private bool ValidateParameters(string operation, JObject expected, JObject actual)
            Log(string.Format("Called {0}, now validating parameters", operation));
            List <string> errors = new List <string>();

            if (!Utilities.CompareJson(expected, actual, errors))
                foreach (var error in errors)

                Log("Parameters passing for the {0} operation failed", operation);
                Log("Expected: {0}", expected);
                Log("Actual: {0}", actual);
                Log("Parameters passing for the {0} operation succeeded", operation);
        private async Task CreateUntypedUpdateTest <TExpectedException>(
            string testName, string itemToInsertJson, string itemToUpdateJson, bool setUpdatedId = true, bool useStringIdTable = false)
            where TExpectedException : Exception
            Log("### Executing {0}.", testName);

            var itemToInsert = JObject.Parse(itemToInsertJson);
            var itemToUpdate = JObject.Parse(itemToUpdateJson);


            var client = GetClient();
            var table  = client.GetTable(useStringIdTable ? "RoundTripTable" : "IntIdRoundTripTable");

                var inserted = await table.InsertAsync(itemToInsert);

                object id = useStringIdTable ?
                            (object)(string)inserted["id"] :

                Log("Inserted item with id {0}", id);

                if (setUpdatedId)
                    itemToUpdate["id"] = new JValue(id);

                var expectedItem = JObject.Parse(itemToUpdate.ToString());

                var updated = await table.UpdateAsync(itemToUpdate);

                Log("Updated item; now retrieving it to compare with the expected value");

                var retrievedItem = await table.LookupAsync(id);

                Log("Retrieved item");

                List <string> errors = new List <string>();
                if (!Utilities.CompareJson(expectedItem, retrievedItem, errors))
                    foreach (var error in errors)

                    Assert.Fail("Error, retrieved item is different than the expected value. Expected: " + expectedItem + "; actual:" + retrievedItem);

                // cleanup
                await table.DeleteAsync(new JObject(new JProperty("id", id)));

                if (typeof(TExpectedException) != typeof(ExceptionTypeWhichWillNeverBeThrown))
                    Assert.Fail("Error, test should have failed with " + typeof(TExpectedException).FullName + " but succeeded.");
            catch (TExpectedException ex)
                Log("Caught expected exception - {0}: {1}", ex.GetType().FullName, ex.Message);