public void getCMMatchesTest() { DbMethods.getInstance().clearTables(); int p1ID = 0; DbMethods.getInstance().InsertPatient(); DateTime now = DateTime.Now; DbMethods.getInstance().InsertVisit(p1ID, 1, 1, now); DbMethods.getInstance().InsertVisit(p1ID, 1, 1, now); DbMethods.getInstance().InsertVisit(p1ID, 1, 2, now); Patient p = new Patient(p1ID); p.Visits = DbMethods.getInstance().getPatientVisits(p1ID); ACV acv1 = new ACV(new List<Visit>(){ p.Visits[0], p.Visits[1] }); ACV acv2 = new ACV(new List<Visit>() { p.Visits[0], new Visit(1, 1, 3, now) }); List<ACV> matches = p.GetCMMatches(acv1); Assert.True(matches.Count == 1); matches = p.GetCMMatches(acv2); Assert.True(matches.Count == 0); }
public void isSafeTest() { int p1ID = 0; int p2ID = 1; int p3ID = 2; Patient p = new Patient(p1ID); DateTime now = DateTime.Now; DbMethods.getInstance().clearTables(); DbMethods.getInstance().InsertPatient(); DbMethods.getInstance().InsertPatient(); DbMethods.getInstance().InsertPatient(); DbMethods.getInstance().InsertVisit(p1ID, 1, 1, now); DbMethods.getInstance().InsertVisit(p1ID, 1, 1, now); DbMethods.getInstance().InsertVisit(p1ID, 1, 2, now); DbMethods.getInstance().InsertVisit(p2ID, 1, 1, now); DbMethods.getInstance().InsertVisit(p2ID, 1, 1, now); DbMethods.getInstance().InsertVisit(p2ID, 1, 3, now); DbMethods.getInstance().InsertVisit(p3ID, 1, 1, now); DbMethods.getInstance().InsertVisit(p3ID, 1, 2, now); DbMethods.getInstance().InsertVisit(p3ID, 1, 3, now); p.Visits = DbMethods.getInstance().getPatientVisits(p.ID); List<Patient> patients = DbMethods.getInstance().getPatientsWVisits(); bool isSafe = p.IsSafe(patients, 2, 1); Assert.True(isSafe); isSafe = p.IsSafe(patients, 2, 2); Assert.False(isSafe); isSafe = p.IsSafe(patients, 3, 1); Assert.False(isSafe); isSafe = p.IsSafe(patients, 1, 1); Assert.True(isSafe); isSafe = p.IsSafe(patients, 1, 2); Assert.False(isSafe); }
public void findACVTest() { DateTime now = DateTime.Now; this._patientACV = new List<ACV>(); int ACVSize = 3; DbMethods.getInstance().clearTables(); DbMethods.getInstance().InsertPatient(); DbMethods.getInstance().InsertVisit(0, 1, 1, now); DbMethods.getInstance().InsertVisit(0, 1, 2, now); DbMethods.getInstance().InsertVisit(0, 1, 3, now); DbMethods.getInstance().InsertVisit(0, 1, 4, now.AddDays(1)); Patient p1 = new Patient(0); p1.FindACVs(ACVSize, PatientACVFound); Assert.True(this._patientACV.Count == (Util.getFactorial(p1.Visits.Count)/(Util.getFactorial(ACVSize)*Util.getFactorial(p1.Visits.Count-ACVSize)))); }
public void Delete(Model.Patient patient) { // TODO: implement }
public void Save(Model.Patient newPatient) { // TODO: implement }
private void listPatients_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { this._selectedPatient = (Patient)this.listPatients.SelectedValue; this.updatePatientVisits(); }
public void Update(Model.Patient patient) { // TODO: implement }
public static Hl7.Fhir.Model.Patient MapModel(Model.Patient patient) { if (patient == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("patient"); } var resource = new Hl7.Fhir.Model.Patient(); resource.Id = patient.PatientId.ToString("D"); resource.Active = patient.Active; resource.Deceased = new FhirBoolean(patient.Deceased); resource.Name = new List <HumanName>(); var name = new HumanName() { Family = new[] { patient.LastName }, Given = new[] { patient.FirstName }, Use = HumanName.NameUse.Official }; resource.Name.Add(name); resource.BirthDate = patient.Birthday.ToString("s"); switch (patient.Gender) { case GenderCode.Female: resource.Gender = new