Esempio n. 1
        internal static MohawkCollege.EHR.gpmr.COR.Class Parse(ClassBase cls, string vocabularyBindingRealm, ClassRepository cr, Dictionary <string, Package> derivationSuppliers)
            // Return value
            MohawkCollege.EHR.gpmr.COR.Class retVal = new MohawkCollege.EHR.gpmr.COR.Class();

            // Name of the class
            retVal.Name = cls.Name;

            // Identify where this class came from
            retVal.DerivedFrom = cls;

            // Set the business name
            foreach (BusinessName bn in cls.BusinessName)
                if (bn.Language == MifCompiler.Language || bn.Language == null)
                    retVal.BusinessName = bn.Name;

            // Set the documentation & Copyright
            retVal.Documentation = new MohawkCollege.EHR.gpmr.COR.Documentation();
            if (cls.Annotations != null)
                retVal.Documentation = DocumentationParser.Parse(cls.Annotations.Documentation);
            if (cls.Container.Header.Copyright != null)
                retVal.Documentation.Copyright = string.Format("Copyright (C){0}, {1}", cls.Container.Header.Copyright.Year,

            // Set abstractiveness of the class
            retVal.IsAbstract = cls.IsAbstract;

            // Sort the properties and add them to the class
            cls.Attribute.Sort(new ClassAttribute.Comparator());
            retVal.Content = new List <ClassContent>();
            foreach (ClassAttribute ca in cls.Attribute)
                if (ca.Conformance == ConformanceKind.NotPermitted)
                MohawkCollege.EHR.gpmr.COR.Property prp = PropertyParser.Parse(ca, vocabularyBindingRealm, cr, derivationSuppliers);
                prp.Container = retVal;

            // Set sort key
            retVal.SortKey = cls.SortKey;

            // Return
Esempio n. 2
        internal static MohawkCollege.EHR.gpmr.COR.Class Parse(ClassParameterInfo classInfo)
            // Has this been processed?
            if (classInfo.CompilerRepository.ContainsKey(string.Format("{0}.{1}", classInfo.ScopedPackageName, classInfo.Class.Name)))

            // Get the vocabulary realm that this package is bound to
            string vocabularyRealm = classInfo.MifContainer is StaticModel && (classInfo.MifContainer as StaticModel).ImportedVocabularyModelPackage != null ? (classInfo.MifContainer as StaticModel).ImportedVocabularyModelPackage.Realm : null;

            // Parse the common (class base) portion of the classes
            MohawkCollege.EHR.gpmr.COR.Class retVal = Parse(classInfo.Class as ClassBase, vocabularyRealm, classInfo.CompilerRepository, classInfo.DerivationSuppliers);

            // Base class
            retVal.BaseClass = classInfo.EnforcedBaseClass;

            // Containing subsystem
            retVal.ContainerPackage = classInfo.CompilerRepository[classInfo.ScopedPackageName] as MohawkCollege.EHR.gpmr.COR.SubSystem;

            // Fire parsed event

            #region Specializations

            retVal.SpecializedBy = new List <TypeReference>();

            // Iterate through each child class and process where neccessary
            foreach (ClassGeneralization cg in (classInfo.Class as MohawkCollege.EHR.HL7v3.MIF.MIF20.StaticModel.Flat.Class).SpecializationChild)
                TypeReference tr = new TypeReference();
                tr.Name     = string.Format("{0}.{1}", classInfo.ScopedPackageName, cg.ChildClassName); // Make a ref to the child class
                tr.MemberOf = classInfo.CompilerRepository;

                bool isCMET = false;
                // Get the child class
                if (classInfo.MifContainer is GlobalStaticModel)
                    // Get the CMET reference from the MIF class hierarchy
                    ClassElement ce = (classInfo.MifContainer as GlobalStaticModel).OwnedClass.Find(delegate(ClassElement c)
                        if (c != null && c.Choice != null && c.Choice is CommonModelElementRef)
                            return((c.Choice as CommonModelElementRef).Name == cg.ChildClassName);

                    string cmetName = ce != null ? (ce.Choice as CommonModelElementRef).CmetName ?? (ce.Choice as CommonModelElementRef).Name : "";

