Esempio n. 1
        void ResetLayoutDefinitionVisibility()
            LayoutDefinition mostRecentlyActiveLayout = null;

            foreach (var layoutDef in this.EditableLayoutDefinitions)
                bool isVisible = layoutDef.DocumentFactoryName == null || StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase.Equals(layoutDef.DocumentFactoryName, this.SelectedDocumentCategory.DocumentFactoryName);

                ViewLayoutEditor.SetIsLayoutVisible(layoutDef, isVisible);
                if (isVisible)
                    if (mostRecentlyActiveLayout == null || mostRecentlyActiveLayout.ActivationIndex < layoutDef.ActivationIndex)
                        mostRecentlyActiveLayout = layoutDef;

            if ((mostRecentlyActiveLayout == null) && (this.tabControl != null))
                this.tabControl.SelectedIndex = -1;
            else if (this.tabControl != null)
                this.tabControl.SelectedItem = mostRecentlyActiveLayout;

            foreach (var category in this.DocumentCategories)
                SetIsCategorySelected(category, category == this.SelectedDocumentCategory);
Esempio n. 2
 public ViewSource(LayoutDefinition parent, int id, string slotName, IViewCreationCommand creator)
     this.Parent      = parent;
     this.Id          = id;
     this.SlotName    = slotName;
     this.ViewCreator = creator;
     this.Title       = this.ViewCreator.DisplayName;
 public ViewSource(LayoutDefinition parent, int id, string slotName, IViewCreationCommand creator)
     this.Parent = parent;
     this.Id = id;
     this.SlotName = slotName;
     this.ViewCreator = creator;
     this.Title = this.ViewCreator.DisplayName;
        static void OnHeaderChanged(DependencyObject obj, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
            LayoutDefinition layoutDef = obj as LayoutDefinition;

            if (layoutDef != null)
                var handler = layoutDef.HeaderChanged;
                if (handler != null)
                    handler(layoutDef, EventArgs.Empty);
Esempio n. 5
        void AddPlaceholder(string documentFactoryName)
            var layoutDef = new LayoutDefinition
                Header = "",
                Id     = Guid.NewGuid(),
                DocumentFactoryName = documentFactoryName,
                IsNewPlaceholder    = true

            layoutDef.PlaceholderModified += OnPlaceholderModified;
            InsertLayoutDefinition(this.EditableLayoutDefinitions, layoutDef);
Esempio n. 6
        internal void LoadWindowState(ToolsUIWindow mainWindow)
            this.mainWindow = mainWindow;

                var defaultStateText         = GetDefaultWindowStateResourceText();
                var stateDoc                 = XElement.Parse(defaultStateText);
                var layoutDefinitionsElement = stateDoc.Element("LayoutDefinitions");

                this.defaultLayoutDefinitions = layoutDefinitionsElement.Elements("LayoutDefinition")
                                                .Select(e => LayoutDefinition.LoadFromState(e, this.viewCreators))
            catch (Exception)
                this.defaultLayoutDefinitions = new List <LayoutDefinition>();

        public static LayoutDefinition LoadFromState(XElement state, IDictionary <string, IViewCreationCommand> viewCreators)
            var page = new LayoutDefinition();

            page.Header = state.Attribute("Name").Value;
            page.ReadState(state, viewCreators);

            var docKindAttr = state.Attribute("DocumentFactoryName");

            if (docKindAttr != null)
                page.DocumentFactoryName = docKindAttr.Value;

            var idAttr = state.Attribute("Id");

            if (idAttr != null)
                page.Id = Guid.Parse(idAttr.Value);

        public static LayoutDefinition LoadFromState(XElement state, IDictionary<string, IViewCreationCommand> viewCreators)
            var page = new LayoutDefinition();

            page.Header = state.Attribute("Name").Value;
            page.ReadState(state, viewCreators);

            var docKindAttr = state.Attribute("DocumentFactoryName");

            if (docKindAttr != null)
                page.DocumentFactoryName = docKindAttr.Value;

            var idAttr = state.Attribute("Id");

            if (idAttr != null)
                page.Id = Guid.Parse(idAttr.Value);

            return page;
        void AddPlaceholder(string documentFactoryName)
            var layoutDef = new LayoutDefinition
                Header = "",
                Id = Guid.NewGuid(),
                DocumentFactoryName = documentFactoryName,
                IsNewPlaceholder = true

            layoutDef.PlaceholderModified += OnPlaceholderModified;
            InsertLayoutDefinition(this.EditableLayoutDefinitions, layoutDef);
 void InsertLayoutDefinition(ObservableCollection<LayoutDefinition> list, LayoutDefinition layoutDef)
     list.Insert(FindInsertIndexForDocumentFactory(list, layoutDef.DocumentFactoryName), layoutDef);
Esempio n. 11
 void InsertLayoutDefinition(ObservableCollection <LayoutDefinition> list, LayoutDefinition layoutDef)
     list.Insert(FindInsertIndexForDocumentFactory(list, layoutDef.DocumentFactoryName), layoutDef);
Esempio n. 12
        void TryLoadWindowState()
            if (!File.Exists(this.windowStateFileName))
                // Load nothing.