CodeableConcept("", "F", "Female"); break; case GenderCode.Male: resource.Gender = new CodeableConcept("", "M", "Male"); break; case GenderCode.Undetermined: resource.Gender = new CodeableConcept("", "U", "Undetermined"); break; default: resource.Gender = new CodeableConcept("", "UNK", "Unknown"); break; } resource.Telecom = new List <Contact> { new Contact() { Value = patient.Phone, System = Contact.ContactSystem.Phone, Use = Contact.ContactUse.Home }, new Contact() { Value = patient.Mobile, System = Contact.ContactSystem.Phone, Use = Contact.ContactUse.Mobile }, new Contact() { Value = patient.EMail, System = Contact.ContactSystem.Email, Use = Contact.ContactUse.Home }, }; resource.Address = new List <Address> { new Address() { Country = patient.Country, City = patient.City, Zip = patient.Zip, Line = new[] { patient.AddressLine1, patient.AddressLine2 } } }; // Make use of extensions ... // resource.Extension = new List <Extension>(1); resource.Extension.Add(new Extension(new Uri(""), new FhirString(patient.Nationality) )); return(resource); }
public static Model.Patient MapResource(Resource resource) { var source = resource as Hl7.Fhir.Model.Patient; if (source == null) { throw new ArgumentException("Resource in not a HL7 FHIR Patient resouce"); } var patient = new Model.Patient(); patient.Active = source.Active ?? true; var deceased = source.Deceased as FhirBoolean; if (deceased != null) { patient.Deceased = deceased.Value ?? false; } patient.FirstName = source.Name[0].Given.FirstOrDefault(); patient.LastName = source.Name[0].Family.FirstOrDefault(); var phone = source.Telecom.FirstOrDefault(t => t.System == Contact.ContactSystem.Phone && t.Use == Contact.ContactUse.Home); if (phone != null) { patient.Phone = phone.Value; } var mobile = source.Telecom.FirstOrDefault(t => t.System == Contact.ContactSystem.Phone && t.Use == Contact.ContactUse.Mobile); if (mobile != null) { patient.Mobile = mobile.Value; } var email = source.Telecom.FirstOrDefault(t => t.System == Contact.ContactSystem.Email && t.Use == Contact.ContactUse.Home); if (email != null) { patient.EMail = email.Value; } var gender = source.Gender.Coding[0].Code.ToUpper(); switch (gender) { case "U": patient.Gender = GenderCode.Unknown; break; case "F": patient.Gender = GenderCode.Female; break; case "M": patient.Gender = GenderCode.Male; break; case "UNK": patient.Gender = GenderCode.Undetermined; break; default: patient.Gender = GenderCode.Unknown; break; } // Example for extension "nationality" // var firstOrDefault = source.Extension.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Url.AbsolutePath == ""); if (firstOrDefault != null) { var element = firstOrDefault.Value; var nationality = (FhirString)firstOrDefault.Value; patient.Nationality = nationality.Value; } var birthday = source.BirthDate; patient.Birthday = DateTime.Parse(birthday); return(patient); }
//return list of ACV for a specified patient using the tree based algorithm public List<ACV> retrievePatientACV_clientBased(int patientID, int n) { List<Visit> visits = DbMethods.getInstance().getPatientVisits(patientID); Patient p = new Patient(patientID); List<ACV> acvs = new List<ACV>(); p.FindACVs(n, new ACVFoundEventHandler( (Patient sender, ACVFoundArgs args) => { acvs.Add(args.ACV); } )); return acvs; }
