Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Event callback whenever the tab is changed, which will attempt to set
        /// focus to the first control on the sheet.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">Sender.</param>
        /// <param name="e">Event arguments.</param>
        private void tabControl_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            XmlTabPage tab = (XmlTabPage)tabControl.TabPages[tabControl.SelectedIndex].Tag;

Esempio n. 2
        public void Design(string mode, Microsoft.Office.Interop.Visio.Page page)
            if (_definition == null)
                throw new Exception("Cannot .Design if no definition has ben .Load()'ed.");

             * Parse definition properties.
            #region Properties

            XmlElement properties = (XmlElement)_definition.SelectSingleNode("/shape/properties", FormsNamespace.NamespaceManager);

            if (properties == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("Missing properties element.", "doc");

            this.Text = properties.Attributes["title"].Value;


            IXmlShape shape = null;
            if (this.Tag is IXmlShape)
                shape = (IXmlShape)this.Tag;

            #region Create Tabs

            XmlNodeList tabNodeList = properties.SelectNodes("tab", FormsNamespace.NamespaceManager);
            foreach (XmlElement tabElement in tabNodeList)
                 * Iterate through tab list. Please note that since each Control is
                 * being added with Dock.Top, they will visually appear in reverse order.
                 * Therefore, once all have been added, we perform a ReLayout!

                XmlTabPage tab = new XmlTabPage(tabElement);
                if (tab.IsInvisibleInMode(mode))//Se tab invisível, não é adicionado ao form
                if (tab.IsDisabledInMode(mode))
                    ((Control)tab.TabPage).Enabled = false;

                XmlNodeList fieldNodeList = tabElement.SelectNodes("*");

                foreach (XmlElement fieldElement in fieldNodeList)
                     * Iterate through each property. Note how we do not include in the _fields
                     * bag controls that are not IXmlProperty!
                    if (fieldElement.Name == "include")
                        string   filename, xPath, excludedProperties = null;
                        string[] excludedPropertiesList = null;
                        string   prefix = null;

                        if ((fieldElement.Attributes["file"] != null))
                            filename = fieldElement.Attributes["file"].Value;
                            throw (new Exception("Element include in shape definition doesn´t have the attribute 'file'!"));

                        if ((fieldElement.Attributes["xPath"] != null))
                            xPath = fieldElement.Attributes["xPath"].Value;
                            throw (new Exception("Element include in shape definition doesn´t have the attribute 'xPath'!"));

                        if ((fieldElement.Attributes["prefix"] != null))
                            prefix = fieldElement.Attributes["prefix"].Value;

                        if ((fieldElement.Attributes["excludedProperties"] != null))
                            excludedProperties     = fieldElement.Attributes["excludedProperties"].Value;
                            excludedPropertiesList = excludedProperties.Replace(" ", "").Split(',');

                        XmlDocument xdoc = LoadPropertiesFromFile(filename);
                        foreach (XmlElement fieldElem in xdoc.SelectNodes(xPath))
                            if ((excludedPropertiesList != null) && checkIfExcludedNode(fieldElem.Attributes["id"].Value, excludedPropertiesList))

                            if (prefix != null)
                                fieldElem.Attributes["id"].Value = string.Format("{0}_{1}", prefix, fieldElem.Attributes["id"].Value);

                            Control      control    = XmlFormFactory.CreateProperty(fieldElem, mode, page);
                            BaseProperty tmpControl = control as BaseProperty;

                            if (control is IXmlProperty)
                                IXmlProperty property = (IXmlProperty)control;

                            if (tmpControl != null)
                                if (tmpControl.IsInvisibleInMode(fieldElem, mode))
                                if (tmpControl.IsDisabledInMode(fieldElem, mode))
                                    control.Enabled = false;

                            if (control.Visible)

                            if (shape != null && tmpControl != null)
                                tmpControl.ChangeByConnection(shape.ConnectedTo(), shape.ConnectedFrom());
                        Control      control    = XmlFormFactory.CreateProperty(fieldElement, mode, page);
                        BaseProperty tmpControl = control as BaseProperty;

                        if (control is IXmlProperty)
                            IXmlProperty property = (IXmlProperty)control;

                        if (tmpControl != null)
                            if (tmpControl.IsInvisibleInMode(fieldElement, mode))
                            if (tmpControl.IsDisabledInMode(fieldElement, mode))
                                control.Enabled = false;

                        if (control.Visible)

                        if (shape != null && tmpControl != null)
                            tmpControl.ChangeByConnection(shape.ConnectedTo(), shape.ConnectedFrom());