            XElement   windowStateRoot = XElement.Load(this.windowStateFileName);
            XAttribute versionAttr     = windowStateRoot.Attribute("Version");
            XElement   mainWindowState = windowStateRoot.Element("MainWindow");
            XElement   layoutState     = windowStateRoot.Element("LayoutDefinitions");
            int        version;

            if (versionAttr == null || !int.TryParse(versionAttr.Value, out version) || version != WindowStateVersion)
                throw new VersionMismatchException();

            var bumpedDocumentFactories = new HashSet <string>();
            var defaultLayoutVersions   = windowStateRoot.Element("DefaultLayoutVersions");

            if (defaultLayoutVersions != null)
                foreach (var layoutVersion in defaultLayoutVersions.Elements("DefaultLayoutVersion"))
                    var factory = this.ExtensionManager.LookupDocumentFactory(layoutVersion.Attribute("DocumentFactoryName").Value);

                    if (int.Parse(layoutVersion.Attribute("Version").Value) < factory.DefaultLayoutVersion)

            // Don't call clear here, instead remove one at a time.  Reason:  Calling Clear()
            // sends a "Reset" event, and the layout handling code in ToolsUIWindow gets mad at that.
            // Usually doesn't matter (at startup), but this also gets called as part of "Revert
            // to Default Window State".
            while (this.LayoutDefinitions.Count > 0)

            var usedIds          = new HashSet <Guid>();
            var loadedLayoutDefs = new Dictionary <string, List <LayoutDefinition> >();

            foreach (var layoutDefElement in layoutState.Elements("LayoutDefinition"))
                var layoutDef = LayoutDefinition.LoadFromState(layoutDefElement, this.viewCreators);

                if (layoutDef.Id.Equals(Guid.Empty))
                    // Could be from a state format before layouts had ID's.  Match the name and document affinity to the
                    // default set, and if found, assume its ID.  Failing that, give it a fresh one.
                    var defaultLayoutDef = this.defaultLayoutDefinitions.FirstOrDefault(ld => ld.Header == layoutDef.Header && ld.DocumentFactoryName == layoutDef.DocumentFactoryName);

                    if (defaultLayoutDef != null && !usedIds.Contains(defaultLayoutDef.Id))
                        layoutDef.Id = defaultLayoutDef.Id;
                        layoutDef.Id = Guid.NewGuid();

                // We only do this to guard against users having same-named layouts (affinitized with the same document factory).  We
                // trust that Guid.NewGuid actually creates unique values...

                if (layoutDef.DocumentFactoryName == null)
                    // This is a "global" (any-document) layout, so we can add it now.
                    List <LayoutDefinition> list;

                    // Stage this for validation against layout version
                    if (!loadedLayoutDefs.TryGetValue(layoutDef.DocumentFactoryName, out list))
                        list = new List <LayoutDefinition>();
                        loadedLayoutDefs.Add(layoutDef.DocumentFactoryName, list);


            foreach (var kvp in loadedLayoutDefs)
                if (bumpedDocumentFactories.Contains(kvp.Key))
                    var oldSet = kvp.Value.ToDictionary(ld => ld.Id);

                    // These need to be updated/upgraded. We do that giving preference to the defaults by loading them first,
                    // but keep their names in case the user has changed them.  Then add the remaining loaded layouts.
                    foreach (var layout in this.defaultLayoutDefinitions.Where(ld => ld.DocumentFactoryName == kvp.Key))
                        LayoutDefinition existingLayout;

                        if (oldSet.TryGetValue(layout.Id, out existingLayout))
                            layout.Header = existingLayout.Header;

                        // Mark this layout as having been reverted to default.  This prevents the per-instance state data
                        // from being loaded, which would likely fail due to structure mismatch with the definition.
                        layout.RevertedToDefault = true;

