/* Metodo para realizar una actualizacion */ private void updateAuxiliar() { if (HttpContext.Current.Session["IdUpn"] != null) { if (Upn.Text != "" & ProcessSelector1.SelectedItem != null) { if (validateRecipeonOperationUpdate() & checkEnableRecipeUpdate()) { UpnService upnService = new UpnService(); UpnUpdateView upn = new UpnUpdateView(); upn.UpnId = Upn.Text; upn.UpnStatus = upnEnable.Items[0].Selected; upn.Multisession = multisessionEnable.Items[0].Selected; String reason = Session["reason"].ToString(); String user = Context.User.Identity.Name; AuditDataFromWeb audit = new AuditDataFromWeb(); audit.Reason = reason; audit.StationIP = General.getIp(this.Page); audit.UserName = user; CUDView crud = upnService.updateUpn(upn, audit); String processSelectorId = ProcessSelector1.SelectedItem.Value; String upnId = upn.UpnId; if (crud.update == false) { this.Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "alert", "alert('Could not update the UPN')", true); } else { foreach (GridViewRow gvrow in GridView1.Rows) { CheckBox operationEnable = (CheckBox)gvrow.FindControl("EnableOperation1"); Label lblOperationId = (Label)gvrow.FindControl("OperationId1"); Label lblRecipeId = (Label)gvrow.FindControl("recipeOperationId1"); Label lblRecipe = (Label)gvrow.FindControl("recipeOperation1"); if (lblRecipe.Text != "") { UpnOperationView newOperationUpn = new UpnOperationView(); newOperationUpn.Enable = operationEnable.Checked; newOperationUpn.OperationId = Int32.Parse(lblOperationId.Text); newOperationUpn.ProcessId = Int32.Parse(processSelectorId); newOperationUpn.RecipeId = Int32.Parse(lblRecipeId.Text); newOperationUpn.UpnId = upnId; crud = upnService.updateUpnOperation(newOperationUpn, audit); } } if (crud.update == false) { this.Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "alert", "alert('Could not update the operation')", true); } } fillUpnTable(); Upn.Text = ""; Product.Text = ""; clearOperationTable1(); clearProcesses1(); clearRecipeUpn1(); RecipeUpn1.Enabled = false; GridView1.Enabled = false; upnEnable.Items[0].Enabled = false; upnEnable.Items[0].Selected = false; multisessionEnable.Items[0].Enabled = false; multisessionEnable.Items[0].Selected = false; } else { this.Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "alert", "alert('Add at least one enabled recipe to operation table.')", true); } } } }
/* Funcion: Actualizar los upn operations Param: upnId, OperationID, RecipeId, ProcessId, Enable Return: Status */ public String updateUpnOperation(UpnOperationView upnUpdateView) { return context.InsertUpdateDeleteMSQL("EXEC updateUpnOperation @upnId='"+upnUpdateView.UpnId+"',@OperationId="+upnUpdateView.OperationId +",@RecipeId="+upnUpdateView.RecipeId+", @ProcessId="+upnUpdateView.ProcessId+",@RecipeEnable="+upnUpdateView.Enable); }
/*Funcion: Obtiene una lista de operaciones por procesos Param: processId Return: Lista UpnOperationView */ public List<UpnOperationView> getUpnOperationbyProcess(int processId) { UpnDao Dao = new UpnDao(); DataTable DaoResult = Dao.getUpnOperationbyProcess(processId); List<UpnOperationView> ViewList = new List<UpnOperationView>(); IndexLogic index = new IndexLogic(); foreach (DataRow row in DaoResult.Rows) { UpnOperationView x = new UpnOperationView(); if (DaoResult.Columns.Contains("Operation") && row["Operation"] != DBNull.Value) { x.Operation = row["Operation"].ToString(); } if (DaoResult.Columns.Contains("Enable") && row["Enable"] != DBNull.Value) { x.Enable = (bool)row["Enable"]; } if (DaoResult.Columns.Contains("OperationId") && row["OperationId"] != DBNull.Value) { x.OperationId = (int)row["OperationId"]; } if (DaoResult.Columns.Contains("RecipeId") && row["RecipeId"] != DBNull.Value) { x.RecipeId = (int)row["RecipeId"]; } if (DaoResult.Columns.Contains("Recipe") && row["Recipe"] != DBNull.Value) { x.Recipe = row["Recipe"].ToString(); } x.Order = index.getIndex(); ViewList.Add(x); } return ViewList; }