            #region Shape Specific AddOns
            if (shape != null)
Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Event callback for the Form activation. Sets focus to the first control
        /// on the current tab.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void XmlForm_Activated(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            XmlTabPage ft = (XmlTabPage)tabControl.SelectedTab.Tag;

Esempio n. 4
        public void Design(string mode, Microsoft.Office.Interop.Visio.Page page)
            if (_definition == null)
                throw new Exception("Cannot .Design if no definition has ben .Load()'ed.");
             * Parse definition properties.
            #region Properties

            XmlElement properties = (XmlElement)_definition.SelectSingleNode("/shape/properties", FormsNamespace.NamespaceManager);

            if (properties == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("Missing properties element.", "doc");

            this.Text = properties.Attributes["title"].Value;


            IXmlShape shape = null;
            if (this.Tag is IXmlShape)
                shape = (IXmlShape)this.Tag;

            #region Create Tabs

            XmlNodeList tabNodeList = properties.SelectNodes("tab", FormsNamespace.NamespaceManager);
            foreach (XmlElement tabElement in tabNodeList)
                 * Iterate through tab list. Please note that since each Control is
                 * being added with Dock.Top, they will visually appear in reverse order.
                 * Therefore, once all have been added, we perform a ReLayout!

                XmlTabPage tab = new XmlTabPage(tabElement);
                if (tab.IsInvisibleInMode(mode))//Se tab invisível, não é adicionado ao form
                if (tab.IsDisabledInMode(mode))
                    ((Control)tab.TabPage).Enabled = false;

                XmlNodeList fieldNodeList = tabElement.SelectNodes("*");

                foreach (XmlElement fieldElement in fieldNodeList)
                     * Iterate through each property. Note how we do not include in the _fields
                     * bag controls that are not IXmlProperty!
                    if (fieldElement.Name == "include")
                        string filename, xPath, excludedProperties = null;
                        string[] excludedPropertiesList = null;
                        string prefix = null;

                        if ((fieldElement.Attributes["file"] != null))
                            filename = fieldElement.Attributes["file"].Value;
                            throw (new Exception("Element include in shape definition doesn´t have the attribute 'file'!"));

                        if ((fieldElement.Attributes["xPath"] != null))
                            xPath = fieldElement.Attributes["xPath"].Value;
                            throw (new Exception("Element include in shape definition doesn´t have the attribute 'xPath'!"));

                        if ((fieldElement.Attributes["prefix"] != null))
                            prefix = fieldElement.Attributes["prefix"].Value;

                        if ((fieldElement.Attributes["excludedProperties"] != null))
                            excludedProperties = fieldElement.Attributes["excludedProperties"].Value;
                            excludedPropertiesList = excludedProperties.Replace(" ", "").Split(',');

                        XmlDocument xdoc = LoadPropertiesFromFile(filename);
                        foreach (XmlElement fieldElem in xdoc.SelectNodes(xPath))
                            if ((excludedPropertiesList != null) && checkIfExcludedNode(fieldElem.Attributes["id"].Value, excludedPropertiesList))

                            if (prefix != null)
                                fieldElem.Attributes["id"].Value = string.Format("{0}_{1}", prefix, fieldElem.Attributes["id"].Value);

                            Control control = XmlFormFactory.CreateProperty(fieldElem, mode, page);
                            BaseProperty tmpControl = control as BaseProperty;

                            if (control is IXmlProperty)
                                IXmlProperty property = (IXmlProperty)control;

                            if (tmpControl != null)
                                if (tmpControl.IsInvisibleInMode(fieldElem, mode))
                                if (tmpControl.IsDisabledInMode(fieldElem, mode))
                                    control.Enabled = false;

                            if (control.Visible)

                            if (shape != null && tmpControl != null)
                                tmpControl.ChangeByConnection(shape.ConnectedTo(), shape.ConnectedFrom());
                        Control control = XmlFormFactory.CreateProperty(fieldElement, mode, page);
                        BaseProperty tmpControl = control as BaseProperty;

                        if (control is IXmlProperty)
                            IXmlProperty property = (IXmlProperty)control;

                        if (tmpControl != null)
                            if (tmpControl.IsInvisibleInMode(fieldElement, mode))
                            if (tmpControl.IsDisabledInMode(fieldElement, mode))
                                control.Enabled = false;

                        if (control.Visible)

                        if (shape != null && tmpControl != null)
                            tmpControl.ChangeByConnection(shape.ConnectedTo(), shape.ConnectedFrom());



            #region Shape Specific AddOns
            if (shape != null)