                    // Get the rest -- don't just iterate over the dictionary, use the list instead to
                    // preserve order (as much as possible).  Note that these are not reverted to default, as
                    // they do not have one.
                    foreach (var remainingLayout in kvp.Value.Where(ld => oldSet.ContainsKey(ld.Id)))
                    // These are good to go
                    foreach (var layout in kvp.Value)

            if (mainWindowState != null)

            var windowElements = windowStateRoot.Elements("Window");

            if (windowElements.Any())
                if (this.mainWindow.IsLoaded)
                    RoutedEventHandler handler = null;

                    handler = (s, e) =>
                        this.mainWindow.Loaded -= handler;
                    this.mainWindow.Loaded += handler;
Esempio n. 13
        public LayoutInstance(IServiceProvider serviceProvider, IActivationSite parentSite, LayoutDefinition layoutDefinition, bool isInEditMode)
            this.LayoutDefinition = layoutDefinition;
            this.LayoutDefinition.SlotDefinition.Changed        += OnRootSlotChanged;
            this.LayoutDefinition.ViewSources.CollectionChanged += OnLayoutDefinitionViewSourcesChanged;
            this.ParentSite   = parentSite;
            this.IsInEditMode = isInEditMode;

            this.serviceContainer = new ServiceContainer(serviceProvider);
            this.serviceContainer.AddService(typeof(IViewBindingService), this);

            this.ServiceProvider = serviceContainer;

            this.LayoutControl = new LayoutControl(this);
            this.LayoutControl.SlotDefinition = isInEditMode ? this.LayoutDefinition.SlotDefinition : this.LayoutDefinition.SlotDefinition.Clone();

            this.singleViewContentTemplate = this.LayoutControl.FindResource(isInEditMode ? "EditModeSingleViewContentTemplate" : "SingleViewContentTemplate") as DataTemplate;
            this.tabbedViewContentTemplate = this.LayoutControl.FindResource(isInEditMode ? "EditModeTabbedViewContentTemplate" : "TabbedViewContentTemplate") as DataTemplate;

            this.ourWindow = serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(ToolsUIWindow)) as ToolsUIWindow;

            object stateObject;

            // We do this trick (storing our activation state in our window per layout definition) so that
            // the layout editor can create an instance that matches the "real" layout states.
            if (!this.ourWindow.StateTable.TryGetValue(this.LayoutDefinition, out stateObject))
                stateObject = new LayoutInstanceState();
                this.ourWindow.StateTable[this.LayoutDefinition] = stateObject;

            this.state = (LayoutInstanceState)stateObject;

Esempio n. 14
        public void ReadState(XElement element)
            if (this.LayoutDefinition.RevertedToDefault)
                // This layout was reverted to default at startup, so ignore the saved instance state (it probably doesn't map).

            var activationIndexAttr = element.Attribute("ActivationIndex");

            if (activationIndexAttr != null)
                int index;

                if (int.TryParse(activationIndexAttr.Value, NumberStyles.Integer, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out index))
                    this.ActivationIndex = index;
                    nextActivationIndex  = Math.Max(index + 1, nextActivationIndex);

            var slotElement = element.Element("Slot");

            if (slotElement != null)
                this.LayoutControl.SlotDefinition = LayoutDefinition.LoadSlotFromState(element.Element("Slot"));

                    var viewElementTable = element.Elements("View").ToDictionary(e => int.Parse(e.Attribute("Id").Value));

                    foreach (var site in this.existingSlotContents.Values.SelectMany(sc => sc.ViewSites))
                        XElement viewElement;

                        if (viewElementTable.TryGetValue(site.ViewSource.Id, out viewElement))
                            Debug.Assert(viewElement.Attribute("RegisteredName").Value == site.View.ViewCreationCommand.RegisteredName);
                            Debug.Assert(viewElement.Attribute("SlotName").Value == site.ViewSource.SlotName);

                            var titleAttr = viewElement.Attribute("Title");

                            if (titleAttr != null)
                                site.ViewSource.Title = titleAttr.Value;

                            var viewStateElement = viewElement.Element("ViewState");

                            if (viewStateElement != null && viewStateElement.Elements().Any())

                            if (viewElement.Attribute("IsSelected") != null)
                                var slotContent = site.FindParentSite <SlotContent>();
                                if (slotContent != null)
                                    slotContent.TopmostViewSite = site;
                catch (Exception)
                    // Ignore
Esempio n. 15
 public void WriteState(XElement element)
     element.Add(new XAttribute("ActivationIndex", this.ActivationIndex));
     element.Add(this.existingSlotContents.Values.SelectMany(s => BuildViewStateElements(s)));