private void AttachDebuggerIfNeeded(IRunContext runContext, Internal.VisualStudio ide, TestProperties vars) {
            var config = runContext.RunConfig.TestRun.RunConfiguration;
            if (!config.IsExecutedUnderDebugger || ide == null) {

            // If we're debugging, tell our host VS to attach to the new VS
            // instance we just started.
            string strValue;
            bool boolValue;
            bool mixedMode = vars.TryGetValue(VSTestProperties.VSDebugMixedMode.Key, out strValue) &&
                bool.TryParse(strValue, out boolValue) &&
            TesterDebugAttacherShared.AttachDebugger(ide.ProcessId, mixedMode);
        /// <summary>
        /// Implements initialization. This is called by ITestAdapter.Initialize
        /// (a synchronous function) which will block until this function is
        /// completed.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="runContext">
        /// The context for the current test run.
        /// </param>
        private async Task InitializeWorker(
            TestProperties vars,
            IRunContext runContext,
            ITestElement currentTest = null
        ) {
            string application, executable, versionString, hive;
            Version version;
            string launchTimeoutInSecondsString;
            int launchTimeoutInSeconds;

            // VSApplication is the registry key name like 'VisualStudio'
            application = vars[VSTestProperties.VSApplication.Key] ?? VSTestProperties.VSApplication.VisualStudio;
            // VSExecutableName is the executable name like 'devenv'
            if (!vars.TryGetValue(VSTestProperties.VSExecutable.Key, out executable)) {
                executable = VSTestProperties.VSExecutable.DevEnv;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(executable) &&
                string.IsNullOrEmpty(Path.GetExtension(executable))) {
                executable = Path.ChangeExtension(executable, ".exe");

            // VSVersion is the version like '12.0'
            if (!vars.TryGetValue(VSTestProperties.VSVersion.Key, out versionString) ||
                !Version.TryParse(versionString, out version)) {
                version = new Version(int.Parse(AssemblyVersionInfo.VSVersion), 0);

            // VSHive is the optional hive like 'Exp'
            hive = vars[VSTestProperties.VSHive.Key];

            if (!vars.TryGetValue(VSTestProperties.VSLaunchTimeoutInSeconds.Key, out launchTimeoutInSecondsString) ||
                !int.TryParse(launchTimeoutInSecondsString, out launchTimeoutInSeconds)) {
                launchTimeoutInSeconds = 30;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(application) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(executable) || version == null) {
                throw new ArgumentException(string.Format(
                    application ?? "(null)",
                    executable ?? "(null)",
                    version != null ? version.ToString() : "(null)",
                    hive ?? "(default)"

            _mockVs = (application == VSTestProperties.VSApplication.Mock);
            if (_mockVs) {
                _remote = new TesteeTestAdapter();
                // In the mock case tester and testee are the same process, therefore
                // VSTestContext is in our process too.  So we can just set this value
                // directly here.
                VSTestContext.IsMock = true;

            // TODO: Detect and perform first run of VS if necessary.
            // The first time a VS hive is run, the user sees a dialog allowing
            // them to select settings such as the theme. We can avoid this by
            // running devenv.exe /resetSettings <path to profile.settings>
            // first, though it is not trivial to detect when this is necessary.
            // Without having done this, all tests will time out. For now, the
            // user is responsible for running VS at least once before
            // attempting to execute tests.

            var cts = new CancellationTokenSource(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(launchTimeoutInSeconds));
            try {
                await Connect(application, executable, version, hive, runContext, currentTest, cts.Token);
            } catch (OperationCanceledException ex) {
                throw new TimeoutException(string.Format(Resources.VSLaunchTimeout, launchTimeoutInSeconds), ex);
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                throw new InvalidOperationException(
                    string.Format(Resources.VSFailedToLaunch, application, executable, version, hive),