Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks whether the assertions in the context are consistent or not.
        /// </summary>
        public static Status Check(Context ctx, List<BoolExpr> core, ref Model model, ref Expr proof, params Expr[] assumptions)
            Z3_lbool r;
            model = null;
            proof = null;
            if (assumptions == null || assumptions.Length == 0)
                r = (Z3_lbool)Native.Z3_check(ctx.nCtx);
            else {
                IntPtr mdl = IntPtr.Zero, prf = IntPtr.Zero;
                uint core_size = 0;
                IntPtr[] native_core = new IntPtr[assumptions.Length];
                r = (Z3_lbool)Native.Z3_check_assumptions(ctx.nCtx, 
                                   (uint)assumptions.Length, AST.ArrayToNative(assumptions),
                                   ref mdl, ref prf, ref core_size, native_core);

                for (uint i = 0; i < core_size; i++)
                    core.Add((BoolExpr)Expr.Create(ctx, native_core[i]));
                if (mdl != IntPtr.Zero) {
                    model = new Model(ctx, mdl);
                if (prf != IntPtr.Zero) {
                    proof = Expr.Create(ctx, prf);

            switch (r)
                case Z3_lbool.Z3_L_TRUE: return Status.SATISFIABLE;
                case Z3_lbool.Z3_L_FALSE: return Status.UNSATISFIABLE;
                default: return Status.UNKNOWN;
Esempio n. 2
 internal AcceptorBase(FuncDecl symbol, Expr guard, ExprSet[] lookahead)
     this.symbol = symbol;
     this.guard = guard;
     this.lookahead = lookahead;
     this.lhs = new Pair<FuncDecl, Sequence<ExprSet>>(symbol, new Sequence<ExprSet>(lookahead));
 //bool CSmode = false;
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns a pretty printed view of the given term.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="term">the given term</param>
 /// <param name="lookupVarName">lookup function for variable names</param>
 public string DescribeExpr(Expr term, Func<Expr, string> lookupVarName)
     __lookupVarName = lookupVarName;
     var str = DescribeExpr(term);
     __lookupVarName = null;
     return str;
Esempio n. 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieves the interpretation (the assignment) of <paramref name="a"/> in the model. 
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="a">A Constant</param>
        /// <returns>An expression if the constant has an interpretation in the model, null otherwise.</returns>
        public Expr ConstInterp(Expr a)
            Contract.Requires(a != null);

            return ConstInterp(a.FuncDecl);
        public Automaton<Expr> getAutomata(Z3Provider z3p, Expr universe, Expr var, Sort sort)
        {   //Sort for pairs (input theory, BV)
            var bv = z3p.Z3.MkBitVecSort(BVConst.BVSIZE);
            var pairSort = z3p.MkTupleSort(sort, bv);

            var dfapair = this.Normalize().PushQuantifiers().getAutomata(z3p, new List<string>(), universe, var, sort);            

            //Compute the new moves by dropping the last bit of every element in the phiMoves
            var newMoves = Automaton<Expr>.Empty.GetMoves().ToList();
            foreach (var oldMove in dfapair.GetMoves())
                var oldCond = oldMove.Label;                             

                //Compute the new condition as ()
                Expr newCond = oldCond;

                //Update the new set of moves
                newMoves.Add(new Move<Expr>(oldMove.SourceState, oldMove.TargetState, newCond));

            //Build the new dfa with the new moves
            var automaton = Automaton<Expr>.Create(dfapair.InitialState, dfapair.GetFinalStates(), newMoves);

            return automaton.Determinize(z3p).Minimize(z3p);
Esempio n. 6
        internal Quantifier(Context ctx, bool isForall, Expr[] bound, Expr body, uint weight = 1, Pattern[] patterns = null, Expr[] noPatterns = null, Symbol quantifierID = null, Symbol skolemID = null)
            : base(ctx)
            Contract.Requires(ctx != null);
            Contract.Requires(body != null);

