public bool AddDrug_1(DrugInfo dinfo) { DataBaseLayer db = new DataBaseLayer(); int n = 0; //string stateSql = "select prescriptionId from PrescriptionCheckState where checkStatus = 1 and prescriptionId = (select id from prescription as p where p.Pspnum = '" + dinfo.strPspnum + "' and p.hospitalid = '" + dinfo.nHospitalNum + "')"; string stateSql = "select prescriptionId from PrescriptionCheckState where checkStatus = 0 and prescriptionId in(select id from prescription as p where p.Pspnum = '" + dinfo.strPspnum + "' and p.hospitalid = '" + dinfo.nHospitalNum + "')"; db.write_log_txt("insert drug_2:" + stateSql); SqlDataReader srd = db.get_Reader(stateSql); //string q = srd["Pspnum"].ToString(); // if (srd.Read()) // { // n = 0; // } // else // { string stateSql1 = "select id from prescription as p where p.Pspnum = '" + dinfo.strPspnum + "' and p.hospitalid = '" + dinfo.nHospitalNum + "'"; SqlDataReader srd1 = db.get_Reader(stateSql1); string pid = ""; if (srd1.Read()) { pid = srd1["id"].ToString(); } string str = "select * from drug where pid='" + pid + "' and drugnum ='" + dinfo.strDrugNum + "' and drugname ='" + dinfo.strDrugName + "'"; SqlDataReader srd4 = db.get_Reader(str); if (srd4.Read()) { n = -1; } else { string strSql = "insert into drug(customid,Hospitalid,Pspnum,drugnum,drugname,drugdescription,"; strSql += "drugposition,drugallnum,drugweight,tienum,description,pid) "; strSql += "values(" + dinfo.nCustomId + "," + dinfo.nHospitalNum + ",'" + dinfo.strPspnum + "',"; strSql += "'" + dinfo.strDrugNum + "','" + dinfo.strDrugName + "','" + dinfo.strDrugDsp + "','" + dinfo.strDrugPosition + "',"; strSql += "" + dinfo.nAllNum + "," + dinfo.dWeight + "," + dinfo.nTieNum + ",'" + dinfo.strDsp + "'," + "'" + pid + "')"; db.write_log_txt("药品录入:" + strSql); n = db.cmd_Execute(strSql); } // } if (n > 0) { return(true); } else if (n == 0) { // Response.Write("<script>alert('录入药品重复');window.parent.loginview();</script>"); return(true); } else { return(true); } }
public bool AddDrug(DrugInfo dinfo) { DataBaseLayer db = new DataBaseLayer(); int n = 0; string stateSql = "select prescriptionId from PrescriptionCheckState where checkStatus = 1 and prescriptionId = (select id from prescription as p where p.Pspnum = '" + dinfo.strPspnum + "' and p.hospitalid = '" + dinfo.nHospitalNum + "')"; SqlDataReader srd = db.get_Reader(stateSql); //string q = srd["Pspnum"].ToString(); if (srd.Read()) { n = 0; } else { string stateSql1 = "select id from prescription as p where p.Pspnum = '" + dinfo.strPspnum + "' and p.hospitalid = '" + dinfo.nHospitalNum + "'"; SqlDataReader srd1 = db.get_Reader(stateSql1); string pid = ""; if (srd1.Read()) { pid = srd1["id"].ToString(); } string str = "select * from drug where pid='" + pid + "' and drugnum ='" + dinfo.strDrugNum + "' and drugname ='" + dinfo.strDrugName + "'"; SqlDataReader srd4 = db.get_Reader(str); if (srd4.Read()) { n = 0; } else { string strSql = "insert into drug(customid,Hospitalid,Pspnum,drugnum,drugname,drugdescription,"; strSql += "drugposition,drugallnum,drugweight,tienum,description,wholesaleprice,retailprice,pid) "; strSql += "values(" + dinfo.nCustomId + "," + dinfo.nHospitalNum + ",'" + dinfo.strPspnum + "',"; strSql += "'" + dinfo.strDrugNum + "','" + dinfo.strDrugName + "','" + dinfo.strDrugDsp + "','" + dinfo.strDrugPosition + "',"; strSql += "" + dinfo.nAllNum + "," + dinfo.dWeight + "," + dinfo.nTieNum + ",'" + dinfo.strDsp + "'," + dinfo.dWholeSalePrice + ","; strSql += "" + dinfo.dRetailPrice + ",'" + pid + "')"; n = db.cmd_Execute(strSql); } } if (n > 0) { return(true); } else { return(false); } }