                    // Determine if the reference is a cmet and gathe t
                    isCMET = cmetName != null && ce != null && classInfo.CompilerRepository.ContainsKey(cmetName) &&
                             classInfo.CompilerRepository[cmetName] is CommonTypeReference;

                    if (isCMET) // A CMET was successfully resolved
                        tr = (classInfo.CompilerRepository[cmetName] as CommonTypeReference).Class;
                    else if (ce != null && MifCompiler.cmetBindings.ContainsKey(cmetName)) // A CMET was not resolved, but a binding exists!
                        string boundModel = MifCompiler.cmetBindings[cmetName];
                        MohawkCollege.EHR.gpmr.COR.Feature boundSubSystem = null;
                        if (classInfo.CompilerRepository.TryGetValue(boundModel, out boundSubSystem))
                            tr = (boundSubSystem as MohawkCollege.EHR.gpmr.COR.SubSystem).EntryPoint[0].CreateTypeReference();
                            PackageParser.Parse(boundModel, classInfo.MifContainer.MemberOfRepository, classInfo.CompilerRepository);
                    else if (ce != null) // MIF References a CMET but one was never processed? This is odd!
                        System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("CMET '{0}' was never processed, therefore CommonModelElementRef can't be processed in file '{1}'", cmetName, classInfo.ScopedPackageName), "warn");

                // The child class has not been processed yet
                if (!classInfo.CompilerRepository.ContainsKey(tr.Name))
                    if (isCMET) // Explicit, have to process another model
                        PackageParser.ParseClassFromPackage(tr.Name, classInfo.MifContainer.MemberOfRepository, classInfo.CompilerRepository);
                        // Assign the base class
                        //if ((classInfo.CompilerRepository[tr.Name] as MohawkCollege.EHR.gpmr.COR.Class).BaseClass != null)
                        //    System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Break();
                        ClassParameterInfo parm2 = new ClassParameterInfo();
                        parm2.Class = (classInfo.MifContainer as StaticModel).OwnedClass.Find(o => (o.Choice is MohawkCollege.EHR.HL7v3.MIF.MIF20.StaticModel.Flat.Class && string.Format("{0}.{1}", classInfo.ScopedPackageName, (o.Choice as MohawkCollege.EHR.HL7v3.MIF.MIF20.StaticModel.Flat.Class).Name) == tr.Name)).Choice as ClassBase;
                        parm2.CompilerRepository  = classInfo.CompilerRepository;
                        parm2.DerivationSuppliers = classInfo.DerivationSuppliers;
                        parm2.MifContainer        = classInfo.MifContainer;
                        parm2.ScopedPackageName   = classInfo.ScopedPackageName;
                        parm2.EnforcedBaseClass   = retVal.CreateTypeReference();

                // Add to specialization list
                MohawkCollege.EHR.gpmr.COR.Feature f = null;
                if (classInfo.CompilerRepository.TryGetValue(tr.Name, out f))
                    retVal.SpecializedBy.Add((f as MohawkCollege.EHR.gpmr.COR.Class).CreateTypeReference());
                    (f as MohawkCollege.EHR.gpmr.COR.Class).BaseClass = retVal.CreateTypeReference();
                    Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("Cannot find base class '{0}' for '{1}'. Base class must exist before it can be specialized", tr.Name, retVal.Name), "error");


            // Assign Temporary Membership to the compiler class repository so the
            // locating of a structural member will succeed
            retVal.MemberOf = classInfo.CompilerRepository;