            Contract.Requires(patterns == null || Contract.ForAll(patterns, p => p != null));
            Contract.Requires(noPatterns == null || Contract.ForAll(noPatterns, np => np != null));
            Contract.Requires(bound == null || Contract.ForAll(bound, n => n != null));


            if (noPatterns == null && quantifierID == null && skolemID == null)
                NativeObject = Native.Z3_mk_quantifier_const(ctx.nCtx, (isForall) ? 1 : 0, weight,
                                                 AST.ArrayLength(bound), AST.ArrayToNative(bound),
                                                 AST.ArrayLength(patterns), AST.ArrayToNative(patterns),
                NativeObject = Native.Z3_mk_quantifier_const_ex(ctx.nCtx, (isForall) ? 1 : 0, weight,
                                        AST.GetNativeObject(quantifierID), AST.GetNativeObject(skolemID),
                                        AST.ArrayLength(bound), AST.ArrayToNative(bound),
                                        AST.ArrayLength(patterns), AST.ArrayToNative(patterns),
                                        AST.ArrayLength(noPatterns), AST.ArrayToNative(noPatterns),
 /// <summary>
 /// Z3 expr to C# pretty printer
 /// </summary>
 public CSPrettyPrinter(Context z3)
     this.charSort = z3.MkBitVecSort(16); = z3.MkBool(true);
     this.ff = z3.MkBool(false);
     this.encoding = 16;
Esempio n. 8
 internal AcceptorBase(FuncDecl symbol, Expr guard, int rank)
     this.symbol = symbol;
     this.guard = guard;
     ExprSet[] ts = new ExprSet[rank];
     for (int i = 0; i < rank; i++)
         ts[i] = new ExprSet();
     lookahead = ts;
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns a pretty printed view of the given term. Uses C# compliant expression notation.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="term">the given term</param>
 /// <param name="lookupVarName">lookup function for variable names</param>
 public string DescribeExprCS(Expr term, Func<Expr, string> lookupVarName)
     //CSmode = true;
     __lookupVarName = lookupVarName;
     var str = DescribeExpr(term);
     __lookupVarName = null;
     //CSmode = false;
     return str;
Esempio n. 10
        /// <summary>
        /// Create axiom: function f is injective in the i-th argument.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// The following axiom is produced:
        /// <c>
        /// forall (x_0, ..., x_n) finv(f(x_0, ..., x_i, ..., x_{n-1})) = x_i
        /// </c>
        /// Where, <code>finv</code>is a fresh function declaration.
        /// </summary>
        public static BoolExpr InjAxiom(Context ctx, FuncDecl f, int i)
            Sort[] domain = f.Domain;
            uint sz = f.DomainSize;

            if (i >= sz)
                Console.WriteLine("failed to create inj axiom");
                return null;

            /* declare the i-th inverse of f: finv */
            Sort finv_domain = f.Range;
            Sort finv_range = domain[i];
            FuncDecl finv = ctx.MkFuncDecl("f_fresh", finv_domain, finv_range);

            /* allocate temporary arrays */
            Expr[] xs = new Expr[sz];
            Symbol[] names = new Symbol[sz];
            Sort[] types = new Sort[sz];

            /* fill types, names and xs */

            for (uint j = 0; j < sz; j++)
                types[j] = domain[j];
                names[j] = ctx.MkSymbol(String.Format("x_{0}", j));
                xs[j] = ctx.MkBound(j, types[j]);
            Expr x_i = xs[i];

            /* create f(x_0, ..., x_i, ..., x_{n-1}) */
            Expr fxs = f[xs];

            /* create f_inv(f(x_0, ..., x_i, ..., x_{n-1})) */
            Expr finv_fxs = finv[fxs];

            /* create finv(f(x_0, ..., x_i, ..., x_{n-1})) = x_i */
            Expr eq = ctx.MkEq(finv_fxs, x_i);

            /* use f(x_0, ..., x_i, ..., x_{n-1}) as the pattern for the quantifier */
            Pattern p = ctx.MkPattern(new Expr[] { fxs });

            /* create & assert quantifier */
            BoolExpr q = ctx.MkForall(
                types, /* types of quantified variables */
                names, /* names of quantified variables */
                new Pattern[] { p } /* patterns */);

            return q;
Esempio n. 11
        /// <summary> 
        /// Computes an interpolant.
        /// </summary>    
        /// <remarks>For more information on interpolation please refer
        /// too the function Z3_get_interpolant in the C/C++ API, which is 
        /// well documented.</remarks>
        public BoolExpr[] GetInterpolant(Expr pf, Expr pat, Params p)
            Contract.Requires(pf != null);
            Contract.Requires(pat != null);
            Contract.Requires(p != null);
            Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<Expr>() != null);