//generate data for iteration 1 public void createIteration1PatientsAndVisits(int numberOfPatients) { Random random = new Random(); List<Patient> patients = new List<Patient>(); List<Patient> globallySimilarPatients = new List<Patient>(); List<Patient> globallyNonSimilarPatients = new List<Patient>(); List<PatientMatchNode> patientMatchNodes = new List<PatientMatchNode>(); float globallySimilarPatientsThreshold = 0.1f; float globallyNonSimilarPatientsThreshold = 0.1f; int requiredNumberOfGloballySimilarPatients = (int)((globallySimilarPatientsThreshold * numberOfPatients) + 0.5f); int requiredNumberOfGloballyNonSimilarPatients = (int)((globallyNonSimilarPatientsThreshold * numberOfPatients) + 0.5f); int currentNumberOfGloballySimilarPatients = 0; int currentNumberOfGloballyNonSimilarPatients = 0; DateTime maxRangeStart = new DateTime(2011, 01, 01); DateTime maxRangeEnd = new DateTime(2011, 12, 31); DateTime rangeStart = Util.getRandomDate(maxRangeStart, maxRangeEnd.AddMonths(-1)); DateTime rangeEnd = rangeStart.AddDays(15); int randRationalMin = 1; int randRationalMax = 5; DbMethods.getInstance().clearTables(); for (int i = 0; i < numberOfPatients; i++) { int patientID = i; DbMethods.getInstance().InsertPatient(); Patient patient = new Patient(patientID); PatientMatchNode patientNode = new PatientMatchNode(patient); int numberOfVisits = random.Next(10, 20); bool restart = true; do { patient.ClearVisits(); //generate directed visits for (int j = 0; j < numberOfVisits; j++) { Visit v = new Visit(-1, random.Next(1, 100), random.Next(randRationalMin, randRationalMax), Util.getRandomDate(rangeStart, rangeEnd)); if (!patient.HasVisit(v)) { patient.AddVisit(v); } else { j--; } } if (requiredNumberOfGloballySimilarPatients > 0) { //SIMILAR PATIENTS foreach (PatientMatchNode n in patientMatchNodes) { if (n.Patient.HasSimilarVisits(patient, 0.5f)) { n.addMatch(patient); restart = false; } } List<PatientMatchNode> nodesToRemove = new List<PatientMatchNode>(); foreach (PatientMatchNode n in patientMatchNodes) { if (n.getMatchesNumber() >= 4) { requiredNumberOfGloballySimilarPatients--; globallySimilarPatients.Add(n.Patient); nodesToRemove.Add(n); } } foreach (PatientMatchNode n in nodesToRemove) { patientMatchNodes.Remove(n); } nodesToRemove.Clear(); if(patientMatchNodes.Count < requiredNumberOfGloballySimilarPatients) { patientMatchNodes.Add(patientNode); restart = false; } } else if (requiredNumberOfGloballyNonSimilarPatients > 0) { //NON-SIMILAR PATIENTS rangeStart = maxRangeStart; rangeEnd = maxRangeEnd; bool hasSimilar = false; foreach (Patient p in patients) { if (!patient.HasNoSimilarVisits(p)) { hasSimilar = true; } } if (!hasSimilar) { restart = false; requiredNumberOfGloballyNonSimilarPatients--; globallyNonSimilarPatients.Add(patient); } } else { bool hasSimilar = false; foreach (Patient p in globallyNonSimilarPatients) { if (!patient.HasNoSimilarVisits(p)) { hasSimilar = true; } } if (!hasSimilar) { restart = false; } } } while(restart); //adding the visits foreach (Visit v in patient.Visits) { DbMethods.getInstance().InsertVisit(patientID, v.ProfessionalID, v.RationalID, v.Date); } patients.Add(patient); } }
private void PatientACVFound(Patient sender, ACVFoundArgs args) { ACV acv = args.ACV; this._patientACV.Add(acv); }
private void RenderCMMatches(ACV cm) { int patientID = this.AskForPatientID(); Patient p = new Patient(patientID); List<ACV> matches = p.GetCMMatches(cm); int matchCounter = 1; foreach (ACV acv in matches) { Console.WriteLine("Match : " + matchCounter++); Console.WriteLine(acv.ToString()); } Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Combination to match : "); Console.WriteLine(cm.ToString()); Console.WriteLine("Number of matches : " + matches.Count); Console.WriteLine(); }