            // Is a classCode enforcement placed on this class?
            #region Supplier Structural Domain
            if (classInfo.Class.SupplierStructuralDomain != null && classInfo.Class.SupplierStructuralDomain.Code != null)
                MohawkCollege.EHR.gpmr.COR.Property clsa = retVal.FindMember("classCode", false, MohawkCollege.EHR.gpmr.COR.Property.PropertyTypes.Structural);

                if (clsa == null)// Class code is derived... we need to override it
                    clsa = retVal.FindMember("classCode", true, MohawkCollege.EHR.gpmr.COR.Property.PropertyTypes.Structural);
                    // Any class code defined?
                    if (clsa != null)
                        clsa = PropertyParser.Parse(clsa.DerivedFrom as ClassAttribute, vocabularyRealm, classInfo.CompilerRepository, classInfo.DerivationSuppliers);
                    else // Makes no sense, we have a class code enforcement but no class code?
                        if (MifCompiler.hostContext.Mode == Pipeline.OperationModeType.Quirks)
                            Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("Supplier domain is specified on class '{0}' which has class code. Since GPMR is in quirks mode, the classCode attribute will be created", retVal.Name), "quirks");
                            clsa              = new Property();
                            clsa.Name         = "classCode";
                            clsa.PropertyType = Property.PropertyTypes.Structural;
                            clsa.Conformance  = ClassContent.ConformanceKind.Mandatory;
                            throw new InvalidOperationException("Shouldn't be here. Supplier domain specified on a class with no classCode");

                #region Now populate the code domain
                // Supplier domains
                if (classInfo.Class.SupplierStructuralDomain != null)
                    var supplierStruct = classInfo.Class.SupplierStructuralDomain;

                    if (supplierStruct.Code != null && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(supplierStruct.Code.Code)) // Fixed code
                        clsa.FixedValue = string.Format("{0}", supplierStruct.Code.Code);

                    // JF: If the code system is identified, then bind
                    if (supplierStruct.Code != null && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(supplierStruct.Code.CodeSystemName)) // Very odd thing that is present in UV mifs
                        Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("'{0}' is specified as fixed code's code system, however no fixed code is present. Assuming this is a bound code system instead", "assumption"));
                        clsa.SupplierDomain = classInfo.CompilerRepository.Find(o => o is CodeSystem && (o as CodeSystem).Name.Equals(supplierStruct.Code.CodeSystemName)) as Enumeration;
                        if (clsa.SupplierDomain == null)
                            Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("'{0}' could not be bound to '{1}' as the code system was not found", clsa.Name, supplierStruct.Code.CodeSystemName), "warn");
                    if (supplierStruct.ConceptDomain != null)
                        clsa.SupplierDomain = classInfo.CompilerRepository.Find(o => o is ConceptDomain && (o as ConceptDomain).Name.Equals(supplierStruct.ConceptDomain.Name)) as Enumeration;
                        if (clsa.SupplierDomain == null)
                            Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("'{0}' could not be bound to '{1}' as the concept domain was not found", clsa.Name, supplierStruct.ConceptDomain.Name), "warn");
                    if (supplierStruct.ValueSet != null)
                        clsa.SupplierDomain = classInfo.CompilerRepository.Find(o => o is ValueSet && (o as ValueSet).Name.Equals(supplierStruct.ValueSet.Name)) as Enumeration;
                        if (clsa.SupplierDomain == null)
                            Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("'{0}' could not be bound to '{1}' as the value set was not found", clsa.Name, supplierStruct.ValueSet.Name), "warn");

                        bool shouldFix = false;
                        if (clsa.SupplierDomain != null)
                            var enumLiteral = clsa.SupplierDomain.Literals.Find(o => o.Name == supplierStruct.ValueSet.RootCode);
                            shouldFix = enumLiteral != null && enumLiteral.RelatedCodes != null && enumLiteral.RelatedCodes.Count == 0;
                        if (shouldFix)
                            clsa.FixedValue = String.Format("{0}", supplierStruct.ValueSet.RootCode);

