Esempio n. 1
  { public Options_Dialog()
        Text            = AppMain.AppName + " - Options";
        StartPosition   = FormStartPosition.CenterParent;
        FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.FixedDialog;
        ClientSize      = new Size(610, 420);

        MaximizeBox   = false;
        MinimizeBox   = false;
        ControlBox    = false;
        ShowInTaskbar = false;

        TabControl Tabs = new TabControl();

        Tabs.Parent    = this;
        Tabs.Dock      = DockStyle.Fill;
        Tabs.Multiline = true;

        Options_General General = new Options_General();


        Options_Font Fonts = new Options_Font();


        Options_Colors Colors = new Options_Colors();


        Options_Solving_Model Model = new Options_Solving_Model();


        Options_Solving_Executables Executables = new Options_Solving_Executables();


        Options_Registry Registry = new Options_Registry();


        new OKButton(this);
Esempio n. 2
  { public Options_Dialog ()
    { Text = AppMain.AppName + " - Options" ;
      StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterParent ;
      FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.FixedDialog ;
      ClientSize =  new Size (610, 420) ;

      MaximizeBox = false ;
      MinimizeBox = false ;
      ControlBox = false ;
      ShowInTaskbar = false ;

      TabControl Tabs = new TabControl () ;

      Tabs.Parent = this ;
      Tabs.Dock = DockStyle.Fill ;
      Tabs.Multiline = true ;

      Options_General General = new Options_General () ;
      Tabs.Controls.Add (General) ;

      Options_Font Fonts = new Options_Font () ;
      Tabs.Controls.Add (Fonts) ;

      Options_Colors Colors = new Options_Colors () ;
      Tabs.Controls.Add (Colors) ;

      Options_Solving_Model Model = new Options_Solving_Model () ;
      Tabs.Controls.Add (Model) ;

      Options_Solving_Executables Executables = new Options_Solving_Executables () ;
      Tabs.Controls.Add (Executables) ;

      Options_Registry Registry = new Options_Registry () ;
      Tabs.Controls.Add (Registry) ;

      new OKButton (this) ;
Esempio n. 3
    public Options_General()
        This = this;
        Text = " General ";

        UseColor = new CheckBox();

        UseColor.Parent          = this;
        UseColor.Text            = "Use Color Highlighter On XML";
        UseColor.AutoSize        = true;
        UseColor.Location        = new Point(10, 10);
        UseColor.Checked         = GeneralRegistry.GetUseColor();
        UseColor.CheckedChanged += new EventHandler(OnUseColor);

        SaveFiles = new CheckBox();

        SaveFiles.Parent          = this;
        SaveFiles.Text            = "Automatically Save All Open Files On Run";
        SaveFiles.AutoSize        = true;
        SaveFiles.Location        = new Point(10, 30);
        SaveFiles.Checked         = GeneralRegistry.GetSaveFiles();
        SaveFiles.CheckedChanged += new EventHandler(OnSaveFiles);

        WaitForExit = new CheckBox();

        WaitForExit.Parent          = this;
        WaitForExit.Text            = "Editor Waits For Solver Modules To Exit";
        WaitForExit.AutoSize        = true;
        WaitForExit.Location        = new Point(10, 50);
        WaitForExit.Checked         = GeneralRegistry.GetWaitForExit();
        WaitForExit.CheckedChanged += new EventHandler(OnWaitForExit);

        UseTemplateFile = new CheckBox();

        UseTemplateFile.Parent          = this;
        UseTemplateFile.Text            = "Use A Template File On New";
        UseTemplateFile.AutoSize        = true;
        UseTemplateFile.Location        = new Point(10, 70);
        UseTemplateFile.Checked         = GeneralRegistry.GetUseTemplateFile();
        UseTemplateFile.CheckedChanged += new EventHandler(OnUseTemplateFile);

        Filename = new Label();

        Filename.Parent   = this;
        Filename.Location = new Point(30, 90);
        Filename.AutoSize = true;


        new Note(this, 30, 110, "Edit");

        TemplateFile = new TextBox();

        TemplateFile.Parent   = this;
        TemplateFile.Location = new Point(60, 108);
        TemplateFile.Size     = new Size(230, 20);
        TemplateFile.Text     = GeneralRegistry.GetTemplateFile();

        Button Apply = new Button();

        Apply.Parent   = this;
        Apply.Location = new Point(300, 108);
        Apply.Size     = new Size(60, 20);
        Apply.Text     = "Apply";
        Apply.Click   += new EventHandler(OnApply);

        Button Browse = new Button();

        Browse.Parent   = this;
        Browse.Location = new Point(370, 108);
        Browse.Size     = new Size(60, 20);
        Browse.Text     = "Browse";
        Browse.Click   += new EventHandler(OnBrowse);

