A component to synchronize the Position of child transforms of networked objects.

There must be a NetworkTransform on the root object of the hierarchy. There can be multiple NetworkTransformChild components on an object. This does not use physics for synchronization, it simply synchronizes the LocalPosition and LocalOrientation of the child transform and lerps towards the received values.

Inheritance: Mirror.NetworkTransformBase
Esempio n. 1
        public void Init()
            if (m_Initialized)

            m_Initialized = true;
            sync          = target as NetworkTransformChild;

            m_Target = serializedObject.FindProperty("m_Target");
            if (sync.GetComponent <NetworkTransform>() == null)
                Debug.LogError("NetworkTransformChild must be on the root object with the NetworkTransform, not on the child node");
                m_Target.objectReferenceValue = null;

            m_MovementThreshold = serializedObject.FindProperty("m_MovementThreshold");

            m_InterpolateRotation     = serializedObject.FindProperty("m_InterpolateRotation");
            m_InterpolateMovement     = serializedObject.FindProperty("m_InterpolateMovement");
            m_RotationSyncCompression = serializedObject.FindProperty("m_RotationSyncCompression");

            m_SyncIntervalProperty   = serializedObject.FindProperty("syncInterval");
            m_TargetLabel            = new GUIContent("Target", "The child transform to be synchronized.");
            EditorGUI.indentLevel   += 1;
            m_MovementThresholdLabel = new GUIContent("Movement Threshold", "The distance that this object can move without sending a movement synchronization update.");

            m_InterpolateRotationLabel     = new GUIContent("Interpolate Rotation Factor", "The larger this number is, the faster the object will interpolate to the target facing direction.");
            m_InterpolateMovementLabel     = new GUIContent("Interpolate Movement Factor", "The larger this number is, the faster the object will interpolate to the target position.");
            m_RotationSyncCompressionLabel = new GUIContent("Compress Rotation", "How much to compress rotation sync updates.\n\nChoose None for no compression.\n\nChoose Low for a low amount of compression that preserves accuracy.\n\nChoose High for a high amount of compression that sacrifices accuracy.");
            m_RotationAxisLabel            = new GUIContent("Rotation Axis", "Which axis to use for rotation.");

            EditorGUI.indentLevel -= 1;
Esempio n. 2
        internal static void HandleChildTransform(NetworkMessage netMsg)
            LocalChildTransformMessage message = netMsg.ReadMessage <LocalChildTransformMessage>();

            GameObject foundObj = NetworkServer.FindLocalObject(message.netId);

            if (foundObj == null)
                Debug.LogError("Received NetworkTransformChild data for GameObject that doesn't exist");
            var children = foundObj.GetComponents <NetworkTransformChild>();

            if (children == null || children.Length == 0)
                Debug.LogError("HandleChildTransform no children");
            if (message.childIndex >= children.Length)
                Debug.LogError("HandleChildTransform childIndex invalid");

            NetworkTransformChild foundSync = children[message.childIndex];

            if (foundSync == null)
                Debug.LogError("HandleChildTransform null target");
            if (!foundSync.localPlayerAuthority)
                Debug.LogError("HandleChildTransform no localPlayerAuthority");

            if (!netMsg.conn.clientOwnedObjects.Contains(message.netId))
                Debug.LogWarning("NetworkTransformChild netId:" + message.netId + " is not for a valid player");

            foundSync.UnserializeModeTransform(new NetworkReader(message.payload), false);
            foundSync.m_LastClientSyncTime = Time.time;

            if (!foundSync.isClient)
                // dedicated server wont interpolate, so snap.
                foundSync.m_Target.localPosition = foundSync.m_TargetSyncPosition;
                foundSync.m_Target.localRotation = foundSync.m_TargetSyncRotation3D;