                    // Supplier strength(s)
                    if (supplierStruct.ValueSet != null)
                        clsa.SupplierStrength = supplierStruct.ValueSet.CodingStrength == CodingStrengthKind.CNE ? (Property.CodingStrengthKind?)Property.CodingStrengthKind.CodedNoExtensions:
                                                supplierStruct.ValueSet.CodingStrength == CodingStrengthKind.CWE ? (Property.CodingStrengthKind?)Property.CodingStrengthKind.CodedNoExtensions : null;
                        clsa.SupplierStrength = Property.CodingStrengthKind.CodedNoExtensions;
                        System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("No vocabulary value set on property {0}! Defaulting to CNE for supplier strength", retVal.Name), "assumption");

                //if (classInfo.Class.SupplierStructuralDomain.Code != null)
                //    clsa.FixedValue = string.Format("{0}{1}", classInfo.Class.SupplierStructuralDomain.Code.CodeSystem == null ? "" : classInfo.Class.SupplierStructuralDomain.Code.CodeSystem + ":", classInfo.Class.SupplierStructuralDomain.Code.Code);

                //if (classInfo.Class.SupplierStructuralDomain.ConceptDomain != null)
                //    clsa.SupplierDomain = classInfo.Class.SupplierStructuralDomain.ConceptDomain.Name;
                //if (classInfo.Class.SupplierStructuralDomain.ValueSet != null)
                //    clsa.SupplierStrength = classInfo.Class.SupplierStructuralDomain.ValueSet.CodingStrength == CodingStrengthKind.CNE ? (Property.CodingStrengthKind?)Property.CodingStrengthKind.CodedNoExtensions :
                //        classInfo.Class.SupplierStructuralDomain.ValueSet.CodingStrength == CodingStrengthKind.CWE ? (Property.CodingStrengthKind?)Property.CodingStrengthKind.CodedNoExtensions : null;
                //    clsa.SupplierDomainValueSet = classInfo.Class.SupplierStructuralDomain.ValueSet.Id;
                //    clsa.SupplierStrength = Property.CodingStrengthKind.CodedNoExtensions;
                //    System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("No vocabulary value set on property {0}! Defaulting to CNE for supplier strength", retVal.Name), "assumption");

            // All specifications
            #region Specializations

            //if ((classInfo.Class as MohawkCollege.EHR.HL7v3.MIF.MIF20.StaticModel.Flat.Class).SpecializationChild != null && (classInfo.Class as MohawkCollege.EHR.HL7v3.MIF.MIF20.StaticModel.Flat.Class).SpecializationChild.Count > 0)
            //    retVal.SpecializedBy = new List<MohawkCollege.EHR.gpmr.COR.TypeReference>();
            //    foreach (ClassGeneralization cg in (classInfo.Class as MohawkCollege.EHR.HL7v3.MIF.MIF20.StaticModel.Flat.Class).SpecializationChild)
            //    {
            //        MohawkCollege.EHR.gpmr.COR.TypeReference specRef = new MohawkCollege.EHR.gpmr.COR.TypeReference();
            //        specRef.Name = string.Format("{0}.{1}", classInfo.ScopedPackageName, cg.ChildClassName);
            //        MohawkCollege.EHR.gpmr.COR.Property noProp = new MohawkCollege.EHR.gpmr.COR.Property();
            //        noProp.Container = retVal;
            //        specRef.Container = noProp;
            //        retVal.SpecializedBy.Add(specRef);
            //    }


            #region Behaviors

            // State machine on the class
            if (classInfo.Class.Behavior != null)
                // Find the property that this state machine acts on

                Property stateProperty = retVal.FindMember(classInfo.Class.Behavior.SupplierStateAttributeName, false, Property.PropertyTypes.NonStructural | Property.PropertyTypes.Structural);

                stateProperty.StateMachine = StateMachineParser.Parse(classInfo.Class.Behavior);


            #region Derivation Supplier
            if (classInfo.Class.DerivedFrom != null)
                // Init retVal projection
                retVal.Realizations = new List <MohawkCollege.EHR.gpmr.COR.TypeReference>();

                // Iterate through each class this class is a projection of (is based on)
                foreach (ClassDerivation cd in classInfo.Class.DerivedFrom)
                        // See if this class has been parsed
                        Package derivationPackage = null;
                        if (!classInfo.DerivationSuppliers.TryGetValue(cd.StaticModelDerivationId, out derivationPackage) || derivationPackage == null)