        RestoreFileTree = new CheckBox();

        RestoreFileTree.Parent          = this;
        RestoreFileTree.Text            = "Restore File Tree On Launch";
        RestoreFileTree.AutoSize        = true;
        RestoreFileTree.Location        = new Point(10, 130);
        RestoreFileTree.Checked         = GeneralRegistry.GetRestoreFileTree();
        RestoreFileTree.CheckedChanged += new EventHandler(OnRestoreFileTree);

        InsertWideFormat = new CheckBox();

        InsertWideFormat.Parent          = this;
        InsertWideFormat.Text            = "Inserts Use Wide Format";
        InsertWideFormat.AutoSize        = true;
        InsertWideFormat.Location        = new Point(10, 150);
        InsertWideFormat.Checked         = GeneralRegistry.GetInsertWideFormat();
        InsertWideFormat.CheckedChanged += new EventHandler(OnInsertWideFormat);
Esempio n. 4
    public Options_General ()
    { This = this ;
      Text = " General " ;

      UseColor = new CheckBox () ;

      UseColor.Parent = this ;
      UseColor.Text = "Use Color Highlighter On XML" ;
      UseColor.AutoSize = true ;
      UseColor.Location = new Point (10, 10) ;
      UseColor.Checked = GeneralRegistry.GetUseColor () ;
      UseColor.CheckedChanged += new EventHandler (OnUseColor) ;

      SaveFiles = new CheckBox () ;

      SaveFiles.Parent = this ;
      SaveFiles.Text = "Automatically Save All Open Files On Run" ;
      SaveFiles.AutoSize = true ;
      SaveFiles.Location = new Point (10, 30) ;
      SaveFiles.Checked = GeneralRegistry.GetSaveFiles () ;
      SaveFiles.CheckedChanged += new EventHandler (OnSaveFiles) ;

      WaitForExit = new CheckBox () ;

      WaitForExit.Parent = this ;
      WaitForExit.Text = "Editor Waits For Solver Modules To Exit" ;
      WaitForExit.AutoSize = true ;
      WaitForExit.Location = new Point (10, 50) ;
      WaitForExit.Checked = GeneralRegistry.GetWaitForExit () ;
      WaitForExit.CheckedChanged += new EventHandler (OnWaitForExit) ;

      UseTemplateFile = new CheckBox () ;

      UseTemplateFile.Parent = this ;
      UseTemplateFile.Text = "Use A Template File On New" ;
      UseTemplateFile.AutoSize = true ;
      UseTemplateFile.Location = new Point (10, 70) ;
      UseTemplateFile.Checked = GeneralRegistry.GetUseTemplateFile () ;
      UseTemplateFile.CheckedChanged += new EventHandler (OnUseTemplateFile) ;

      Filename = new Label () ;

      Filename.Parent = this ;
      Filename.Location = new Point (30, 90) ;
      Filename.AutoSize = true ;

      RefreshFilename () ;

      new Note (this, 30, 110, "Edit") ;

      TemplateFile = new TextBox () ;

      TemplateFile.Parent = this ;
      TemplateFile.Location = new Point (60, 108) ;
      TemplateFile.Size = new Size (230, 20) ;
      TemplateFile.Text = GeneralRegistry.GetTemplateFile () ;

      Button Apply = new Button () ;

      Apply.Parent = this ;
      Apply.Location = new Point (300, 108) ;
      Apply.Size = new Size (60, 20) ;
      Apply.Text = "Apply" ;
	    Apply.Click += new EventHandler (OnApply) ;

      Button Browse = new Button () ;

      Browse.Parent = this ;
      Browse.Location = new Point (370, 108) ;
      Browse.Size = new Size (60, 20) ;
      Browse.Text = "Browse" ;
	    Browse.Click += new EventHandler (OnBrowse) ;

      RestoreFileTree = new CheckBox () ;

      RestoreFileTree.Parent = this ;
      RestoreFileTree.Text = "Restore File Tree On Launch" ;
      RestoreFileTree.AutoSize = true ;
      RestoreFileTree.Location = new Point (10, 130) ;
      RestoreFileTree.Checked = GeneralRegistry.GetRestoreFileTree () ;
      RestoreFileTree.CheckedChanged += new EventHandler (OnRestoreFileTree) ;

      InsertWideFormat = new CheckBox () ;

      InsertWideFormat.Parent = this ;
      InsertWideFormat.Text = "Inserts Use Wide Format" ;
      InsertWideFormat.AutoSize = true ;
      InsertWideFormat.Location = new Point (10, 150) ;
      InsertWideFormat.Checked = GeneralRegistry.GetInsertWideFormat () ;
      InsertWideFormat.CheckedChanged += new EventHandler (OnInsertWideFormat) ;