            ASTVector seq = new ASTVector(this, Native.Z3_get_interpolant(nCtx, pf.NativeObject, pat.NativeObject, p.NativeObject));
            return seq.ToBoolExprArray();
Esempio n. 12
        /// <summary> 
        /// Computes an interpolant.
        /// </summary>    
        /// <remarks>For more information on interpolation please refer
        /// too the function Z3_compute_interpolant in the C/C++ API, which is 
        /// well documented.</remarks>
        public Z3_lbool ComputeInterpolant(Expr pat, Params p, out BoolExpr[] interp, out Model model)
            Contract.Requires(pat != null);
            Contract.Requires(p != null);
            Contract.Ensures(Contract.ValueAtReturn(out interp) != null);
            Contract.Ensures(Contract.ValueAtReturn(out model) != null);


            IntPtr i = IntPtr.Zero, m = IntPtr.Zero;
            int r = Native.Z3_compute_interpolant(nCtx, pat.NativeObject, p.NativeObject, ref i, ref m);
            interp = new ASTVector(this, i).ToBoolExprArray();
            model = new Model(this, m);
            return (Z3_lbool)r;
Esempio n. 13
 /// <summary> 
 /// Checks the correctness of an interpolant.
 /// </summary>    
 /// <remarks>For more information on interpolation please refer
 /// too the function Z3_check_interpolant in the C/C++ API, which is 
 /// well documented.</remarks>
 public int CheckInterpolant(Expr[] cnsts, uint[] parents, BoolExpr[] interps, out string error, Expr[] theory)
     Contract.Requires(cnsts.Length == parents.Length);
     Contract.Requires(cnsts.Length == interps.Length + 1);
     IntPtr n_err_str;
     int r = Native.Z3_check_interpolant(nCtx,
                                         out n_err_str,
     error = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(n_err_str);
     return r;
        internal Quantifier(Context ctx, bool isForall, Sort[] sorts, Symbol[] names, Expr body,
            uint weight = 1, Pattern[] patterns = null, Expr[] noPatterns = null,
            Symbol quantifierID = null, Symbol skolemID = null
            : base(ctx)
            Contract.Requires(ctx != null);
            Contract.Requires(sorts != null);
            Contract.Requires(names != null);
            Contract.Requires(body != null);
            Contract.Requires(sorts.Length == names.Length);
            Contract.Requires(Contract.ForAll(sorts, s => s != null));
            Contract.Requires(Contract.ForAll(names, n => n != null));
            Contract.Requires(patterns == null || Contract.ForAll(patterns, p => p != null));
            Contract.Requires(noPatterns == null || Contract.ForAll(noPatterns, np => np != null));


            if (sorts.Length != names.Length)
                throw new Z3Exception("Number of sorts does not match number of names");

            IntPtr[] _patterns = AST.ArrayToNative(patterns);

            if (noPatterns == null && quantifierID == null && skolemID == null)
                NativeObject = Native.Z3_mk_quantifier(ctx.nCtx, (isForall) ? 1 : 0, weight,
                                           AST.ArrayLength(patterns),  AST.ArrayToNative(patterns),
                                           AST.ArrayLength(sorts), AST.ArrayToNative(sorts),
                NativeObject = Native.Z3_mk_quantifier_ex(ctx.nCtx, (isForall) ? 1 : 0, weight,
                                  AST.GetNativeObject(quantifierID), AST.GetNativeObject(skolemID),
                                  AST.ArrayLength(patterns), AST.ArrayToNative(patterns),
                                  AST.ArrayLength(noPatterns), AST.ArrayToNative(noPatterns),
                                  AST.ArrayLength(sorts), AST.ArrayToNative(sorts),
        /// <summary> 
        /// Computes an interpolant.
        /// </summary>    
        /// <remarks>For more information on interpolation please refer
        /// too the function Z3_get_interpolant in the C/C++ API, which is 
        /// well documented.</remarks>
        Expr[] GetInterpolant(Expr pf, Expr pat, Params p)
            Contract.Requires(pf != null);
            Contract.Requires(pat != null);
            Contract.Requires(p != null);
            Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<Expr>() != null);