                        MohawkCollege.EHR.gpmr.COR.Feature ss = null;

                        // Has the package been compiled?
                        if (!classInfo.CompilerRepository.TryGetValue(string.Format("{0}", derivationPackage.PackageLocation.Artifact == ArtifactKind.RIM ? "RIM" : derivationPackage.PackageLocation.ToString(MifCompiler.NAME_FORMAT)), out ss))
                            // Attempt to parse
                            PackageParser.Parse(derivationPackage.PackageLocation.ToString(MifCompiler.NAME_FORMAT), derivationPackage.MemberOfRepository, classInfo.CompilerRepository);
                            // Ditch if still can't find
                            if (!classInfo.CompilerRepository.TryGetValue(string.Format("{0}", derivationPackage.PackageLocation.Artifact == ArtifactKind.RIM ? "RIM" : derivationPackage.PackageLocation.ToString(MifCompiler.NAME_FORMAT)), out ss) || ss == null)
                                System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("Can't find derivation class '{0}' (derivation supplier {1})", cd.ClassName, cd.StaticModelDerivationId), "warn");

                        // Attempt to parse
                        MohawkCollege.EHR.gpmr.COR.SubSystem supplierSubSystem = ss as MohawkCollege.EHR.gpmr.COR.SubSystem;

                        // Find the class
                        MohawkCollege.EHR.gpmr.COR.Class supplierClass = classInfo.CompilerRepository[string.Format("{0}.{1}", supplierSubSystem.Name, cd.ClassName)] as MohawkCollege.EHR.gpmr.COR.Class;

                        // Add a realization

                        // Now do some processing
                        foreach (ClassContent cc in supplierClass.Content)
                            ClassContent rcc = null;

                            // Find the class content we are talking about
                            if (cc is Property)
                                rcc = retVal.FindMember(cc.Name, true, (cc as MohawkCollege.EHR.gpmr.COR.Property).PropertyType);
                                ; //TODO: Clean up choices so they match the realization class. Not sure if this supposed to be done
                            // Correct Items
                            if (rcc != null)
                                if (MohawkCollege.EHR.gpmr.COR.Documentation.IsEmpty(rcc.Documentation))// Correct documentation
                                    rcc.Documentation = cc.Documentation;
                                // Removed: This was supposed to correct missing supplier domains from the RMIMs using the RIM data, however it does
                                // cause some issues.
                                //    if (rcc is MohawkCollege.EHR.gpmr.COR.Property && (rcc as MohawkCollege.EHR.gpmr.COR.Property).SupplierDomain == null &&
                                //        (cc as MohawkCollege.EHR.gpmr.COR.Property).SupplierDomain != null)
                                //    {
                                //        (rcc as MohawkCollege.EHR.gpmr.COR.Property).SupplierDomain = (cc as MohawkCollege.EHR.gpmr.COR.Property).SupplierDomain;
                                //        (rcc as MohawkCollege.EHR.gpmr.COR.Property).SupplierStrength = (cc as MohawkCollege.EHR.gpmr.COR.Property).SupplierStrength;
                                //    }
                    catch (Exception e)
                        System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("Could not find derivation supplier information for {0}", retVal.Name), "warn");

            #region Correct Vocabulary

            // This is quite a problem, when a property is bound to a value set, and that value set
            // is merely a pointer to other value sets of data we need to correct the pointer
            foreach (var property in retVal.Content)
                // If the content is a property and it has a supplier domain, try to find the supplier domain
                if (property is Property && (property as Property).SupplierDomain != null)
                    // Now to correct the reference
                    if ((property as Property).SupplierDomain.EnumerationReference != null &&
                        (property as Property).SupplierDomain.EnumerationReference.Count == 1)
                        (property as Property).SupplierDomain = (property as Property).SupplierDomain.EnumerationReference[0];


            // Sort the class content
            retVal.Content.Sort(new ClassContent.Comparator());

            // Return