public async Task InvokeCustomAPIGetWithODataParams()
            TestHttpHandler hijack = new TestHttpHandler();

            MobileServiceClient service = new MobileServiceClient("", "secret...", hijack);

            var myParams = new Dictionary <string, string>()
                { "$select", "one,two" }, { "$take", "1" }
            IntType expected = await service.InvokeApiAsync <IntType>("calculator/add", HttpMethod.Get, myParams);

            Assert.Contains(hijack.Request.RequestUri.Query, "?%24select=one%2Ctwo&%24take=1");
        public async Task InvokeGenericCustomAPIWithNullResponse_Success()
            TestHttpHandler hijack = new TestHttpHandler();

            hijack.Response         = new HttpResponseMessage(System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK);
            hijack.Response.Content = null;

            MobileServiceClient   service = new MobileServiceClient(MobileAppUriValidator.DummyMobileApp, hijack);
            MobileAppUriValidator mobileAppUriValidator = new MobileAppUriValidator(service);

            IntType expected = await service.InvokeApiAsync <IntType>("testapi");

            Assert.AreEqual(hijack.Request.RequestUri.LocalPath, mobileAppUriValidator.GetApiUriPath("testapi"));
            Assert.AreEqual(expected, null);
        public async Task InvokeCustomAPIGetWithParams()
            TestHttpHandler hijack = new TestHttpHandler();

            MobileServiceClient service = new MobileServiceClient(MobileAppUriValidator.DummyMobileApp, hijack);

            var myParams = new Dictionary <string, string>()
                { "a", "1" }, { "b", "2" }
            IntType expected = await service.InvokeApiAsync <IntType>("calculator/add", HttpMethod.Get, myParams);

            Assert.Contains(hijack.Request.RequestUri.Query, "?a=1&b=2");
        public async Task InvokeCustomAPIPostWithBody()
            TestHttpHandler hijack = new TestHttpHandler();

            MobileServiceClient service = new MobileServiceClient("", "secret...", hijack);

            var myParams = new Dictionary <string, string>()
                { "a", "1" }, { "b", "2" }
            var     body     = "{\"test\" : \"one\"}";
            IntType expected = await service.InvokeApiAsync <string, IntType>("calculator/add", body, HttpMethod.Post, myParams);

            Assert.Contains(hijack.Request.RequestUri.Query, "?a=1&b=2");
        public void IntDeserializationNegative()
            List<Tuple<string, string>> testCases = new List<Tuple<string, string>>() {
                new Tuple<string, string>("{\"id\":2147483648}", "Error converting value 2147483648 to type 'System.Int32'. Path 'id', line 1, position 16."),
                new Tuple<string, string>("{\"id\":-2147483649}", "Error converting value -2147483649 to type 'System.Int32'. Path 'id', line 1, position 17."),

            foreach (var testCase in testCases)
                var input = testCase.Item1;
                var expected = testCase.Item2;

                IntType actual = new IntType();
                Exception actualError = null;
                    // Need to ensure that the type is registered as a table to force the id property check

                    DefaultSerializer.Deserialize(input, actual);
                catch (Exception e)
                    actualError = e;

                Assert.AreEqual(actualError.Message, expected);
        public void IntDeserialization()
            List<Tuple<IntType, string>> testCases = new List<Tuple<IntType, string>>() {
                new Tuple<IntType, string>(new IntType() { Id = 0 }, "{}"),
                new Tuple<IntType, string>(new IntType() { Id = 0 }, "{\"id\":null}"),
                new Tuple<IntType, string>(new IntType() { Id = 0 }, "{\"id\":0}"),
                new Tuple<IntType, string>(new IntType() { Id = 0 }, "{\"id\":false}"),
                new Tuple<IntType, string>(new IntType() { Id = 1 }, "{\"id\":true}"),
                new Tuple<IntType, string>(new IntType() { Id = -1 }, "{\"id\":-1}"),
                new Tuple<IntType, string>(new IntType() { Id = 1 }, "{\"id\":1}"),
                new Tuple<IntType, string>(new IntType() { Id = int.MaxValue }, "{\"id\":2147483647}"),
                new Tuple<IntType, string>(new IntType() { Id = int.MinValue }, "{\"id\":-2147483648}")

            // Need to ensure that the type is registered as a table to force the id property check

            foreach (var testCase in testCases)
                var input = JToken.Parse(testCase.Item2);
                var expected = testCase.Item1;

                IntType actual = new IntType();
                DefaultSerializer.Deserialize(input, actual);

                Assert.AreEqual(actual.Id, expected.Id);

                JArray json = JToken.Parse("[" + testCase.Item2 + "]") as JArray;
                actual = DefaultSerializer.Deserialize<IntType>(json).FirstOrDefault();

                Assert.AreEqual(actual.Id, expected.Id);

                actual = (IntType)DefaultSerializer.Deserialize<IntType>(input);

                Assert.AreEqual(actual.Id, expected.Id);