public static ActionResult del_NSIS_DECAC(Session session)
            // Leaves the Config

             * If NSIS is installed:
             *   remove salt-minion service,
             *   remove registry
             *   remove files, except /salt/conf and /salt/var
             *   Instead of the above, TODO use uninst.exe and preserve the 2 directories (by moving them into safety first?)
             *   This would be cleaner code
             *      uninst /S  does leave the installdir while    uninst /s /DeleteInstallDir  delete the installdir, both silentyl
            session.Log("...BEGIN del_NSIS_DECAC");
            session.Log("...VERSION MinionConfigurationExtensionCA 1");
            RegistryKey reg = Registry.LocalMachine;
            // ?When this is under    SOFTWARE\WoW6432Node
            string Salt_uninstall_regpath64 = @"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Salt Minion";
            string Salt_uninstall_regpath32 = @"SOFTWARE\WoW6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Salt Minion";
            var    SaltRegSubkey64          = reg.OpenSubKey(Salt_uninstall_regpath64);
            var    SaltRegSubkey32          = reg.OpenSubKey(Salt_uninstall_regpath32);

            bool NSIS_is_installed64 = (SaltRegSubkey64 != null) && SaltRegSubkey64.GetValue("UninstallString").ToString().Equals(@"c:\salt\uninst.exe", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
            bool NSIS_is_installed32 = (SaltRegSubkey32 != null) && SaltRegSubkey32.GetValue("UninstallString").ToString().Equals(@"c:\salt\uninst.exe", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

            session.Log("delete_NSIS_files:: NSIS_is_installed64 = " + NSIS_is_installed64);
            session.Log("delete_NSIS_files:: NSIS_is_installed32 = " + NSIS_is_installed32);
            if (NSIS_is_installed64 || NSIS_is_installed32)
                session.Log("delete_NSIS_files:: Going to stop service salt-minion ...");
                MinionConfigurationUtilities.shellout(session, "sc stop salt-minion");
                session.Log("delete_NSIS_files:: Going to delete service salt-minion ...");
                MinionConfigurationUtilities.shellout(session, "sc delete salt-minion"); // shellout waits, but does sc? Does this work?

                session.Log("delete_NSIS_files:: Going to delete ARP registry64 entry for salt-minion ...");
                try { reg.DeleteSubKeyTree(Salt_uninstall_regpath64); } catch (Exception ex) { MinionConfigurationUtilities.just_ExceptionLog("", session, ex); }
                session.Log("delete_NSIS_files:: Going to delete ARP registry32 entry for salt-minion ...");
                try { reg.DeleteSubKeyTree(Salt_uninstall_regpath32); } catch (Exception ex) { MinionConfigurationUtilities.just_ExceptionLog("", session, ex); }

                session.Log("delete_NSIS_files:: Going to delete files ...");
                try { Directory.Delete(@"c:\salt\bin", true); } catch (Exception ex) { MinionConfigurationUtilities.just_ExceptionLog("", session, ex); }
                try { File.Delete(@"c:\salt\uninst.exe"); } catch (Exception ex) { MinionConfigurationUtilities.just_ExceptionLog("", session, ex); }
                try { File.Delete(@"c:\salt\nssm.exe"); } catch (Exception ex) { MinionConfigurationUtilities.just_ExceptionLog("", session, ex); }
                try { foreach (FileInfo fi in new DirectoryInfo(@"c:\salt").GetFiles("salt*.*"))
                } catch (Exception) {; }
            session.Log("...END del_NSIS_DECAC");
Esempio n. 2
        private static void PurgeDir(Session session, string dir_below_salt_root)
            String abs_dir  = @"c:\salt\" + dir_below_salt_root; //TODO use root_dir
            String root_dir = "";

            root_dir = session.CustomActionData["root_dir"];

            if (Directory.Exists(abs_dir))
                session.Log("PurgeDir:: about to Directory.delete " + abs_dir);
                Directory.Delete(abs_dir, true);
                session.Log("PurgeDir:: ...OK");
                session.Log("PurgeDir:: no Directory " + abs_dir);

            // quirk for  Exception: Access to the path 'minion.pem' is denied . Read only!
            MinionConfigurationUtilities.shellout(session, @"rmdir /s /q " + abs_dir);