            ASTVector seq = new ASTVector(this, Native.Z3_get_interpolant(nCtx, pf.NativeObject, pat.NativeObject, p.NativeObject));
            uint n = seq.Size;
            Expr[] res = new Expr[n];
            for (uint i = 0; i < n; i++)
                res[i] = Expr.Create(this, seq[i].NativeObject);
            return res;
Esempio n. 16
        internal RankedAlphabet(
            TreeTheory tt,
            string[] symbols,
            Dictionary<string, int> idMap,
            Sort alphabetSort,
            Sort nodeSort,
            int[] ranks,
            FuncDecl[] constructors,
            FuncDecl[][] accessors,
            FuncDecl[] testers,
            FuncDecl acceptor,
            Expr[] vars
   = tt;
            this.symbols = new List<string>(symbols).AsReadOnly();
            this.idMap = idMap;
            this.alphabetSort = alphabetSort;
            this.nodeSort = nodeSort;
            this.ranks = ranks;
            this.constructors = constructors;
            this.accessors = accessors;
            this.testers = testers;
            this.acceptor = acceptor;
            this.vars = vars;
            this.trans = tt.GetTrans(alphabetSort, alphabetSort);
            this.emptyAcceptor = TreeTransducer.MkEmpty(this);
            this.fullAcceptor = TreeTransducer.MkFull(this);
            this.idAut = TreeTransducer.MkId(this);

            this.symbolsOfRank = new Dictionary<int, List<FuncDecl>>();
            for (int i = 0; i < ranks.Length; i++)
                var r = ranks[i];
                if (!symbolsOfRank.ContainsKey(r))
                    symbolsOfRank[r] = new List<FuncDecl>();

            var attrDomain = tt.Z.MkFreshFuncDecl("_", new Sort[] { nodeSort }, tt.Z.BoolSort);
            this.attrExpr = tt.Z.MkApp(attrDomain, vars[0]);
            tt.Z.AssertAxiom(this.attrExpr, tt.Z.True, vars[0]);
Esempio n. 17
 public uint GetNumeralUInt(Expr t)
     var ts = t.Sort;
     if (t is IntNum)
         return ((IntNum)t).UInt;
     if (t is BitVecNum)
         return ((BitVecNum)t).UInt;
     //avoiding z3 bug: (GetSort(t) is TupleSort) == false even when t is a tuple
     if ((t.Sort.Name.ToString().StartsWith("$")) && (GetTupleLength(t.Sort) == 1))
         var v = t.Args[0];
         if (v is IntNum)
             return ((IntNum)v).UInt;
         if (v is BitVecNum)
             return ((BitVecNum)v).UInt;
         throw new Exception();
     throw new Exception();
Esempio n. 18
 public UnrankedTreeInfo(Sort treeListSort, FuncDecl getNodeValue, FuncDecl getSubtrees, FuncDecl mkNode,
     FuncDecl mkLeaf, FuncDecl getLeafValue, FuncDecl isNode, FuncDecl isLeaf,
     Expr empty, FuncDecl first, FuncDecl rest,
     FuncDecl cons, FuncDecl isEmpty, FuncDecl isCons)
     this.TreeListSort = treeListSort;
     this.GetNodeLabel = getNodeValue;
     this.GetNodeSubtrees = getSubtrees;
     this.MkNode = mkNode;
     this.EmptyTreeList = empty;
     this.GetFirst = first;
     this.GetRest = rest;
     this.MkCons = cons;
     this.IsEmpty = isEmpty;
     this.IsCons = isCons;
     this.MkLeaf = mkLeaf;
     this.GetLeafValue = getLeafValue;
     this.IsNode = isNode;
     this.IsLeaf = isLeaf;
 public Const(ConstDef def, FastTransducerInstance fti, Z3Provider z3p)
     this.z3p = z3p; =;
     switch (def.sort.kind)
         case (FastSortKind.Real):
                 sort = z3p.RealSort;
         case (FastSortKind.Bool):
                 sort = z3p.BoolSort;
         case (FastSortKind.Int):
                 sort = z3p.IntSort;
         case (FastSortKind.String):
                 sort = z3p.MkListSort(z3p.CharSort);
         case (FastSortKind.Tree):
                 foreach (var enumSort in fti.enums)
                     if ( ==
                         sort = enumSort.sort;
     this.value = GenerateZ3ExprFromExpr(def.expr, fti).Simplify();
        internal override Automaton<Expr> getAutomata(Z3Provider z3p, List<string> variables, Expr universe, Expr var, Sort sort)
            //var bit1 = z3p.Z3.MkInt2Bv(1,
            //        z3p.MkInt(1));
            var bit1 = z3p.Z3.MkInt2BV(BVConst.BVSIZE, (IntExpr)z3p.MkInt(1));

