInSeconds / 60);
			var storeData = mongoSessionStateProvider.CreateNewStoreData(httpContext, timeoutInMinutes);
			storeData.Items["DummyEntry"] = "DummyValue";

			string sessionId = null;
			lock (_SessionIdManager)
				sessionId = _SessionIdManager.CreateSessionID(httpContext);

			object lockId = null; // New items don't have a lockId
			mongoSessionStateProvider.SetAndReleaseItemExclusive(httpContext, sessionId, storeData, lockId, true);

			TestContext.WriteLine("Created Session {0}", sessionId);

			int counter = _TimeoutInSeconds + 60;

			TestContext.WriteLine("Waiting {0} seconds...", counter);
			while (counter > 0)

			bool locked;
			TimeSpan lockAge;
			object lockId2 = null;
			System.Web.SessionState.SessionStateActions actions;
			var storeDataAfterExpiry = mongoSessionStateProvider.GetItem(httpContext, sessionId, out locked, out lockAge, out lockId2, out actions);

			if (storeDataAfterExpiry == null || storeDataAfterExpiry.Items.Count == 0)
				TestContext.WriteLine("Session expired from Session State Provider.  Verifying session provider cache...");

				ISessionStateData objectInCache = null;
				bool objectExistsInCache = CheckSessionExistsInCache(mongoSessionStateProvider, sessionId, out objectInCache);

				if (objectInCache != null)
					Assert.Fail("Session data exists in cache when should have expired - Expires = {0}", objectInCache.Expires);
				else if (objectInCache == null && objectExistsInCache)
					Assert.Fail("Session data has expired but the cache is retaining the object!");
					TestContext.WriteLine("Success - session data does not exist in cache.");
				Assert.Fail("Session expired but MongoDB Sessions State Provider still contains data!");
Esempio n. 5
		/// <summary>
		/// Method that creates a new session using the provider supplied.  This method
		/// also verifies that the session was created, then modifies the session, then
		/// deletes the session and verifies deletion from the store and the memory cache
		/// in the provider.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="provider">The MongoDB provider to use for the test.</param>
		private void VerifySessionPersistence(MongoDBSessionStateProvider provider)
			string itemName = "DummyItem";
			string itemValue = "Value";

			HttpRequest request = null;
			HttpResponse response = null;
			HttpContext context = GetContext(out request, out response);

			TestContext.WriteLine("Creating Store Data");
			var dataStore = provider.CreateNewStoreData(context, (_TimeoutInSeconds / 60));
			dataStore.Items[itemName] = itemValue;

			var sessionId = _SessionIdManager.CreateSessionID(context);

			TestContext.WriteLine("Writing Store Data");
			provider.SetAndReleaseItemExclusive(context, sessionId, dataStore, null, true);


			bool locked;
			TimeSpan lockAge;
			object lockId;
			System.Web.SessionState.SessionStateActions actions;

			TestContext.WriteLine("Retrieving new Store Data");
			var retrievedDataStore = provider.GetItemExclusive(context, sessionId, out locked, out lockAge, out lockId, out actions);

			if (retrievedDataStore == null || retrievedDataStore.Items.Count == 0)
				Assert.Fail("Retrieved data store does not contain session data");

			TestContext.WriteLine("Testing Store Data");
			var dummyValue = retrievedDataStore.Items[itemName];
			Assert.AreEqual(itemValue, dummyValue);

			itemValue = "NewValue";
			retrievedDataStore.Items[itemName] = itemValue;

			TestContext.WriteLine("Updating Store Data");
			provider.SetAndReleaseItemExclusive(context, sessionId, retrievedDataStore, lockId, false);


			var retrievedDataStore2 = provider.GetItemExclusive(context, sessionId, out locked, out lockAge, out lockId, out actions);
			if (retrievedDataStore2 == null || retrievedDataStore2.Items.Count == 0)
				Assert.Fail("Retrieved data store does not contain session data");

			TestContext.WriteLine("Testing Store Data");
			Assert.AreEqual(itemValue, retrievedDataStore2.Items[itemName]);

			TestContext.WriteLine("Releasing Store Data");
			provider.ReleaseItemExclusive(context, sessionId, lockId);


			retrievedDataStore2 = provider.GetItemExclusive(context, sessionId, out locked, out lockAge, out lockId, out actions);
			TestContext.WriteLine("Deleting Store Data");
			provider.RemoveItem(context, sessionId, lockId, retrievedDataStore2);


			TestContext.WriteLine("Ensuring store was deleted");
			var retrievedDataStore3 = provider.GetItem(context, sessionId, out locked, out lockAge, out lockId, out actions);


			TestContext.WriteLine("Ensuring cache is empty");
			ISessionStateData sessionStateDataFromCache = null;
			bool sessionExistsInCache = CheckSessionExistsInCache(provider, sessionId, out sessionStateDataFromCache);
			if (sessionExistsInCache)
				Assert.Fail("Session should have been removed but still exists in cache");

Esempio n. 6
		/// <summary>
		/// Method that creates a new session and touches it right before the expiry a couple of times.
		/// The final time it will not wait until after the expiration which the method will then
		/// expect the session to no longer be available.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="provider">The MongoDB provider to use for the test.</param>
		private void VerifySessionSlidingExpiration(MongoDBSessionStateProvider provider)
			HttpRequest request = null;
			HttpResponse response = null;
			HttpContext context = GetContext(out request, out response);

			var sessionId = _SessionIdManager.CreateSessionID(context);
			var dataStore = provider.CreateNewStoreData(context, (_TimeoutInSeconds / 60));
			dataStore.Items["Dummy"] = "Value";

			TestContext.WriteLine("Creating dummy session with id {0}", sessionId);

			provider.SetAndReleaseItemExclusive(context, sessionId, dataStore, null, true);

			int iterations = 4;
			for (int i = 0; i < iterations; i++)
				bool isLastIteration = (i == iterations - 1);

				int counter = _TimeoutInSeconds + (isLastIteration ? 10 : -10);
				TestContext.WriteLine("Waiting {0} seconds (expiration set to {1} seconds)...", counter, _TimeoutInSeconds);

				while (counter > 0)

				TestContext.WriteLine("Retrieving session again to reset expiry");

				bool locked;
				TimeSpan lockAge;
				object lockId;
				System.Web.SessionState.SessionStateActions actions;

				var dataStore2 = provider.GetItemExclusive(context, sessionId, out locked, out lockAge, out lockId, out actions);
				if (isLastIteration)
					if (dataStore2 != null)
						Assert.Fail("Session has NOT expired.");

					ISessionStateData dataFromCache;
					bool existsInCache = CheckSessionExistsInCache(provider, sessionId, out dataFromCache);

					if (existsInCache)
						Assert.Fail("Session has expired however it still exists in the memory cache.");
					if (dataStore2 == null || dataStore2.Items.Count == 0)
						Assert.Fail("Session Missing prior to expiry??");
						TestContext.WriteLine("Session retrieved successfully during iteration {0}", (i + 1));

				if (lockId != null)
					provider.ReleaseItemExclusive(context, sessionId, lockId);