private void updateAuxiliar() { if (HttpContext.Current.Session["IdUpn"] != null) { if (Upn.Text != "" & ProcessSelector1.SelectedItem != null) { if (validateRecipeonOperationUpdate()) { string confirmValue = Request.Form["confirm_value"]; if (confirmValue == "Yes") { UpnService upnService = new UpnService(); UpnUpdateView upn = new UpnUpdateView(); upn.UpnId = Upn.Text; upn.UpnStatus = upnEnable.Items[0].Selected; CUDView crud = upnService.updateUpn(upn); String processSelectorId = ProcessSelector1.SelectedItem.Value; String upnId = upn.UpnId; if (crud.update == false) { this.Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "alert", "alert('Could not update the UPN')", true); } else { foreach (GridViewRow gvrow in GridView1.Rows) { CheckBox operationEnable = (CheckBox)gvrow.FindControl("EnableOperation1"); Label lblOperationId = (Label)gvrow.FindControl("OperationId1"); Label lblRecipeId = (Label)gvrow.FindControl("recipeOperationId1"); Label lblRecipe = (Label)gvrow.FindControl("recipeOperation1"); if (lblRecipe.Text != "") { UpnOperationView newOperationUpn = new UpnOperationView(); newOperationUpn.Enable = operationEnable.Checked; newOperationUpn.OperationId = Int32.Parse(lblOperationId.Text); newOperationUpn.ProcessId = Int32.Parse(processSelectorId); newOperationUpn.RecipeId = Int32.Parse(lblRecipeId.Text); newOperationUpn.UpnId = upnId; crud = upnService.updateUpnOperation(newOperationUpn); } } if (crud.update == false) { this.Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "alert", "alert('Could not update the operation')", true); } } fillUpnTable(); Upn.Text = ""; Product.Text = ""; clearOperationTable1(); clearProcesses1(); clearRecipeUpn1(); RecipeUpn1.Enabled = false; GridView1.Enabled = false; upnEnable.Items[0].Enabled = false; upnEnable.Items[0].Selected = false; } } else { this.Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "alert", "alert('Add at least one recipe to operation table.')", true); } } } }
/*Funcion: actualiza un Upn por operacion Param: upnUpdateView, AuditDataFromWeb Return: Status */ public CUDView updateUpnOperation(UpnOperationView upnUpdateView, AuditDataFromWeb audit) { CUDView logic = new CUDView(); AuditDao auditDao = new AuditDao(); DataTable auditDaoResult = auditDao.getUpnOperatoinOldValues(upnUpdateView.UpnId,upnUpdateView.ProcessId,upnUpdateView.OperationId); String OldValues = "UpnId: " + upnUpdateView.UpnId; foreach (DataRow row in auditDaoResult.Rows) { if (auditDaoResult.Columns.Contains("RecipeId") && row["RecipeId"] != DBNull.Value) { OldValues = OldValues + ", RecipeId: " + row["RecipeId"].ToString(); } if (auditDaoResult.Columns.Contains("Enable") && row["Enable"] != DBNull.Value) { OldValues = OldValues + ", Enable: " + row["Enable"].ToString(); } } UpnDao Dao = new UpnDao(); String state = Dao.updateUpnOperation(upnUpdateView); logic=CUDVerifyLogic.verifierInsertDeleteUpdate("update", state); if (logic.update == true) { AuditService auditservice = new AuditService(); String Action = "Update upnOperation"; String newValues = "UpnId: " + upnUpdateView.UpnId; newValues = newValues + ", RecipeId: " + upnUpdateView.RecipeId; newValues = newValues + ", Enable: " + upnUpdateView.Enable; auditservice.formUpdate(Action, newValues, OldValues, audit); } return logic; }