            //Sort for pairs (input theory, BV)
            var bv = z3p.Z3.MkBitVecSort(BVConst.BVSIZE);
            var pairSort = z3p.MkTupleSort(sort, bv);

            //Add the representation of the existential variable to the list of variables
            var newVariables = variables.ToArray().ToList();
            newVariables.Insert(0, variable);

            //Compute the DFA for the formula phi
            var phiDfa = phi.getAutomata(z3p, newVariables, universe, var, sort);

            //Compute the new moves by dropping the last bit of every element in the phiMoves
            var newMoves = Automaton<Expr>.Empty.GetMoves().ToList();
            foreach (var oldMove in phiDfa.GetMoves())
                var oldCond = oldMove.Label;                               

                var t = z3p.MkProj(1,var);
                //Compute the new conditions
                var newCond0 = z3p.ApplySubstitution(oldCond, t,
                        z3p.Z3.MkBVSHL((BitVecExpr)t, (BitVecExpr)bit1));
                var newCond1 = z3p.ApplySubstitution(oldCond, t, 
                        z3p.Z3.MkBVSHL((BitVecExpr)t, (BitVecExpr)bit1),
                //Update the new set of moves
                newMoves.Add(new Move<Expr>(oldMove.SourceState, oldMove.TargetState, z3p.MkOr(z3p.Simplify(newCond0),z3p.Simplify(newCond1))));

            //Build the new dfa with the new moves
            return Automaton<Expr>.Create(phiDfa.InitialState, phiDfa.GetFinalStates(), newMoves);
                //.Determinize(z3p).MinimizeClassical(z3p, int.MaxValue,false);            
Esempio n. 21
        /// <summary>
        /// The finite set of distinct values that represent the interpretation for sort <paramref name="s"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <seealso cref="Sorts"/>
        /// <param name="s">An uninterpreted sort</param>
        /// <returns>An array of expressions, where each is an element of the universe of <paramref name="s"/></returns>
        public Expr[] SortUniverse(Sort s)
            Contract.Requires(s != null);
            Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<Expr[]>() != null);

            ASTVector nUniv = new ASTVector(Context, Native.Z3_model_get_sort_universe(Context.nCtx, NativeObject, s.NativeObject));
            uint n = nUniv.Size;
            Expr[] res = new Expr[n];
            for (uint i = 0; i < n; i++)
                res[i] = Expr.Create(Context, nUniv[i].NativeObject);
            return res;
Esempio n. 22
        /// <summary>
        /// Alias for <c>Eval</c>.
        /// </summary>        
        public Expr Evaluate(Expr t, bool completion = false)
            Contract.Requires(t != null);
            Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<Expr>() != null);

            return Eval(t, completion);
Esempio n. 23
        /// <summary>
        /// Evaluates the expression <paramref name="t"/> in the current model.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This function may fail if <paramref name="t"/> contains quantifiers, 
        /// is partial (MODEL_PARTIAL enabled), or if <paramref name="t"/> is not well-sorted.
        /// In this case a <c>ModelEvaluationFailedException</c> is thrown.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="t">An expression</param>
        /// <param name="completion">
        /// When this flag is enabled, a model value will be assigned to any constant 
        /// or function that does not have an interpretation in the model.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>The evaluation of <paramref name="t"/> in the model.</returns>        
        public Expr Eval(Expr t, bool completion = false)
            Contract.Requires(t != null);
            Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<Expr>() != null);