public void similarHistoryTest() { Patient p1 = new Patient(1); Patient p2 = new Patient(2); Patient p3 = new Patient(3); DateTime now = DateTime.Now; p1.AddVisit(new Visit(1, 1, 1, now)); p1.AddVisit(new Visit(2, 1, 2, now)); p1.AddVisit(new Visit(3, 1, 3, now)); p1.AddVisit(new Visit(4, 1, 3, now.AddDays(1))); p2.AddVisit(new Visit(5, 1, 1, now)); p2.AddVisit(new Visit(6, 1, 2, now)); p3.AddVisit(new Visit(7, 1, 3, now)); p3.AddVisit(new Visit(8, 1, 3, now.AddDays(2))); bool result = p1.HasSimilarVisits(p2, 0.5f); Assert.True(result == true); result = p1.HasSimilarVisits(p3, 0.5f); Assert.True(result == false); result = p1.HasSimilarVisits(p3, 0.25f); Assert.True(result == true); result = p1.HasSimilarVisits(p2, 0.75f); Assert.True(result == false); }
public void matchACVTest() { this._patientACV = new List<ACV>(); DateTime now = DateTime.Now; DbMethods.getInstance().clearTables(); DbMethods.getInstance().InsertPatient(); DbMethods.getInstance().InsertVisit(0, 1, 1, now); DbMethods.getInstance().InsertVisit(0, 1, 2, now); DbMethods.getInstance().InsertVisit(0, 1, 3, now); DbMethods.getInstance().InsertPatient(); DbMethods.getInstance().InsertVisit(1, 1, 1, now); DbMethods.getInstance().InsertVisit(1, 1, 2, now); DbMethods.getInstance().InsertVisit(1, 1, 3, now); Patient p1 = new Patient(0); Patient p2 = new Patient(1); p2.FindACVs(2, PatientACVFound); foreach (ACV v in this._patientACV) { Assert.True(p1.MatchesACV(v)); } }
partial void DeletePatient(Patient instance);
partial void UpdatePatient(Patient instance);
partial void InsertPatient(Patient instance);
private void RenderCMMatches(int patientID) { int cmSize = 0; ACV CM = new ACV(new List<Visit>()); Patient p = new Patient(patientID); do { Console.WriteLine("Choose the size of the CM : "); cmSize = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); } while (cmSize <= 0); for (int i = 0; i < cmSize; i++) { int year; int month; int day; int rational; do { Console.WriteLine("CM no : " + (i + 1)); Console.WriteLine("Month : "); month = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); } while (month <= 0); do { Console.WriteLine("Day : "); day = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); } while (day <= 0); do { Console.WriteLine("Year : "); year = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); } while (year <= 0); do { Console.WriteLine("Rational : "); Console.WriteLine("1. New"); Console.WriteLine("2. Checkup"); Console.WriteLine("3. Follow-up"); Console.WriteLine("4. Referral"); Console.WriteLine("5. Emergency"); rational = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); } while (rational < 1 && rational > 5); CM.Add(new Visit(-1, -1, rational, new DateTime(year, month, day))); } //this._controller.matchCM(patientID, CM, false); List<ACV> matches = p.GetCMMatches(CM); int matchCounter = 1; foreach (ACV acv in matches) { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Match : " + matchCounter++); Console.WriteLine(acv.ToString()); } Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Combination to match : "); Console.WriteLine(CM.ToString()); Console.WriteLine("Number of matches : " + matches.Count); Console.WriteLine(); }
public static Patient ParsePatient(DataRowCollection dataRow,int index) { try{ Patient patient = new Patient(); patient.D_ID = Convert.ToInt16(dataRow[index]["d_id"].ToString()); patient.Gender = dataRow[index]["gender"].ToString(); patient.Old = Convert.ToInt16(dataRow[index]["old"]); patient.P_name = dataRow[index]["p_name"].ToString(); patient.Pid = Convert.ToInt16(dataRow[index]["pid"]); patient.Tel = dataRow[index]["tel"].ToString(); return patient; }catch(Exception exp){ return null; } }