//Classes and Delegates are always reference types
        //Structs are value types
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Module03BasicTypesAndConstructs.Coffee firstBean = new Module03BasicTypesAndConstructs.Coffee(5, "Good Beans", "My Place");
            firstBean.OutOfBeans += new Inventory().HandleOutOfBeans;
            DrinksMachine dm = new DrinksMachine
                Age   = 2,
                Model = "BeanSmasher 3000",
                Make  = "Fourth Coffee"

            for (int x = 0; x < 4; x++)
                dm.MakeCappuccino(ref firstBean);
            DrinksMachine dm2 = new DrinksMachine(2);
            DrinksMachine dm3 = new DrinksMachine("Fourth Coffee", "BeanDestroyer 3000");
            DrinksMachine dm4 = new DrinksMachine(3, "Fourth Coffee", "BeanToaster Turbo");

            //Boxing is converting a value type to a reference type by wrapping it in an object
            int    i   = 100;
            object obj = i;
            // Unboxing is converting a reference type to a value type and you must explicitly cast the variable back to its original type
            int j;

            j = (int)obj;

            double weightInKilos  = 80;
            double weightInPounds = Conversions.KilosToPounds(weightInKilos);
            //Using IComparer implentation to sort coffee by rating rather than Variety (default set by coffee class IComparable implentation)
            //Coffee Class (rather than coffee struct above)
            Coffee coffeenew1 = new Coffee();

            coffeenew1.AverageRating = 4.5;
            Coffee coffeenew2 = new Coffee();

            coffeenew2.AverageRating = 8.1;
            Coffee coffeenew3 = new Coffee();

            coffeenew3.AverageRating = 7.1;
            //Add the instances to arraylist
            ArrayList coffeList = new ArrayList();

            //Sort arraylist by average rating(passed custom Icomparer implentation)
            coffeList.Sort(new CoffeeRatingComparer());
            foreach (Coffee drink in coffeList)
        static void Main(string[] args)
            #region Enums
            //Set enum variable by name or value
            Day favoriteDay = Day.Friday;
            // is equivalent to
            Day favoriteDay1 = (Day)6;

            Console.WriteLine($"{favoriteDay} via Day.Friday and {favoriteDay1} via (Day)6.");


            #region structs
            //instantiating a struct without constructor
            Coffee coffee1 = new Coffee
                Strength        = 3,
                Bean            = "Arabica",
                CountryOfOrigin = "Columbia"
            Coffee coffee2 = new Coffee(5, "Antigua Volcanic", "Guetemala");

            //Accessing a public array in a struct
            PublicMenu myMenu     = new PublicMenu("cocoa");
            string     firstDrink = myMenu.beverages[0];

            //Accessing a value in a private array via indexer
            Menu   myPrivateMenu     = new Menu("YooHoo", "Screwdriver");
            string firstPrivateDrink = myPrivateMenu[0];
            int    numberOfChoices   = myPrivateMenu.Length;
            Console.WriteLine($"The first private drink is {firstPrivateDrink} which I accessed via an indexer and the number of beverages to choose is {numberOfChoices}.");

            #region Collections
            //Collections are multiple items of the same time stored in a variable
            //List store linear collections of items
            //Dictionary store collections of key/value pairs
            //Queue store items in a FIFO collection
            //Stack store items in a LIFO collection
            //Core Operations of collections: Add items, remove items, retrieve specific items, count items, iterate through collection(one at a time)

            #region List collection
            ArrayList beverages = new ArrayList();
            //Items are implicitly cast to the object type when you add them
            //retrieve items by index
            //Items must be explicitly cast back to their original type
            Coffee firstCoffee  = (Coffee)beverages[0];
            Coffee secondCoffee = (Coffee)beverages[1];
            Console.WriteLine(firstCoffee + " " + secondCoffee);
            //foreach loop to iterate over collection
            foreach (Coffee c in beverages)

            #region Dictionary Collection
            //Create a new hashtable collection
            Hashtable ingredients = new Hashtable();
            // Add some key/value pairs to the collection
            ingredients.Add("Cafe au Lait", "Coffee, Milk");
            ingredients.Add("Cafe Mocha", "Coffee, Milk, Chocolate");
            ingredients.Add("Cappuccino", "Coffee, Milk, Foam");
            ingredients.Add("Irish Coffee", "Coffee, Whiskey, Cream, Sugar");
            ingredients.Add("Macchiato", "Coffee, Milk, Foam");
            //Check whether a key exists.
            if (ingredients.ContainsKey("Cafe Mocha"))
                // Retrieve the value associated with a key.
                Console.WriteLine("the ingredients of a cafe mocha are: {0}", ingredients["Cafe Mocha"]);

            // dictionary classes actually contain two enumerable collections so you can iterate over either of these collections
            // although it is usually the keys you iterate over to retrieve the values
            foreach (string key in ingredients.Keys)
                // For Each key, retrieve the value associated with the key.
                Console.WriteLine("The ingredients of a {0} are {1}", key, ingredients[key]);


            #region Querying a Collection
            //LINQ expressions
            // from <variable names> in <data source>
            // where <selection criteria>
            // orderby <result ordering criteria>
            // select <variable names>
            // Can also use: FirstOrDefault, Last, Max, and Min after the query above (use dot notation on the variable name(s)

            // Create a new hashtable with drinks and prices
            Hashtable prices = new Hashtable();
            prices.Add("Cafe au Lait", 1.99M);
            prices.Add("Caffe Americano", 1.89M);
            prices.Add("Cafe Mocha", 2.99M);
            prices.Add("Cappuccino", 2.49M);
            prices.Add("Espresso", 1.49M);
            prices.Add("Espresso Romana", 1.59M);
            prices.Add("English Tea", 1.69M);
            prices.Add("Juice", 2.89M);
            // Select all the drinks that cost les than $2.00 and order them by cost.
            var bargains =
                from string drink in prices.Keys
                where (Decimal)prices[drink] < 2.00M
                orderby prices[drink] ascending
                select drink;
            // Display the results
            foreach (string bargain in bargains)
                Console.WriteLine("{0} costs {1}", bargain, prices[bargain]);



            #region Handling Events
            // Delegates are reference to Methods
            // They can be saved as field and passed as parameter
            //They allow one to execute code that is provided from external sources
            //Delegates can be executed exactly like methods
            //Delegates first parameter is the object that raised the event
            //Second parameter is the event arguments that much be an instance of EventArgs or an instance of a class that derives from EventArgs

            // events wrap delegates like a property wraps a field
            // Allow the class to notify other consumers of actions performed within it.
            // An event may only be raised by it's containing class

            Inventory myInventory = new Inventory();
            coffee2.OutOfBeans += myInventory.HandleOutOfBeans;
            for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++)