            IntPtr v = IntPtr.Zero;
            if (Native.Z3_model_eval(Context.nCtx, NativeObject, t.NativeObject, (completion) ? 1 : 0, ref v) == 0)
                throw new ModelEvaluationFailedException();
                return Expr.Create(Context, v);
Esempio n. 24
        /// <summary>
        /// Array update.       
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// The node <c>a</c> must have an array sort <c>[domain -> range]</c>, 
        /// <c>i</c> must have sort <c>domain</c>,
        /// <c>v</c> must have sort range. The sort of the result is <c>[domain -> range]</c>.
        /// The semantics of this function is given by the theory of arrays described in the SMT-LIB
        /// standard. See for more details.
        /// The result of this function is an array that is equal to <c>a</c> 
        /// (with respect to <c>select</c>)
        /// on all indices except for <c>i</c>, where it maps to <c>v</c> 
        /// (and the <c>select</c> of <c>a</c> with 
        /// respect to <c>i</c> may be a different value).
        /// <seealso cref="MkArraySort"/>
        /// <seealso cref="MkSelect"/>
        /// </remarks>
        public ArrayExpr MkStore(ArrayExpr a, Expr i, Expr v)
            Contract.Requires(a != null);
            Contract.Requires(i != null);
            Contract.Requires(v != null);
            Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<ArrayExpr>() != null);

            return new ArrayExpr(this, Native.Z3_mk_store(nCtx, a.NativeObject, i.NativeObject, v.NativeObject));
Esempio n. 25
        /// <summary>
        /// Check for subsetness of sets.
        /// </summary>
        public Expr MkSetSubset(Expr arg1, Expr arg2)
            Contract.Requires(arg1 != null);
            Contract.Requires(arg2 != null);
            Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<Expr>() != null);

            return Expr.Create(this, Native.Z3_mk_set_subset(nCtx, arg1.NativeObject, arg2.NativeObject));
Esempio n. 26
        /// <summary>
        /// Check for set membership.
        /// </summary>
        public Expr MkSetMembership(Expr elem, Expr set)
            Contract.Requires(elem != null);
            Contract.Requires(set != null);
            Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<Expr>() != null);

            return Expr.Create(this, Native.Z3_mk_set_member(nCtx, elem.NativeObject, set.NativeObject));
Esempio n. 27
        /// <summary>
        /// Remove an element from a set.
        /// </summary>
        public Expr MkSetDel(Expr set, Expr element)
            Contract.Requires(set != null);
            Contract.Requires(element != null);
            Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<Expr>() != null);

            return Expr.Create(this, Native.Z3_mk_set_del(nCtx, set.NativeObject, element.NativeObject));
Esempio n. 28
        /// <summary>
        /// Take the complement of a set.
        /// </summary>
        public Expr MkSetComplement(Expr arg)
            Contract.Requires(arg != null);
            Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<Expr>() != null);

            return Expr.Create(this, Native.Z3_mk_set_complement(nCtx, arg.NativeObject));
Esempio n. 29
        /// <summary>
        /// Array read.       
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// The argument <c>a</c> is the array and <c>i</c> is the index 
        /// of the array that gets read.      
        /// The node <c>a</c> must have an array sort <c>[domain -> range]</c>, 
        /// and <c>i</c> must have the sort <c>domain</c>.
        /// The sort of the result is <c>range</c>.
        /// <seealso cref="MkArraySort"/>
        /// <seealso cref="MkStore"/>
        /// </remarks>
        public Expr MkSelect(ArrayExpr a, Expr i)
            Contract.Requires(a != null);
            Contract.Requires(i != null);
            Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<Expr>() != null);

            return Expr.Create(this, Native.Z3_mk_select(nCtx, a.NativeObject, i.NativeObject));
Esempio n. 30
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a Quantifier.
        /// </summary>
        public Quantifier MkQuantifier(bool universal, Expr[] boundConstants, Expr body, uint weight = 1, Pattern[] patterns = null, Expr[] noPatterns = null, Symbol quantifierID = null, Symbol skolemID = null)
            Contract.Requires(body != null);
            Contract.Requires(boundConstants == null || Contract.ForAll(boundConstants, n => n != null));
            Contract.Requires(patterns == null || Contract.ForAll(patterns, p => p != null));
            Contract.Requires(noPatterns == null || Contract.ForAll(noPatterns, np => np != null));

            Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<Quantifier>() != null);

            if (universal)
                return MkForall(boundConstants, body, weight, patterns, noPatterns, quantifierID, skolemID);
                return MkExists(boundConstants, body, weight, patterns, noPatterns, quantifierID, skolemID);